
    Maximize Team Performance: Clare Willson on Kolbe & PRINT Tools

    enMay 16, 2023

    About this Episode

    Do you want your team to work more efficiently and collaboratively by identifying and utilizing each team member's unique strengths? If so, Clare Willson has the solution to help you achieve increased productivity and improved collaboration through understanding your team's strengths. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Recent Episodes from Wellness Center Creators

    Building a Successful Wellness Business with Melinda Choy

    Building a Successful Wellness Business with Melinda Choy
    Where do you begin when you want to create your own wellness center? Hey everyone! In this episode of the Wellness Center Creators podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Melinda Choy, a practitioner and clinic owner who's making waves in the world of holistic medicine. Melinda's story is pretty incredible - it all started when she saw her parents struggling with various health issues. That's what sparked her interest in alternative remedies and set her on the path to becoming a natural therapies superstar. "I spent a lot of time going in and out of hospitals, doctor's appointments, and various treatments for them. And I always felt somewhat disgruntled with the conventional medical system." Melinda is the real deal. She's got an impressive background, having worked in healthcare administration before becoming a provider herself. She eventually opened her own clinic, Elevate Wellness Center, where she's created a unique business model that brings together a bunch of different practitioners. Talk about a dream team! During our chat, Melinda shared some great insights about her journey and how Elevate Wellness Center came to be. She opened up about how seeing her parents' health struggles fueled her passion for alternative therapies, and how her experiences in the insurance industry and acupuncture school helped shape her vision for a holistic clinic. "There's all these beautiful modalities and people aren't really working synergistically together." Trust me, if you're into holistic medicine or thinking about starting your own clinic, you won't want to miss this episode. Melinda's story is full of valuable tips and inspiration for healthcare providers who want to make a real difference. Plus, we dive into the importance of collaboration, building an awesome team, and creating a welcoming space for patients. So whether you're a healthcare provider, an aspiring entrepreneur, or just someone who's curious about holistic wellness, this episode is definitely worth a listen. Melinda's expertise and experiences are sure to give you some great ideas and motivation. "It's not about being smart, it's about taking risks." If you want to learn more about Melinda and Elevate Wellness Center, head over to their website at http://www.elevate-wellness.com. And don't forget to follow them on social media for updates and wellness tips. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on the amazing things they're doing in the world of holistic medicine. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Wellness Center Creators podcast. Stay tuned for more awesome conversations with wellness industry experts and entrepreneurs. Until next time! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Mastering the Art of Online Programs with Lori Kennedy

    Mastering the Art of Online Programs with Lori Kennedy
    Ever wonder what it takes to build a successful online program in the wellness industry? In this episode of my podcast, I had an enlightening chat with Lori Kennedy about mastering online program creation. With extensive wellness industry expertise, Lori provided invaluable insights on transitioning from one-on-one work to scalable online offerings. As a seasoned professional, Lori realized practitioners need new approaches to grow their impact. She helps coaches design programs aligned to their skills and goals, whether one-on-one support, group coaching, a fusion model, or self-guided learning. "I realized very quickly after working with a handful of clients that the model that I was taught, the model to sell time, 60-minute sessions for $150… That was not actually going to set me up for success." Lori explained the unique benefits of each program type, so practitioners can effectively deliver their methodology to more clients. By choosing the right framework, we can share our gifts at scale. This conversation is essential listening for any wellness pro aiming to create online programs and scalable income streams. Lori inspired me with practical guidance on overcoming obstacles and building resilience. "I wanted to find a way to be able to have it all. I wanted to find a way to be able to do what I wanted to do, to work with people, to support them because my life was transformed by a naturopath. I wanted to be successful, and I also really wanted to be present with my kids. That was really important to me." To explore more of Lori's wisdom, visit her website or on Instagram @lorikennedyinc and take her free quiz to uncover the ideal program model for you. I'm grateful to Lori for providing a roadmap to unlock the power of online learning. Tune in to step into the future of your wellness business! Thank you for joining me on the Wellness Center Creators Podcast. Stay tuned for more conversations with inspiring health care leaders and innovators! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Building Trust and Improving Patient Communication with Josh Satterlee, DC pt3

