
    About this Episode

    What we all need for an amazing new year ahead, is a refresher in the New Covenant! Jesus came to this world full of "grace and truth".  Grace comes through Jesus and is a totally free gift to us because Jesus paid for the entire Christian life upfront on the Cross.  Jesus gives us a Christian life that is by "grace alone" not by works of the Law.  And this New Way of relating to God is only accessed by "faith alone"--we don't "work" for it or "earn" it, we simply believe and accept the promises of God by faith.  Grace works through faith, but the final piece of the equation is that everything in the Christian life only works through the power of the Holy Spirit.  So this New Covenant for the New Year ahead is only given by grace, accessed by simple faith, and activated in our lives by the Holy Spirit. Such good news!  This study in Mark 5 illustrates grace, faith, and the Spirit's power as the way everything works now in the New Covenant.  I pray that 2024 will be a new year for you that is focused on this New Covenant in Christ!  I can think of no greater prayer to pray for you than this one!

    Recent Episodes from Jesus Advance



    Jesus experienced rejection throughout His entire ministry, but the rejection He received in His  hometown of Nazareth was particularly painful.  Their familiarity with "childhood" Jesus made Him familiar, common, and offensive to them in many respects.  In short, they were offended by Jesus and filled of unbelief toward His ministry.  As a result, Jesus to do the mighty works in Nazareth. But instead of being shut down by this rejection, Jesus turned His attention to the mission field ahead and released His men into the mission.