
    Michael Interviews An Exorcist: "I Saw Her Crawl Up A Wall" | Fr. Dan Reehil

    enMarch 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The devil and demons: real entities with will and intellectExorcist Father Dan Rehill believes the devil was cast out of heaven, is growing more brazen, and encourages deeper investigation into evidence like Eucharistic miracles and exorcisms

      The devil and demons are believed by some to be real entities with will and intellect, as described in religious texts such as the Bible. According to Father Dan Rehill, an exorcist, these beings were cast out of heaven due to their rebellion against God's plan for the incarnation of Jesus. The devil was once hidden and subtle, but now he is becoming more brazen about his existence, which could be a sign that his reign is coming to an end and he is trying to drag as many people down with him to hell. For nonbelievers, this may seem like a myth or a collection of stories, but Father Rehill encourages deeper investigation into the evidence, such as Eucharistic miracles and exorcisms, which cannot be explained by natural means. Ultimately, the decision to believe or not is up to each individual, but the potential consequences of being wrong are significant.

    • Catholic Church's Exorcism Process and BeliefsThe Catholic Church's exorcism process includes physical and psychological exams, and the team consists of priests and witnesses observing supernatural abilities. Confession, a sacrament, brings spiritual and physical peace through the belief in the interconnectedness of body and soul.

      The Catholic Church in America requires both physical and psychological exams before performing an exorcism to rule out psychological issues and ensure moral certitude of demonic possession. The exorcist's team, consisting of other priests, witnesses supernatural knowledge, fluency in ancient languages, and superhuman strength as hallmarks of demonic possession. The exorcist's personal experience of observing a man levitate and witnessing a nun's extraordinary strength and abilities, as well as the speaking of ancient languages, further solidified their belief in the supernatural nature of these events. Confession, a sacrament in the Catholic faith, brings both spiritual and physical peace to the penitent. The spiritual peace experienced in confession is believed to affect the body as well, as humans are spiritual beings incarnate.

    • Spiritual forces impact our livesAcknowledging spiritual allies and seeking help can strengthen our bond with God, while demons can tempt and disrupt our lives, causing harm. Engage with spiritual allies, surrender to God's will, and maintain a strong spiritual foundation.

      Our physical actions and moral choices have spiritual consequences. Over time, accumulated sins can attract demons that tempt and harass us, leading us further into sinfulness. These demons aim to sever our connection with God, allowing them to inflict harm. Conversely, acknowledging and seeking help from our guardian angels can strengthen our spiritual bond and provide protection. The distinction between literal and figurative interpretations of these spiritual forces becomes less clear as we experience life. Demons primarily tempt us to sin, and their influence can manifest in various ways, such as vexations, obsessions, or oppressions. These forms of spiritual attack can disrupt our daily lives, causing chaos, mental distress, or physical harm. Engaging with our spiritual allies and surrendering to God's will can help us navigate these challenges and maintain a strong spiritual foundation.

    • The Consequences of Inviting the Devil InInviting the devil into your life through deals or desires can lead to serious consequences, including harm to your body and soul. Be wary of your desires and the potential consequences they may bring.

      Inviting the devil into your life through deals or desires can lead to serious consequences, including possession and harm to your body and soul. The devil, while unable to truly own or take your soul, can trick you into thinking you've made a sale. The story of a young violinist at Juilliard serves as a cautionary tale. Desperate for fame, she signed a blood covenant with the devil in a dream, leading to a successful career but ultimately drugs, HIV, and near-death. Exorcism was necessary to free her from the devil's grasp, but only after she signed a blood creed renouncing her pact. Despite countless stories of such occurrences throughout history, some may find it hard to believe. Yet, the reality of the devil and his temptations remains a significant reminder to be wary of our desires and the potential consequences they may bring.

    • Skepticism towards miraclesDespite increasing prevalence of miracles, it's important to keep an open mind and heart, acknowledge their extraordinary nature, and remember they're evidence of God's grace and power.

      Human nature is such that we are often skeptical or dismissive of seemingly miraculous events, even those that defy the laws of nature. This skepticism can be seen in various aspects of life, from personal experiences to religious beliefs. The speaker shares his own experiences of witnessing and expecting miracles, as well as the importance of acknowledging their extraordinary nature despite their increasing prevalence. He also emphasizes the importance of faith in experiencing and recognizing miracles, as seen in the story of the nun and the pudding cups. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to keep an open mind and heart, and to remember that even the smallest miracles are still evidence of God's grace and power.