    Building Trust and Improving Patient Communication with Josh Satterlee, DC pt3
    How to build trust and effective communication in patient care. This is the focus of part 3 of my insightful discussion with chiropractor Josh Satterlee, DC. If you haven’t listened to parts 1 and 2 yet, you might want to go back, so you can get a full understanding of Josh’s PATCH communication framework. As the founder of Trust Driven Care software, Josh brings valuable expertise on improving patient experiences. He shared how personal losses led him to develop the PATCH framework and his software, unifying communication channels into one inbox. This streamlines interactions for providers and receptionists. "We pull that all together and unify it in a conversation inbox, regardless of how it comes in, or how it needs to go out." Josh emphasized tailoring messaging to individual needs, using templates for efficiency, and scheduling follow-ups to boost engagement. His insights on personalized communication strategies demonstrate the power of meeting patients where they are. This conversation provides invaluable guidance for any healthcare professional aiming to enhance patient trust and satisfaction. Josh offers tools to create more compassionate, patient-centered experiences. "We're trying to help you build trust with your patients... because if you don't have trust with your patient, you've got an uphill battle." To learn more about Josh Satterlee and Trust Driven Care, visit his website or book a demo. Their platform can elevate your practice's communication and care. I'm grateful to Josh for joining me to discuss the human side of healthcare. His focus on building connections will resonate with anyone dedicated to improving patient relationships. And stay tuned for part three of the interview, coming next week! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Exploring Trauma-Informed Care and Patient Communication: A Conversation with Kendall Hagensen pt2

    Exploring Trauma-Informed Care and Patient Communication: A Conversation with Kendall Hagensen pt2
    This is part 2 of my conversation with chiropractor Josh Satterlee, DC about the concept of trauma-informed care and how it can transform patient communication. Josh and I share practical methods on how to convey information based on individual needs. "How does your patient in front of you interpret information? How do they process it? And then how can you find the bright spots and expand them?" Together, we explored the importance of understanding patients' interpretation and processing styles. Josh offered tips like using visual aids or technology to improve comprehension for different learning preferences. We also discussed the intricacies of addressing family members and establishing trust, especially with resistant patients. Josh and I both emphasized the power of a safe environment where patients feel seen and heard. This conversation provides invaluable communication guidance for any healthcare professional aiming to improve rapport and provide personalized care. This trauma-informed perspective demonstrates how we can build connections by honoring each person's unique experiences. I'm grateful to Josh for sharing his wisdom and equipping healthcare providers with practical tools to better serve our patients. This compassionate approach to communication has the power to transform lives. And stay tuned for part three of the interview, coming next week! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Exploring Trauma-Informed Care and Patient Communication: A Conversation with Kendall Hagensen pt1

    Exploring Trauma-Informed Care and Patient Communication: A Conversation with Kendall Hagensen pt1
    In this episode, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by chiropractor Josh Satterlee, DC about the concept of trauma-informed care and how it can transform patient communication. As a mental health counselor, I shared my perspective on adopting a trauma-informed approach in clinical settings. "What I mean by trauma informed is that we are considering the whole person that we are interacting with and assuming most of the time correctly that they are of course coming into this interaction with us with their own unique life story." Drawing from our experience, we outlined how we implement trauma-informed principles in our practices, from hiring staff to interactions with patients. By considering each person's unique experiences and responses, we aim to create a safe, supportive environment tailored to their needs. Together, Josh and I explored the mindset shift involved in trauma-informed care - understanding what happened to someone rather than what is wrong with them. We discussed the value of validating patient experiences, promoting autonomy, and involving them in treatment plans. "We're looking at them as a whole person and we're involving them in their treatment plan... if I'm going to ask my patient to do something at home or we're going to ask them to go take 10 supplements, the first question is, how does this work within your lifestyle? Does this feel manageable? And let's form it in a way that it does." For medical professionals and employers, this episode offers insights on improving collaboration through open communication and establishing trust. Josh and I emphasize the power of creating safe spaces where people feel comfortable sharing their stories. I'm grateful to Josh for an enlightening dialogue on patient care centered around understanding and compassion. His trauma-informed approach offers a model for supporting patients on their health journeys. Join us for this compelling conversation about the human side of healthcare. And stay tuned for part two of the interview, coming next week! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Redefining Leadership in the Workplace with Julianne Guinasso

    Redefining Leadership in the Workplace with Julianne Guinasso
    In this episode, I have an enlightening conversation with Julianne Guinasso, a licensed marriage and family therapist, about the critical role of work culture and relationships in the workplace. As a therapist turned consultant, Julianne realized the need to support leaders in fostering psychologically safe environments. Through her expertise, Julianne helps small business owners and fellow therapists redefine leadership and build empowering, human-centered work cultures. She sheds light on how neglecting the relational aspects of work can hurt employee performance and wellbeing. "Your work culture will drive your practice and your ability to differentiate yourself." - Julianne Guinasso Together, Julianne and I explore the impact of trust, transparency, and authenticity in leadership. We discuss strategies leaders can use to help employees feel safe being themselves and expressing their thoughts and emotions freely. We also address the challenges of balancing boundaries in the workplace. This episode offers valuable insights for anyone aiming to improve their leadership, build workplace trust, and prioritize psychological safety on their teams. Small business owners, group practice leaders, and therapists will benefit from Julianne’s guidance on redefining their approach. To learn more about Julianne and her work empowering leaders, visit levelupleaders.org. You can also connect with her on Instagram @levelupleaders. Don’t miss the opportunity to take her free leadership assessment and unlock your strengths. Thank you for joining me on the Wellness Center Creators Podcast. Stay tuned for more conversations with inspiring health care leaders and innovators! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    The Evolution of a Wellness Center: A Candid Conversation with Kendall Hagensen Part 2

    The Evolution of a Wellness Center: A Candid Conversation with Kendall Hagensen Part 2
    I’m back with the second half of my conversation with Anna Rudel, discussing my journey as a practice and business owner. We chat about the highlights and challenges of running a wellness business and opening a second location. I also share some of my goals for 2024 and my process for setting goals and task management. During the interview, we discuss the highlights of the past year, including hosting an in-person coaching event and opening a new spa location. I also delve into the challenges of managing a second location and the impact it had on our existing team. I share my experience of finding the right people, creating a seamless experience for clients, and maintaining the integrity of my collaborative team. "The point was that we're actually doing different things at those physical spaces and that our patients can go seamlessly between them and still receive collaborative care from the whole team." - Kendall Hagensen This episode is a good one for entrepreneurs in the wellness industry who are considering expanding their businesses or opening a second location. It provides valuable insights into the process of scaling a business and offers practical advice on managing a growing team and maintaining a high standard of care. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    The Evolution of a Wellness Center Pt 1: A Candid Conversation with Kendall Hagensen

    The Evolution of a Wellness Center Pt 1: A Candid Conversation with Kendall Hagensen
    In this episode I sit down with coach Anna Rudel to discuss my journey as a practice and business owner. From my background as a somatic psychotherapist to my role as a coach and consultant, I share my insights and experiences in building a successful wellness center. It was so fun to be in the “hot seat” for a change! As you may know, I’m a somatic psychotherapist and dance movement therapist who founded Vancouver Wellness Studio in 2016. As an expert in creating multidisciplinary healthcare clinics, I have been providing coaching and consulting services to wellness business owners and healthcare providers. My personal journey with multiple sclerosis led me to design my business to run efficiently without my direct involvement, allowing for self-sustainability and continued care for patients. "I've always been a very inquisitive person and just very vigilant and aware of human behavior. And so I would watch other people going through hard things and notice how they were doing it and what worked and what didn't work." - Kendall Hagensen During the interview, Anna and I dive deep into several topics. I share my initial vision for Vancouver Wellness Studio and how it has evolved over the years. We discuss the importance of creating a structure that allows the clinic to function without my presence, ensuring that patients receive consistent care and support. I also share insights on the challenges and rewards of being a practice owner, including the importance of creating a supportive and collaborative team. This episode is perfect for wellness business owners and healthcare providers who are looking to build successful multidisciplinary practices. My personal journey and unique approach to leadership provide valuable lessons and inspiration for those seeking to create a sustainable and fulfilling wellness center. "I've chosen this path. And it's really a privilege to be in this role and lead the team and to step back and witness... I just kind of watch patients come out of treatment rooms. It's the best thing ever." - Kendall Hagensen Join Anna and I for this engaging and insightful conversation about the evolution of a wellness center. Tune in to gain valuable tips and inspiration for building a successful practice and creating a thriving team. And stay tuned for part two of the interview, coming next week! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Exploring the Power of Intuition and Psychism with Emily O'Neal

    Exploring the Power of Intuition and Psychism with Emily O'Neal
    In this episode, I talk with Emily O'Neal, the founder of Blooming Wand, a business that helps people connect deeply with their intuition and inner guidance. Emily shares her expertise in intuitive readings, mediumship, and intuitive coaching, offering valuable insights into the transformative power of tarot, psychism, and intuitive arts. "Intuition is our deep knowing of what is right for us and when certain things are right for us and when they're not. And we live in a really busy, fast-paced world." - Emily O'Neal Emily has built her business by helping individuals embrace change and develop a stronger connection to their intuition. With her intuitive healing modalities, including psychism, mediumship, and tarot, she guides people in understanding themselves on a deeper level and using symbolic imagery to explore the human experience. During this interview, Emily explains why tarot is not just for predicting the future, but a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding. She discusses the misconceptions surrounding tarot and shares how it can be used as a gateway to connect with different parts of ourselves and bypass the thinking mind. The conversation also delves into the importance of intuition as our superpower and how it can guide us towards what is right for us. Emily emphasizes the need to trust our intuition in a busy, fast-paced world filled with information overload. She shares personal experiences and stories that highlight the profound impact of intuition on our lives. This episode is for healthcare providers and wellness center owners like myself who are looking to incorporate intuitive healing practices into their centers. Emily offers valuable insights on how to vet practitioners and ensure they adhere to ethical standards. She also emphasizes the importance of ongoing support and working with clients over time to facilitate transformative experiences. To learn more about Emily O'Neal and her work, listeners can visit her website, bloomingwand.com. The website offers a wealth of free resources, including podcasts and informative content. Those interested in working with Emily can easily book online through her website. Join me, Kendall Hagensen, and Emily O'Neal in this enlightening episode, as we unravel the mysteries of intuition and the power of intuitive healing modalities. Unleash your own intuition and embark on a journey towards self-discovery and transformation. Also, don't miss the Blooming Wand Podcast, available on all major podcast platforms. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    How to Build a Practice that Runs Without You with Jeff Russell

    How to Build a Practice that Runs Without You with Jeff Russell
    In this episode, I talk with Jeff Russell, a successful entrepreneur and business owner, about the importance of mindset and creating a practice that can run without the owner. Jeff shares his journey starting multiple successful businesses and provides valuable insights on how practice owners like myself can achieve freedom and success. Jeff Russell is a seasoned entrepreneur with five successful businesses under his belt. He started his journey in the medical field, specializing in medical equipment financing and leasing. With his background in coding and logical problem-solving, Jeff quickly systemized his businesses, allowing them to generate revenue even when he's not physically present. He shares his expertise on how to create a practice that can run without me as the owner, emphasizing the need to adopt a mindset that focuses on the future and the value of the business. "If you create a practice that requires you to be there day to day, you've actually devalued your retirement future." - Jeff Russell During the interview, Jeff discusses the importance of having a clear personal purpose and why it's crucial for practice owners like me to envision ourselves firing ourselves from our own practice. He explains that by building a practice that doesn't rely solely on the owner, it increases the value of the business and allows for a more fulfilling and balanced life. Jeff also emphasizes the need for practice owners to take time off and dedicate it to thinking strategically and planning for the future. This episode is a must-listen for practice owners who want to create a practice that can thrive without their constant presence. Jeff provides practical advice and steps on how I can hire the right people, delegate tasks, and build a team of self-motivated individuals. If you're a practice owner looking to achieve freedom and success, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn from Jeff's experience and expertise, and discover how you can create a practice that runs smoothly even when you're not there. To learn more about Jeff Russell and his work, visit his website at fireyourselffirst.com. You can also find his book, "Fire Yourself First," on Audible and in print. Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock success and create a practice that can run without you. Listen to this episode now! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sign up for the 2024 retreat! https://wellnesscentercreators.com/retreats Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!