
    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    enApril 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Meta AI introduces new versions of Llama 3, making it the most intelligent freely available AI assistantMeta AI releases new open source Llama 3 models with real-time knowledge integration, creation features, and impressive benchmark scores, leading in their respective scales.

      Meta AI is releasing new versions of its AI model, Llama 3, which they believe makes Meta AI the most intelligent freely available AI assistant. The upgrade includes the rollout of Llama 3 as open source, integration with Google and Bing for real-time knowledge, and new creation features such as animations and high-quality image generation. The models, which include 8 billion, 70 billion, and 405 billion dense models, are leading in their respective scales and have impressive benchmark scores. The smaller Llama 3 model is already as powerful as the biggest Llama 2 model. Meta AI started acquiring the H100s (the hardware for training these models) in 2022. They have a roadmap for new releases, including multimodality, more multilinguality, and bigger context windows. The largest Llama 3 model, which is still training, is expected to have leading benchmarks on various tests and is around 85 MMLU. The 70 billion model, which is also being released, is around 82 MMOU and has leading scores on math and reasoning. These new features and improvements are a significant step forward for Meta AI and will be rolled out in various countries starting in the coming weeks and months.

    • Facebook's investment in GPUs for Reels was driven by market competitionFacebook's investment in GPUs for Reels expanded their content recommendations, helping them stay competitive and avoid past mistakes.

      Facebook's decision to invest heavily in GPUs for their Reels feature came from a position of playing catch-up in the market, particularly with TikTok. Mark Zuckerberg recognized the need to expand their content recommendations beyond just what users were following, which required significantly more computing power. This investment proved to be a good decision as it enabled Instagram and Facebook to recommend content from a much larger pool of candidates, leading to a significant expansion of their services. The decision was driven by the company's experience of being behind in the market and the desire to avoid repeating past mistakes. Additionally, Zuckerberg's personal belief in the value of building things and helping people communicate influenced his decision to stay with the company rather than selling it for a potential large profit.

    • Meta's focus on AGI shifts from research to product developmentMeta recognizes the importance of AGI for enhancing user experience across multiple domains and has started building leading foundation models to power various products and applications.

      Meta's focus on artificial general intelligence (AGI) has evolved from a research-driven priority to a key product development area due to the increasing impact of AI on various applications and use cases. Initially, the company saw social applications as the primary use case for AI, but they have since discovered that reasoning and coding capabilities are essential for enhancing the user experience across multiple domains. This shift in perspective became clearer as AI models started to exhibit unexpected benefits, such as improved rigor and multistep interaction capabilities. For instance, training models on coding data enhances their ability to reason across various domains, even if users are not primarily asking coding questions. As a result, Meta has started a second group, the Gen AI group, to build leading foundation models that can power various products and applications. The importance of AGI is becoming increasingly apparent as it enables more sophisticated interactions and reasoning abilities, making Meta's products more competitive in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

    • Exploring advanced AI capabilities and future applicationsAdvanced AI, like Llama, aims to expand capabilities beyond text-based intelligence, focusing on multimodality, emotional understanding, and reasoning. The goal is to augment human abilities, not replace them, with applications ranging from industrial to personal use.

      The development of advanced AI, such as Llama, is a progressive process focused on solving general intelligence and adding various capabilities like multimodality, emotional understanding, and reasoning. The ultimate goal is not to replace people but to give them tools to do more. AI is expected to surpass human capabilities in certain areas, but it's not a single threshold of intelligence for humanity. The focus is on creating models that can handle different modalities (text, images, videos, and emotional understanding) and memory storage. The use cases for AI will be diverse, from industrial-scale inference to personalized assistant products and interaction with other agents (businesses or creators). The future of AI will involve more complex tasks and less reliance on query context windows. AI will be present in various forms, from server-based systems to small devices like smart glasses, requiring both big and small models. The impact of AI is predicted to change all products, leading to a meta AI general assistant product that will shift from a chatbot to a more interactive and capable assistant.

