
    MAGA gets UNCOVERED in New Hit MeidasTouch Series

    enJune 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the depths of MAGA culture with Ron Filipkowski and Anthony DavisFormer prosecutor and researcher Ron Filipkowski and journalist Anthony Davis launch MAGA Uncovered to debunk uncovered propaganda in MAGA culture, focusing on grassroots and influencer levels in the Republican party, with the intention of informing voters, including MAGA supporters, about truthful information

      Brett from the Midas Touch podcast is launching a new live show called MAGA Uncovered, featuring Ron Filipkowski, a former prosecutor and researcher on right-wing extremism, and Anthony Davis, a journalist. They aim to explore the deepest recesses of MAGA culture and debunk propaganda not covered by mainstream media. Ron's background in the Republican party and experience observing grassroots movements makes him uniquely qualified. They clarify that their intention is not to hate MAGA or Republicans but to provide truthful information and expose lies. Ron and Anthony will be sharing insights from various sources not typically covered by mainstream media, focusing on what's happening at the grassroots and influencer levels in the Republican party. The show aims to help voters, including MAGA supporters, understand the truth behind the narratives they encounter.

    • Explore alternative channels for a comprehensive understanding of the Republican party and MAGA movementTo gain a complete picture of the Republican party and MAGA movement, delve into alternative media sources like podcasts and social media. These platforms host grassroots activists and harbor extreme views, providing valuable insights into the current political climate.

      To fully understand the Republican party and the MAGA movement, it's necessary to look beyond mainstream news sources like Fox and explore alternative channels such as podcasts and social media. These platforms cater to grassroots activists and harbor extreme views that may not be expressed in mainstream media. While it can be time-consuming, frustrating, and often unpleasant to consume this content, it's essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the current political climate in the US. Furthermore, politicians often make their most extreme statements on these niche channels, which can then be surfaced into the mainstream media. However, as awareness grows about the presence of watchers like us, some politicians are becoming more cautious with their words.

    • Two Distinct Americas and the Power of TrumpismTrumpism, led by figures like Trump, has deeply embedded in GOP, controlling messaging. Social media, now under Elon Musk, amplifies this trend with censorship tactics, underscoring the importance of a free digital space.

      We are living in two distinct Americas, and the MAGA movement, led by figures like Donald Trump, has become deeply embedded in the Republican Party. Trumpism goes beyond Trump himself and has taken on a life of its own, with the movement controlling his messaging rather than the other way around. This dangerous trend has been amplified by the weaponization of social media platforms like Twitter, now under the control of Elon Musk, who has an agenda and can wield significant power to silence critics. The lack of a united front from the media in response to Musk's censorship tactics is concerning and highlights the importance of a free and open digital space for the exchange of ideas.

    • Media's obsession with sensationalism fuels extremismMedia's focus on financial gain over national safety allows dangerous figures and ideologies to thrive, necessitating responsible and intelligent coverage.

      The media's focus on sensationalism and ratings, driven by advertiser revenue, has contributed to the rise of extremism and fascist ideologies, particularly in the case of the MAGA movement in the US. This short-sighted approach, which prioritizes financial gain over national safety and security, has allowed dangerous figures and ideologies to flourish. The left, in particular, engages in a contradictory behavior of amplifying such figures while criticizing the attention they receive, yet this negative attention is sometimes necessary to expose their harmful actions and beliefs. Moving forward, it's crucial for media outlets to cover these topics intelligently and responsibly, focusing on the important, underreported aspects of the MAGA world that can have significant impacts on society.

    • A coordinated propaganda campaign targets American democracyStay informed and fact-check news to combat propaganda and misinformation, as foreign actors and AI use social media to fuel division and confusion.

      We are living through a coordinated propaganda campaign and hostile takeover of American democracy, fueled by racism, fascism, and lies. This isn't just about one man or one political party; it's an entire approach that relies on violence, intimidation, and confusion to further fracture social divisions and deteriorate societal stress points. Foreign actors are involved, and they're using social media to stoke the fires of division. Journalists, including those in the mainstream media, are often sucked in by fake news and propaganda, which can be damaging and confusing for the public. Debunking false information and being vigilant about what we consume as news is crucial in this information age. Kayleigh McEnany, former press secretary for Donald Trump, is now a host on Fox News, further solidifying her role as a useful mouthpiece for the right. The use of deepfakes and AI is a growing concern, making it even more important for individuals to fact-check and verify information before sharing it.

    • Infighting among Trump supporters over his attacks on Kayleigh McEnanyTrump's attacks on McEnany have caused a significant divide among his supporters, leading to intense infighting within the MAGA movement. The tension is a concern, as it could intensify during primary season and potentially lead to a more contentious atmosphere.

