
    About this Episode


    • We discuss an article called “Menopausal Women are the New Black” and that we’re being called the Perennials, which leads to chatting about Julia’s Mom, and fashion trends that work for women of many ages - like the crossover of shopping at the same stores: Old Navy, Hollister, H&M etc.
    • We get into a segment called Bible Study - where we read a chapter of the Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup and discuss it. So we started with Chapter 7 “Balance your hormone and prevent middle aged spread” Look, it’s harder to lose weight when you’re in menopause. There you have it. But you gotta start where you are. We talk about when Julia was a kid, she was an athlete - plus when she was in college she rowed crew - show a pic! Dr. Northrup talks about how what worked before may not work now. Gotta change it up! We discuss what workouts work for us. And what our overall diets look like. And we commiserate about how easy it is for Men to lose weight. We also calculate our BMIs. And we tell the world how much we weigh! Dr. Northrup cautions for patience. Plus SUPPLEMENTS. (“I didn’t ask for the Anal Probe.”) We discuss our body image issues.
    • “How Hot Was Your Flash?” Our friend told us a story about a group of women who when they all got together, even in Winter, they would all strip down to their tank tops! Julia paid attention to her patch and it helped.

    UPDATE - We discuss how we don't get paid if you buy the book, but we have since become Amazon affiliates. So now if you do buy the book, we will be paid a small commission. 

    Recent Episodes from Menopodcast - Menopause For The 21st Century

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 6

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 6

    We’re calling it done. This is our last episode of the podcast (at least until Sarah finally starts going through Menopause herself and can add anything new…) We’ve had laughs, we’ve read a lot of great books, we’ve learned a lot, we’ve interviewed smart, interesting women - and we’re both moving on to other projects. We appreciate all of you who’ve listened and we hope you all have the BEST possible Menopause - and beyond! Good Menopause To You!

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 5

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 5

    Author Susan P. Mattern’s book is subtitled “The Science, History and Meaning of Menopause,” so you know we had to read it! It’s filled with fascinating concepts: about Menopause as an adaptation by Homo Sapiens to help keep our species thriving, and about the idea that Menopause is a Cultural Syndrome, only having been named by Western Doctors and scientists in the 1700s. Ultimately, we found the book a challenge to read - as laypeople, if you will. But cool ideas!


    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 4

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 4

    Sometimes science decides to look at things we think are common sense and quantify them. OK, fine, science, have a good time. We could have already told you that having people in your life with whom you can talk about Menopause would be a good thing - both online and in person. And now you get it, too. What we didn’t already know was that it looks like it’ll help keep Dementia at bay, so that’s a bonus. We read two articles that kicked off this show - we’ll post the links on Facebook.

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 3

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 3

    This episode was inspired by an article we found on NextAvenue.org, which asks whether the stigma regarding talking about Menopause is lessening. Has it gone mainstream, they wonder, because Gywneth Paltrow talked about her own perimenopause, and Grace & Frankie had a sex-toys-for-older-ladies storyline? We say: Not yet it hasn’t. BUT there are good signs it could happen in our lifetime! The Brits seem to be leading the way (again) in this, and we thank them. Millennials, it’s up to you!


    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 2

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 2

    In big news for the Menopause community, there’s a study published in the Lancet showing an increased risk of Breast Cancer from taking HRT. Could be double the risk previously thought. So, as always, it’s important to check with your medical professional to assess your personal risk. Plus it turns out the UK is experiencing a shortage of HRT! We asked our UK friend Rachel Lankester from Magnificent Midlife to give us her perspective.

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 1

    Menopodcast Season 6 Episode 1

    We open up our first episode back after our hiatus by catching up with each other: Sarah’s still growing out her grays - and Julia reveals a big secret! (Listen to find out what!) Then we discuss an article we saw in the Guardian. Turns out in the UK, they’re trying to enact legislation to protect menopausal women in the workplace. What a concept! We love it, but we wanted to hear from our friend in the UK Rachel Lankester from Magnificent Midlife, so she sent us audio. 



    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 11

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 11

    What a season! It was the season of Deep Dives into the topics that every woman in Menopause wants to know about: Hot Flashes, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Skincare, Heart & Brain Health, Nutrition and exercise, and of course: lady parts. Plus we had some great Guests - Darcey Steinke (Flash Count Diary), Ashley Koff RD (Better Nutrition Program), Dr. Michelle Gordon (Menopause Movement), Sarah Glicken (OsteoStrong), and Rachel Lankester (Magnificent Midlife). Stay tuned from Season 6!

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 10

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 10

    Today we dive in to skincare and hair care for the midlife woman. Turns out some of what we all experience - the wrinkles, the crepey skin, the spots - that’s just a product of aging, not due to menopause. Not much comfort, really, but oh well! What can we do? Turns out there are treatments that range from cheap and easy to expensive and complicated. From over the counter to prescription-level treatments, pick whatever works for you and your budget! Check out our faves at Menopodcast.com.

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 9

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 9

    Our guest this episode is Rachel Lankester, founder of Magnificent Midlife, an online community, membership, and podcast. Rachel experienced an early menopause at 41, which led to soul-searching and ultimately to creating Magnificent Midlife. Listen to the episode to hear her whole story. Her terrific podcast showcases midlife women - and we highly recommend it! Get her free download to help you find your purpose and passion here: https://magnificentmidlife.com/purpose/

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 8

    Menopodcast Season 5 Episode 8

    Our guest this episode is Dr. Michelle Gordon, founder of Menopause Movement and creator of the MenopauseWorkshop.com, among many other accomplishments. Menopause hit her out of the blue with embarrassing hot flashes, crippling self-doubt, stubborn belly fat, and raging moods. She tells us how she turned her life around, plus she wants to help 1 Million women to do the same thing. Get her free Menopause Blueprint download here. https://blueprint.drmichellegordon.com/sf/ce83bb81