
    Matt Fulchiron-162-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    enOctober 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Tom Segura's Nationwide Comedy Tour: Cities, Free Tickets, and PodcastsTom Segura is going on a comedy tour with stops in Houston, Minneapolis, Burbank, Pasadena, San Diego, Jacksonville, Hartford, and Washington D.C. Fans can get free tickets to his Minneapolis show by signing up on his website. He'll be recording podcasts with Bert Kreischer and his wife Christina. Tour starts in October and ends in November.

      Tom Segura, a comedian, is going on a nationwide comedy tour and invites his audience to attend his live shows in various cities. He will be performing in Houston, Minneapolis, Burbank, Pasadena, San Diego, Jacksonville, Hartford, and Washington D.C. Fans can get free tickets to his Minneapolis show by visiting his website and providing their email information. He also mentions upcoming podcast recordings with Bert Kreischer and his wife Christina. Additionally, he jokes about his baby's father and his current location with Joey Diaz. The tour kicks off in October and continues through November. Fans are encouraged to check his website for ticket information and upcoming podcast episodes.

    • Unexpected musical personas and genresArtists face challenges maintaining anger and authenticity in music as they become successful, and unexpected twists in their musical careers can reveal their true selves.

      The masked band Slipknot, originating from Des Moines, Iowa, is known for their intense music and anonymous identities. However, during this conversation, it was revealed that one of the band members, the lead singer, has a completely different persona and musical style under his real name. This contrast led to a discussion about the challenges of maintaining anger and authenticity in music, especially when artists become successful and have to continue performing. Another surprising revelation was Jada Pinkett Smith's involvement in a different genre of music. The conversation showcased the unexpected twists and turns in the music industry and the importance of staying true to oneself, even when facing the pressures of fame.

    • The importance of having a clear vision and purpose in a relationshipHaving a clear vision and purpose in a relationship keeps it focused and moving forward, adding meaning and direction.

      Having a clear vision and purpose is essential for any relationship, including marriage. The speaker's father knows many Hungarians and they discussed their accents and business plans. The speaker's family decided to start a family business as their bigger vision. Jaden, one of their children, has been making philosophical statements on Twitter, leading to a game of guessing whether the quotes were from Jaden or a philosopher. The importance of having a clear vision and purpose in a relationship was emphasized, as it helps keep the relationship focused and moving forward. Without it, one can get lost in the journey. The speaker's family found their purpose by starting a family business and incorporating their talents. It's essential to have a goal or a reason for being together, as it adds meaning and direction to the relationship.

    • The Power of PerceptionPerception shapes reality and can lead to misunderstandings. It's important to consider different perspectives to gain a more accurate understanding of the world.

      Perception is a powerful tool and can shape reality in unexpected ways. This was evident in a discussion about philosophers and their tweets, where the speakers were challenged to identify the correct philosopher based on their quotes. Jaden Smith's quote, "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?", was initially misattributed to Henry David Thoreau, but the speakers were corrected. The conversation then touched on the idea that it's not what we look at that matters, but what we see. This theme was further explored with references to Nietzsche's "God is dead" quote and John Stuart Mill's "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." The speakers also discussed the phenomenon of online harassment and how some individuals, like Jaden Smith and Paris Hilton, seem to be able to handle it with ease, while others, like Vanilla Ice, struggle. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of perspective and how it can shape our understanding of the world around us.

    • Unpredictable Behavior During Air TravelBeing mindful of others' actions and prepared for the unexpected can enhance your air travel experience.

      People's behavior during air travel can be unpredictable and frustrating, leading to uncomfortable situations. The speaker shares an experience of being disturbed by a woman repeatedly pushing the seatback during a red-eye flight, which prevented the speaker from sleeping. The woman's unapologetic attitude added to the speaker's frustration. The speaker also reflects on how passengers' choices, such as getting coffee instead of sleeping, can impact their overall travel experience. This incident reminded the speaker of the 9/11 hijackings and how people's complacency can lead to unexpected outcomes. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being mindful of others' actions and being prepared for the unexpected during air travel.

    • Unexpected discoveries can lead to significant changesDiscovering affordable alternatives or encountering unexpected situations can lead to savings, challenges, and newfound appreciation for life's little things

      Unexpected discoveries, whether it's finding affordable alternatives or encountering unexpected situations, can lead to significant changes and clarifications in our lives. For instance, discovering Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans can help save a substantial amount of money, while dealing with unexpected passengers on a plane can lead to unexpected challenges. Similarly, the convenience of telehealth services like HIMSS can help individuals address health concerns from the comfort of their own homes. These discoveries, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can lead to a newfound sense of clarity and appreciation for the little things. So, keep an open mind and be prepared for the unexpected, as it may lead to surprising benefits.

