
    May 2022 Google Core Update Status, Author Schema, Apple Search Engine, SEO Tech Issues

    enJune 02, 2022

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Bill Hartzer talks about the May 2022 Google Core Search Engine Update and it's status. He goes on to talk about RankSense being acquired by SEOClarity, and the new Google Author Markup Help Guide for Article Structured Data. There's a rumor that Apple will launch a new search engine, and you'll hear his thoughts around that. John Mcalpin has a new Search Engine Land article that talks about 4 SEO tech issues that the SEO Tools won't show you, and how to check them. Finally, Bill Hartzer talks about a new site that allows you to search for photos of you that you probably didn't know even existed. It uses AI technology to match up your face with other photos to find photos of you.

    Recent Episodes from Digital Marketing with Bill Hartzer

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    Accidental SEO Manager: Interview With Author Ash Nallawalla
    In this episode of the Digital Marketing with Bill Hartzer, Bill Hartzer speaks with Ash Nallawalla, the author if the Accidental SEO Manager book.

    Accidental SEO Manager is the first book in a series written for search engine optimization (SEO) managers and the C-suite. It gives them a high-level view of the subject and offers tips on how to hire and manage in-house and remote SEO teams, find the best SEO consultants and agencies, and get the best outcomes for online success. It covers the nuances of keywords versus entities, types of content, the relevance of links and rankings, managing online reputation, and finally, the SEO strategy process.

    The Accidental SEO Manager is available now on Amazon and Amazon Kindle.

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    Google Search Console Report, HTTPs, Schema Markup, Stolen Domains, DNS, and SpamHero
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    The Facebook Internet Tracking Settlement is again mentioned, and Bill Hartzer provides an update on the rankings and how he's created a video that's ranking well for that trending keyword phrase. He goes on to talk about other opportunities for ranking a page or ranking content quickly, and how to get into Google News. Should SEOs know the difference between crawling, indexing, and ranking? Bill Hartzer lets you know his view on that. Then, finally, he talks about an example site with over 1,000 unique domains linking to the site, but the Trust Flow is abnormally low. Listed to the podcast to get his take on why this site has so many good links but the TF is low and the site's having ranking problems.

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    May 2022 Google Core Update Status, Author Schema, Apple Search Engine, SEO Tech Issues

    May 2022 Google Core Update Status, Author Schema, Apple Search Engine, SEO Tech Issues
    In this episode, Bill Hartzer talks about the May 2022 Google Core Search Engine Update and it's status. He goes on to talk about RankSense being acquired by SEOClarity, and the new Google Author Markup Help Guide for Article Structured Data. There's a rumor that Apple will launch a new search engine, and you'll hear his thoughts around that. John Mcalpin has a new Search Engine Land article that talks about 4 SEO tech issues that the SEO Tools won't show you, and how to check them. Finally, Bill Hartzer talks about a new site that allows you to search for photos of you that you probably didn't know even existed. It uses AI technology to match up your face with other photos to find photos of you.