
    Mayorkas Impeachment Trial TODAY-the Inside Story & Everything You Need to Know

    enApril 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating Wins, Saving Lives, and Political EventsChumba Casino offers cash prize games, Pre Born saves lives through ultrasounds and counseling, HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy, Senate impeachment trial of Alejandro Mayorkas, Switch to Patriot Mobile for non-leftist cell phone coverage

      There are various ways to celebrate wins, from fist pumping to high fiving, and for those looking for a chance to win real cash prizes, Chumba Casino offers over 100 social casino style games. Meanwhile, it's important to remember the value of life, even before birth, as Pre Born saves lives daily by providing ultrasounds and counseling to mothers with unplanned pregnancies. Another crucial matter is ensuring medical bill accuracy, which HealthLock helps achieve by securely connecting with insurance and flagging errors. In the political sphere, the ongoing impeachment trial of Alejandro Mayorkas in the Senate is expected to be a significant event, with Democrats potentially attempting to avoid accountability for border issues. Lastly, consider your cell phone usage and ensure your money isn't supporting causes you don't agree with by switching to Patriot Mobile, which offers the same coverage as major carriers but without the leftist donations.

    • Supporting Conservative Causes with Patriot MobileUsing Patriot Mobile for phone service contributes 5% towards conservative causes and rights each month.

      Using Patriot Mobile for your phone service not only provides you with reliable service but also supports conservative causes and rights. Every month, about 5% of your bill goes towards funding free speech, religious freedom, the Second Amendment, conservative candidates, and right to life organizations. Additionally, businesses can switch all their lines to Patriot Mobile. Yesterday, the articles of impeachment were presented in the Senate, marking the start of the impeachment trial. Under normal circumstances, a resolution outlining the trial schedule would be adopted. However, the Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, are trying to avoid a trial and not allowing the house managers to present any evidence. The first step in the trial process is for all senators to be sworn in as jurors today at 1 PM.

    • Democrats try to dodge Senate trial on Biden impeachmentDemocrats, led by Schumer, plan to dismiss Biden impeachment trial in Senate to avoid damning evidence on open border policies, relying on media to ignore the issue.

      Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, are attempting to avoid a Senate trial on the impeachment of President Joe Biden due to damning evidence against open border policies. This evidence includes deaths from drugs, sexual assaults, and other related issues. Democrats lack a counterargument and rely on corporate media to ignore the issue. Historically, in all but four instances, when the House has delivered articles of impeachment to the Senate, the Senate has conducted a trial, allowing the house managers to present their evidence. However, in this case, Schumer intends to file a motion to table or dismiss, and every Democrat is expected to vote with him. This strategy is driven by fear of the evidence, which they cannot defend.

    • Senators' Role in Impeachment Trials: Adjudicating Facts and LawsSenators in impeachment trials act as fact-finders and law interpreters, contrasting the personal connections involved in jury trials. Mayorkas' trial revealed potential law violations and disregard for immigration laws, but the trial's speed and quietness raised concerns about political motivations.

      During the impeachment trial of Alejandro Mayorkas, former Senator Tom Harkin emphasized the unique role of senators in the impeachment process, which includes adjudicating facts and laws, despite potential connections and relationships with those being impeached. Harkin highlighted the stark contrast between the impeachment process and a jury trial, where senators may have personal connections to the defendant, which is not possible in a jury. During the trial, it was discussed that Mayorkas had defied several federal laws and statutes regarding immigration enforcement. For instance, he issued guidelines instructing DHS personnel not to rely on the fact of a conviction alone when considering enforcement actions against removable non-citizens. This directly violated federal law. Moreover, during Mayorkas' tenure, the number of encountered aliens skyrocketed from an average of 590,000 a year during the Trump administration to 2,400,000 in fiscal year 2023. These numbers, combined with the increased strain on cities like New York, raised concerns about the administration's disregard for existing immigration laws and the potential impact on American citizens. Despite these concerns, Senate Majority Leader Schumer aimed for a quick and quiet impeachment trial, with little attention given to the facts presented. This raised questions about the impartiality of the process and the potential for political motivations.

    • NYC Mayor Concerned About Financial Burden of Migrant CrisisThe NYC mayor anticipates spending $13.5B over 4 years due to migrant crisis, leading to potential cuts in essential services. Dems in Senate showed little interest during a hearing on the issue, with some absent.

      The New York City mayor has expressed grave concerns about the financial burden caused by the migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border. In fiscal year 2023, the city spent $1,450,000,000 on this issue and anticipates spending an additional $12,000,000,000 over the next three years, leading to potential cuts in essential city services. During Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' tenure, the number of non-citizens on the terrorist watch list attempting to cross the border has significantly increased. In fiscal year 2021, 15 individuals were caught, which increased to 98 in fiscal year 2022, 169 in fiscal year 2023, and 49 so far in fiscal year 2024. Democrats in the Senate showed little interest during a hearing on this issue, with some appearing indifferent and others absent. The most notable absence was Senator Jon Tester from Montana, who was the most vulnerable Democrat on the ballot in November and typically presents as a moderate. Tester was nowhere to be found during the reading of the articles of impeachment, reappearing only after the house managers had left. His absence suggested a lack of commitment to addressing this critical issue.

