
    About this Episode

    Guest: Jules Johnson


    And we're back with Season 2, Episode Five of the Undeniable Level Up Podcast.  For those who missed our last episode, we had the chance to introduce and speak with AJ Franco, a very close friend of ours who discussed how to "Fake it Til You Make It".  AJ shared his personal success story and how he found a way to climb the corporate ladder, going from warehouse associate to General Manager of a Fortune 500 food distribution business. 


    Today, we are here to discuss how to "Handle Stress Like a Boss"!  


    Unmanaged stress is harmful.  Harmful to the point that your health can be impacted negatively.  Symptoms like headaches, backpain, fatigue, lack of sleep.  These things can wreak havoc on your body, cause you to have trouble concentrating and pull your focus away from critical tasks.  It can cause obesity, increase your blood pressure and lead to heart disease.  Yes, stress can literally kill you if you do not manage it.


    Stressors come from a variety of directions in our day to day.  We experience stressors at out job, as we deal with critical deadlines, pressure to perform, and work volume as we all are forced to do more with less.  This includes 60, 70 and sometimes 80 hour work weeks.  Stressors come from our home lives with sick children , school and sporting events, family time and maintaining relationships with those we love.  Stressors come from our finances as we struggle to earn, save and manage our finances effectively.   Stressors come from our phones with constant news of war, police shootings, increasing crime statistics and inflation.  There is no shortage of stressors in our current day and age.

    Your ability to handle stress is critical to your success.  


    And to speak about handling stress like a boss, we have a very special guest today, Jules Johnson.  Welcome to the show Jules.


    Jules definitely has a high-stress job.  As the Assistant District Attorney for the Harris County in Houston, Texas, Jules' primary focus is prosecuting police brutality complaints, police shootings and other police crimes.  With the level of coverage that we have seen when it comes to these unfortunate events, you can only imagine the level of stress that his job puts on his shoulders.


    Q: Jules, did you grow up in Texas? 


    Danzae (Dan-zay) Pace is quoted as saying, "stress is the trash of modern life.  We all generate it, but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life".


    It is important to understand the different methods available to us for managing and dealing with stress.  The more capable we are of managing our stress, the more we are able to get after our goals and objectives, and therefore, the higher the probability that we will achieve success.


    To assist with that, we have 14 steps that you can take to assist you with handling stress.  The first step is to understand the signs of stress on your body.  Stress can present as:

    • low energy or fatigue
    • headaches
    • insomnia
    • changes in appetite
    • digestive issues
    • rapid heart rate
    • sweating
    • low self-esteem
    • loss of sex drive
    • frequent illnesses


    Q: Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms associated with stress?  What was causing it?  How did you deal with it?  What was the outcome?  


    The second step is to document or write down your stressors.  This is even more important if you are feeling stressed and can't truly pinpoint what the cause of that stress is.  Keeping a journal is a great way to identify your stressors and create a positive method for managing it.


    Q:  Do you keep a journal?  Has it assisted with dealing with stress?  


    The third step is to take time to re-energize and recharge.  Find an activity or an action that allows you to reset your internal batteries.  This can be going to the gym, training jiu jitsu, going for a drive, reading a book, writing poetry.  What ever it is for you, find that thing that allows you to ground yourself in the present and reset yourself.


    Q: What do you do to reset and recharge?


    The fourth step is to manage your time properly.  Poor time management is a huge contributor to stress.  There is nothing more stressful than running late for an important event, or missing a critical deadline.  Being able to manage your time will greatly assist you in minimizing your stress.  


    Q:  What do you do to help with time management?  Are you a procrastinator? 


    The fifth step is to find work life balance.  When your work life balance is out of whack, the portion that is under supported can contribute to your stressors.  This is always easier said than done.  Being deliberate in managing overtime, scheduling personal time, and managing your time to ensure you keep track of important dates, appointments and scheduled activities will all help in reducing stressors from your work and personal life.


    Q: How do you manage work life balance in your current role?  Is this something that you struggle with?  Are there times when you've had to sacrifice one over the other?  How did that work out?  


    The sixth step is to learn to view the cup as half full as opposed to half empty.  Words are powerful.  Negative words will result in negative feelings.  Learn to put a positive perspective on those things that may initially appear to be negative.  For example, if you have to work late and will not be home to cook dinner, you can call you significant other and invite them to dinner out, or offer to pick up dinner on the way home.  Instead of looking at challenges as problems view them as opportunities to stretch and challenge yourself.


    Q: Are you an optimist or a pessimist?  Is that something you think you can change?  How does that impact how you feel and handle stress?  Ho does that impact those around you?

    The seventh step is have a power circle. You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around.  Creating a strong power circle can make a world of difference.  Your power circle should be made up of friends and family who add value to your life.  They should be good influences, be strong moral compasses, and be honest with you when giving feedback and offering advice.  Anyone who blocks your shine, doesn't add value or is a negative influence or brings negativity into your circle should be removed.  


    Q:  Do you have a power circle?  Who are the top 3 individuals in your circle and why have you chosen them?  Have you ever had to eliminate someone from your circle or needed to and couldn't?  Why?  How did that play out?  How did that impact your trajectory?


    The eighth step is to remember to self-care.  This means taking care of yourself.  The eight dimension of wellness are:

    • Emotional
    • Spiritual
    • Intellectual
    • Physical
    • Environmental
    • Financial
    • Oc...

    Recent Episodes from The Undeniable Level Up

    Crypto Chronicles - Demystifying Digital Dough

    Crypto Chronicles - Demystifying Digital Dough

    Guest: Karl Jackson


    Welcome back to another Undeniable episode of the Undeniable Level Up Podcast.  With you host, Jose Medina and Crystal Garcia.  And today we are here to talk about Demystifying Digital Dough.  What is this thing called Crypto.  Wow, that rhymed didn't it!  


    For some of our listeners who follow our professional development and self improvement discussions, you may be asking how discussion of Cryptocurrency is a relevant topic for us to discuss and to those listeners. I would say, financial health is one of the 8 wellness categories.  And with everything that's going on with the dollar and Russia's and China's plan to move away from the Dollar Dollar Dollar Bill Yall, I think there is no better time to discuss Crypto than now.


    Now, I have some friends and associates who purport to understand Crypto and I'll be honest, I have a Crypto wallet with a little bit of Cryptocurrency, but I'd be lying if I told you that I totally understand everything about crypto.  I know how to invest in it, but I have no idea how to spend it.


    If you're like me, then you have a lot of questions too.  


    And here to help us demystify this Mystifying mullah is none other than Crypto Expert Karl Jackson.  Hi Karl, and thank you for joining us on today's show to discuss the ins and out of Cryptocurrency.


    Jose and I met Karl about 1.5 years ago when he was working as a Tax Attorney.  This guy is a Tax Wizard of the highest order, a financial genius and business structure master.  And now a Cryptocurrency Colossus!  


    Marc Kenigberg, the Founder fo BitcoinChaser says "Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential."


    Q: Do you agree with Marc?  Are we still at the beginning of what Crypto will be?  Where do you see Crypto in the next 5 years?


    This quote highlights the importance of understanding that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are just the beginning of what blockchain technology can achieve. The potential applications of blockchain technology go far beyond digital currencies and could have a transformative effect on various industries.



    Q:  How do you think the underlying blockchain technology will continue to evolve, and what impact will this have on the cryptocurrency landscape?


