
    Matt Walsh on Toxic Masculinity, Cancel Culture, and Becoming The Top 0.1%

    enJanuary 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Mealtime Inspiration, Mental Health, and WomanhoodKroger offers affordable meal options and savings, PlushCare provides telehealth services for weight loss medications, mental health is emphasized, and the definition of womanhood is a topic of debate online.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for mealtime inspiration, coupled with everyday low prices and various savings opportunities, making it a worthwhile shopping destination. Meanwhile, PlushCare provides telehealth services, enabling individuals to consult with doctors about weight loss medications from home. Anxiety levels are high, and the importance of mental health is emphasized. Matt Walsh shared his past as a professional dancer during the interview, and the conversation touched on various topics, including definitions of womanhood and the impact of social media. The question "What is a woman?" gained significant attention online, leading to a viral tweet and Elon Musk's involvement. Twitter faced controversy over the screening of the film, but Elon Musk's involvement ultimately allowed it to be shared widely.

    • Twitter controversy over documentary on womanhoodDespite unexpected challenges, filmmakers successfully documented unique perspectives on womanhood

      The filmmakers had planned to premiere their documentary on Twitter with priority in news feeds, but at the last minute, the film was deemed hate speech and made difficult to share. This decision was reversed after Elon Musk's involvement. The experience of communicating with Musk led to feelings of imposter syndrome for the filmmakers. The documentary took approximately a year to make, and the team encountered unexpected challenges while filming, such as when they asked a traditional African tribe about the concept of womanhood and were met with confusion. The tribe's understanding of gender roles was similar to that of most societies throughout history, with men providing for the family and women staying home and caring for children. Despite these challenges, the filmmakers were able to capture unique perspectives and insights through their documentary.

    • Interviewee finds arguments of 'other side' in gender debate to be confusing and absurdDespite expectations, no valid arguments or surprising insights were found in the gender debate, leaving question about sincerity and belief.

      Key takeaway from the discussion in the What is a Woman documentary is that the interviewee found the arguments of those identifying as the other side of the token, who hold beliefs that men can have babies and should be allowed in women's restrooms, to be fundamentally confused and absurd. The interviewer admitted that they went in with certain expectations but found no valid arguments or surprising insights. They questioned how many of these people truly believe what they're saying and noted that even experts' opinions were often repeated by normal people on the street without full belief. The interviewer also shared their personal resolution for the new year, which is to get in better shape using Hero's low-carb and high-protein bread products. The discussion didn't provide any significant insights into how the interviewee got started with The Daily Wire.

    • From radio to blogging: Overcoming challenges and finding successStarting small and persevering in media can lead to success. Adapt to new platforms, stay authentic, and engage with your audience to build a following.

      The path to success in media, whether it be podcasting or blogging, often begins with humble beginnings and perseverance. The speaker started in radio at a young age, working long hours and moving up through the industry during its decline. When he transitioned to blogging, he experienced viral success with a review of "Les Miserables," but struggled to keep readers due to the niche focus of his content. It wasn't until he figured out how to consistently engage with his audience that he was able to build a following. The importance of adapting to new platforms and technologies, as well as being authentic to one's voice, were also key factors in his journey.

    • Finding a profitable niche and creating content can lead to financial successIdentifying a niche and creating valuable content can lead to significant financial gains, even with limited resources. Utilize platforms like Shopify to help turn ideas into successful businesses.

      Identifying a niche and creating content around it can lead to significant financial success, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience with blogging about parenting and cultural controversies. The speaker's blog gained a large following through social media, and the revenue from ads exceeded their previous salary. However, the effectiveness of social media for reaching a large audience has since decreased, and building a successful online presence now requires different strategies. Despite the challenges, the speaker encourages entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and use resources like Shopify to help turn their ideas into thriving businesses.

    • The impact of technology on personal growth and happinessTechnology can enhance convenience and efficiency, but excessive reliance may hinder essential life skills, contribute to anxiety and depression, and negatively impact overall happiness and mental well-being.