    • Scaling and fine-tuning AI models for specific use casesMark Zuckerberg envisions an AI that can be owned and trained by creators for effective community engagement, leading to advancements in science, healthcare, and the economy. Progression of AI models involves a combination of base models and application-specific code, with more hand-engineering needed for agent-like behaviors.

      There's a growing trend towards using AI models like Llama to engage communities and advance various industries, but the challenge lies in scaling and fine-tuning these models for specific use cases. Mark Zuckerberg discussed the potential of an AI that can be owned and trained by creators to engage their communities more effectively. This could lead to significant advancements in areas such as science, healthcare, and the economy. The progression of these models involves a combination of base models and application-specific code. For example, Llama 2 had some hand-engineered logic for integration with tools like Google or Bing, while Llama 3 aimed to bring more of that into the model itself. However, as we move towards more agent-like behaviors in Llama 4, some aspects may require more hand-engineering. Command Bar, a user assistant tool, was introduced as a more personalized alternative to generic AI chatbots, which can often be annoying and non-specific. By training AI models to understand specific use cases and integrating them with other tools, we can create more powerful and effective AI systems.

    • Exploring the potential of large language models with community's helpMeta is focusing on training and inference of large language models, using a fleet of GPUs, and acknowledges the importance of community's fine-tuning efforts to unlock full potential.

      The advancements in large language models like Llama 3 allow for automating tasks that previously required hand coding, but the community's fine-tuning efforts will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of these models. The speaker expresses excitement about exploring smaller models with fewer parameters for various use cases and believes that the community can contribute significantly to this development. With an impressive fleet of GPUs, Meta is focusing on both training and inference, serving a large user base, and acknowledges the importance of having a vast amount of data for training these models. Despite reaching a significant milestone with the 70,000,000,000 token model, there's still room for improvement, and the company is making strategic decisions on how to allocate resources for future developments.

    • Potential for larger and more capable AI modelsThe future of AI may bring even larger models, but energy constraints and uncertain investment returns pose challenges.

      The advancements in AI model sizes, such as the 700 billion parameter Llama model, show the potential for even larger and more capable models in the future. However, the exact trajectory of these developments is uncertain due to the exponential nature of the curve and potential bottlenecks, such as GPU and energy constraints. Companies are currently investing heavily in infrastructure to support these models, but the long-term viability and worth of such investments are uncertain. Energy constraints, in particular, could become a significant bottleneck due to the heavily regulated nature of building new power plants and transmission lines. While progress in AI is likely to continue, it will not be an infinite process and different bottlenecks will emerge as we move forward.

    • Energy constraints limit the expansion of large language modelsEnergy demands for training large language models are a significant challenge, preventing the expansion of clusters beyond current capabilities. No single gigawatt data center exists yet, and optimizing network and model architectures has its limits.

      The development and advancement of large language models like LAMA face significant limitations due to the energy requirements needed to train and expand these models. Currently, data centers capable of handling the energy demands for training these models at a large scale are not yet in existence. The energy constraint is a significant bottleneck, preventing the expansion of clusters beyond what is currently possible. For instance, while some companies are working on data centers in the hundreds of megawatts range, no one has built a single gigawatt data center yet. This limitation could potentially impact the future development of language models, as the generation of synthetic data for training models may become a more significant aspect of the process. However, there are also limitations to the network and model architectures that cannot be infinitely optimized, requiring new step functions for further advancements. Ultimately, the energy requirements for training and expanding large language models are a significant challenge that must be addressed for continued progress in this field.

    • AI as a transformative technologyAI is a transformative technology with the potential to bring new apps and capabilities, but the fear of sudden extreme intelligence is unlikely due to physical constraints, and it should be approached as a valuable tool to enhance human abilities.

      AI is expected to be a fundamentally transformative technology in the next few decades, similar to the creation of computing. It will bring about new apps and capabilities, enabling people to do things that were previously impossible. However, the fear of AI becoming extremely intelligent overnight is unlikely, as there are physical constraints that make such a scenario unlikely. AI is not necessarily connected to consciousness or life, and can be seen as a valuable tool that can be separated from consciousness and agency. The development of AI should be approached with an open and flexible mindset, with a willingness to adapt and respond to new innovations. While the future of AI is uncertain, the general trend is towards using it as a tool to enhance human capabilities and creativity.