    • Politicians' Words vs Actions on Border CrisisDespite some politicians' strong anti-illegal immigration stance, their actions may not reflect their words. The border crisis continues, with serious consequences, and is a major election issue.

      While some politicians may express strong opinions against illegal immigration and border security, their actions may not align with their words. For instance, Senator Schumer is pushing for the dismissal of the trial on the border crisis, allegedly to protect Democratic senators from the political fallout of their open border policies. Meanwhile, Ammo Squared offers a solution for individuals to ensure they have ammunition stockpiled, a crucial consideration in times of ammo shortages. The border crisis is a significant issue, with serious consequences such as deaths, suffering, and human trafficking. This issue is likely to be a major topic in the upcoming elections, as the public holds politicians accountable for their actions regarding border security.

    • Senate Impeachment Trial of Mayorkas Faces Procedural ChallengesSenate is debating the procedure for Secretary Mayorkas' impeachment trial, with Democrats favoring a committee and Republicans pushing for a floor trial. The outcome remains uncertain due to procedural disputes and concerns over potential lies to Congress.

      The ongoing impeachment trial of Secretary Mayorkas in the Senate is expected to face significant procedural challenges. Senator Mike Lee has proposed conducting the trial on the Senate floor, while Democrats prefer appointing an impeachment committee to oversee the trial. Lee believes the trial should be held on the Senate floor due to its significance, but given the Democrats' control, they plan to follow the historical precedent of appointing an impeachment committee for sub-presidential impeachments. The scheduling order proposed by the Democrats would allow votes on both Lee's and Lee's resolutions, as well as points of order raising objections. However, some Republicans are objecting to this order, which could lead to a motion to table and a swift conclusion to the trial without proper debate. This is frustrating for those who believe in the importance of presenting evidence to the American people, as under the rules, points of order do not allow for extensive argumentation. Moreover, there is a growing concern that Secretary Mayorkas has lied to Congress, and some senators want to ensure accountability. However, the trial's outcome remains uncertain due to the ongoing procedural disputes.

    • Democrats' inconsistent stance on impeachmentDemocrats previously advocated for impeachment when presidents or cabinet members broke the law, but now plan to block evidence and vote against impeachment for DHS Secretary Mayorkas, while ICE arrests criminals released due to sanctuary policies.

      There is a significant discrepancy between the Democratic Party's stance on the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas for lying to Congress about border security and their previous arguments that impeachment is the proper remedy when a president or cabinet member defies the law. The Biden Justice Department argued for impeachment in a Supreme Court case regarding immigration law, but now Democrats plan to block all evidence and vote against impeachment without a trial, claiming there is no evidence of a high crime and misdemeanor. Meanwhile, ICE continues to arrest criminals, including child rapists, who are being released by the Biden administration and local authorities due to sanctuary policies, raising concerns about public safety.

    • Democrats prioritize power over people's safetyDemocrats accused of releasing criminals, leading to tragic consequences, while prioritizing political power over people's safety

      The speaker passionately argues that the Democratic Party is prioritizing political power over people's safety, specifically regarding the issue of illegal immigration. They claim that the Democrats are releasing criminals and rapists into society, leading to tragic consequences such as murders and rapes. The speaker expresses anger and frustration towards the Democrats for their lack of action and concern, and urges listeners to donate to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to help provide bomb shelters in Israel. The speaker also shares past statements from Democrats, including Schumer and Mayorkas, denying the existence of a crisis at the border despite evidence to the contrary.

    • Democratic leaders view border crisis as policy disagreementDemocratic leaders like Chuck Schumer advocate for open borders and downplay crisis consequences, while acknowledging potential political fallout for some Democrats during impeachment trial.

      Democratic Party leaders like Chuck Schumer are advocating for an open border policy and view the ongoing crisis at the border as a mere policy disagreement. During a press conference, Schumer repeatedly emphasized the need to resolve the issue quickly and that impeachment should not be used for policy disputes. However, he did not defend the policy itself or acknowledge the potential negative consequences, such as increased revenue for drug cartels and human traffickers. The speaker expressed concern that some Democrats in tough races might vote for a motion to dismiss the impeachment charges, and warned that this could be used against them on the campaign trail. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic about the future of the country and believes that people's eyes are opening up to the reality of the situation. The trial is seen as an important step in raising awareness about the issue.

    • Recycling leftover paintReduce paint waste by buying only needed amount, using up existing paint, and recycling at designated drop-off sites. Visit paintcare.org for more info.

      Making recycling leftover paint a part of your painting routine is simple and convenient. You can do this by visiting your local paint store for drop-off locations. To reduce paint waste even further, follow the "3 Simple Rules for Painting Smarter" – first, buy only the amount of paint you need for your project; second, use up any existing paint you have before buying new; and third, recycle the remaining paint at a designated drop-off site. By implementing these practices, you'll not only help the environment but also save money and resources. To learn more about these rules and find a paint drop-off site near you, visit paintcare.org.

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