      Technology, while providing convenience and efficiency, can also lead to a lack of presence in the current moment and potentially hinder personal growth and happiness. The speaker shares his personal experience of enjoying the freedom and navigational skills gained from working as a pizza delivery driver before GPS, and expresses concern that our increasing reliance on technology may be taking away essential life skills and making us more vulnerable. He also raises questions about the overall impact of technology on happiness and mental well-being, suggesting that despite advancements, anxiety and depression are on the rise. Ultimately, he argues that every aspect of our lives should contribute to our overall improvement and happiness, and that relying too heavily on technology may be detrimental.

    • Over-reliance on technology can lead to a lack of awarenessOver-relying on technology can hinder our ability to be present in the moment and fully engage with our surroundings.

      Our reliance on technology, particularly smartphones, can lead to a lack of conscious awareness of our surroundings and the world around us. The speaker shared an experience of getting lost while driving and being unable to admit it due to fear of appearing lost or incompetent. He admitted that this situation was a result of his over-reliance on GPS technology. The speaker also noted that people seem to be more engrossed in their phones than ever before, leading to a lack of presence in the moment. He lamented that while technology has advanced, it has also become more absorbing and time-consuming, with social media platforms like Twitter being particularly dangerous due to their potential for negative content and addictive scrolling. The speaker acknowledged that as someone who works in content creation, he spends a lot of time on the phone, but encouraged the importance of being aware of one's technology use and making a conscious effort to be present in the moment.

    • Understanding the importance of evolving principlesRecognizing that principles shape us and can change as we gain new experiences is essential for healthy growth. Parenting is an example where being a friend and a disciplinarian are both necessary, but the balance must be struck carefully.

      Being exposed to graphic content on a daily basis, especially when it lacks context or is used for gawking rather than raising awareness, can be unnatural and unhealthy. Our principles and ideals shape who we are, and they can evolve as we grow and gain new experiences. For instance, parenting principles can change as we move from theory to practice. It's essential to understand that discipline is necessary but being overly lenient or too strict can both have negative consequences. As a parent, it's crucial to be a friend to your child, but not their equal. The distinction between being a friend and a parent is important. When determining an appropriate punishment for a child's misbehavior, consider the situation, the child's age, and the nature of the offense. Ultimately, being aware of the principles that guide our actions and allowing them to evolve as needed can help us navigate the complexities of life.

    • Balancing boundaries and emotions in parentingEffective parenting requires emotional control, avoiding excessive punishment while angry, limiting tech use for children's safety and balanced development, and striking a balance between safety and exploration.

      Effective parenting involves finding a balance between setting boundaries and maintaining emotional control. Being overly dogmatic or overly lenient can be detrimental. Parents should avoid administering punishments while angry, as it sets a poor example for children. Emotional control is essential for children as they often struggle with their emotions and react irrationally to frustration. Regarding technology use, parents should limit access to protect children from harmful content and ensure they have a balanced childhood. The potential dangers of unfettered Internet access include exposure to pornography, violence, and a lack of imagination and creativity. Ultimately, parents must strike a balance between safety and allowing children to explore and grow.

    • Safety and community in children's outdoor play and relationshipsAllow children to play outside if it's safe and the community supports it. In relationships, focus on communication beyond first impressions.

      Safety and community are important considerations when deciding on allowing children to play outside unsupervised. The speaker shares his personal experience growing up in a safe neighborhood and allowing his children to play outside, but acknowledges that this may not be feasible for everyone. He also emphasizes the importance of high-quality content creation and introduces StreamYard as a cost-effective solution. In their conversation about relationships, the speaker met his wife on a dating site designed for serious relationships, and while physical attraction played a role, he was also drawn to her maturity and seriousness. He suggests that while first impressions can be important, actual communication is necessary to determine compatibility.

    • Finding compatibility in values and principlesFocus on essential values and principles when seeking a marriage partner. Get to know people before committing, and avoid viewing marriage as a business merger.

      Finding a compatible partner for marriage involves more than just personality or superficial attractions. It's essential to ensure that your fundamental values and principles align. The speaker emphasized that this alignment was crucial in his own marriage and was a significant factor in his decision to propose. He also mentioned that it's essential to date and get to know people before making a commitment, as this can help you determine if there's fundamental compatibility. The speaker warned against viewing marriage as a business merger or focusing too much on quirks or annoyances that can be dealt with over time. Instead, he encouraged focusing on the essential aspects of compatibility and being open to starting a new phase of life once married. He also emphasized that there isn't one "perfect" person out there for everyone, but rather that compatibility can be found in various people.