    Q:  Can you discuss the potential for decentralized finance (DeFi) to disrupt traditional banking and financial systems? What are the key advantages and challenges of DeFi?


    Q: What role do you see cryptocurrencies playing in the global economy, particularly in developing countries where access to traditional banking infrastructure might be limited?


    Satoshi Makamoto, the mysterious and pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin stated that, "The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust." 


    This quote from the inventor of Bitcoin emphasizes the fundamental issue that cryptocurrencies aim to address – the trust required for traditional financial systems to function. By leveraging blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies aim to provide a more secure, transparent, and decentralized alternative to conventional currencies.


    Q: How do you think regulators and governments will respond to the growing influence of cryptocurrencies, and what effect will this have on the industry's future?


    Q: Security has always been a concern in the crypto space, with numerous high-profile hacks and breaches. How can individuals and businesses best protect their digital assets?


    Q: What are your thoughts on the increasing popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their potential impact on various industries, including art, gaming, and intellectual property?


    Adam Draper, founder of Boost VC. Said, "The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with a mathematical proof that something happened."


    Adam Draper's quote succinctly captures the essence of what blockchain technology offers – a decentralized, trustless system that relies on mathematical proofs and cryptography to ensure security and transparency. This shift from relying on third parties to mathematical proofs has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from finance to supply chain management.



    Q: Scalability has been a long-standing challenge for many cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum. How do you envision this issue being addressed in the future?


    Q: How do you see the relationship between centralized and decentralized exchanges evolving, and what does this mean for the accessibility and security of digital assets?


    Q: In your opinion, what are the most promising use cases for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology beyond finance and investment?



    If you've been thinking about investing in Crypto, but the mysticism and newness of the digitally currency has kept you hesitant, then today's topic should have given you some much needed insight and education and a strong starting point.  This is call to action is for those of you have interest, but just don't really know where to begin your journey and experience with Crypto. 


    We are going to ask you to become a participant in Crypto Twitter.  To do that, all you need Is a Twitter Account.  If you don't have one, it is easy to sign up at Twitter.com.  Use the search bar at the top of the Twitter interface to search for relevant hashtags like #cryptocurrency, #bitcoin, #ethereum, #blockchain, #DeFi, or other specific terms related to the crypto world.  Browse through the search results and follow accounts that regularly post about cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and related topics. 


    We will put some of the more popular accounts in the show notes to help you get started.


    • @VitalikButerin (Ethereum co-founder)
    • @SatoshiLite (Litecoin creator Charlie Lee)
    • @aantonop (Andreas Antonopoulos, a well-known crypto educator and author)
    • @cz_binance (Changpeng Zhao, Binance CEO)

    Some additional keywords that are useful to look up when getting started and all of which are discussed in this podcast include:

    1. Cryptocurrency
    2. Bitcoin
    3. Ethereum
    4. Blockchain
    5. DeFi (Decentralized Finance)
    6. Crypto Wallet
    7. Altcoin
    8. Satoshi Nakamoto
    9. Smart Contracts
    10. Cryptocurrency Mining
    11. Proof of Work
    12. Proof of Stake
    13. NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens)
    14. ICO (Initial Coin Offering)
    15. Token vs Coin
    16. Digital Asset
    17. Cryptocurrency Exchange
    18. DEX (Decentralized Exchange)
    19. Crypto Trading
    20. Crypto Investment
    21. Cryptocurrency Market Cap
    22. Stablecoin
    23. Crypto Regulations
    24. Cryptography
    25. Crypto Security
    26. Crypto Taxes
    27. DAO (Decentralized Autonom...

    Speak Your Mind: Mastering the Art of Communication

    Speak Your Mind: Mastering the Art of Communication

    Audio Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yw6dFQBklA


    Guest: James Young


    In a world that is constantly evolving and increasingly connected, the ability to communicate effectively is more important than ever before. I'm your host, Jose Medina and I'm here with my Co-Host Crystal Garcia, and we are excited to have you join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the secrets to unlocking your true communication potential.


    Today, we'll dive into fascinating conversations with our guest and communications expert James Young.  Together, we'll uncover practical tips, proven strategies, and eye-opening insights that will empower you to express yourself with clarity, confidence, and charisma.


    From the art of persuasive storytelling and mastering nonverbal cues, to navigating difficult conversations and building meaningful connections, we'll tackle it all, ensuring you're equipped with the tools to thrive in both your personal and professional life.


    So, whether you're looking to ace that job interview, captivate your audience during a presentation, or simply build stronger relationships with the people around you, you've come to the right place! Sit back, relax, and get ready to transform the way you interact with the world as we embark on this exciting adventure together. 


    And here to speak with us about communication is out special guest and friend, James Young.  


    Hi James.  Thanks for taking the time today to join us on our show.  With all that you have going on, we know time is precious.  Can you begin by telling our listeners where your journey started…where did you grow up?

    Today, we will be focusing on how to master the art of communication.  It may sound like a simple thing.  Afterall, we learn how to communicate when we are between one to two years old for most kids.  We should be experts by the time we reach adulthood, right?.  Well the truth is some of us never really learn how to communicate effectively.


    There is a reason why I believe that this topic may be one of the most critical topics we've ever covered on our podcast.  Afterall, poor communication can lead to a variety of negative consequences, both in personal and professional settings. Some of the pitfalls of poor communication include:


    1. Misunderstandings: Ambiguity or lack of clarity can cause confusion and lead to misunderstandings, which can result in wrong decisions or actions being taken.
    2. Damaged relationships: Ineffective communication can strain relationships, create mistrust, and foster negative feelings such as resentment, frustration, or anger.
    3. Decreased productivity: In the workplace, poor communication can hinder collaboration, create inefficiencies, and lead to costly mistakes.
    4. Conflict escalation: Poor communication can exacerbate conflicts, making it harder to find resolutions and leading to a breakdown in teamwork or personal relationships.
    5. Loss of credibility: Inconsistent or unclear communication can damage your credibility, making it difficult for others to trust or rely on you.
    6. Lower morale: Poor communication can contribute to a negative atmosphere, leading to decreased motivation, job satisfaction, and overall morale.
    7. Hindered personal growth: Ineffective communication can limit your ability to learn from others, receive constructive feedback, and grow personally or professionally.
    8. Misaligned goals: In a professional setting, poor communication can result in team members or departments working towards different goals or objectives, leading to wasted resources and a lack of progress.
    9. Inability to influence: Inability to communicate your thoughts persuasively may reduce your capacity to influence others, negotiate effectively, or advocate for your ideas and needs.
    10. Missed opportunities: Poor communication skills can lead to missed opportunities, such as failing to secure a job or promotion, losing a potential client, or not effectively expressing your feelings in personal relationships.

    Well, you're in luck, because we have 5 hacks to help you master the art of communication.  These are 5 of the best methods for enhancing not only your ability to get message across the way you intend for it to, but to also receive messages from other senders so never miss out on opportunities, 


    Our first hack is Active Listening. It's the foundation of effective communication, yet often overlooked. The key to active listening, is to really be present when someone's talking to you. Avoid distractions and just focus on the person speaking. And don't forget to maintain eye contact – it shows you're interested in what they're saying.


    Remember, it's important to be patient and let the speaker finish their thoughts without interrupting them. Your body language matters too, so nod, lean forward a bit, and stay relaxed to show you're engaged.


    When they're done talking, try to summarize what they said to make sure you got it right. If you want them to share more, ask open-ended questions that can't be answered with a simple yes or no.


