
    About this Episode

    First podcast in 2019. New refurbished Toshiba Satellite. New download of Audacity. New Blue Snowball mic.

    Time to get busy on a number of fronts. Writing(started 7th book--BOOMER SHORTS, on Amazon. Couple new counselors as I try a renewed effort on controlling my demons.

    Excited about my new commercial, as face of the 50+ Club for Wild Rose Casino, in Jefferson, IA. Also, the commercial is running on local TV. You can view it on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/u-Z7kwlG1nM.


    Recent Episodes from BUSBIZ

    Horseys tumming

    Horseys tumming

    Now available on Apple podcast platform.

    Random thoughts from a bipolar-2, Iowa grandfather while he entertains his 3-year old grandson with Paw Patrol.

    25-minute podcast covers:

         *Freedom of the Press and explaining sex to boys.

    en-usNovember 22, 2022

    Mental Health is STILL the topic that keeps getting kicked down the road.

    Mental Health is STILL the topic that keeps getting kicked down the road.

    Way back in 2021, I wrote and podcast about the need for mental health discussion. I was following up on national reporting that mental health problems were increasing...for all ages.

    Politicians will not touch the subject and news organizations don't cover the story if it doesn't bleed.

    For me, writing about mental health is therapeutic. I wish it actually made me feel better.




    From my basement, on the October day of Iowa's firs snow of 2020--shutting the TV off after another very poorly played first half of the Sunday Vikings game--I start adventure in podcasting--ORBITS--an initial effort to get us thinking about more than the gloom and doom of the pending Second Civil War.