    • Exploring the potential and risks of Large Language ModelsLarge Language Models have great potential for processing data and extracting valuable information, but it's crucial to mitigate negative behaviors and potential harms as we consider their industrial use.

      While the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Llamify and Llamaphor holds great potential, it also comes with significant challenges and risks. These models can learn a lot about the world and answer a wide range of questions, but it's crucial to mitigate any negative behaviors they might exhibit. The potential harms are numerous and complex, and it's important to continue researching and understanding these issues as we consider the large-scale industrial use of LLMs. One potential application could be in the form of intelligent spreadsheets, like v7 Go, which can process large amounts of data and extract valuable information. However, it's essential to consider the potential risks and mitigations, such as fine-tuning, and ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly. Ultimately, the goal is to make these advanced AI systems accessible to everyone while minimizing the risks they pose.

    • Sharing AI systems can improve security for allOpen sourcing AI systems can help identify vulnerabilities and ensure progressively harder systems, reducing potential harm from adversaries with superior AI

      The widespread deployment and open sourcing of artificial intelligence (AI) systems can help mitigate potential risks associated with a single entity having significantly more powerful AI than others. The analogy given is that of software security, where having multiple eyes on the code and its improvements leads to better security for all systems involved. Similarly, having open source AI systems can help identify vulnerabilities and ensure progressively harder systems, making it harder for malicious actors to exploit them. This approach creates a more balanced and even playing field, reducing the potential threat of an adversary with superior AI causing significant harm or mayhem. However, it's essential to note that there are still risks involved, such as an adversary developing a bioweapon or other non-AI threats, and ongoing research and development in these areas is crucial to address these risks effectively.

    • Balancing long-term AI risks with real-world issuesAI systems can help mitigate the spread of misinformation and harmful content, but nation-states and sophisticated actors are constantly evolving to evade these systems, requiring ongoing adaptation and growth to maintain security

      While there are significant concerns about the potential misuse of advanced AI systems, particularly in the realm of bioweapons, it's crucial to balance these long-term theoretical risks with more immediate, real-world issues. For instance, the spread of misinformation and harmful content through social networks poses a significant threat that AI systems can help mitigate. However, nation-states and other sophisticated actors are constantly advancing their techniques to evade these systems, making it an ongoing arms race. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that AI systems can adapt and grow faster than their adversaries to prevent harm and maintain security. The open-source nature of projects like Llama 4 allows for collaboration and collective learning to better understand and address these challenges.

    • Addressing day-to-day harms and improving current modelsDespite advancements in AI technology, it's essential to focus on improving current models and addressing day-to-day harms. Physical constraints, such as energy usage, limit model size. The metaverse offers a solution to transcend physical constraints and connect people regardless of location.

      While we can be optimistic about the advancements in AI technology, it's important to address the day-to-day harms and focus on improving current models. The use of synthetic data may not lead to a significant improvement in the long run compared to larger, more advanced models. Physical constraints, such as energy usage, will also limit the size of models. The metaverse, on the other hand, holds great potential for allowing people to feel present with each other regardless of location. While exploring the past may be interesting, the primary use case for the metaverse lies in its ability to transcend physical constraints. Keeping options open and addressing current challenges in AI development is crucial.

    • Exploring the Future of Communication and Connection in the MetaverseThe metaverse offers new opportunities for realistic digital presence, socializing, working, and even participating in industries like medicine, providing freedoms and benefits beyond physical presence.

      The metaverse, or virtual worlds, has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate, work, and feel connected with others. The speaker, who has a deep-rooted drive to build new things, especially around human communication and expression, saw this potential even when others doubted it. He believes that the metaverse will enable more realistic digital presence, making it possible for people to socialize, work, and even participate in industries like medicine without the need for physical presence. He emphasized that there will still be benefits to being physically together, but the metaverse will offer new opportunities and freedoms. The speaker's conviction in the metaverse comes from his passion for building things and his belief that he's not living up to his potential if he's not creating something new. He also highlighted Meta, a leading tech company, as a notable player in this space, thanks to their advanced software engineering and partnerships with other major companies like Stripe for handling payments.