    • Marriage is a choice, not a fateHonesty, communication, and respect are essential for a healthy and lasting marriage. Marriage vows hold power through commitment, and roles can be reversed but require mutual respect.

      Marriage is a choice made by two individuals, not a predestined fate. The power of marriage vows comes from the commitment each person makes to the other. Honesty and communication are essential in a relationship, even when discussing sensitive topics like appearance. While some may find simplicity in relationships and life in general, others may find complexity. Role reversals in marriages, such as a stay-at-home husband, can work for some couples but may lead to feelings of uselessness and emasculation for the husband and disrespect from the wife for others. Respect between partners is crucial for a healthy and lasting marriage.

    • Finding happiness through doing what we're meant to doHappiness is not something we can force, it's a byproduct of living our lives to the fullest and doing what we're meant to do.

      Happiness is not something we can conjure up on demand, but rather a byproduct of doing what we're meant to do in life. The speaker suggests that men, in particular, are wired to provide and care for their families, and finding fulfillment in doing so. However, if someone feels unhappy or unfulfilled, they should not focus too much on their feelings or try to fix themselves before taking action. Instead, they should look for ways to do what they're supposed to do in life and find happiness in the process. The speaker also mentions that people often focus too much on their feelings and get stuck in their own minds, and encourages them to take action and find happiness through doing. The speaker also mentions that if someone is unhappy with a certain aspect of their life, it may not be that they need to stop doing it, but rather look at it differently. Overall, the takeaway is that happiness is not something we can chase after, but rather something that comes from living our lives to the fullest and doing what we're meant to do.

    • Finding Fulfillment as a Parent: Love and Self-SacrificeParents find true love and fulfillment through self-sacrifice and a desire to help their children thrive. Love is about wanting the best for someone else and finding joy in the little moments. Everyone has a unique calling to be a parent in some capacity.

      While there may be individuals who express regret over having children, true love and fulfillment as a parent come from self-sacrifice and a desire to help your child thrive. The speaker emphasizes that love is about wanting the best for someone else and finding joy in the little moments. Parents have the power to choose their perspective and find happiness in the challenges of raising children, rather than focusing on their own frustrations. Additionally, everyone has a unique calling to be a parent in some capacity, whether through biological means or through service to others.

    • Experiencing selflessness through acting rolesTrue fulfillment comes from selflessness, even in acting roles that challenge our identities.

      True fulfillment in life cannot be found through self-centered pursuits alone. Being a selfless person is a choice, and it's about acting and behaving in a way that benefits others, even if it goes against one's natural inclinations. Regarding the topic of acting, the speaker shared an experience where they were cast in a role that was the complete opposite of their identity in a film. Despite not being asked about playing a woman or a gay character, they were happy to take on the obnoxious role given to them. Lastly, the speaker expressed their belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life, citing the vastness of the universe as the primary reason.

    • The Universe's Vastness Suggests the Presence of Life Beyond EarthThe left's cultural dominance is due to long-term control of institutions, but their recent 'woke' approach may lead to backlash and decreased success

      The universe is vast, with an estimated 1 trillion planets in it, making it unlikely that Earth is the only planet with life. Using the analogy of an island with only a beach visible, it would be irrational to assume the entire island is empty based on what we can see. The left's cultural dominance can be attributed to their long-term capture of major institutions, including academia, media, corporate America, and the government, which allowed them to shape the minds of new generations and spread their ideas subtly. However, their recent overtly "woke" approach has led to backlash and decreased box office success for companies like Disney.

    • Subtlety and relatability in spreading ideasHistorically, the left has been more successful in spreading subtle, relatable ideas. The right is improving but progress is slow. Make ideas engaging, relatable, and subtly integrated to be effective.

