
    Mastering the Grind: The Path to Achievement Pt.2 (on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast) | Ep 667

    enFebruary 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Relationships is a SkillFocus on personal growth, cultivate desirable traits, and master new skills to attract friendships and expand your network. Trust, energy regulation, and openness to new experiences are essential in forming meaningful relationships.

      Making friends and building relationships is a trainable skill that can lead to personal and professional success. The speaker shares his experience of befriending Joe Rogan and how trust, interesting experiences, and positive energy played a role in their friendship. He emphasizes that mastering any skill makes a person attractive and worthy of friendship. The speaker encourages individuals to focus on becoming the person they want to be by cultivating desirable traits and skills. He also highlights the importance of trust, energy regulation, and being open to new experiences in forming meaningful relationships. By continuously working on personal growth and mastering new skills, one can attract friendships and expand their network.

    • Break down large goals into smaller tasksTo achieve a daunting goal, focus on mastering smaller tasks instead of feeling overwhelmed by the larger objective.

      If you want to master a skill or achieve a goal that seems daunting, break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This approach allows you to focus on specific actions rather than feeling overwhelmed by the larger objective. Using charisma as an example, instead of trying to be charismatic as a whole, focus on mastering smaller skills such as making eye contact, using people's names, and nodding your head. By breaking down charisma into smaller components, it becomes more attainable and less intimidating. This method is similar to how we teach children their first words, by breaking down complex concepts into smaller, understandable pieces. So, if you're unsure of how to achieve a certain trait or skill, try breaking it down into smaller tasks and focus on mastering each one individually. This will ultimately help you reach your goal.

    • Focus on daily activities to achieve goalsBreak down goals into daily tasks, practice skills and traits to improve, focus on progress, not perfection.

      Breaking down your goals into manageable daily activities is key to achieving them. This requires identifying the skills and traits you need to develop and then finding ways to practice and improve them. Even traits that seem innate, like humor or charisma, can be cultivated through practice and training. So instead of focusing on what you can't do, focus on what you can do today to move closer to your goals. Whether it's learning a new skill, practicing humor in an improv class, or working on your physical presence, every step you take brings you closer to becoming the person you want to be.

    • Learning from successful people requires more volume than expectedTo succeed, increase your volume of effort and learn from those who have already achieved success

      Starting a business requires more effort and volume than you might initially expect. This was illustrated in a story about a man starting his first gym and trying to advertise using flyers, only to receive a call from an angry customer whose car had been scratched. The mentor he consulted later explained that he was testing with 5,000 flyers a month to determine which ones were effective. The man realized he was putting in a fraction of the effort compared to his mentor and that to succeed, he needed to increase his volume and learn from those who were already succeeding at a higher level. This concept applies to beginners making less than a million dollars, and the best strategy is to find successful people in your industry and learn from their volume of effort. By doubling the volume of effort put in, you can gain the necessary skills and leverage to catch up and eventually surpass them.

    • Consistency and Confidence: The Keys to Long-Term SuccessSuccess is a long-term endeavor requiring patience, effort, and the ability to learn from failures. Utilize the psychological tool of talking to an older, wiser version of yourself for guidance and alignment.

      Success is not an instant reward, but rather a result of consistent effort and hard work over an extended period. The speaker shares his personal experience of seeing a competitor seeming to have a successful life while he was starting his business, but what he didn't see was the years of failures and struggles that came before. He emphasizes the importance of putting in the reps and time to achieve one's goals. Furthermore, the speaker introduces the psychological tool of talking to an older version of oneself for guidance and alignment. He explains how traditional therapy models may lack competence, context, and alignment, and how this tool can provide all three. The Solomon paradox, a biblical reference to a wise but personally troubled king, inspired this practice.

    • Seeking advice from future self to find inner resolutionWriting to an imaginary future self, called 'Solomon', helps gain clarity and find inner resolution by providing perspective and ego-free judgment

      We often give better advice than we follow in our own lives. This phenomenon is known as the Solomon paradox. To help myself make decisions and gain perspective, I've created an imaginary future version of myself, whom I call "Solomon." Every Monday, I write to Solomon about my current situation and seek his advice. This practice helps me gain clarity and find resolutions. In the story shared, I had invested significant time and resources into a project, only for it to not go as planned due to a vendor's failure to deliver. Solomon helped me realize that I was the true product of my efforts and that my satisfaction should be enough. This exercise, free of ego and judgment, has been an effective tool for me to find inner resolution and growth.

    • Using 'Future Solomon' as a motivator for personal growthStrive for improvement, hold self accountable, and practice ruthless self-love using the 'Future Solomon' concept.

      Striving to better ourselves and leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit of personal growth is essential for self-love and accountability. Alex shares how he uses the concept of "future Solomon" as a motivator to push himself harder and close the gap between his efforts and results. This practice helps him stay true to himself and hold himself accountable, even when external validation may be lacking. Additionally, Alex emphasizes the importance of enrolling ourselves in our own truth and practicing ruthless self-love, which involves acknowledging our shortcomings and pushing ourselves to do better. The use of the Solomon frame, which removes external judgment, can be a powerful tool in this process. Overall, the key is to continually strive for improvement and hold ourselves accountable to our own standards, allowing us to truly love and appreciate ourselves.