    • From Emperor Augustus to Open-Source Technology: Adapting and Thinking Outside the BoxYoung people can learn from historical figures who achieved great things early in life and use that inspiration to stay dynamic and open to new ideas as they grow older.

      The ability to adapt and think outside the box, even at a young age, can lead to great success. Mark shared an analogy from ancient Roman history about Emperor Augustus, who at the age of 19, became a prominent figure in Roman politics and brought about the idea of peace as a positive concept instead of a temporary respite from war. This mindset shift was a game-changer at the time, much like how open-source technology in the tech industry is often misunderstood and underestimated. Mark believes that open-source technology creates winners and encourages innovation, but it's a concept that many people find hard to grasp. Similarly, young people, like Mark himself when he was 19, can learn from historical figures who achieved great things early in life and use that inspiration to stay dynamic and open to new ideas as they grow older and face more commitments.

    • Open sourcing large-scale AI models: Cost savings and innovationFacebook sees benefits in open sourcing large-scale AI models for cost savings and innovation, but concerns exist about control and dominance in the ecosystem

      Open sourcing large-scale AI models could bring significant benefits for companies, both in terms of cost savings and qualitative improvements. Facebook, which has a long history of open sourcing infrastructure, sees potential in making models more efficient and enabling different use case-specific applications. However, the fear is that a few dominant companies controlling these closed models could limit innovation and control the ecosystem. The debate is ongoing, but for Facebook, it's crucial to build its models in-house to avoid being dictated by others. From a developer perspective, open sourcing models could lead to valuable contributions from the community, while app-specific work would still provide differentiation. The future of the AI ecosystem depends on how it is built and the balance between openness and control.

    • Open source technology benefits and economic considerationsOpen source technology can make advanced models more accessible, but companies must consider potential revenue losses from licensing. Permissive licenses with limitations can encourage dialogue and potential revenue sharing, while addressing risks is crucial.

      Open source technology, such as Llama, can significantly benefit both the developers and the communities by making advanced models more accessible. However, there are economic considerations to be made when deciding to open source, especially when it comes to potential revenue from licensing. Companies like Meta have implemented permissive open source licenses with limitations for larger corporations, encouraging dialogue and potential revenue sharing. The potential risks associated with open source, including power balance and existential risks, should also be addressed, and there is ongoing debate about the impact of open source projects like PyTorch, React, and Open Compute compared to social media aspects of companies like Meta. Regardless, open source is a powerful way to build and share technology, and its importance should not be underestimated.

    • Focusing on creating value across multiple areasEven groundbreaking innovations may not be the most impactful in the long term. Companies should maintain focus and manage resources effectively to create value in various areas, as their capacity is largely limited by leadership.

      Even groundbreaking innovations, like enabling long distance calling or creating custom silicon for machine learning models, may not be the most impactful things to look back on in the long term. Instead, the advancements for humanity persist, and the focus for companies should be on maintaining focus and managing resources effectively to create value across multiple areas. Mark Zuckerberg discussed Facebook's history, including their success with long distance calling and their current work on custom silicon for machine learning models. He also shared insights on the importance of focus for companies, especially as they grow and create more value but become more resource-constrained. He acknowledged that there are always opportunities for random awesome happenings within an organization, but overall, the organization's capacity is largely limited by the CEO and management team's ability to oversee and manage priorities.

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    Watch the video on YouTube. Read the full transcript here.

    Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    - Prelude Security is the world’s leading cyber threat management automation platform. Prelude Detect quickly transforms threat intelligence into validated protections so organizations can know with certainty that their defenses will protect them against the latest threats. Prelude is backed by Sequoia Capital, Insight Partners, The MITRE Corporation, CrowdStrike, and other leading investors. Learn more here.

    - This episode is brought to you by Stripe, financial infrastructure for the internet. Millions of companies from Anthropic to Amazon use Stripe to accept payments, automate financial processes and grow their revenue.