      The ongoing feud between Trump and Kayleigh McEnany has caused a significant divide among his supporters, leading to intense infighting within the MAGA movement. This incident was not just an isolated occurrence, but rather the culmination of a long-building tension. Trump's attacks on McEnany, who is widely popular among his base, have sparked a heated back-and-forth on social media, with some defending McEnany and others siding with Trump. This infighting is a concern, as it could intensify during primary season. Unlike in 2016, when Trump's supporters enjoyed watching him attack his opponents, this time, DeSantis and his supporters are expected to fight back, potentially leading to an even more contentious atmosphere. This dynamic highlights the need for a strong challenger like DeSantis, who is capable of standing up to Trump and potentially breaking up the MAGA movement.

    • Mimicking Trump's policies and style may not be enough for DeSantis to win over MAGA baseDeSantis should focus on appealing to the 65% of Republicans who are not die-hard Trump supporters by showcasing his authentic self and clear policy positions.

      DeSantis' attempt to win over the MAGA base by mimicking Trump's policies and style may not be the smartest play. While he may have some success with this approach, the 35% of Republicans who are die-hard Trump supporters are not primarily motivated by policy, but rather by Trump's personality. DeSantis, who is often criticized for being a puppet with unclear motivations, lacks the charisma and magnetic personality that Trump possesses. Instead, DeSantis should focus on appealing to the 65% of Republicans who are not Trump or die supporters. However, understanding who DeSantis truly is and what he stands for is a complex question. Analyzing his old speeches, his wife's influence, and his shift in foreign policy stance can provide insight into his evolving views and motivations. Ultimately, the answer to who DeSantis really is may be a combination of his actions, words, and underlying beliefs.

    • Ron DeSantis' Transformation and Presidential CampaignSpeculation surrounds who's driving DeSantis' presidential campaign: country club Republicans seeking a replacement for Trump or hardcore right-wing ideologues drawn to his disciplined and potentially divisive policies. Florida's political landscape adds intrigue.

      Ron DeSantis' transformation in appearance and policy beliefs has led to speculation about who is driving his presidential campaign. Some believe it's the country club Wall Street establishment Republicans who see him as the next best thing due to Trump's potential downfall. Others are hardcore right-wing ideologues who view DeSantis as more disciplined and dangerous in getting things done, particularly with policies that may not be welcomed on a national level, such as permitless carry and hardline stances on abortion and education. Florida's unique political landscape, with a weak governor and a young constitution, adds to the intrigue surrounding DeSantis' potential presidency. Ultimately, the coalition of camps backing DeSantis highlights the complexities and nuances of American politics.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' Unusual Power and ImpactDeSantis has expanded his powers beyond the state's constitution, raising concerns about potential presidency impact. He's dismantled entities, created new bodies, and his wife plays a role in policy-making.

      Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has significantly expanded his powers beyond what was intended by the state's constitution, making him an unusually powerful and impactful governor. He achieved this through determination, persuasion, and even rewriting statutes. This raises concerns about what he could accomplish with the presidency's greater power. DeSantis has attempted to dismantle established entities like Disney and created new policing bodies, transforming Florida's political landscape. His wife, who reportedly shares his dedication, plays a significant role in his policy-making process. The ongoing immigration debate brings up the issue of birthright citizenship, with some suggesting that children of asylum-seeking migrants would not be entitled to it. However, the U.S. Constitution clearly states that anyone born in the U.S. is a citizen, and they can even run for president. The controversy over this issue was fueled by a short video from former President Trump, written by Stephen Miller, which misrepresented the situation.

    • Donald Trump's campaign videos: Dramatic, controversial, and authoritarianTrump's campaign releases divisive and controversial videos, often with authoritarian undertones, which resonate with his supporters and challenge established institutions and norms

      Donald Trump's campaign continues to release dramatic and controversial videos outlining his policies and vision for a potential presidency, often with authoritarian undertones. These videos, which are written by various members of his team, cover a range of issues and have been criticized for promoting fascistic and divisive rhetoric. Despite their potential significance, these videos often go unreported on mainstream news outlets. Trump has also made statements in these videos that challenge the Supreme Court and his opponents, further emphasizing his disregard for established institutions and norms. The strong emotional connection and sense of community among Trump supporters, often described as a cult, make it challenging for them to be swayed by opposing viewpoints. Trump's messaging, delivered in a charismatic and dramatic way, continues to resonate with his base, making him a formidable contender in the political landscape.

    • Ongoing debates over LGBTQ+ acceptance and visibilityDespite progress towards LGBTQ+ liberation, some individuals and groups advocate for privacy and tradition, leading to debates and controversies over acceptance and visibility. Companies supporting the LGBTQ+ community face backlash and boycotts, illustrating the clash of values and beliefs.