      The effectiveness of spreading ideas, whether from the left or the right, lies in subtlety and relatability rather than being overtly preachy. Historically, the left has been more successful in this regard, while the right has struggled, particularly in the entertainment industry. Leaving a shopping cart at the store instead of returning it might seem like a minor offense, but it can be indicative of deeper character flaws, reflecting a lack of consideration for others and a potential disregard for societal norms. This small action, like other seemingly insignificant behaviors, can reveal larger underlying traits. The right is starting to improve in this area, but progress is slow. Ultimately, the key to successfully spreading ideas is to make them engaging, relatable, and subtly integrated into the narrative, rather than being a heavy-handed message that turns people off.

    • Actions have consequences, even if smallRecognize the impact of small actions and take responsibility for them. Distinguish between pet peeves and moral issues.

      Small actions can have significant consequences, and it's important to take responsibility for them. The story about the dented car illustrates this, as the speaker and his friend were falsely accused and had to pay for damages, even though it wasn't their child who caused it. Similarly, when the speaker's young son threw a rock and hit a car, the owner could have chosen to make a bigger deal out of it, but instead, they resolved the issue informally. These incidents highlight the importance of owning up to our actions, no matter how small they may seem. Another theme that emerged from the conversation was the distinction between pet peeves and moral issues. The speaker made it clear that the topics he was discussing were not just personal quirks, but rather objective moral issues that should be addressed. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and recognizing the difference between pet peeves and moral issues.

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    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED   Range Rover Sport: Start designing your Range Rover Sport today at https://www.LandRoverUSA.com Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard   FOLLOW LEILA HORMOZI: https://www.instagram.com/leilahormozi NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. Time Stamps : 0:00 - Intro 1:07 - How Leila overcame a troublesome childhood to become successful 8:08 - What was it like to be arrested? 9:11 - How she escaped the bad path she was on. 12:13 - Can you reprogram your fears to motivate yourself? 15:37 - Why Leila doesn't speak to her mother. 26:01 - How she healed by using logic 30:03 - How can you change your life if you feel stuck? 32:49 - How has studying behavioral psychology contributed to where you are today? 38:52 - How to stop overthinking 41:11 - Leila's 6 life cheat codes 46:27 - How to beat procrastination 48:10 - If you started over, what is the fastest way to make $1,000,000 50:27 - Body positivity movement 56:55 - Current food trends and how they contribute to the obesity epidemic 01:05:26 - Fitness and diet dogma 01:10:05 - Can anyone make it in sales? 01:13:00 - Will AI take over sales? 01:21:30 - Why does Leila want to make $1,000,000,000 01:25:27 - Who is your biggest mentor? 01:28:16 - How does a billionaire act differently from a normal person? 01:31:40 - How are you able to work so much without burning out? 01:38:22 - Thoughts on the current state of the economy 01:42:16 - Managing remote workers 01:43:21 - What is Acquisition.com? 01:47:39 - Thoughts on having children? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard https://www.instagram.com/justinwinwaller7/ https://x.com/Waller7J NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:10 - The Best Way To Cold Approach Women 6:50 - Justin Waller’s Background 7:32 - Getting BANNED From YouTube 14:40 - Earning Confidence vs Building Confidence 19:46 - Stop Watching Videos, Start Doing. 28:58 - Has The Entrepreneurial “Grindset” Gone Too Far? 32:20 - How People In Their 20’s & 30’s Are Getting SCREWED 40:25 - Fake Happiness vs Real Happiness 49:51 - “Be Frugal With Things You Don’t Care About & Extravagant With Things You Do” 1:00:23 - High Value vs Low Value Men 1:05:28 - The Disadvantages Of Being Attractive 1:08:32 - The Ultimate Guide To Having Relationships With Women 1:19:18 - The Viral “Break Up Song” W/ The Tate Brothers 1:27:26 - How To Get Out Of “The Friend Zone” & Get Back W/ An Ex 1:32:33 - How To Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You 1:47:42 - Bro Code 1:53:37 - Fasting & Getting A 6 Pack 2:04:01 - Justin Waller’s Gym Routine 2:10:49 - How “Failing” Is The Real Key To Success 2:14:20 - How To Handle Your Emotions As A Man 2:19:18 - Story: Justin Waller’s Dog Passing Away 2:25:07 - The Importance Of Religion 2:26:40 - Justin Waller Breaks Down His Businesses 2:29:31- How Much Does Justin Work? 2:38:48 - Justin On Online Hate 2:40:47 - The Time Justin Met Donald & Baron Trump 2:47:54 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    The Iced Coffee Hour
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    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED https://www.instagram.com/kevinolearytv NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Why You Shouldn't Become An Entrepreneur - 0:50 Why "Watch Insurance" Is A Scam - 6:14 The BEST First Watch To Get - 11:08 The Most Overrated Watch - 15:38 Why Kevin Fired His Own Mother - 16:59 Kevin O’Leary Explains The Value Of Time - 20:29 What Body Language Tells You About A Person - 28:23 Kevin O'Leary's BEST Shark Tank Investments - 34:08 Why A Morning Routine Is Crucial - 38:11 Pitching A Product VS Pitching Yourself - 50:36 Kevin O'Leary On TikTok Being Chinese Spyware - 54:33 What Is The Role Of The Government? - 58:07 Is Being Poor Your Fault? - 1:02:03 Why The Tax Rate Should Be Flat - 1:06:22 Why California's $20 Minimum Wage Is A Huge Mistake - 1:10:00 Will AI take over the US job market? - 1:10:48 Kevin’s Dating Advice To Jack - 1:15:00 Why Kevin LOVES Business Of Death & Divorce - 1:27:56 Something Most People Don't Know About Kevin O'Leary - 1:30:42 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 27, 2024