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    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enJune 26, 2024

    Francois Chollet, Mike Knoop - LLMs won’t lead to AGI - $1,000,000 Prize to find true solution

    Francois Chollet, Mike Knoop - LLMs won’t lead to AGI - $1,000,000 Prize to find true solution

    Here is my conversation with Francois Chollet and Mike Knoop on the $1 million ARC-AGI Prize they're launching today.

    I did a bunch of socratic grilling throughout, but Francois’s arguments about why LLMs won’t lead to AGI are very interesting and worth thinking through.

    It was really fun discussing/debating the cruxes. Enjoy!

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.


    (00:00:00) – The ARC benchmark

    (00:11:10) – Why LLMs struggle with ARC

    (00:19:00) – Skill vs intelligence

    (00:27:55) - Do we need “AGI” to automate most jobs?

    (00:48:28) – Future of AI progress: deep learning + program synthesis

    (01:00:40) – How Mike Knoop got nerd-sniped by ARC

    (01:08:37) – Million $ ARC Prize

    (01:10:33) – Resisting benchmark saturation

    (01:18:08) – ARC scores on frontier vs open source models

    (01:26:19) – Possible solutions to ARC Prize

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enJune 11, 2024

    Leopold Aschenbrenner - China/US Super Intelligence Race, 2027 AGI, & The Return of History

    Leopold Aschenbrenner - China/US Super Intelligence Race, 2027 AGI, & The Return of History

    Chatted with my friend Leopold Aschenbrenner on the trillion dollar nationalized cluster, CCP espionage at AI labs, how unhobblings and scaling can lead to 2027 AGI, dangers of outsourcing clusters to Middle East, leaving OpenAI, and situational awareness.

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.

    Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes. Follow Leopold on Twitter.


    (00:00:00) – The trillion-dollar cluster and unhobbling

    (00:20:31) – AI 2028: The return of history

    (00:40:26) – Espionage & American AI superiority

    (01:08:20) – Geopolitical implications of AI

    (01:31:23) – State-led vs. private-led AI

    (02:12:23) – Becoming Valedictorian of Columbia at 19

    (02:30:35) – What happened at OpenAI

    (02:45:11) – Accelerating AI research progress

    (03:25:58) – Alignment

    (03:41:26) – On Germany, and understanding foreign perspectives

    (03:57:04) – Dwarkesh’s immigration story and path to the podcast

    (04:07:58) – Launching an AGI hedge fund

    (04:19:14) – Lessons from WWII

    (04:29:08) – Coda: Frederick the Great

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enJune 04, 2024

    John Schulman (OpenAI Cofounder) - Reasoning, RLHF, & Plan for 2027 AGI

    John Schulman (OpenAI Cofounder) - Reasoning, RLHF, & Plan for 2027 AGI

    Chatted with John Schulman (cofounded OpenAI and led ChatGPT creation) on how posttraining tames the shoggoth, and the nature of the progress to come...

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (00:00:00) - Pre-training, post-training, and future capabilities

    (00:16:57) - Plan for AGI 2025

    (00:29:19) - Teaching models to reason

    (00:40:50) - The Road to ChatGPT

    (00:52:13) - What makes for a good RL researcher?

    (01:00:58) - Keeping humans in the loop

    (01:15:15) - State of research, plateaus, and moats


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    * Your DNA shapes everything about you. Want to know how? Take 10% off our Premium DNA kit with code DWARKESH at mynucleus.com.

    * CommandBar is an AI user assistant that any software product can embed to non-annoyingly assist, support, and unleash their users. Used by forward-thinking CX, product, growth, and marketing teams. Learn more at commandbar.com.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    Mark Zuckerberg on:

    - Llama 3

    - open sourcing towards AGI

    - custom silicon, synthetic data, & energy constraints on scaling

    - Caesar Augustus, intelligence explosion, bioweapons, $10b models, & much more


    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Human edited transcript with helpful links here.


    (00:00:00) - Llama 3

    (00:08:32) - Coding on path to AGI

    (00:25:24) - Energy bottlenecks

    (00:33:20) - Is AI the most important technology ever?

