
    Making the Shift from Fear to Unlimited Love [Episode 24]

    enDecember 15, 2022

    About this Episode

    In this new episode of the Leading in the Light podcast we begin a new journey into looking at the 6 Inner-shifts that have the ability to powerfully transform our consciousness and awaken new levels of courage, purpose and being in our lives.

    If you’ve ever found yourself holding back from fear, doubt or uncertainty, then in this episode I’ll be sharing with you a powerful practice for building a greater bridge of energy between trust and faith. Together we’ll learn how to use and channel fear to awaken more of your true self, while also learning how to use ‘crucible’ and ‘soul defining’ moments as powerful tools for self-awakening, transformation and growth.

    So, if you’re ready to move beyond fear and want to awaken greater courage, strength and certainty … then episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast is for you!

    Recent Episodes from Leading in the Light Podcast

    Navigating the Journey to Self-Love [Episode 28]

    Navigating the Journey to Self-Love [Episode 28]

    In this episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast I had the privilege of speaking with transformation coach, infertility coach, best-selling author, speaker and energy healer Sarah Willoughby about ‘Navigating the Path to Self-Love’.

    Originally from the UK, Sarah attained an Honours Degree in Business Studies and Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. And then went on to spend the next 10 years working in corporate HR.

    However, following her admission into intensive care in 2009 after a major health crisis, Sarah promised herself that if she recovered she would face her fears, commit to her calling and make a real difference in this crazy world.

    Sarah is the author of the best-selling book  Infertility Saved My Life: Healing PCOS from the Inside Out,  and her podcast appearances and inspiring articles and posts on life and spirituality have reached millions of people worldwide. 

    Through  her own challenging journey to self-love, through infertility, grief, and emigration, Sarah now helps guide and empower women to reconnect with their inner-selves so they can face their fears and embrace their true potential.

    Together in this episode we explore the pathway to fully following your true calling; how to awaken greater levels of courage and self-love; and insights from Sarah’s own personal health crisis that led her to becoming a fertility coach and helping people through the heart-felt and inspirational message in her book ‘ Infertility Saved My Life'.

    In this conversation we speak about:

    • Following your true life’s
    • How to navigate trauma, grief and loss
    • Why it’s important to listen to your own inner-wisdom
    • Trusting and following the guidance of your intuition
    • Why the return to ‘self-love’ is so important right now
    • What’s really needed to craft a happy and fulfilling life now
    • The path to following your real joy
    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enFebruary 18, 2024

    Making the Shift from Doubt to Trust [Episode 27]

    Making the Shift from Doubt to Trust [Episode 27]

    In this episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast we continue the journey of exploring the ‘6 Transformational Shifts’ that are most needed at this time for heart-centred and purpose-driven individuals and leaders.

    In this session we’ll be sharing the path for moving from ‘Doubt’ to ‘Trust’ as well as explore how deeper states of Trust are created in the body and what it takes to fully activate our highest potential at this time. Finally, I’ll be sharing with you ‘6 Core Steps for Activating Your Trust’ and how to apply this in your life to create deeper states of flow, purpose, happiness and engagement.

    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enFebruary 14, 2023

    Making the Shift from Victimhood to Awakened Self-Mastery [Episode 26]

    Making the Shift from Victimhood to Awakened Self-Mastery [Episode 26]

    Welcome back to the Leading in the Light Podcast where we continue our small series on ‘The 6 Core Transformational Shifts’ that we all need to be making at this time, by sharing the third instalment in the series, ‘The Shift from Victimhood to Awakened Self-Mastery’.

    In this episode I’ll be sharing the key essence of how we can learn to let go of being at the ‘Effect’ of life and instead powerfully step into our true presence to become the ‘Cause’. 

    Most of all we’ll breakdown the 5 key elements for stepping more fully into your power so that you can ‘set a better sail’ for your life, while also finding the courage to rewrite the old scripts and mindsets that may have been keeping you feeling stuck. 

    Together we’ll lay the framework for stepping into a greater level of Awakened Self-Mastery so you can ‘get busy living’ and find the resilience and fortitude to craft a life that matters – a life of significance.

    Making the Shift from Frustration to Flow [Episode 25]

    Making the Shift from Frustration to Flow [Episode 25]

    All of us at some time or another have found ourselves striving, efforting and applying force to get things done. And while that may appease the ego’s need to constantly be in action, the reality is that in the natural world – nature just flows.

    So why is it that so many people find themselves efforting and taking tremendous action only to find that the results they receive don’t match the energy that has been exerted?

    And paradoxically, why is it that others are able to apply little to no effort and creates states of graces, success and fulfilment with ease?

    In this episode of The Leading in the Light Podcast I’ll be breaking down and sharing a pathway for greater freedom, purpose and fulfilment that begins with letting go, surrendering control and simply allowing your greatest self to arise. Together we’ll also explore 5 key changes that you can begin to apply today to take back your power, presence and energy to create what you want with flow, purpose and ease.

    In this episode of the podcast, I'll be exploring:

    • Why some people can create what they want with effortlessness
    • How to master the paradox between purposeful action and flow
    • How spirited warriors wait for their ‘cubic centimeter of chance’
    • Why taking ‘inspired action’ can lead to greater long-term success
    • How letting go of control can be the catalyst for greater rewards
    • The 5 key attributes of harnessing a ‘state of flow’
    • The 5 most important shifts for aligning your soul energy with flow
    • How to listen for the ‘space’  between the music & find your natural rhythm
    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enDecember 24, 2022

    Making the Shift from Fear to Unlimited Love [Episode 24]

    Making the Shift from Fear to Unlimited Love [Episode 24]

    In this new episode of the Leading in the Light podcast we begin a new journey into looking at the 6 Inner-shifts that have the ability to powerfully transform our consciousness and awaken new levels of courage, purpose and being in our lives.