    It's crucial to keep an open mind and not be judgmental during the conversation. Focus on understanding their perspective, even if you don't agree with it. Show some empathy by acknowledging their feelings and expressing your understanding.


    Feel free to provide feedback, but only after they've finished talking. Just make sure it's constructive and respectful. And don't forget, practice makes perfect! The more you practice active listening, the more natural it'll become for you. 


    The 2nd trick to mastering communication is to show empathy.   Developing your ability to listen and communicate with empathy can really make a difference in your relationships, whether they are personal or professional. 


    When communicating, ry to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Imagine what they might be feeling or going through, and focus on understanding their perspective instead of just thinking about your own.

    When someone's talking, pay close attention to their words, tone, and body language. These cues can give you valuable insights into what they're feeling. And don't forget to be fully present – avoid distractions and give them your undivided attention.


    It's also important to be patient and let the person finish their thoughts without interrupting them. When they're done, reflect back what you've heard and ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share more.

    Make sure to validate their emotions by acknowledging their feelings and showing that you understand. Phrases like "I can see why you'd feel that way" or "That sounds really tough" can help convey empathy.


    Remember, it's not always about solving the problem or offering advice. Sometimes, people just need someone to listen and empathize with their situation.  This takes practice and if you get it wrong the first couple times, keep working on it.  The key is to practice these skills regularly in your conversations. You'll be surprised by how much it improves your connections with others!


    Nonverbal cues can contradict and destroy the message you are trying to send and can distort a messages being sent your way.


    93% of communication can be non-verbal.  Body language accounts for 55% and tone accounts for 38% of non-verbal comm...

    Finding Courage: Unleashing Your Inner Warrior

    Finding Courage: Unleashing Your Inner Warrior

    Audio: Motivational Speech on Courage 


    Guest: Krista Roseborough


    Welcome to the Undeniable Level Up Podcast, your go-to source for powerful insights and transformative tips to elevate every aspect of your life! Why settle for mediocrity when you can unleash your full potential? Join us as we dive into the world of personal and professional growth, uncovering life hacks to boost your career, turbocharge your relationships, and elevate your personal well-being. Together, let's unlock the secrets to becoming the ultimate version of yourself, armed with the tools, strategies, and yes, even the tricks, that we'll explore in our captivating conversations. Get ready to level up like never before!


    You know, courage is really an interesting and layered idea. It's been on the minds of thinkers and philosophers for ages. Basically, it's all about standing up to tough situations or risks with a strong mindset, some guts, and a can-do attitude.


    So, Aristotle talked about courage in his book Nicomachean Ethics, and he saw it as one of the most important virtues. He believed it's all about striking the perfect balance between being too scared and too confident when dealing with tough times. A brave person knows they're afraid, but they still take action, without running away or diving headfirst into danger.


    Historically, other philosophers perspectives on courage emphasized moral or ethical considerations. For example, some philosophers argued that courage involves not your the ability to face danger or adversity but it towards a just or a noble cause. In this sense, courage is tied to moral principles and a commitment to doing what is right, even when it is difficult or risky.  


    Oh, and speaking of courage, existentialist philosophers like Søren Kierkegaard and Jean-Paul Sartre had their own unique take on it. They saw courage as dealing with the ups and downs of life while trying to find meaning in a world that doesn't seem to care. For them, being brave means tackling life's uncertainties, owning your freedom and responsibility, and making genuine choices when faced with life's big questions.


    Courage, as a philosophical concept can be understood as a virtue that enables individuals to face adversity, danger, or challenges with strength, determination, and a commitment to moral or ethical principles. While the specific nuances of courage may vary across philosophical perspectives, it is generally recognized as a crucial aspect of human character and personal development.


    And here to speak with us about courage is out special guest and friend, Krista Roseborough.  


    Hi Krista…


    Joe and I met Krista through Jiu Jitsu when she was training here in Houston, TX.  As a professional, a mother, a daughter and the many more hats that Krista wears, the one thing she never has a shortage of, is courage.  Thank you for taking the time to join us today.  


    Can you begin by telling our listeners where you grew up?


     "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear." – Franklin D. Roosevelt


    Q: What are your thoughts about President Roosevelt's words?


    This quote really highlights that courage is not about being fearless, but rather understanding and recognizing that some things are more important than fear, such as what we value and hold dear, our goals and our purpose in life.


    Today, we present seven powerful hacks that will not only boost your courage but also empower you to confront challenges and seize new opportunities in life. By implementing these seven practical strategies, you'll be able to develop your courage, conquer your fears, and unlock your full potential


    And the first of the seven hacks is setting achievable goals – Setting achievable goals is essential to driving internal courage as it fosters a sense of self-efficacy, motivation, and resilience in individuals. By establishing realistic objectives, individuals are more likely to feel confident in their abilities to overcome challenges and accomplish their desired outcomes. This sense of self-belief serves as a catalyst for courage, empowering individuals to take calculated risks and face adversity head-on. Moreover, breaking down larger aspirations into smaller, attainable goals provides a clear roadmap for progress, allowing individuals to track their achievements and maintain motivation. As each milestone is reached, a sense of accomplishment further reinforces the courage to persevere and overcome obstacles. 


    In essence, setting achievable goals not only nurtures a resilient mindset but also cultivates the internal courage needed to navigate life's uncertainties and achieve personal and professional success.


    Q: Have you ever found breaking goals down into smaller chunks boosting of your self esteem and confidence? And has that ever given you courage to chase more daring and challenging objectives?


    The 2nd Hack is embracing vulnerability.  You know, being open and vulnerable is super important when it comes to building up your courage. It helps you form genuine connections, grow as a person, and bounce back from tough times. When you're honest about your fears and hopes with people you trust, you create a support system that can offer great advice, motivation, and guidance. Sharing your experiences and viewpoints not only makes you stronger, but it also helps you feel less alone in your struggles.


    Plus, when you embrace vulnerability, you can face and accept your own limitations, which helps you develop a growth mindset that's key for building courage. Recognizing your weaknesses means you can tackle them head-on and learn from your setbacks, turning obstacles into chances for growth and self-improvement.


    And, being vulnerable also encourages self-compassion and empathy, giving you a better understanding of your feelings and experiences. This emotional intelligence lets you handle tough situations with more adaptability and resilience, which ultimately boosts your inner courage.


    Q:  Have you ever struggled to be vulnerable and where did you muster the courage to overcome that fear?


    Number three is practicing mindfulness.  Practicing mindfulness is important to driving internal courage because it fosters a deep sense of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and mental focus. By engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, you learn to observe and process your thoughts and emotions without judgment. This increased self-awareness allows you to recognize and confront your fears, paving the way for the development of courage. Furthermore, mindfulness helps you stay present and focused, enabling you to approach challenges with a calm, clear mind and a heightened sense of resilience. 


    As you become more adept at managing your emotions, you'll find it easier to act courageously in the face of adversity, since you'll be less likely to be overwhelmed by fear or anxiety. In addition, mindfulness encourages reflection and introspection, which can lead to a better understanding of your values, goals, and motivations. This clarity of purpose further reinforces your internal courage, empowering you to make confident decisions and take decisive...

    Personal Revolution: The Power of Personal Change

    Personal Revolution: The Power of Personal Change

    Welcome to the Undeniable Level Up Podcast where we provide our listeners with life hacks to leveling up in business, leveling up in your career, leveling up in your personal lives, and even leveling up in your relationships. Why strive to be average, when you can be the best version of yourself with the tools, tips and sometimes with the tricks that we provide in our discussions.


