
    About this Episode

    We are in the middle of a gigantic cosmic battle between good and evil over the lives of every human being on earth! It's a messy battle that needs to be understood so that we aren't victims! This week we are going to touch on this spiritual battle directly from Jesus' ministry in Mark 5. In this study Jesus deals with a legion of demons--the messy side of God's Kingdom invading planet earth!

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    Jesus experienced rejection throughout His entire ministry, but the rejection He received in His  hometown of Nazareth was particularly painful.  Their familiarity with "childhood" Jesus made Him familiar, common, and offensive to them in many respects.  In short, they were offended by Jesus and filled of unbelief toward His ministry.  As a result, Jesus to do the mighty works in Nazareth. But instead of being shut down by this rejection, Jesus turned His attention to the mission field ahead and released His men into the mission.