    • Entertaining stories of strange plane encountersListeners are treated to humorous anecdotes about unusual plane experiences, from accidentally dripping saliva to slow seat settlers.

      The speakers share various amusing anecdotes about their experiences on planes, including encounters with strange individuals and uncomfortable situations. One of these stories involves Bill Dwyer, who accidentally dripped saliva on a stranger while making jokes. Another involves a man who took his time settling into his first class seat, much to the frustration of those behind him. Despite these annoyances, the speakers remain entertained by the absurdity of the situations and find humor in them. Additionally, they announce the arrival of two new shirt designs for their podcast merchandise, which they encourage listeners to purchase.

    • Impact of Hate Speech and ViolenceUsing derogatory language and violence can lead to fear, harm, and negative consequences. Treat others with respect and dignity to foster positive interactions.

      The use of derogatory language and violent threats can have a profound impact on people and situations. The conversation in the text revolves around a man's experiences with bullying and intimidation. He recounts encounters with someone who uses hate speech and physical violence to assert dominance. The man reflects on these experiences and shares his fear of prison as a result of witnessing the destructive power of such behavior. Despite the threatening nature of the interactions, the man also finds moments of levity and connection, such as shared experiences and a shared sense of humor. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of treating others with respect and dignity, and the negative consequences of using violence and hate speech to assert power.

    • A scene from an adult film featuring bikes and unexpected objectsThe speakers found amusement and intrigue in a scene from an adult film, highlighting the allure of extreme acts for some viewers, and shared a humorous prank call recording

      The podcast discussion revolved around a memorable scene involving bikes and a surprising discovery during an adult film. The speakers found humor and fascination in the scene, particularly when they learned that a woman had multiple objects inserted into her at once. The conversation also touched upon the allure of such extreme acts for some viewers. Despite the unfortunate loss of audio from a live podcast episode featuring a prank call to a friend, the speakers shared a recording of a hilarious call made to their colleague Tom, which showcased his authentic and unfiltered personality.

    • Unexpected bathroom experiencesSharing humorous experiences, like difficult wipes, can create unexpected connections and bring laughter into everyday conversations

      The conversation between Shakira and Tom revolved around an unexpected and humorous topic: their experiences with wiping after using the bathroom. Shakira shared her experience of having a difficult time wiping clean, leading Tom to remember a similar incident he had with his father. Both found amusement in the shared experience and the unexpected connection it created. The conversation also touched upon the importance of knowing the rules to break them and the use of the Bristol stool chart as a way to understand and evaluate bowel movements. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of finding humor and connection in everyday experiences.

    • A father's unusual bowel talk and connectionDespite an odd obsession with discussing bowel movements, the father's unique identity and deep connection with his daughter shine through.

      The speaker's father has an unusual obsession with discussing his bowel movements in great detail. He even goes as far as evaluating the quality of his dumps and collecting special toilet paper for himself. This behavior started when the speaker was young, and it continues to be a significant part of their relationship. The father's actions might seem odd, but they hold a special meaning for the speaker, who finds it endearing and a sign of a deep connection between them. Additionally, the father's methodical approach to analyzing digital data is compared to surveying a crime scene, showing his thoroughness and expertise. The conversation also touches on the idea of having a unique identity, as the speaker and her father share an unusual interest that sets them apart from others.

    • Discussing Tom's special toilet needsOpen and honest communication is essential for families, even when discussing uncomfortable topics like bodily functions and special needs.

      Families have unique ways of communicating and dealing with sensitive topics. In this conversation, the topic was about Tom's special toilet needs and the process of getting a new one. Tom's friend Matt shared his experience of discussing this issue with Tom's father, who was understanding and accommodating. The conversation also touched on how some families have more open discussions about bodily functions, while others avoid them. The intent behind these conversations can vary, from providing advice and warnings to simply acknowledging the situation. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open and honest communication within families, even if the topics may be uncomfortable or taboo for some.

    • Strained Relationship with ParentsThe speaker's visit home was filled with intense scrutiny and concern from their parents, causing anxiety and stress. Their relationship is loving but filled with uncertainty and worry, contributing to the speaker's struggles with addiction.