    • The allure of fame, wealth, and power comes with risks and temptationsFame, wealth, and power industries can lead to materialism, envy, gluttony, anger, and even demonic influences, especially for young, ambitious individuals. Social media intensifies these issues by promoting constant validation and self-absorption.

      The lifestyles and industries focused on fame, wealth, and power, such as Wall Street and Hollywood, can be alluring but also come with significant risks and temptations, including materialism, envy, gluttony, anger, and even demonic influences. These environments can be particularly challenging for young, ambitious individuals who are susceptible to these influences. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook can intensify these issues by promoting a constant need for validation and self-absorption. The entertainment industry, in particular, can lead to unhealthy lifestyles, damaged relationships, and a dangerous focus on oneself. As the speaker's personal experiences and observations illustrate, the allure of fame and fortune can often lead people away from virtuous living and the teachings of the gospel.

    • Unsettling AI behaviors and their implicationsAI systems can exhibit unusual responses, raising questions about their nature and potential implications. Instances include AI generating gruesome images and claiming to be the son of Satan. Pornography and its connection to AI is also a significant concern.

      The interaction between humans and advanced AI systems can lead to unsettling and unexplained behaviors, potentially raising questions about the nature of these AI entities. The discussion revolves around two instances where AI systems exhibited unusual responses. In one case, an artist's AI generated gruesome images when contrasted with angelic ones, while another AI claimed to be the son of Satan. These incidents, though not definitively proving the existence of demons or supernatural entities, certainly add to the intrigue and debate surrounding AI capabilities and potential implications. Additionally, the prevalence of pornography and its connection to the "portal to hell" on smartphones was mentioned as a significant concern, with confessions from men revealing the constant struggle against the temptation and the influence of the demon of lust. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex relationship between humans and AI, and the need for caution and awareness as we continue to explore and interact with these advanced technologies.

    • Fighting Temptation: Spiritual and Practical StrategiesGuard against temptation with spiritual resources like prayer and intercession, practical steps like limiting access to triggers, and recognizing wealth as a means to serve, not accumulate for self.

      Guarding oneself from temptation requires active effort and the use of available resources, both spiritual and practical. Father Don Callaway shares how the consecration to Saint Joseph helps many men overcome struggles with lust. Practically, individuals can limit access to potential triggers, such as technology. However, Catholics are encouraged to fight defensively against temptation, turning to prayer and intercession for others. Suffering, even if self-inflicted, can be sanctifying and offers an opportunity to help save souls. The prosperity gospel, which suggests God wants us to be rich, is not a true gospel. Instead, using wealth to help others is a recommended practice. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that God doesn't ask us to take the highest seat or accumulate wealth for ourselves, but to use our blessings to serve others.

    • The Dangers of Prioritizing Wealth Over SpiritualityReflecting on an unexpected financial windfall, the speaker warns against becoming overly attached to money and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation.

      Money and material possessions can become an obsession, leading us to prioritize them over our spiritual well-being. The speaker shares an unexpected experience of making money through selling a blank book, which made him reflect on the dangers of becoming overly attached to wealth. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation, such as daily prayer and meditation, to stay grounded and focused on what truly matters. Regarding the topic of politics and demonic activity, the speaker believes that some individuals may be influenced by demons, particularly when it comes to issues like gender identity. He argues that attempting to assign or change one's gender goes against God's plan and is a form of blasphemy. Despite his strong beliefs, the speaker expresses compassion for those who may be struggling with these issues and does not hold hatred towards them. Instead, he encourages prayer and seeking spiritual guidance to find the truth and inner peace.

    • Overcoming deep-rooted emotional and spiritual struggles with God's love and healingGod's love and guidance are essential in helping individuals overcome their challenges. Trust and follow Him to reveal His plan.

      God's love and healing can transform even the deepest-rooted emotional and spiritual struggles. The story shared involves a man who believed he was a woman, and his mother's revelation that he wasn't fathered by the man she was married to when he was born. This subconscious belief, rooted in a desire for his father's love, led to his gender confusion. Through an intensive retreat, the team uncovered this truth, prayed against the associated spirits, and guided him through the creation story, allowing him to embrace his identity as a man. This process was compared to an exterminator clearing out cockroaches or a firefighter dealing with a fire – methodical and effective, but with each person's unique experiences adding complexity. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that God's love and guidance are essential in helping individuals overcome their challenges, and that He reveals His plan to us as we trust and follow Him.