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Follow Don Lemon: YouTube @TheDonLemonShow Twitter / X: https://x.com/donlemon/ Instagram:   / donlemonofficial   Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Does Mainstream Media Divide People On Purpose? - 1:37 How Self-Reporting "Neutral Networks" Are A Big Problem - 8:43 Why CNN Is The "Most Trusted News Source" - 12:04 Why Don Was Fired From CNN - 15:48 Don Lemon on "X" As A News Source - 17:59 Do Billionaires Pay Less In Taxes? - 22:48 Should There Be Billionaires? - 24:16 Is Don Lemon A Patriot? - 25:41 Is Social Media Moderation A Violation Of Free Speech? - 26:06 Don Explains His Disagreement W/ Elon Musk On "Free speech" - 32:46 Should People Listen To The News? - 38:55 Don Lemon Explains Why “The Elon Musk Interview" Went Well - 40:10 How Don ALMOST Signed A Contract W/ Elon Musk - 44:53 How Don Prepped For The Elon Musk Interview- 57:44 Don Explains The Dangers Of Echo Chambers - 1:04:29 How Tucker Carlson Could’ve Interviewed Putin Better - 1:10:26 Common Misunderstandings About Don Lemon - 1:12:00 Don Clarifies His Controversial Comment: "White Men Are the Biggest Terror Threat" - 1:16:30 Rapid Fire Questions About “The Republican Party” - 1:19:28 Closing Remarks - 1:22:32 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 21, 2024

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis    / @insidetruecrime   NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 The First Fraud Mathew Cox Ever Committed - 3:24 Matt’s Secret To Staying Calm Under Pressure - 12:34 Exploring Matt Cox's History with Fraud - 18:00 How Much Money Matt Was Making From His First Scam - 24:14 Matthew Starts His Own Fraudulent Brokerage - 30:16 Getting Caught By The FBI (Wearing A Wire) - 48:03 Why Criminals ALWAYS Turn In Their Accomplice - 58:52 Matt Cox On Cheating and His CRAZY Ex Wife - 1:06:51 Making Synthetic Identities & Buying Houses W/ Them - 1:11:16 How To Make A Living After 13 Years In Prison - 1:46:07 How Matthew’s Henchmen Started Getting Arrested - 1:55:31 What It's Like To Be "On The Run" - 2:06:43 Matt Almost Gets Caught At The Bank - 2:16:58 Why Matt Started Stealing Homeless People’s Identities - 2:23:42 Matt’s Scheme Begins To Unravel - 2:28:23 Running From The Secret Service & Fleeing To Tennessee - 2:53:33 Matt’s Big Mistake: A New Girlfriend - 2:56:42 Matt Gets Caught - 3:06:38 The Lawyer In Prison Who Stole $200 Million From The Federal... - 3:36:14 Matt Cox On Meeting His Ex Wife - 4:01:24 Why It’s Easier To Commit Worse Crimes After You’ve Done One - 4:08:47 The Real Story Behind The Movie "Catch Me If You Can" - 4:13:14 How The Fraud Matt Cox Committed Could've Been Stopped - 4:15:21 Matt Cox Teaches Jack How To Get A Girlfriend - 4:18:23 Closing Thoughts - 4:25:50 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 14, 2024