    • Focus on present and potential for growthInstead of getting bogged down by past regrets or external opinions, focus on the present and the potential for growth. Approach life as a fresh consciousness to maintain a positive perspective and motivation for growth.

      It's important to focus on your own thoughts and desires rather than external opinions or past regrets when making decisions. The speaker shares how they used the frame of mind provided by a friend to help them consider the potential consequences of their actions, rather than getting bogged down in what others might think. They also discuss the idea of approaching life as a fresh consciousness, free from past mistakes and regrets, to help maintain a positive perspective and motivation for growth. Additionally, the speaker shares an experience of using this frame of mind during a legal dispute, which helped them realize that their dissatisfaction was largely based on unmet expectations rather than the actual impact on their life. Overall, the takeaway is to focus on the present and the potential for growth, rather than getting stuck in the past or external opinions.

    • Overcoming limiting beliefs and fearsAdopt frames like the Solomon frame, focus on absolute agency, accept and validate judgments, and use a 'yes, and' approach to continue growing and developing.

      Our limiting beliefs and fears, which often stem from perceived judgments or labels from others, can significantly hinder our personal and professional growth. However, by adopting frames like the Solomon frame and focusing on absolute agency, we can learn to let go of these fears and judgments, and continue to evolve into the best version of ourselves. This process involves accepting and validating the judgments of others while also increasing the perceived value of positive judgments and approvals. By sliding more marbles towards the side of the person we aspire to be, we can continue to grow and develop, rather than seeing our identity as a binary or fixed state. Additionally, instead of combating negative comments and judgments, we can use a "yes, and" approach to acknowledge and validate others' perspectives while maintaining our own sense of self-worth and value.

    • Acknowledging concerns for effective motivationValidating others' reasons for not succeeding can lead to more productive conversations and motivate them to take action

      Instead of engaging in unnecessary conflicts or debates, it's more effective to acknowledge and validate others' concerns or reasons for not being able to succeed. This approach, known as the "reason close," can be surprisingly powerful in motivating people to take action despite their reservations. By focusing on behaviors and actions rather than thoughts or beliefs, individuals can cut through distractions and focus on what truly matters for achieving their goals. In essence, recognizing that even "bad guys" or those with negative self-perceptions can still win, empowers individuals to take control of their circumstances and overcome obstacles.

    • Intelligence is a developing trait, not a fixed oneReflect on behaviors, adapt to new situations, and embrace challenges for continuous growth and intelligence improvement

      Intelligence is not just about inherent abilities, but also about the rate and willingness to learn and adapt new behaviors. The speaker emphasizes that intelligence is not a fixed trait, but something that can be developed and improved through experience. He encourages the audience to reflect on their own behaviors and consider how they have changed in response to new information or situations. The speaker also shares a personal story about how being challenged and pushed out of his comfort zone ultimately led to his success. Overall, the key takeaway is that intelligence and growth require a willingness to learn, adapt, and face challenges head-on.

    • Transformative power of criticismUse criticism as motivation, focus on daily actions towards goals, and start work promptly.

      Facing adversity and criticism can be transformative. The speaker shared a story from high school basketball where he was ridiculed by his team and crowd, but instead of letting it discourage him, he used it as motivation to perform better. This experience taught him that sometimes, it's not those who praise us, but those who challenge us, who bring out the best in us. Another key takeaway is the importance of consistency and action towards goals. The speaker mentioned the "rule of 100," which is to do 100 primary actions every day towards a goal. This could be promotion, content creation, or any other task related to achieving a specific objective. By breaking down the goal into manageable daily actions and focusing on the process rather than the outcome, we can make progress and overcome fear and procrastination. Lastly, the speaker emphasized the importance of starting work as soon as possible and avoiding extended morning routines that elongate the time before actually getting started. The work needs doing, and the faster we begin, the faster it will be completed.

    • Redefine winning and focus on personal growthInstead of fixating on external rewards, focus on the person you aspire to be and view each day as an opportunity to craft your masterpiece. Limit distractions and dedicate uninterrupted time to your goals to make progress and develop new skills.

      Redefining the concept of winning and focusing on the effort put into the work can lead to personal growth and success. Instead of fixating on external rewards, try associating the work with the person you aspire to be and view every day as an opportunity to craft your masterpiece. Additionally, limiting distractions and dedicating uninterrupted time to your goals can help you make progress and develop new skills. As Steven Pressfield suggests, simply showing up and putting in the effort is the first step to turning pro and achieving your goals. So, if you find yourself struggling with time or motivation, examine your daily habits and consider adjusting your mindset and priorities to make the most of your capabilities.

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    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (18:41) BONUS!

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    (4:30) Mock critique conversation

    (7:10) Real story of someone who became an *sshole

    (13:45) How this can make organizations stronger

    (16:41) Closing remarks

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    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (25:12) - Final thoughts on preparation

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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