      There are ongoing debates and controversies surrounding the acceptance and visibility of certain groups in society. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her boyfriend, Brian Glenn, have been making waves by expressing their views against openly expressing one's LGBTQ+ identity. They believe that people should keep their sexual orientation private and not make it a public aspect of their persona. This perspective is reminiscent of the past when many people felt the need to hide their sexual orientation due to societal stigma. However, the LGBTQ+ community has made significant strides towards liberation and acceptance in the last few decades, which some individuals and groups are resisting. Moreover, companies like Target, which support the LGBTQ+ community and sell related products, have faced backlash and boycotts from those who disagree with this stance. The situation escalated with the controversy surrounding Bud Light's partnership with an influencer, leading to calls for boycotts and the creation of anti-Target songs. The underlying issue is a clash of values and beliefs, with some individuals advocating for acceptance and others pushing for privacy and tradition. This dynamic highlights the complexity of societal issues and the importance of open dialogue and understanding.

    • Polarization and Overlooked Complexities in AmericaThe push for defined sides and simplicity in American society is causing nuanced issues to be overlooked, leading to unintended consequences for companies and communities.

      The current social and political climate in America is pushing people and companies into defined camps, leading to boycotts and divisiveness. This trend, fueled by social media algorithms and the desire for clear-cut sides, is causing nuanced issues to be overlooked. Companies are responding by creating departments focused on equity and inclusion. However, this approach may lead to unintended consequences, such as hurting local franchises or alienating certain customer bases. The desire for simplicity and definitive sides is causing Americans to overlook the complexities and differences that make up the human experience. This trend is not a new phenomenon but has been exacerbated by social media and the polarizing figure of former President Trump.

    • The rise of extremism in the Republican Party during Obama's presidency and Trump's unleashing of radical supportersDuring Obama's presidency, fringe elements within the Republican Party grew more hostile and extreme, leading to the emergence of the Tea Party movement. Trump's presidency unleashed these radical supporters, bringing them into leadership positions and making the political climate more polarized and extreme.

      The political landscape in the United States shifted dramatically around the time of the 2016 election, with the rise of more extreme elements within the Republican Party. This shift was facilitated by the presidency of Barack Obama and the Tea Party movement before him. The speaker, who had experience as a Republican club president during the Obama years, noted that the hostility and racism became more pronounced during Obama's first term, leading to the emergence of the Tea Party movement. However, these fringe elements were kept in check by party leaders until Trump came along and unleashed them, bringing more radical supporters into leadership positions. Today, figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who were once considered conspiracy theorists and nut jobs, are now at the center of the Republican Party in Congress. The speaker predicted this rise to power based on her understanding of the movement and its connection to the base. This shift has made the political climate in the US more polarized and extreme compared to the relatively tamped-down environment of the Obama years.

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    Trump FREAKS OUT as Debate Nears
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    DeSantis Sends Cops to SHUT DOWN Trump Supporters
    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent a store security guard and then the local police to stop Trump supporters who were protesting DeSantis’ book signing event. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports. DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS: Thank you to Rhone for sponsoring this episode! Head to rhone.com/meidas and use code ‘MEIDAS’ to save 20% off your entire order Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Anne Applebaum

    Anne Applebaum

    Historian and journalist Anne Applebaum sat down with Andrew Keen during the opening dinner of the Bertelsmann Foundation’s Washington Symposium in April 2019 for a live episode of How to Fix Democracy. A thought leader on disinformation, Applebaum commented on current political polarization by arguing that unless you can have debates based on a commonly agreed upon set of facts, you cannot have democracy at all. For a deeper dive into these themes and others beyond her interview, read the essays that she and other leading experts on democracy prepared for the Symposium here.

    Americanswers: How vulnerable is Trump, does Biden have an image problem and will Russia interfere in the election?

    Americanswers: How vulnerable is Trump, does Biden have an image problem and will Russia interfere in the election?

    The Americast team have left the safety of the podcast studio for an old fashioned radio phone-in! 5 Live listeners were given the opportunity on Wednesday to quiz all of our hosts on the issues that matter going into the 2024 presidential election. Nothing was off the table as we discussed issues ranging from voter attitudes towards Trump and Biden, whether 2024 will be America’s first ‘AI election’, or how the candidates could approach a stacked foreign policy inbox. HOSTS: Sarah Smith, North America editor Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter Marianna Spring, disinformation and social media correspondent Anthony Zurcher, North America correspondent GET IN TOUCH: Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 Email Americast@bbc.co.uk Or use #Americast US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155