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Ahrefs: Sign up for Ahrefs Free Webmaster Tool at https://www.ahrefs.com/awt Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Subscribe to @mikhaila Mikhaila Peterson Here Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Intro - 0:00 What It Is Like Growing Up With Jordan Peterson As Your Father - 1:20 Don't Listen To Stupid Rules - 5:51 How Jordan's VIRAL Argument Impacted The Peterson Family - 7:27 Why Mikhaila ONLY Eats Steak - 12:31 How Mikhaila Knew She Was Depressed - 13:22 Can Depression Be Solved For Anybody? - 16:12 How Diet Cured Mikhaila's Depression - 17:31 Mikhaila Explains 'The Lion Diet' - 20:54 The Ideal Diet For The Average Person - 41:06 How Mikhaila Prepares Her Steaks - 42:12 Mikhaila's Thoughts On Veganism - 42:54 Why Mikhaila & Jordan Are So Controversial - 43:41 Mikhaila On 'The Sunday Times' Hit Piece & Negative Media - 49:38 Why Billionaires Support Media Publications - 52:40 Why Mikhaila Has ZERO TRUST For The Medical System - 59:11 Depression vs Deep Sadness - 1:04:45 How The "Trans Issue" Has Gotten Out Of Hand - 1:07:57 The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Children - 1:10:36 Mikhaila's Relationship W/ God & Religion - 1:13:58 Mikhaila On Her Dad - Jordan Peterson - 1:21:56 Does Mikhaila Feel Like She Is Living In Her Father's Shadow? - 1:23:49 Is Modern Dating Screwed? - 1:27:11 Why Mikhaila Got Married After ONLY 3 Months - 1:35:14 The Advantages Of Working With Your Spouse - 1:40:53 What Divorce Taught Mikhaila - 1:44:01 Is It Good To Be Brutally Honest? - 1:49:08 Closing Thoughts - 1:59:03 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Prolon: Go to https://prolonlife.com/ich for 10% off their 5-day nutrition program https://www.youtube.com/@FlashShelton https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-elderly-remove-their-squatters NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Why Flash Started Hunting Squatters 5:12 - The Type Of Person Who “Squats” 8:56 - How Flash Got Squatters Out Of His Mom’s House 12:41 - How Much It Costs to Remove A Squatter 17:25 - The ONE WAY To Stop Squatters 23:28 - The Common Ways Squatters Are Taking Homes Right Now 26:33 - It’s ILLEGAL For Homeowners To Do This… 28:55 - The Commonalities Between People Who Squat 31:16 - How Flash Gets Squatters To Leave 37:05 - What Flash CAN vs CAN’T Do To Get Rid Of Squatters 40:12 - How This Old Woman’s Caregiver Ruined Her Life 42:58 - The Adam Fleishman Squatter Story *SUPER SAD* 52:20 - Why Suing A Squatter Is Nearly Impossible 56:12 - How YOU Can Protect Your Property From Squatters 59:42 - Flash’s Thoughts On Florida Taking A Stand Against Squatting 1:03:36 - How Do Squatters Pick A House? 1:09:01 - Why Lease Agreements Aren’t Treated Like Contracts 1:14:06 - ‘Getting Rid Of Squatters’: How Flash’s Business Works 1:19:17 - The Hardest Squatter Flash Has Ever Tried To Remove 1:24:52 - Backlash Flash Has Received For Removing Squatters 1:27:33 - Squatter In Hollywood Hills EXPLOITS AirBnB 1:32:10 - The CRAZIEST Squatter Situation Flash Has Dealt With 1:36:14 - The Person Trying To SCAM Flash For $100,000?! 1:46:09 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    Mike D



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