    (00:37:21) - Dangers of open source

    (00:53:57) - Caesar Augustus and metaverse

    (01:04:53) - Open sourcing the $10b model & custom silicon

    (01:15:19) - Zuck as CEO of Google+


    If you’re interested in advertising on the podcast, fill out this form.

    * This episode is brought to you by Stripe, financial infrastructure for the internet. Millions of companies from Anthropic to Amazon use Stripe to accept payments, automate financial processes and grow their revenue. Learn more at stripe.com.

    * V7 Go is a tool to automate multimodal tasks using GenAI, reliably and at scale. Use code DWARKESH20 for 20% off on the pro plan. Learn more here.

    * CommandBar is an AI user assistant that any software product can embed to non-annoyingly assist, support, and unleash their users. Used by forward-thinking CX, product, growth, and marketing teams. Learn more at commandbar.com.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Sholto Douglas & Trenton Bricken - How to Build & Understand GPT-7's Mind

    Sholto Douglas & Trenton Bricken - How to Build & Understand GPT-7's Mind

    Had so much fun chatting with my good friends Trenton Bricken and Sholto Douglas on the podcast.

    No way to summarize it, except: 

    This is the best context dump out there on how LLMs are trained, what capabilities they're likely to soon have, and what exactly is going on inside them.

    You would be shocked how much of what I know about this field, I've learned just from talking with them.

    To the extent that you've enjoyed my other AI interviews, now you know why.

    So excited to put this out. Enjoy! I certainly did :)

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. 

    There's a transcript with links to all the papers the boys were throwing down - may help you follow along.

    Follow Trenton and Sholto on Twitter.


    (00:00:00) - Long contexts

    (00:16:12) - Intelligence is just associations

    (00:32:35) - Intelligence explosion & great researchers

    (01:06:52) - Superposition & secret communication

    (01:22:34) - Agents & true reasoning

    (01:34:40) - How Sholto & Trenton got into AI research

    (02:07:16) - Are feature spaces the wrong way to think about intelligence?

    (02:21:12) - Will interp actually work on superhuman models

    (02:45:05) - Sholto’s technical challenge for the audience

    (03:03:57) - Rapid fire

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Demis Hassabis - Scaling, Superhuman AIs, AlphaZero atop LLMs, Rogue Nations Threat

    Demis Hassabis - Scaling, Superhuman AIs, AlphaZero atop LLMs, Rogue Nations Threat

    Here is my episode with Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind

    We discuss:

    * Why scaling is an artform

    * Adding search, planning, & AlphaZero type training atop LLMs

    * Making sure rogue nations can't steal weights

    * The right way to align superhuman AIs and do an intelligence explosion

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.


    (0:00:00) - Nature of intelligence

    (0:05:56) - RL atop LLMs

    (0:16:31) - Scaling and alignment

    (0:24:13) - Timelines and intelligence explosion

    (0:28:42) - Gemini training

    (0:35:30) - Governance of superhuman AIs

    (0:40:42) - Safety, open source, and security of weights

    (0:47:00) - Multimodal and further progress

    (0:54:18) - Inside Google DeepMind

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Patrick Collison (Stripe CEO) - Craft, Beauty, & The Future of Payments

    Patrick Collison (Stripe CEO) - Craft, Beauty, & The Future of Payments

    We discuss:

    * what it takes to process $1 trillion/year

    * how to build multi-decade APIs, companies, and relationships

    * what's next for Stripe (increasing the GDP of the internet is quite an open ended prompt, and the Collison brothers are just getting started).

    Plus the amazing stuff they're doing at Arc Institute, the financial infrastructure for AI agents, playing devil's advocate against progress studies, and much more.

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (00:00:00) - Advice for 20-30 year olds

    (00:12:12) - Progress studies

    (00:22:21) - Arc Institute

    (00:34:27) - AI & Fast Grants

    (00:43:46) - Stripe history

    (00:55:44) - Stripe Climate

    (01:01:39) - Beauty & APIs

    (01:11:51) - Financial innards

    (01:28:16) - Stripe culture & future

    (01:41:56) - Virtues of big businesses

    (01:51:41) - John

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Tyler Cowen - Hayek, Keynes, & Smith on AI, Animal Spirits, Anarchy, & Growth

    Tyler Cowen - Hayek, Keynes, & Smith on AI, Animal Spirits, Anarchy, & Growth

    It was a great pleasure speaking with Tyler Cowen for the 3rd time.