      The speaker experienced a difficult and uncomfortable visit home due to intense scrutiny and concern from their parents about their life choices. This pressure, combined with their own struggles with addiction, led to a sense of entrapment and a desire for the visit to end. The speaker also mentioned that they find extended stays with their parents challenging and prefer shorter visits. The parents' concern and curiosity about the speaker's life and career choices were a source of anxiety and stress for the speaker. The speaker's relationship with their parents is loving but filled with uncertainty and worry, which the speaker finds overwhelming. The speaker's therapist has identified this dynamic as a contributing factor to the speaker's issues.

    • Parents' different perspectives on raising childrenBoth supportive and protective parenting styles have value, but taking risks and facing challenges are essential for personal growth.

      Parents often have different perspectives when it comes to their children's choices and experiences. While some parents may want to preserve their children's safety and security, others may encourage them to take risks and pursue their dreams. The speaker's father, for instance, has always been supportive of his decisions, even when they were unconventional. Meanwhile, the speaker's mother tends to worry more and wants to keep him safe. The speaker acknowledges that both perspectives have their merits, but ultimately believes that taking risks and facing challenges is necessary for personal growth. The conversation also reveals the speaker's close relationship with his parents, who are described as having a good sense of humor and being supportive, despite their different approaches to raising their child.

    • The comedian's vulnerability and depth of relationship revealed through fear and humorFear and humor intertwine in unexpected ways in relationships, revealing vulnerability and the importance of communication and being there for each other.

      Fear and humor intertwine in unexpected ways in the comedian's life. The comedian shares a fear of their spouse being harmed, just like their mother. They find comfort in acknowledging this shared fear and even find humor in it, as their husband also has a comedic bit about it. The conversation between them reveals the comedian's vulnerability and the depth of their relationship. Another theme that emerges is the importance of communication and being there for each other, even when it comes to seemingly absurd situations, like a fear of a random man at the ATM or a concern about a parent's safety. The conversation also touches on the comedian's past experiences and their father's stories from Vietnam, further highlighting the importance of sharing experiences and finding humor in them. Overall, the conversation illustrates the complexities of relationships, fear, and humor.

    • Making the most out of life's momentsEmbrace life's experiences, even the mundane ones, and live them to the fullest, just like lions marking their territory. Share amusing anecdotes and offer valuable advice, like Tom did in his conversation with his mother.

      Enjoying life involves making the most out of every experience, even the seemingly mundane ones. This was evident in the conversation between Tom and his mother, where they discussed various topics from podcasts and shirts to personal habits and advice. Tom, who is known for his podcast "Full Charge Power Hour," emphasized the importance of living life to the fullest, just like lions marking their territory with their scent. He also shared some amusing anecdotes, such as his unique approach to flatulence and his appreciation for high-quality discharge shirts. Another interesting aspect of the conversation was Tom's advice on wiping properly, which he compared to Oprah and Dr. Oz's influence in their respective fields. Overall, the conversation was filled with humor, insight, and a reminder to make the most out of every moment.

    Recent Episodes from Your Mom's House with Christina P. and Tom Segura

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    Chris Distefano Has A Pride Month Crush | Your Mom's House Ep. 765
    Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really sweet birthday shoutout for a TMY Studios staff member and immediately change the vibe with some very cool opening clips. They next discuss the trend of tattooed freckles and fake straight white teeth, before debating a question that has swept the internet, "man or bear?" Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Chris Distefano who has been doing some moving around New York recently and is still traumatized from his guest spot on YMH Live all those years back. Chris has some thoughts on straight farts, self-acceptance, and saving lives. Chris Distefano also may or may not have a little crush on an actor from the Netflix show Baby Reindeer. All that plus some TikToks! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 765 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Happy Juneteenth! (From Some Whites) | Your Mom's House Ep. 764

    Happy Juneteenth! (From Some Whites) | Your Mom's House Ep. 764
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM What's up, CHOMOS?!? Happy Juneteenth to all who observe. This week Tommy Bunz and Christine From Mom's House are riding solo and have got a lot of wild things to cover! They open the show with an irritable felon trying to ace a job interview. The Main Mommies next review some arson allegations of a TLC member, check out a "you know what I'm sayin" compilation from a past episode of The Danny Brown Show featuring the Insane Clown Posse, and get a hands-on (nose-on?) take of how bad the stench of women's prisons can get. We are also treated to a crazy Christina hotel story, stories of her hot head stepdad, another legendary Top Dog anecdote, the pitfalls of gender studies in foreign countries, an appreciation of public shaming, plus some more booger emails, some TikToks, and much more. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 764 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    No Bull w/ Johnny Pemberton | Your Mom's House Ep. 763

    No Bull w/ Johnny Pemberton | Your Mom's House Ep. 763
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://coorslight.com/summermusic to see how Coors Light can amplify your summer. - Download DoorDash and use code YMH24 to get 25% off up to $15 value when you spend $35 or more on drinks through DoorDash. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool opening clip of a vintage smut film featuring a very forward bus driver. Christina continues her investigations into Tom's digestive deviations and they read some follow up emails regarding a past clip of an Indian military ball bag exam and adults who eat boogers. Tom also gets a special shoutout from his neighbor Ted Cruz. Johnny Pemberton joins the Main Mommies fresh off the hype from his role in Amazon's adaptation of "Fallout". Tom, Christina, and Johnny discuss Pasadena, leaving notes on people's cars, HOA's, Disney adults, shits & giggles, and sharp minds. They also check out some horrible or hilarious clips, some TikToks curated by Christina, and an update from a guy who crashed his flying machine. I love you. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 763 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/momshouse What's up, chomos?!? Tim and Kristin are back and open the show being serenaded by classic cool guy, Bill Tapley aka The Third Eagle. They check in on what he's been up to lately before truly opening the show with a clip from a bad guess on "Wheel of Fortune". Christina also gets to the bottom of some mysterious things going on with Tom's bottom. The Main Mommies are next joined by a couple of white guys named Matt McCusker and Shane Gillis, who you may know from Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast, Tires, and a few other neat things. Tom and Christina welcome them to the show some incredibly thoughtful gifts, before they get into a conversation about teachers, hippies, Bridgerton, and blowing up toilets on the set of "Tires". Matt and Shane next meet the Double Soul Shaman and get a double dose of clips via Christina's Curations and some choice Horrible or Hilarious selections. They also check out some back adjustments, fat girl pride, and celebrity farts. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 762 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761

    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761
    SPONSORS: - Download the Doordash app and use promo code YMH24 - Get 20% Off + Free Shipping, with the code YMH at https://Manscaped.com - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassictees.com/YMH Here's the deal man, we are back once again with Tommy Bunz and Chistine from Mom's House riding solo! Tom's got some dental updates that you'll be able to hear for yourself and opens the show with a clip of a very giving lover. Before Christina gets too grossed out, Tom offers her the spotlight to share a shart story for the ages. The Main Mommies next talk about a recent trip to Italy and review some of the most fattening treats for all the Disney Adults out there. Tom also receives a very kind uplifting video message about a certain body part that's sure to warm the heart. We also dive into the comments section of an IG influencer nicknamed Baby Head, watch some clips of people making huge mistakes, and discuss the topic of "adult recess". TA TA THERE! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 761 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Raised by a MILF w/ Nick Thune | Your Mom's House Ep. 760

    Raised by a MILF w/ Nick Thune | Your Mom's House Ep. 760
    SPONSORS: - Go to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool guy with a really cool chicken joke before get into some benefits of how bad Christina's memory is. Tom and Christina also talk about overhearing confrontations from much more volatile marriages and show some video clips of their cool bathroom. Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Nick Thune who is currently touring with fellow comedian Nate Bargatze and he's looking quite fashionable these days. Nick and the Main Mommies talk about pop music, bread, parenting, accents, sitcom acting, Apatow comedies, hot moms, and things kids do that are just super annoying! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 760 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759
    SPONSORS: - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code YMH for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). https://Gametime.co - Head to https://policygenius.com/YMH to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. What’s up, chomos?! We open the show with a real banger of a track and because Tommy Bunz celebrated a birthday a little while ago, this week we’re going to get around and celebrate it! The YMH producers gathered a team of special well wishers and put together a birthday shoutout for Tom to watch including the likes of RPC, The King, Gene & Nick Simmons, and even Ernie Hudson just to name a few. Other fun stuff covered in this episode include, choosing a life partner, women’s prisons, #FartWalk, swearing in other languages, and we also found a dating site for Disney adults! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 759 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758
    SPONSORS: - Download DoorDash and get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Get Coors Light delivered straight to your door with Instacart by going to https://coorslight.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://Shopify.com/momshouse Put down Grandpa's cough medicine, it's a new episode of Your Mom's House with Tim and Kirsten! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P open the show by being serenaded by Gary Busey. They go off on some gross food video clips, before following up on an underdog story that happened because of some knucklehead soccer players in Thailand. They also do some accent work and look up the meanings behind some English words with French origins. Comedian and podcaster Harland Williams joins the Main Mommies and his hair is looking great! He's got a new movie coming out and he shares some fun stories from his very first movie role in "Dumb and Dumber". They also talk about the new plus size section at Target, "Terminator 2", aging, Naked Martin, and some natural health benefits from the Double Soul Shaman. And just to butter him up, Harland also reacts to some classic Horrible or Hilarious clips! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 758 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. Hi Mommies! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P have some new music tastes to talk about before opening the show with a guy who has a size question for all the ladies out there. They then show a video clip of their fully customized bathroom. This is the kinda guy ya gettin. Tom also plays a snippet from an old YMH episode where he predicts how his nose would turn out as an older man and then plays a clip of an old man senator having fun with some old timey words. Comedian and podcaster Ian Fidance joins the Main Mommies and he recently dropped a new comedy special "Wild, Happy & Free" which led to him filling out his childhood fantasy of being a ghostbuster and filming at the firehouse from the movie. Ian debates Tim and Kristin about his bisexuality, specifically the male kind, and determine if it's cap. They check-in with the Double Soul Shaman, check out Christina's new footwear choices, and play a quick would you rather, before getting into some of Christina's infamous TikTok curations. Are bi dudes cap? Chime in below! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 757 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Make America Laugh Again w/ David Lucas | Your Mom's House Ep. 756

    Make America Laugh Again w/ David Lucas | Your Mom's House Ep. 756
    SPONSORS: - Download DoorDash and use code YMH24 to get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. - Head to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code MOM It’s another episode of YMH with Todd and Kristine! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P have Kate Moss on the brain and open up with a deep dive on the world famous model's personal life. They then open the show for real with a clip of a very cool guy introducing us to a very cool game he likes to play! Tom and Christina then go into gross things they don't like in the opposite sex and personal dealbreakers they each have. Comedian David Lucas joins the Main Mommies and he recently dropped a new comedy special Live From The Comedy Mothership. He's become a polarizing figure recently as well, stemming from material poking fun at BLM and George Floyd. But David embraces the controversy and believes that jokes and humor can help with grief rather than hurt. The man's got some interesting opinions for sure. Tom and Christina show David some clips featuring a really cool guy's favorite game, modern dating, and scatting (not what you think). They chat about Kevin Samuels, things missed in LA, and jump into some of Christina's curations! Try it out. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 756 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Discovering Clarity One Bite at a Time course is now available!



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    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    About Traci Ruble:

    “I am a candid, clever, licensed California therapist living and working from Heidelberg, Germany. I am a no-BS couples therapy veteran. For 18 years I have been helping couples who have failed with multiple couples therapists before me to get some new growth points. I also listen on public sidewalks as a practice, to strangers, around the world.” 

    Check out Traci’s Website, Sidewalk Talk, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook



    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


    238: Belonging is a Critical Part of Identity & Purpose

    238: Belonging is a Critical Part of Identity & Purpose

    How Do You Belong to Yourself and to Others While Building Your Own Identity?


    Listen in as Sarah Elkins is joined by Paul Haury in an engaging conversation about the journey in self-belonging and Paul's story. Check it out today!

    Discovering Clarity One Bite at a Time course is now available!



    “Every single one of us is born without self belonging…somewhere along the way our self belonging forms in that space” - Paul Haury


    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Brown bottle flu reference

    Belonging by Owen Eastwood. 
    Brain Rules by John Medina. 


    About Paul Haury:

    “I guide people to experience belonging, in self-belonging, in their own brilliance, and within their company tribes, to really live & perform better than they ever imagined. In my most recent endeavors, I've served as VP of people & culture and as a professional coach, specializing in belonging and optimal performance for individuals and OrgDev. I believe we perform at our highest when we belong, and believe in shared purpose together. There, we simply fear less and aspire more.”

    Check out Paul’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.



    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


    240: How Do We Find Relevance in Life, What Happens When We Don't?

    240: How Do We Find Relevance in Life, What Happens When We Don't?

    Finding Meaning in YOUR Life

    Have you thought about what kind of person you are right now vs. who you were, or who you want to be in the future? Join in with Sarah Elkins as she discusses the journey of finding relevance in YOUR life and how stories can have a lasting contribution

    Check it out today!

    Discovering Clarity One Bite at a Time course is now available!


    “Maybe it feels a little morbid to think like this, and maybe, just maybe, by taking the time and making this effort at finding clarity, you’ll make adjustments to how you spend your time, the energy you put into relationships, and avoid future regret.” - Sarah Elkins


    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.