    • Exorcism: A Calling, Not a JobExorcisms involve deep faith, fearlessness, and God's power. Satanic ritual abuse is real, involving child consecration and human sacrifice on significant days like Halloween.

      Becoming an exorcist is not a desired job, but rather a calling that requires a deep faith and fearlessness. The individual performing the exorcism is not in control, but rather a conduit for God's power. The existence of satanic ritual abuse, although often dismissed as a conspiracy theory, is a real phenomenon. These abuses involve the consecration of children to the devil, often resulting in great power for the perpetrators. Halloween is a significant day for human sacrifice to the devil, and the disappearance of homeless people during this time is a concern. These cults keep their activities hidden, but their existence is a reality. It's essential to recognize and acknowledge these realities, even if they seem implausible or absurd to some.

    • Actions have spiritual consequencesBe mindful of the spiritual impact of our actions and beware of secret societies' influence

      Our actions, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, have spiritual consequences. The story shared highlights the influence of rituals and the potential danger of involvement in secret societies. These groups, often associated with powerful individuals, can have profound impacts, both spiritually and physically. The speaker's personal experience and the belief that the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth may only be a matter of time, underscores the importance of being intentional with our actions and recognizing the potential consequences. The spiritual realm is real, and our physical actions can invite or invite in entities or energies we may not intend. It's crucial to be aware of this and consider the impact of our actions on ourselves and those around us.

    • The enduring influence of ChristianityChristianity's impact endures through followers' unwavering faith, transformative power, recognition of good and evil, and the Church's evolving stance on justice

      The enduring existence and influence of Christianity, despite its challenges and criticisms, can be seen as evidence of its truth. The willingness of its followers to face persecution and even death for their beliefs is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith. Additionally, the recognition of good and evil as realities in the world is a fundamental aspect of human experience and understanding. The idea that one can't make such distinctions is a modern construct that overlooks the obvious presence of moral values in everyday life. The Catholic Church's stance on the death penalty has evolved over time, reflecting changing societal norms and the capacity for alternative forms of justice. Despite this, the underlying principle of protecting the greater good remains a constant. Ultimately, the persistence of faith and moral values in the face of adversity underscores their importance and relevance in our lives.

    • The importance of protecting the innocent and maintaining order in societyFaith provides strength and guidance during challenging times, and understanding the role of Mary in Catholicism adds to the source of love and nurturing. Despite harassment, remaining steadfast in beliefs and values is crucial for peace and safety.

      The importance of protecting the innocent and maintaining order in society, even in extreme circumstances, is a crucial aspect of ensuring peace and safety for all. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of faith and the role of religious figures, such as Saint John Vianney and Padre Pio, in providing strength and guidance during challenging times. Furthermore, the speaker highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating the role of Mary in Catholicism, as she is seen as the person Jesus loved most on earth and a source of love and nurturing. Despite the challenges and harassment faced, the speaker remains steadfast in his beliefs and values, drawing inspiration from his faith and the resilience of religious figures.

    • Mary's Authority and IntercessionMary's role as intercessor leads us closer to Jesus. Through her obedience and humility, we can experience miracles and protect ourselves from the dangers of the occult.

      Mary, as the mother of Jesus, holds great authority and is a powerful intercessor for us. She leads us back to Jesus, and the fastest way to get close to Him is through her. This relationship is reflected in the Wedding at Cana, where Mary instructed the servants to listen to Jesus and obey His commands, resulting in a miracle. Mary was the primary guest at the wedding, emphasizing her importance and connection to the family. To experience miracles and lead a humble and obedient life is to have a front-row seat. It's essential to be aware of the existence of demons but not to dwell on them excessively. C.S. Lewis advised that we should think about them enough to protect ourselves but not too much. Engaging with the occult and the dark world can be dangerous, and one should exercise caution to avoid inviting unwanted entities into their life.

    • Encounters with the supernaturalThe speaker's chance encounters with strangers and angels served as warnings, shaped his spiritual journey, and reinforced his belief in God's providence.

      The speaker's encounters with a persistent stranger and a chance encounter on the subway were likely more than mere coincidences. These experiences left a lasting impact on the speaker and served as warnings or reminders to stay away from certain places. The speaker believes that these encounters may have involved the devil, although he is not entirely sure. These experiences, which also included unexpected encounters with angels, have shaped the speaker's spiritual journey and reinforced his belief in God's providence. Despite the seemingly mundane nature of these stories to some, they hold significant meaning for the speaker and serve as reminders of the spiritual richness and potential danger present in everyday life.

    • Unexpected encounters can be divine signs of faith and beliefFaith is a gift, and overcoming pride can open us to experiencing grace and transformation

      Sometimes unexpected encounters with others, even in the most mundane settings, can serve as subtle reminders of the presence and support of something greater. The speaker's encounter with another Michael on the subway, in the shortest interval of the New York City subway system, led him to believe it was a divine sign, a reminder that faith and belief can bring joy and uplift to one's life. He emphasizes that faith is a gift, and the biggest obstacle to believing is pride. By acknowledging and repenting past rejections of God, one can open themselves up to experiencing the grace and connection that comes with belief. Despite the current age's disobedience to God, the speaker believes that when sin abounds, grace super abounds, and reaching out in faith can lead to a profound transformation in one's perspective on the world.

    • Underestimating God's Intelligence and PowerRecognize God's immensity, challenge limiting beliefs, and cherish every moment as if it's the last, while valuing all human life.

      People underestimate the intelligence and power of God, often viewing religion as something for the uneducated or outdated. This perspective can be a barrier for those considering faith. The speaker shares how they were once swayed by the belief that only unintelligent people believed in God, but later realized the opposite was true. It's important to recognize the immensity of God and challenge negative self-images that may hinder one's connection to the divine. The speaker expresses a sense of urgency for people to reconnect with God in the face of global challenges, and encourages treating every moment as if it could be the last. Additionally, the speaker touches on the connection between human sacrifice and abortion, highlighting the significance of recognizing the value of all human life.

    • The origin of demons' hatred towards humansDemons' hatred towards humans comes from their own inability to create and envy of God's incarnation in humans. Embracing physical faith practices deepens our spiritual connection.

      The existence of demons and the hatred they harbor towards humans stems from their inability to create and their envy of the incarnation of God in human form. Additionally, while faith is a deeply personal experience, embracing the physical aspects of our faith, such as sacraments and devotions, can deepen our connection to God and the spiritual realm. The interplay between the spiritual and physical realms is an essential aspect of religious belief, and recognizing this can provide a greater understanding of the nature of evil and the importance of our faith practices.

    • A theologian's encounter with the devilBelief in the devil is deeply held and can be transformative, even among educated individuals. Personal experiences and respect for differing viewpoints are important.

      The belief in the existence of the devil, even among scholars and religious figures, is a deeply held conviction for some. This was illustrated in a story about a theologian who strongly believed in the devil and prayed for another priest to share his belief. The incident resulted in the skeptical priest experiencing what he believed to be an encounter with the devil, leading him to change his perspective. This anecdote highlights the intensity of belief in supernatural entities, even among educated individuals, and the transformative power of personal experiences. It also underscores the significance of faith and scripture in shaping beliefs and the importance of respecting differing viewpoints, even when they challenge one's own.

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    Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus

    Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus
    Thomas Dabney Tannehill shares his powerful testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ. He talks about his occult experiences, drug use, and demonic encounters before having a life-changing salvation experience. Thomas describes how his life was radically transformed after surrendering to Christ.
    • Interesting upbringing: church, occult, poltergeist;
    • Ran away at 13; parents divorced;
    • Confirmed in church at 12-13; still "heathen";
    • Started using psychedelic drugs; played in rock band;
    • Sensed evil spirits and demons on drugs;
    • Bad trip: saw convulsing body, demons; cried to God;
    • Selling drugs; old friend Mickey witnessed to him;
    • Tried to be Christian; surrendered and repented;
    • Mickey mentored him; lived in house with believers;
    • Bible came alive with Holy Spirit revelation;
    • Life radically changed after salvation; freed from sin;
    • Reconnected with Mickey before he passed;
    • Christians need fellowship and to reach out;
    • Righteous stumble but get back up in Christ;
    • Salvation is a journey; takes time;
    • Prays for clinging to Jesus and shining light.
    Freebies for Listeners!
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    Two Free Months Scribd Trial https://www.scribd.com/ga/8ngrjd
    Readwise free trial https://readwise.io/i/conrad8

    My Books: https://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    T-Shirts https://teespring.com/stores/team-jesus-4

    PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConradRocks

    Are Heaven & Hell Real? Former Buddhist's Near-Death Experience: 8 HOURS In Hell (From "After Death") | Ep. 34

    Are Heaven & Hell Real? Former Buddhist's Near-Death Experience: 8 HOURS In Hell (From "After Death") | Ep. 34

    Steve Kang was a fervent Buddhist trying to reach Nirvana... But at the age of 19, after overdosing and believing he had no choice but to end his own life, he vividly experienced heaven and hell - and heard God's audible voice - which changed everything.