    We discussed GOAT: Who is the Greatest Economist of all Time and Why Does it Matter?, especially in the context of how the insights of Hayek, Keynes, Smith, and other great economists help us make sense of AI, growth, animal spirits, prediction markets, alignment, central planning, and much more.

    The topics covered in this episode are too many to summarize. Hope you enjoy!

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (0:00:00) - John Maynard Keynes

    (00:17:16) - Controversy

    (00:25:02) - Fredrick von Hayek

    (00:47:41) - John Stuart Mill

    (00:52:41) - Adam Smith

    (00:58:31) - Coase, Schelling, & George

    (01:08:07) - Anarchy

    (01:13:16) - Cheap WMDs

    (01:23:18) - Technocracy & political philosophy

    (01:34:16) - AI & Scaling

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro [Narration]

    Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro [Narration]

    This is a narration of my blog post, Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro.

    You read the full post here: https://www.dwarkeshpatel.com/p/lyndon-johnson

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast platform. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future posts and episodes.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

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    NFT是啥東西?|數位時代再革命!|@華視三國演議|#范疇 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|20220219
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    All Gas, No Brakes in A.I. + Metaverse Update + Lessons From a Prompt Engineer

    All Gas, No Brakes in A.I. + Metaverse Update + Lessons From a Prompt Engineer

    ChatGPT can now hear, see and speak — and that’s just the start of the deluge of A.I. news this week. Kevin and Casey unpack the lightning-speed updates.

    Then, Meta’s next-generation headset, Quest 3, is here. Is there still hope for the metaverse?

    And: An interview with a prompt engineer. Yes, that’s a real job.

    Today’s Guest:

    • Riley Goodside is a prompt engineer at Scale A.I., a San Francisco start-up.

    Additional Reading:

    • Kevin Roose on ChatGPT, which can now see, hear and speak.
    • Spotify announced a new A.I.-powered voice-translation feature.
    • Meta announced the release of the Quest 3 headset.

    #132 - FraudGPT, Apple GPT, unlimited jailbreaks, RT-2, Frontier Model Forum, PhotoGuard

    #132 - FraudGPT, Apple GPT, unlimited jailbreaks, RT-2, Frontier Model Forum, PhotoGuard

    Our 132nd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

    Email us your questions and feedback at contact@lastweekin.ai

    Timestamps + links:

    Engine Design as a Holistic Adventure

    Engine Design as a Holistic Adventure

    Most listeners know that Huawei isn’t just a mobile phone company. But many might not realize that it runs a global network of research institutes that are working on optimizing engine development. Tobias Alexander Franke, principal game engine architect at Huawei, talks with Royal about why the company prefers working with open source 3D engines over commercial 3D engines. Highlighting the benefits of different perspectives, he believes open source collaboration results in a more well-rounded engine. Tobias and Royal reflect on other hot topics like the early days of the Open 3D Engine (O3DE) in GitHub, the need for standardization for greater interoperability and the development of the Metaverse.

    Guest Name, Title, Bio: Tobias Alexander Franke, Principal Game Engine Architect, Huawei

    Tobias Alexander Franke, principal game engine architect at Huawei, is an experienced graphics engineer with a background in both graphics research and the gaming industry. He holds a PhD from TU-Darmstadt focused on augmented reality, relighting and global illumination.


    #141 - Adobe AI upgrades, Ernie 4.0, TimeGPT, No Fakes Act, AI drones

    #141 - Adobe AI upgrades, Ernie 4.0, TimeGPT, No Fakes Act, AI drones

    Our 141st episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news, now back with the usual hosts!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

    Email us your questions and feedback at contact@lastweekin.ai

    Check out our sponsor, the SuperDataScience podcast. You can listen to SDS across all major podcasting platforms (e.g., Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts) plus there’s a video version on YouTube.

    Timestamps + Links: