
    About this Episode

    The question that faces us: do we have a fair-weather Christianity? Or, will our faith prevail throughout all circumstances. Luke continues to show who Jesus is and why we should put our faith in him.

    Recent Episodes from Crossway Christian Church

    Gifts and the Spirit

    Gifts and the Spirit
    Many people today take personality tests, helping them to understand themselves, and even the people around them, better. These same types of tests have been used, certainly erroneously, to assess what gifts God may have given to people. What special advantage has God given to you in the Spirit? How are you to use this for the church? Paul is trying to clarify for us the nature of gifts of the Spirit in Corinth, certainly something that we can gain from! Let us consider Paul’s thoughts this morning.

    Unity and the Lord's Supper

    Unity and the Lord's Supper
    Everyone likes to be complimented, to know that the job they are doing is being appreciated and seen. Last week, Paul started his comments by commending the Corinthians for their willingness to stick to the traditions. This gives the issues raised there a minor feel, as though they were a blip. This week however, no such commendation was given; Paul explicitly denies that he is doing anything of the such. The Corinthians’ disunity, demonstrated in the Lord’s Supper, is a problem near to their understanding of the gospel and shows just how deep their factions went.

    Cover Your Head!

    Cover Your Head!
    Tetris is one of the best-selling games of all time, and was ubiquitous for the people of my generation worldwide. The point was to arrange blocks as they fell into complete rows, making them disappear. This is not unlike biblical theology, where we take texts and problems and try to arrange them rightly. Sometimes, however, the blocks fall so fast and their arrangement so complicated, that we can feel quite overwhelmed. This is especially true for the most difficult passage in 1 Corinthians, where Paul deals with head coverings. Let us see if we can make some sense of this somewhat strange and enigmatic passage.

    The Glory of God and the Good of Others

    The Glory of God and the Good of Others
    Some things in this world are complicated because they need to be. MRI machines, the internal combustion engine, and the space shuttle are all tremendously complicated because they must be to do their job. There are, however, some things that are more difficult than they should be. Windshield wipers, IKEA furniture, and online recipes all seem needlessly complicated. So it is with Paul’s argument about meat in these last three chapters of 1 Corinthians. Why not just say “yes” or “no”? Primarily because Paul knew a good opportunity to teach when it presented itself. How should we handle ourselves in these situations?

    Our God-Given Rights

    Our God-Given Rights
    Our nation has sprung up from a declaration of rights. We are a people who love to claim their rights, to fight for their rights, even to say that we would gladly die for our rights. What if, for the good of others, God might be calling you to lay down your rights? Would you? Paul pleads with the Corinthians to see the good in setting aside their rights that others might flourish in the Lord.

    Doctrine and Love

    Doctrine and Love
    Doctrine has gotten a bad reputation in some segments of the church. For many, seeing the fights that have split the church over every jot and tittle in the Bible, doctrine is just a divisive force; one that divides but can never unify. We think differently. Yet, we must know the limits of our theology and our doctrine. Even when we get them right, we can be very wrong.

    Marriage, Singleness, and Belief

    Marriage, Singleness, and Belief
    Christians uphold marriage as a foundational part of the culture in which we live. We rightly understand how important marriage is financially for individuals, not to mention for the quality of life of children. 1 Corinthians 7 is the longest straightforward treatment of marriage in Scripture. What Paul has to say is both helpful and surprising.

    Holiness and the Work of God

    Holiness and the Work of God
    Christianity, in its most basic form, is quite an easy thing to understand. God, out of love for us and pleasure in his justice, became a man so that he might die in our place, taking our sin and death and defeating them forever. We proclaim this, so that anyone who trusts and believes in that might have eternal life in him. See, easy! But how are we to live here and now? Do we follow the law? Well, sort of, but not really. How are we to determine what is right and wrong? Here, as in many places, Paul gives us a helpful answer.

    The Love of Discipline

    The Love of Discipline
    There are many things in this life that we simply do not associate with one another. Pickles and ice cream; power and modesty; Christmas sweaters and class. These things simply belong in separate categories in our heads. Yet, there are many things that people generally feel do not mix well that are necessarily related. Discipline and love would rank high on that list. Discipline, even formal discipline, is a necessity within the church of Jesus, and is in fact a helpful and needed demonstration of our love.