    Last week we discussed the superhero task of raising children, in our episode titled, “It Takes a Village.” We shared with everyone ten key components to raising a successful child and challenged everyone to incorporate those components in their own children’s lives.


    Today we are here to talk about starting a revolution. Don’t worry, we are not talking about doing anything too crazy here. We are talking about a revolution of change in your life. We just want to help you in your journey to leveling up. Starting a revolution in your life can be an exciting and transformative experience. 

    To many a revolution is seen as a sudden, radical, and often violent change in the political, social, or economic order of society. However, they can also be peaceful and involve changes in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that lead to a significant transformation in society. Historical examples include the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. 


    We are a couple months into the year now and if you are finding it hard to make those moves you know you want to and many times need to in your life, we have you covered. Today, we are going to start a revolution. 


    The American Revolution was ignited with a speech given by Patrick Henry before the Virginia Convention in Richmond on March 23, 1775 where he said, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”


    I think we can all agree that we have things in our lives that we want and / or need to change. No matter who you are, this should resonate with you and if not well you are perfect. HaHa! No one is perfect, so be honest with yourself. There are 5 steps to begin with in your revolution that we want to share with you all today. 


    1). Change Identification 


    2). Goal Setting


    3). Plan Creation


    4). Action 


    5). Support 


    So lets jump right in…


    1)    Change Identification – The first step in starting a revolution in your life is to identify what you want to change. It could be your career, your relationships, your health, or any other area of your life that you feel is not where you want it to be. 


    2)    Goal Setting – Once you know what you want to change, it's important to set specific, measurable goals that will help you achieve your desired outcome. Make sure your goals are challenging yet achievable and write them down to keep yourself accountable. If this is not familiar with you, check out our podcast on “Goal Setting.”


    I am huge fan of writing things down for a number of reasons. For starters I personally feel like writing something down shows commitment and provides accountability. Dr. Gail Mathers, a Psychology Professor at a Dominican University of California conducted research where she concluded that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals by simply writing them down. Yes, you heard that right. Harvard University also conducted a study where they found that the 3% (yes a low number) of graduates from their MBA program who had their goals written down actually ended up earning 10 times as much as the other 97% put together (YES, PUT TOGETHER)! Guys and Gals, this is powerful!


    So, I utilize SMART goals when I set goals and I write it all down. At many times in my life people would laugh and me writing things down, making lists, and labeling and organizing things… but I was on to something even if I had no clue at the time. I set goals, I write them down, I reference them frequently adjusting as necesarry, and I crush them!


    3)    Plan Creation – I’m sure we have all heard the wise statement, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” To do anything well, you have to plan. Think of this like a trip… A revolution doesn't happen overnight, so it's important to create a plan that outlines the steps you need to take to reach your goals. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks and create a timeline for when you want to achieve each one.

    4)   Action – Nothing is achieved without action. Now that you have a plan, it's time to take action. Start with the first task on your list and work your way through each one until you've accomplished your goals. Be prepared for setbacks and obstacles, but don't let them derail your progress.


    5)   Support – Surround yourself with support. Making big changes in your life can be challenging, so it's important to surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Seek out like-minded individuals who are also making positive changes in their lives, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Get a mentor and don’t surround yourself with people who do not challenge you. 



    We challenge all of you to identify the change or changes you want and / or need to make, set goals, create a plan, take action, and surround yourself with the support you need!


    Remember, starting a revolution in your life take courage, commitment, and perseverance. However, the rewards can be life-changing, so don’t be afraid to take the first step. 


     https://a.co/d/h0y483L - "The Power of Now" - Eckhart Tolle

    https://a.co/d/j7qywVC - "Atomic Habits" - James Clear

    https://a.co/d/7bYr3Vw - "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - Sean Covey

    ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

    It Takes a Village (Part 1)

    It Takes a Village (Part 1)

     Welcome to the Undeniable Level Up Podcast where we provide our listeners with life hacks to leveling up in business, leveling up in your career, leveling up in your personal lives, and even leveling up in your relationships. Why strive to be average, when you can be the best version of yourself with the tools, tips and sometimes with the tricks that we provide in our discussions.


    Last week you heard from Alicia Anaya, in our episode titled, “Killing the Procrastinator in You.” Alicia shared with us her tips and tricks and even her personal struggles. 


    Today we are here to talk about raising children and why it indeed does, “take a village to raise a child” and how you as a parent can better equip your children for the battlefield or life and being successful in it. Raising children can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be challenging. 


    Welcome back everyone, we have missed you all. 

    READ PROVERB: We have all heard, “It takes a village to raise a child,” it’s a proverb or a traditional saying that has taken on the meaning that it takes an entire community of people for a child to experience and grow in. In 2016 National Public Radio (NPR) researched the origins but were unable to pinpoint them. Scholars have attributed this proverb to several African cultures. There are several proverbs found throughout cultures that roughly mean the same thing.


    So I think before we even begin to talk about the village, it’s important to understand the concept of a village first. So what is a village exactly? A village is the network of people and institutions that surround us or we are exposed to that contribute to our growth and development. Think of living in a town and never leaving it. That village you are a part of would be the only one that assists in raising you. It is where you have connections, where you are exposed to opportunity, where you develop your concept of social norms, and have experiences. 


    Our psychological development includes our cognitive, emotional, intellectual, and social capabilities and functioning beginning from infancy and continuing through our life span all the way into our old age. Our development is shaped by a multitude of factors, including our genetics, environment, social relationships and experiences throughout our lives. 


    Research this topic and you will be sure to find a plethora in each of these respective areas all seeking to both reveal and understand how “who we become” is shaped. The field of epigenetics 

    is a fascinating field that explores how behavioral and environmental influences impact the expression of genes and influence our behavior and health. By recognizing the power of the villages impact on our genetic expression, we can better understand how to create a village where children thrive.


    Yes but I want to share a personal story with you guys on what prompted this episode and the realization I came to when I realized what this truly meant. 


    As a parent, you want your children to be better than you and you want to prevent them from experiencing the hard lessons or speed bumps you encountered along the way in your journey. You make decisions to promote this such as choosing what school district and neighborhood you live in. Now I don’t know any parent that wants to see their child in pain, in fact it’s quite excruciating for a parent and you will certainly realize this as you hear this story. 


    So recently one of my children encountered a situation leading up to something they have been working towards relentlessly. When I say relentlessly, they were so focused that no excuse veered them off their path. I watched my child tired, not feeling well, physically and mentally fatigued push through and work so hard like a Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, or Danica Patrick. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, no one was outworking them. The situation became extremely stressful and emotionally overwhelming to the point that I watched as my child’s heart broke before the event even happened. 


    Now I have never been a helicopter parent (and you’ll learn about this later in the episode) so I was self-reflecting and trying my best to view the situation from different perspectives because my child was hurting and it didn’t feel good. My child is extremely mature and this was for my child to deal with, not for me to swoop in and handle. As bad as this sounds, this wasn’t the worst part. The worst part occurred the day of the event when I watched my child’s heart ripped right out of their chest again right before me. So as you might expect, the result of the event was unsuccessful but certainly not one that was earned nor deserved. While my child was expecting support from loved ones for such a big event, they didn’t get it and it came as a large blow with a painful consequence. In this moment my heart was shattered.


    Now to top things off, I am an empath. I didn’t just watch all of this, I felt it all. I became so emotional that I had to go to the bathroom and actually had my fist over my mouth (now I don’t cry often) but I watched the largest crocodile tears fall from my eyes (in silence of course) to the floor at my feet in this bathroom stall I was in. That whole, “be strong for your child,” yeah I was struggling. I realized that in a moment my child needed support and more importantly their heart to be victorious. It wasn’t possible without a heart… makes sense right? I would have without question replaced theirs with mine. Now in this moment the event was completely insignificant to me as my child’s life is more important.


    Naturally, I was experiencing a flood of emotions that included anger. I wanted to unleash the tsunami you get from me when you hurt someone I love, but I had to pull myself in and give myself a peptalk as did my husband still in this bathroom stall. The truth be told, this was not my battle, it was my child’s and regardless of how I felt it was important that I empower my child as opposed to removing their power in that critical moment. 


    So, while still in this stall, my child messages me for backup and not to fight their battle but to ensure the battlefield was fair. I knew this was a significant emotional event for them and a monumental moment. Trust me, I had pulled myself together, threw some water on my face, and walked out powerfully and pumped up. I was ready to engage and ready to skip some steps in the escalation of force if the situation required it. 


    You know what though… I experienced the most extraordinary moment I had ever experienced as a mom up close and personal. I watched my child step out to the line of the battlefield, violently retrieve their heart, dump baggage out of their rucksack and then with no hesitation whatsoever draw their sword and raise it with a show of force and someone you don’t want to come face to face with on the battlefield. I was so proud! I realized in that moment that had I have responded in any other way emotionally, verbally, or physically… that would not have occurred. I realized in this moment, my child didn’t even need the backup but I was so proud to have witnessed this. It is in this moment that I suddenly realized that it does take a village to raise a child and I wanted to share that with all of you because I wish I knew this before I had my first child. To put this into perspective, this wisdom came to me at 41 years old with 6 children, three step-children, and two grandchildren. If I have you guessing, I had my first child at 15 and...

    It Takes a Village (Part 2)

    It Takes a Village (Part 2)

     Welcome to the Undeniable Level Up Podcast where we provide our listeners with life hacks to leveling up in business, leveling up in your career, leveling up in your personal lives, and even leveling up in your relationships. Why strive to be average, when you can be the best version of yourself with the tools, tips and sometimes with the tricks that we provide in our discussions.


    Last week you heard from Alicia Anaya, in our episode titled, “Killing the Procrastinator in You.” Alicia shared with us her tips and tricks and even her personal struggles. 


    Today we are here to talk about raising children and why it indeed does, “take a village to raise a child” and how you as a parent can better equip your children for the battlefield or life and being successful in it. Raising children can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be challenging. 


    Welcome back everyone, we have missed you all. 

    READ PROVERB: We have all heard, “It takes a village to raise a child,” it’s a proverb or a traditional saying that has taken on the meaning that it takes an entire community of people for a child to experience and grow in. In 2016 National Public Radio (NPR) researched the origins but were unable to pinpoint them. Scholars have attributed this proverb to several African cultures. There are several proverbs found throughout cultures that roughly mean the same thing.


    So I think before we even begin to talk about the village, it’s important to understand the concept of a village first. So what is a village exactly? A village is the network of people and institutions that surround us or we are exposed to that contribute to our growth and development. Think of living in a town and never leaving it. That village you are a part of would be the only one that assists in raising you. It is where you have connections, where you are exposed to opportunity, where you develop your concept of social norms, and have experiences. 


    Our psychological development includes our cognitive, emotional, intellectual, and social capabilities and functioning beginning from infancy and continuing through our life span all the way into our old age. Our development is shaped by a multitude of factors, including our genetics, environment, social relationships and experiences throughout our lives. 


    Research this topic and you will be sure to find a plethora in each of these respective areas all seeking to both reveal and understand how “who we become” is shaped. The field of epigenetics 

    is a fascinating field that explores how behavioral and environmental influences impact the expression of genes and influence our behavior and health. By recognizing the power of the villages impact on our genetic expression, we can better understand how to create a village where children thrive.


    Yes but I want to share a personal story with you guys on what prompted this episode and the realization I came to when I realized what this truly meant. 


    As a parent, you want your children to be better than you and you want to prevent them from experiencing the hard lessons or speed bumps you encountered along the way in your journey. You make decisions to promote this such as choosing what school district and neighborhood you live in. Now I don’t know any parent that wants to see their child in pain, in fact it’s quite excruciating for a parent and you will certainly realize this as you hear this story. 


    So recently one of my children encountered a situation leading up to something they have been working towards relentlessly. When I say relentlessly, they were so focused that no excuse veered them off their path. I watched my child tired, not feeling well, physically and mentally fatigued push through and work so hard like a Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, or Danica Patrick. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, no one was outworking them. The situation became extremely stressful and emotionally overwhelming to the point that I watched as my child’s heart broke before the event even happened. 


    Now I have never been a helicopter parent (and you’ll learn about this later in the episode) so I was self-reflecting and trying my best to view the situation from different perspectives because my child was hurting and it didn’t feel good. My child is extremely mature and this was for my child to deal with, not for me to swoop in and handle. As bad as this sounds, this wasn’t the worst part. The worst part occurred the day of the event when I watched my child’s heart ripped right out of their chest again right before me. So as you might expect, the result of the event was unsuccessful but certainly not one that was earned nor deserved. While my child was expecting support from loved ones for such a big event, they didn’t get it and it came as a large blow with a painful consequence. In this moment my heart was shattered.


    Now to top things off, I am an empath. I didn’t just watch all of this, I felt it all. I became so emotional that I had to go to the bathroom and actually had my fist over my mouth (now I don’t cry often) but I watched the largest crocodile tears fall from my eyes (in silence of course) to the floor at my feet in this bathroom stall I was in. That whole, “be strong for your child,” yeah I was struggling. I realized that in a moment my child needed support and more importantly their heart to be victorious. It wasn’t possible without a heart… makes sense right? I would have without question replaced theirs with mine. Now in this moment the event was completely insignificant to me as my child’s life is more important.


    Naturally, I was experiencing a flood of emotions that included anger. I wanted to unleash the tsunami you get from me when you hurt someone I love, but I had to pull myself in and give myself a peptalk as did my husband still in this bathroom stall. The truth be told, this was not my battle, it was my child’s and regardless of how I felt it was important that I empower my child as opposed to removing their power in that critical moment. 


    So, while still in this stall, my child messages me for backup and not to fight their battle but to ensure the battlefield was fair. I knew this was a significant emotional event for them and a monumental moment. Trust me, I had pulled myself together, threw some water on my face, and walked out powerfully and pumped up. I was ready to engage and ready to skip some steps in the escalation of force if the situation required it. 


    You know what though… I experienced the most extraordinary moment I had ever experienced as a mom up close and personal. I watched my child step out to the line of the battlefield, violently retrieve their heart, dump baggage out of their rucksack and then with no hesitation whatsoever draw their sword and raise it with a show of force and someone you don’t want to come face to face with on the battlefield. I was so proud! I realized in that moment that had I have responded in any other way emotionally, verbally, or physically… that would not have occurred. I realized in this moment, my child didn’t even need the backup but I was so proud to have witnessed this. It is in this moment that I suddenly realized that it does take a village to raise a child and I wanted to share that with all of you because I wish I knew this before I had my first child. To put this into perspective, this wisdom came to me at 41 years old with 6 children, three step-children, and two grandchildren. If I have you guessing, I had my first child at ...

    Selling Ice to an Eskimo (Part 2)

    Selling Ice to an Eskimo (Part 2)

    Good morning, today we have a Bonus Episode for our listeners.  And a very special Co-Host for this episode as well, Raquel Medina.  Raquel is co-owner of Sage & Soul, a spiritual boutique company that specializes in everything mystical and magical.  Raquel was a guest on our podcast in Season 1, and also published her own podcast under the Sage & Sol brand.  Hi, Raquel, glad to have to as a co-host today.


    Our topic is one that I am pretty sure we can all benefit from. How do you sell ice to an Eskimo.   We will be looking at the Five Principles of Persuasion developed by the renowned psychologist and author Dr. Robert Cialdini.  His book, published in 1984 titled “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”,  discussed the five principles that affect how one person can influence or persuade another.


    These are principles that sales people have been using for years.  And you may be thinking, well I'm not a salesperson, so why do I need to know these five principles.  Simple, sales people are using these principles to persuade you every day, multiple times a day. And these principles have influenced you in one way or another, regardless of whether or not you recognize the principle being applied.


    Having knowledge of these five principles will allow you to make better purchasing and life decisions and not allow you to be so influenced by others.  It will allow you to identify the tactic that is being applied in the situation and allow you to make a more informed decision.  In this undeniable level up discussion, we will give you the tools to identify when a persuasion method is being used against you, and how to counteract your autopilot mode in order to make a conscious decision against the persuasion method being applied.


    And here to discuss the five principles of persuasion is our special guest, Jose Medina.  Although Jose typically hosts the Level-Up podcast, today he is switching seats with me, and we will be putting him in the hot seat this time.  For those of you who do not know Jose, yet, or know him well, he is a 24-year Army veteran, entrepreneur, business owner, father and now adds grandfather to the list of hats that he wears.  


    Welcome Jose!  And thanks for allowing me, to fill in for you today as we get to dig into your methods of persuasion.


    Jose, let's start with your childhood, I know first hand, but let's give our listeners a little insight into your background and your journey.   Where would you say you grew up?


    Aesop says, "Persuasion is often more effectual than force."


    Before we begin looking at the five principles of persuasion, it is important to understand the difference between persuasion and manipulation.  These two topics are very close cousins to each other.  Persuasion is the action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.  Manipulation on the other hand is can be defined as the action of manipulating someone in a clever or unscrupulous way.


    What are your thoughts on these two different definitions?  Have you ever used persuasion?  What about manipulation? What are your thoughts on dark psychology?


    The first principle of persuasion is Reciprocity.  Reciprocity relies on our need for equality and balance.  This is governed by Adam's Equity Theory which theorizes that as humans we have a tendency to require fair and equal treatment when either giving or receiving a service, a product, or our time.  When ever we find ourselves out of balance it makes us feel uncomfortable and uneasy.  


    This method of persuasion is used when someone offers you a gift or a free sample of a product.  When someone gives you something, Adam's Equity Theory requires that we return the favor.  Sales people often use this principle when they offer you a free sample, a gift ,or even a mint at the end of your dinner with the bill when dining out.  If someone sends you a birthday card, it is likely you will feel the urge to send one back.


    Have you ever used this principle to entice someone to either purchase a service or provide some act in kind?  Have you ever fell victim to this principle before? How did it work?  Were you aware of the rule of reciprocity?


    The second principle of persuasion is Scarcity.  This principle relies on a person wanting something more, as there is less and less of it.  Sales people use this principle when they say things like "only a few left at this price" or calling something "limited edition".  A limited edition means there is only a few available and when it is gone, there are no more.  Also, a collectors item, relies on this principle as well.


    Have you ever used this principle of scarcity?  Have you ever fell victim to this principle before? How did it work?  


    The third principle of persuasion is authority.  This principle claims that we are unconsciously moved to follow those who are in a position of authority based on the persons perceived knowledge, experience or expertise.  This is due to our innate trust that is developed in us as children.  As we get older and are exposed to greater levels of authority, such as teachers, police officers, doctors, coaches, etc., throughout our early development, we develop a high level of trust in authoritative figures. This is why no one questions a person in a reflective vest and a clip board, or a person in hospital scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck.  We associate the costume of authority and assign it our trust willingly.


    Have you ever used a position of authority to persuade others?  Has this ever been used on you?  Have you ever misused your authority to persuade others? Has anyone ever seen this method of persuasion used for bad intentions?  Have you ever used it for bad intentions?  Hos does this apply in business?  How does this apply in leadership?


    The fourth principle of persuasion is commitment and consistency.  People have a need to act consistent with their values and ideals.  When they act outside of those values they feel discomfort and uneasiness.  In persuasion, this theory can be applied by having someone do something small, like filling out a survey in the grocery store.  Stopping and filling out the survey may seem like an innocent ask, but then ask you to sample a product.  This is also a small ask and so you again comply, due to your need to remain consistent with agreeing.  Finally they ask you to purchase the product.  You may actually like the product and buy it, but would you have bought the product without the persuasion?


    Has this principle ever been used on you?  How?  Have you ever used this principle on others. For good, for bad?  Have you ever seen someone manipulate another using this principle?


    The fifth principle of persuasion is likeability.  This persuasion technique means that the more a person likes you, the more you can persuade that person.  People have a tendency to like others that are like themselves.  It is a higher probability to persuade someone if you share the same name, come from the same city, have similar life experiences.  This is also why sales people are often attractive and why more attractive waiters and waitresses ...

    How to Sell Ice to an Eskimo (Part 1)

    How to Sell Ice to an Eskimo (Part 1)

    Good morning, today we have a Bonus Episode for our listeners.  And a very special Co-Host for this episode as well, Raquel Medina.  Raquel is co-owner of Sage & Soul, a spiritual boutique company that specializes in everything mystical and magical.  Raquel was a guest on our podcast in Season 1, and also published her own podcast under the Sage & Sol brand.  Hi, Raquel, glad to have to as a co-host today.


    Our topic is one that I am pretty sure we can all benefit from. How do you sell ice to an Eskimo.   We will be looking at the Five Principles of Persuasion developed by the renowned psychologist and author Dr. Robert Cialdini.  His book, published in 1984 titled “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”,  discussed the five principles that affect how one person can influence or persuade another.


    These are principles that sales people have been using for years.  And you may be thinking, well I'm not a salesperson, so why do I need to know these five principles.  Simple, sales people are using these principles to persuade you every day, multiple times a day. And these principles have influenced you in one way or another, regardless of whether or not you recognize the principle being applied.


    Having knowledge of these five principles will allow you to make better purchasing and life decisions and not allow you to be so influenced by others.  It will allow you to identify the tactic that is being applied in the situation and allow you to make a more informed decision.  In this undeniable level up discussion, we will give you the tools to identify when a persuasion method is being used against you, and how to counteract your autopilot mode in order to make a conscious decision against the persuasion method being applied.


    And here to discuss the five principles of persuasion is our special guest, Jose Medina.  Although Jose typically hosts the Level-Up podcast, today he is switching seats with me, and we will be putting him in the hot seat this time.  For those of you who do not know Jose, yet, or know him well, he is a 24-year Army veteran, entrepreneur, business owner, father and now adds grandfather to the list of hats that he wears.  