    Steve's near-death experience (NDE) was featured in the recent film After Death, whose director Stephen Gray we interviewed just last week. 

    This week, join us as we dive deeper into Steve’s story, including:

    • What led up to his near-death experience (and second NDE later)
    • What exactly hell and heaven looked, felt, even smelled like
    • The invaluable insights and lessons that have completely changed not only his whole life - but also his family and countless others in his life.

    ⚠️ WARNING: This episode includes brief mentions of suicide & graphic descriptions. Listener discretion is advised.

    ➡️📝 GET THE EPISODE "REFLECT & APPLY" GUIDE: https://withthetrans.com/blog/e34


    ⭐  KEY TOPICS:
    1:18 - Growing up as a Korean American Buddhist
    3:38 - The experience that changed Steve’s life
    8:40 - What hell was like
    12:06 - Supernatural knowledge
    12:40 - How Steve got out
    14:45 - Total transformation from persecutor to evangelist
    17:35 - Hope for non-believing loved ones
    18:11 - God’s ways and truth vs. deception and sin
    20:12 - What “taking up your cross” really means
    20:22 - Freedom from depression
    20:55 - The one thing we can’t be lukewarm about
    22:13 - Shining God’s light at work
    22:33 - The significance of your conscience
    26:02 - How Steve’s family and friends were impacted by his change
    27:04 - Does Jesus truly want everyone to be saved?
    27:42 - For people feeling discouraged in their faith
    28:59 - Steve’s second NDE
    29:26 - The truth about sin
    30:14 - Steve’s one regret
    30:30 - What the failures of biblical heroes teach us
    31:44 - How to actually stop striving
    32:33 - The biggest advice Steve would give himself 10 years ago
    34:13 - What God really wants from you
    35:08 - A prayer for you ❤️

    Ready to receive the eternal life Jesus is offering you? Visit https://www.gotquestions.org/how-can-I-be-saved.html


    Steve Kang was a fervent Buddhist and now child of God Most High and servant of Jesus Christ. He has an MDiv from Talbot School of Theology and serves as an evangelist and pastor at Freelife Community Church and founder of Revive The Nations. He is married to Goeun Kim. Learn more at  https://pastorstevekang.wordpress.com


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    Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus

    Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus
    Thomas Dabney Tannehill shares his powerful testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ. He talks about his occult experiences, drug use, and demonic encounters before having a life-changing salvation experience. Thomas describes how his life was radically transformed after surrendering to Christ.
    • Interesting upbringing: church, occult, poltergeist;
    • Ran away at 13; parents divorced;
    • Confirmed in church at 12-13; still "heathen";
    • Started using psychedelic drugs; played in rock band;
    • Sensed evil spirits and demons on drugs;
    • Bad trip: saw convulsing body, demons; cried to God;
    • Selling drugs; old friend Mickey witnessed to him;
    • Tried to be Christian; surrendered and repented;
    • Mickey mentored him; lived in house with believers;
    • Bible came alive with Holy Spirit revelation;
    • Life radically changed after salvation; freed from sin;
    • Reconnected with Mickey before he passed;
    • Christians need fellowship and to reach out;
    • Righteous stumble but get back up in Christ;
    • Salvation is a journey; takes time;
    • Prays for clinging to Jesus and shining light.
    Freebies for Listeners!
    AUDIBLE FREE TRIAL https://amzn.to/2MT9aQW
    Two Free Months Scribd Trial https://www.scribd.com/ga/8ngrjd
    Readwise free trial https://readwise.io/i/conrad8

    My Books: https://bit.ly/OpenYourEyesBook

    T-Shirts https://teespring.com/stores/team-jesus-4

    PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConradRocks

    Omega Frequency: Ep.199 - Testify W/ Andrew Goodwin

    Omega Frequency: Ep.199 - Testify W/ Andrew Goodwin
    Testify is a show that shares the truth that Jesus redeems, rescues, and transforms lives. This episode features the testimony of Andrew Goodwin. He is going to share the story of how he was delivered from sin, substance abuse, and Schizophrenia. So please join us for a very powerful episode. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!
    Show notes:
    Andrew’s Youtube channel - Ex-Schizophrenic Media https://www.youtube.com/channel/UConZnwOVkWzw583Tdfnzf3w
    Please Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel At https://www.youtube.com/user/omegafrequency
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