    If you’ve ever found yourself holding back from fear, doubt or uncertainty, then in this episode I’ll be sharing with you a powerful practice for building a greater bridge of energy between trust and faith. Together we’ll learn how to use and channel fear to awaken more of your true self, while also learning how to use ‘crucible’ and ‘soul defining’ moments as powerful tools for self-awakening, transformation and growth.

    So, if you’re ready to move beyond fear and want to awaken greater courage, strength and certainty … then episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast is for you!

    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enDecember 15, 2022

    Awakening Your BIG Magic [Episode 23]

    Awakening Your BIG Magic [Episode 23]

    I have always been fascinated with the potentiality that we have as human beings to direct and shape the course of our lives. As award winning and best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert put it … we each have a ‘Big Magic’ inside of ourselves that is waiting to be awakened.

    So, in this special episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast I share some special insights, inspiration, and wisdom to help you connect with your higher essence, reshape your thoughts and consciousness and find the path towards following more of joy.

    Inside this episode you’ll find a 3-step pathway that any aspiring individual, heart-centred business owner or spirited leader can use to tap into their innate power and reshape their mindset, beliefs and consciousness for a life of greatness.

    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enSeptember 14, 2022

    Finding Your Marketing Mojo [Episode 22]

    Finding Your Marketing Mojo [Episode 22]

    Have you ever wanted to grow your business, expand your presence, and find a way to leverage your marketing in a way that is easy to do, easy to understand, and that gets results?

    Well today I’m excited, because in this episode of the Leading and the Light Podcast, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with a good friend, speaker, and author Ailsa Page from AP Marketing Works.

    For over 20 years, Ailsa has literally been living and breathing marketing, and with a business head, and a gypsy heart she has literally helped hundreds of small to medium sized businesses and organisations dramatically improve their results.

    Most of all she really knows what it takes to succeed in business.

    So, in this episode of the podcast, we take an inspiring journey from Girl Guide cookie sales person, through to Boffin Wrangler and Marketing Strategist, as we explored:

    • How to find and reconnect with your ‘Marketing Mojo’
    • How to find your authentic voice and message and share it in a greater way that touches more people
    • And why ‘fortune really does favour the bold, and how we can all learn to ‘play the music’ and ‘find our unique song’, and most of all serve our customers and clients in an even greater way.

    Mindfulness and Aligning with the Heart [Episode 21]

    Mindfulness and Aligning with the Heart [Episode 21]

    Discover the Inner-Path to Aligning with Your Heart and Awakening More of  Your Divine Presence

    In this episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Judy Kater founder of The Relaxation Project, based in Bondi, NSW Australia, on what it really takes to connect more deeply with our inner-self and to find the path back to our pure divine nature.

    For over 25 years Judy has been at the forefront of promoting a mindful and inner-approach to creating deep states of peace, joy, happiness and fulfilment, and in this episode we talk about the power of the breath and the way we can all learn to connect more deeply with our authentic nature in order to awaken greater states of peace, bliss, happiness and fulfilment in our own lives. 

    In this Episode we Speak About:

    • The power of returning to the breath
    • The Relaxation Project
    • What keep us from connecting deeply
    • Why tuning in and paying attention to the body is so important
    • Befriending the self and moving through uncomfortable emotions
    • How to welcome the Divine into your life
    • How to connect more deeply with nature
    • Why silence is such a powerful tool to connect
    • Discovering your inner-truth in each moment
    • How to invite more quiet and solitude into your life
    • How to return to the breath in moments of upheaval and anxiety
    • Reclaiming the self through the breath

    You can learn more about Judy and her yoga, counselling, mindfulness and healing work at www.relaxationproject.com

    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enFebruary 23, 2022

    Change Your Story - Change Your Life [Episode 20]

    Change Your Story - Change Your Life [Episode 20]

    Stories have an incredible power to shape our destiny and to guide the direction of our lives. In each moment we are both consciously and unconsciously directing our inner-awareness by the stories that we continue to tell ourselves.

    In this new episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast, we explore the nature of our inner-stories and 'The 3 most important stories that we should all be telling' that will powerfully help you to :

    • Create deeper states of rapport and connection with an audience or people.
    • Connect more deeply with your 'unique magic' and 'super-power'
    • And help you to powerfully shape your 'future life'

    Best of all you will understand how people such as Oprah Winfrey, Stefan Engles and Lady Gaga have all 'redefined the stories' of their lives to create even greater levels of purpose, presence and fulfillment.

    Leading in the Light Podcast
    enFebruary 13, 2022

    Finding Your Unique Blend of Personal Magic [Episode 19]

    Finding Your Unique Blend of Personal Magic [Episode 19]
    We all have access to an infinite intelligence and inner-magic that guides us into states of flow, peak performance and fulfillment. It's in this place that we connect with the wisdom of our soul and that we find the strengths, passion and abilities to live our 'greatest lives'. However the challenge is we've never been taught or shown how to access this place.

    In this episode of the Leading in the Light Podcast I share some of the keys for awakening your own inner-blend of personal magic, how to connect more deeply with the calling of your soul and share stories of some famous people who pursued their gifts through hardship and failure to ultimately realise their greatest dreams.

    So if you'd like to:
    * Discover the state of 'human flourishing'
    * Connect with your own 'inner sweet spot' for transformation
    * Uncover more of your own personal brand and inner-state of magic

    Then make sure to listen in to this latest episode of the podcast that will guide you to finding the soul of your true essence and what your heart really aches for.