
    About this Episode

    The Paranromal Guys are taking a skeptical look into claims made by Mel Waters about a mysterious and treacherous hole he found on his property during a Coast to Coast Radio broadcast. Michael and Jesse look to a Youtube interview with a man named Red Elk who has personal knowledge that may just be able to penetrate the mystery into Mel's Hole.

    Recent Episodes from Skeptical eye for the Paranormal Guise Podcast

    Interview with CE5 Member G.I Joe Lonesome ( An out of this world talk )

    Interview with CE5 Member G.I Joe Lonesome ( An out of this world talk )

    Producer Pat sits down with ABQ CE5 Leader G.I Joe lonesome for an overview on his life and the greater CE5 movement. A movement devoted to raising the general frequency of Planet Earth and reaching ever further into the cosmos looking to contact Extra Terrestrial life. Through the lens of spirituality, CE5 is a way to pair meditation and conscious awareness with peoples love for the unknown.


    Follow the links below to see all of Joe lonesomes pages including the Albuquerque CE5 page. IF interested feel free to message Joe from the link below, and come join the fun.

    vvvvvvvvvvvvvv CE5 ABQ Page vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv



    vvvvvvvvvvvvvv What started it all vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv



    Links to Gi. Joe Lonesomes pages

    vvvvvvvvvvvvv Instagram vvvvvvvvvvvvvv


    vvvvvvvvvvvv IMDB vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv


    vvvvvvvvvv Award Recognition vvvvvvvvvvvvvv


    Red Dot/Grid Pattern phenomenon IRL with QuikSneak Season 3 Finale

    Red Dot/Grid Pattern phenomenon IRL with QuikSneak Season 3 Finale

    In an event rarer than spotting bigfoot, the full team of Skeptical Eye for the Paranormal Guise meet up to discuss the Red dot Phenomenon and get a first hand account from guest Chris Yomona AKA Quiksneak. Is it caused by fuzzy catapillars? Chemicals on clothing? Wayward canadian 1960's camping grills? Or perhaps the most likley of all...Alien visitation.

    Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: TLDR series Chapters 1-5 - A Josh Gates Autobiography

    Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: TLDR series Chapters 1-5 - A Josh Gates Autobiography

    Jesse the resident Paranormal Guy joins the podcast to listen to a reading of Josh Gates book Destination Truth Memoirs of a Monster Hunter recounting his break through into the TV world during his time as the host of the  hit SYFY sensation Destination Truth. Producer Pat less than eloquently presents an abridged version of chapters 1-5 in a hope more will find this book and all the insight and treasures it holds.

    vvvvvvvvvvvvvv Pick up your copy today at the link below vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv


    News from Beyond - CERN, The Georgia Guide Stones Destroyed, James Webb Images

    News from Beyond - CERN, The Georgia Guide Stones Destroyed, James Webb Images

    Producer Pat switches up the usual programming for a little dive into some interesting events this July that do and don't relate to spooky stuff, including but not limited to CERN being turned on, The strange circumstances of the Georgia Guide Stones, and the NASA released images coming from the James Webb Telescope.

    At HELLS GATE: Interview w/ Donovan Yruegas

    At HELLS GATE: Interview w/ Donovan Yruegas
    Producer Pat is joined by new friend of the show Donovan as he recounts his battle with spirits from a young age all the way up to his adult years when he and his friends made a chance visit to the Infamous Hells Gate in Texas. Listen in to hear Donovans account of what went bump that night....

    vvvvvvvvvv Check out the links below to follow Donovan across all platforms vvvvvvvvvvvvvv

    Youtube link 


    Podcast Link


    Interview W/ Modern Explorer: First Contact with the North American Hominid

    Interview W/ Modern Explorer: First Contact with the North American Hominid
    Producer Pat brings Mateo from the YouTube Channel Modern Explorer, to discuss his investigations and findings into everyones favorite harry hominid...Bigfoot. He gives us insight into what began his Journey looking for this creature, how his survival skills and past experience help him push further to investigate these relativly unkonwn Apex Predators living in our neck woods.

    vvvvvvvv Link to Mateo's YouTube vvvvvvvvv


    Hell of a Ride Pt. 2: An occult journey W/ Chris Faverino