    Welcome Jose!  And thanks for allowing me, to fill in for you today as we get to dig into your methods of persuasion.


    Jose, let's start with your childhood, I know first hand, but let's give our listeners a little insight into your background and your journey.   Where would you say you grew up?


    Aesop says, "Persuasion is often more effectual than force."


    Before we begin looking at the five principles of persuasion, it is important to understand the difference between persuasion and manipulation.  These two topics are very close cousins to each other.  Persuasion is the action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.  Manipulation on the other hand is can be defined as the action of manipulating someone in a clever or unscrupulous way.


    What are your thoughts on these two different definitions?  Have you ever used persuasion?  What about manipulation? What are your thoughts on dark psychology?


    The first principle of persuasion is Reciprocity.  Reciprocity relies on our need for equality and balance.  This is governed by Adam's Equity Theory which theorizes that as humans we have a tendency to require fair and equal treatment when either giving or receiving a service, a product, or our time.  When ever we find ourselves out of balance it makes us feel uncomfortable and uneasy.  


    This method of persuasion is used when someone offers you a gift or a free sample of a product.  When someone gives you something, Adam's Equity Theory requires that we return the favor.  Sales people often use this principle when they offer you a free sample, a gift ,or even a mint at the end of your dinner with the bill when dining out.  If someone sends you a birthday card, it is likely you will feel the urge to send one back.


    Have you ever used this principle to entice someone to either purchase a service or provide some act in kind?  Have you ever fell victim to this principle before? How did it work?  Were you aware of the rule of reciprocity?


    The second principle of persuasion is Scarcity.  This principle relies on a person wanting something more, as there is less and less of it.  Sales people use this principle when they say things like "only a few left at this price" or calling something "limited edition".  A limited edition means there is only a few available and when it is gone, there are no more.  Also, a collectors item, relies on this principle as well.


    Have you ever used this principle of scarcity?  Have you ever fell victim to this principle before? How did it work?  


    The third principle of persuasion is authority.  This principle claims that we are unconsciously moved to follow those who are in a position of authority based on the persons perceived knowledge, experience or expertise.  This is due to our innate trust that is developed in us as children.  As we get older and are exposed to greater levels of authority, such as teachers, police officers, doctors, coaches, etc., throughout our early development, we develop a high level of trust in authoritative figures. This is why no one questions a person in a reflective vest and a clip board, or a person in hospital scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck.  We associate the costume of authority and assign it our trust willingly.


    Have you ever used a position of authority to persuade others?  Has this ever been used on you?  Have you ever misused your authority to persuade others? Has anyone ever seen this method of persuasion used for bad intentions?  Have you ever used it for bad intentions?  Hos does this apply in business?  How does this apply in leadership?


    The fourth principle of persuasion is commitment and consistency.  People have a need to act consistent with their values and ideals.  When they act outside of those values they feel discomfort and uneasiness.  In persuasion, this theory can be applied by having someone do something small, like filling out a survey in the grocery store.  Stopping and filling out the survey may seem like an innocent ask, but then ask you to sample a product.  This is also a small ask and so you again comply, due to your need to remain consistent with agreeing.  Finally they ask you to purchase the product.  You may actually like the product and buy it, but would you have bought the product without the persuasion?


    Has this principle ever been used on you?  How?  Have you ever used this principle on others. For good, for bad?  Have you ever seen someone manipulate another using this principle?


    The fifth principle of persuasion is likeability.  This persuasion technique means that the more a person likes you, the more you can persuade that person.  People have a tendency to like others that are like themselves.  It is a higher probability to persuade someone if you share the same name, come from the same city, have similar life experiences.  This is also why sales people are often attractive and why more attractive waiters and waitresses ...

    Kill the Procrastinator in You

    Kill the Procrastinator in You

    Guest: Alicia Anaya


    Welcome to the Undeniable Level Up Podcast where we provide our listeners with life hacks to leveling up in business, leveling up in your career, leveling up in your personal lives, and even leveling up in your relationships.  Why strive to be average, when you can be the best version of your self with the tools, tips and sometimes with the tricks that we provide in our discussions.


    Last week you heard from Jules Johnson, in our episode titled, 'Managing Stress Like a Boss".  Jules, the Assistant District Attorney for Harris County in Houston TX discussed how he not only learned to live and excel in a stress-filled home growing up, but how he continues to manage stress effectively in his high-stress career as a attorney.


    Today, we here to plan a murder.  We are here to discuss killing the procrastinator in you!  

    We all have a little bit of procrastinator in us.  It begins when we are young with small unimportant tasks like "Go to Bed!"  As a child, we don't want to go to bed, so we ask for a glass of water.  We don't want to clean our room, so we watch television instead.  Usually, by the time a parent has had it, with the procrastination, they will typically direct you to complete the assignment and begrudgingly, you get it done.  


    As we get older, the procrastination lingers with us.  In school, we put off assignments until the very last minute, or we study for a test while riding to school on the bus.  When we enter the work force, we put off tasks and responsibilities, like completing 1:1's because the thought of address performance doesn't excite us.  We put off changing the oil because we don't have 15 minutes to spend at Jiffy Lube, and we drive until the gas mileage display runs crashes below zero.  If your have ever done any of these things, chances are you have a procrastinator in you and we are going to put that sucker out of his misery. 


    And here to discuss the pitfalls of procrastination is our guest and our incredible daughter, Alicia Anaya.  Hello Alicia!


    Q: So, we know you very well, but tell our listeners how was it growing up as a military brat?


    READ QUOTE:  William Arthur Ward says, "Begin while others are procrastinating.  Work while others are wishing."


    The big question that is on my mind and should be on everyone else's mind as well, is WHY.  Why do we have a tendency to procrastinate?


    The high-level answer is we procrastinate because we often rely on self control to get things done.  But our self control is highly reliant on our motivation.  When we lack motivation, then our self control suffers and we end up pushing tasks aside for more enjoyable activities.  Like napping.  Or watching TikToks.


    Factors such as exhaustion, fatigue, hunger, anxiety, depression can all contribute to an overall lack of motivation and make you a chronic procrastinator.


    When it comes to the 10 main factors that lead to procrastination, we find that this list consists of:

    • Weak goals vs. SMART goals
    • Failure to Visualize a Future Self
    • Feeling Overwhelmed
    • Anxiety
    • Perfectionism
    • Fear (Failure, Judgement, embarassment)
    • Depression
    • Fatigue
    • Burnout
    • Overtasked

    So we have 14 hacks to killing the procrastinator in you.  These are 14 lethal steps that you can take to ensure that when you find yourself being impacted by either fatigue, fear or anxiety, in such as way that you begin to procrastinate, you will be able to maintain steadfast self control and motivation and get things done.


    The first step is stop trying to eat the whole elephant in one sitting.  You don't have to complete a task from A to Z, especially when it's a large task.  It is sometimes better to break that task up into smaller parts.  If the project takes 8 hours to do, you can 2 hours on day 1, 2 hours on day 2 and so on and so forth.  This will reduce the stress of an 8 hour project and allow you to space it out over time and avoid procrastinating.


    Q:  Have you ever tried this approach?  How did it work?  What did you learn?


    Step 2 is make a list!  Having a checklist is how pilots fly the most complex aircraft in the world.  Having a list ensures you remain in sequence, allows you to check tasks off as they are completed.  They also ensure you never forget something.  It’s a great way to say sane when your have information coming at you from multiple angles.


