
    About this Episode

    Thank you for listening to another episode in the series I am calling "meeting my body" in this series I discuss the different ways that I became aware of my body's needs over time. The topic of this episode is learning to trust a partner. This came as a major challenge to me and I realized, after a long time, that I actually needed to learn to trust myself before I'd be able to trust my partner. 

    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    Recent Episodes from The Tea Time Podcast

    Messy Middle Series and Jon

    Messy Middle Series and Jon

    Welcome to another episode of the Messy Middle series. This episode features my husband Jon and what he believes constitutes the messy middle. I think you will suprised by his definition. The messy middle is an analogy derived from the part of the caterpillar journey where everything turns into mush. I believe it is important to honor the middle phase. Especially now when before and after's are so popular but no one really gets the opportunity to showcase the part where everything is in the mess...or what I like to call the "messy middle". Thank you for being here. Thank you for taking the time to listen. 


    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.




    Messy Middle Series and Hannah

    Messy Middle Series and Hannah

    Welcome to the first interview in the messy middle series. This episode features my freind Hannah. I believe the messy middle is the part of our lives that needs to be showcased the absolute most. Yet we are often only exposed to the begining and the end. The middle is where the real magic of transformation exists. It has become a passion of mine to show the middle. On this episode my dear friend Hannah shares her version of the middle. Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 


    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.




    Introducing Messy Middle Series

    Introducing Messy Middle Series

    Welcome to episode 56. I am starting a new series called "The Messy Middle" showcasing the stories from my peers facing their messy middle moments before everything feels clear again. It is too often that we only get to see the tip of the iceburg...the before and after all shiny and new.  I feel like it is important to show the part where everything starts to break down before it can be built up new again. This series is my attempt to shine a light on the messy parts that make us who we are. 


    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    Learning to Play After Trauma

    Learning to Play After Trauma

    Welcome to episode 55! Thank you for being here. This episode is all about learning to play as an adult, coming from a household that did not value play time or hobby time. I am learning these things now and it is not without hardship. All too often I heard that playing or learning a new hobby would be a waste of my time. When I reached a point in my life where I had time to play I had no idea what to do. This episode is all about giving permission to learn to play and enjoy the time I get. 


    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    How To Find Home In The Body

    How To Find Home In The Body

    Welcome back to another episode. Thank you for being here. This episode is all about coming home to the body. I searched and searched and I couldn't find the place outside myself to feel safe in. I left the comforts of my home and hit the road in search of the place I could feel safe. It turns out I was carrying it with me all along. I had to come home to my body. Even in the most simple moments. In this episode I share what it means to come home to the body and to find safety deep inside. 


    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    Starting Over From Scratch

    Starting Over From Scratch

    Thank you for joining me on this episode. It has been such a long time since the last time I recorded and I wanted to be able to catch up on what I've been up to. Since my last episode, we sold our house and almost all our belongings and moved into a 32 foot motorhome to travel the U.S. with the intention of finding some land to put our roots down. This episode features a fly on the wall moment on day 3 of our new life. I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    Marrying Yin and Yang Energy In The Body

    Marrying Yin and Yang Energy In The Body

    Yin and Yang are symbols of balance. The topic of this podcast episdoe is my take on what it means to marry yin and yang in the body. In other words, what it means to exhibit the balance of both the female and masculine energy in order to be a whole and fully functioning human being. It is important to understand the masculine and the feminine energies on a level that your body truly knows. Learn when to rest and when to take action by listening to your body's innate needs and cycles. 


    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    What it Really Looks Like to Hide From Emotions

    What it Really Looks Like to Hide From Emotions

    Sometimes being busy means there is a lot to get done, but sometimes being busy means there is something being avoided. Often this can take the form of an emotion that feels upsetting to focus on. The topic of this episode is about disassociation and how it can look in the real world to hide from emotions. 

    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.



    Doing "All The Things" to Heal the Body

    Doing "All The Things" to Heal the Body

    The topic of this episode is staying in the body while still in pain. When the body is in crisis it is normal to want to disconnect. This episode discusses the importance of staying with your body while it is in it's deepest need. 

    Thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time to listen. 

    If you want to know more about me please check out my website. I am most active on my instagram channel.