    Q: Do you use lists?  What do you like about using lists?  What are some of the lists you use to ensure you get stuff done on time?


    Step 3 is find your Sacred Space of Success.  That's the place where you are able to focus and get stuff done.  If might be the office, the bedroom, maybe it's poolside or maybe the local Starbucks.  Where ever that magical place is that you get the most work done, go there and get it done.


    Q:  Where is your Sacred Space of Success?


    Step 4 develop a plan.  It's not enough to have a major task or project to get done.  You need to know each step required to reach the end goal and establish a timeline to accomplishing each task in a realistic time frame.  Having a plan is like having a GPS that directs you towards the fastest path to success.  Once you have a good plan, then execute that plan with self control and commitment.


    Q: What was the last thing you planned?  How did that go?  Were you successful?  What failed?


    Step 5 is eliminate distractions!  Email notifications, text messages and long winded talkers.  Get them out of your space.  Turn your notifications off.  Focus and concentrate and set specific intervals to check emails and text messages.


    Q:  How do you manage distractions?  What are the worst distractions for you?


    Step 6 is reduce your need to make decisions.  If you need to stop and decide something, you are losing time.  Instead set low priority tasks on autopilot.  For example, have a planned daily menu for lunch.  Monday's is Canes, Tuesday's is Chic-Fila and Wednesday's is Popeyes.  Thursday and Friday you bring a lunch.  This stops you from stopping and having to scroll through DoorDash looking for lunch options.


    Q:  Are there any low priority tasks or decisions that you have automated in your life?  What things could you automate in your life?  How would that help you be more productive and procrastinate less?


    Step 7 have a schedule and stick to it…as closely as you can.  Obviously emergencies are going to happen, but your days should be planned from start to finish.  This allows you to forecast your productive hours in the day, ensures you arrive at meetings and planned event son time and allows you to maximize your day without losing time.


    Q:  Do you keep a schedule?  Would a schedule help you accomplish more things faster?  What are things you dislike from using schedul...

    Managing Stress Like a Boss

    Managing Stress Like a Boss

    Guest: Jules Johnson


    And we're back with Season 2, Episode Five of the Undeniable Level Up Podcast.  For those who missed our last episode, we had the chance to introduce and speak with AJ Franco, a very close friend of ours who discussed how to "Fake it Til You Make It".  AJ shared his personal success story and how he found a way to climb the corporate ladder, going from warehouse associate to General Manager of a Fortune 500 food distribution business. 


    Today, we are here to discuss how to "Handle Stress Like a Boss"!  


    Unmanaged stress is harmful.  Harmful to the point that your health can be impacted negatively.  Symptoms like headaches, backpain, fatigue, lack of sleep.  These things can wreak havoc on your body, cause you to have trouble concentrating and pull your focus away from critical tasks.  It can cause obesity, increase your blood pressure and lead to heart disease.  Yes, stress can literally kill you if you do not manage it.


    Stressors come from a variety of directions in our day to day.  We experience stressors at out job, as we deal with critical deadlines, pressure to perform, and work volume as we all are forced to do more with less.  This includes 60, 70 and sometimes 80 hour work weeks.  Stressors come from our home lives with sick children , school and sporting events, family time and maintaining relationships with those we love.  Stressors come from our finances as we struggle to earn, save and manage our finances effectively.   Stressors come from our phones with constant news of war, police shootings, increasing crime statistics and inflation.  There is no shortage of stressors in our current day and age.

    Your ability to handle stress is critical to your success.  


    And to speak about handling stress like a boss, we have a very special guest today, Jules Johnson.  Welcome to the show Jules.


    Jules definitely has a high-stress job.  As the Assistant District Attorney for the Harris County in Houston, Texas, Jules' primary focus is prosecuting police brutality complaints, police shootings and other police crimes.  With the level of coverage that we have seen when it comes to these unfortunate events, you can only imagine the level of stress that his job puts on his shoulders.


    Q: Jules, did you grow up in Texas? 


    Danzae (Dan-zay) Pace is quoted as saying, "stress is the trash of modern life.  We all generate it, but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life".


    It is important to understand the different methods available to us for managing and dealing with stress.  The more capable we are of managing our stress, the more we are able to get after our goals and objectives, and therefore, the higher the probability that we will achieve success.


    To assist with that, we have 14 steps that you can take to assist you with handling stress.  The first step is to understand the signs of stress on your body.  Stress can present as:

    • low energy or fatigue
    • headaches
    • insomnia
    • changes in appetite
    • digestive issues
    • rapid heart rate
    • sweating
    • low self-esteem
    • loss of sex drive
    • frequent illnesses


    Q: Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms associated with stress?  What was causing it?  How did you deal with it?  What was the outcome?  


    The second step is to document or write down your stressors.  This is even more important if you are feeling stressed and can't truly pinpoint what the cause of that stress is.  Keeping a journal is a great way to identify your stressors and create a positive method for managing it.


    Q:  Do you keep a journal?  Has it assisted with dealing with stress?  


    The third step is to take time to re-energize and recharge.  Find an activity or an action that allows you to reset your internal batteries.  This can be going to the gym, training jiu jitsu, going for a drive, reading a book, writing poetry.  What ever it is for you, find that thing that allows you to ground yourself in the present and reset yourself.


    Q: What do you do to reset and recharge?


    The fourth step is to manage your time properly.  Poor time management is a huge contributor to stress.  There is nothing more stressful than running late for an important event, or missing a critical deadline.  Being able to manage your time will greatly assist you in minimizing your stress.  


    Q:  What do you do to help with time management?  Are you a procrastinator? 


    The fifth step is to find work life balance.  When your work life balance is out of whack, the portion that is under supported can contribute to your stressors.  This is always easier said than done.  Being deliberate in managing overtime, scheduling personal time, and managing your time to ensure you keep track of important dates, appointments and scheduled activities will all help in reducing stressors from your work and personal life.


    Q: How do you manage work life balance in your current role?  Is this something that you struggle with?  Are there times when you've had to sacrifice one over the other?  How did that work out?  


    The sixth step is to learn to view the cup as half full as opposed to half empty.  Words are powerful.  Negative words will result in negative feelings.  Learn to put a positive perspective on those things that may initially appear to be negative.  For example, if you have to work late and will not be home to cook dinner, you can call you significant other and invite them to dinner out, or offer to pick up dinner on the way home.  Instead of looking at challenges as problems view them as opportunities to stretch and challenge yourself.


    Q: Are you an optimist or a pessimist?  Is that something you think you can change?  How does that impact how you feel and handle stress?  Ho does that impact those around you?

    The seventh step is have a power circle. You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around.  Creating a strong power circle can make a world of difference.  Your power circle should be made up of friends and family who add value to your life.  They should be good influences, be strong moral compasses, and be honest with you when giving feedback and offering advice.  Anyone who blocks your shine, doesn't add value or is a negative influence or brings negativity into your circle should be removed.  


    Q:  Do you have a power circle?  Who are the top 3 individuals in your circle and why have you chosen them?  Have you ever had to eliminate someone from your circle or needed to and couldn't?  Why?  How did that play out?  How did that impact your trajectory?


    The eighth step is to remember to self-care.  This means taking care of yourself.  The eight dimension of wellness are:

    • Emotional
    • Spiritual
    • Intellectual
    • Physical
    • Environmental
    • Financial
    • Oc...