
    Podcast Summary

    • The overlooked perspective of transgender spousesDiscovering a spouse's transgender identity can lead to emotional turmoil and deception, leaving one spouse feeling abandoned and confused, highlighting the need for understanding and validation for all parties involved.

      The perspective of women who are abandoned by their husbands when they transition to living as transgender individuals is often overlooked in discussions about transgenderism. Tracy Shannon, a trans widow, shared her experience of discovering her husband's long-hidden cross-dressing and his eventual decision to leave the family to pursue his identity. Despite seeking marriage counseling to save their relationship, Tracy was advised by their therapist to accept her husband's secretive cross-dressing habits and even hide it from her. The therapist also suggested that Tracy might be a lesbian because she had fallen in love with a man who had an "inner feminine side." Tracy's story highlights the emotional turmoil and deception that can result when a spouse transitions, leaving the other spouse feeling abandoned and confused. It's essential to recognize and validate the experiences and emotions of all parties involved in such situations.

    • Discovering a spouse's cross-dressing fetish and their subsequent transitionThe complex experience of a spouse's transition can lead to feelings of deception, loss, and ambiguous grief, leaving children and the non-transitioning partner struggling to cope with the loss of the known father figure.

      The experience of discovering a spouse's cross-dressing fetish and their subsequent transition can be deeply traumatic and complex. It challenges traditional notions of infidelity and consent, and can lead to feelings of deception, loss, and ambiguous grief. The spouse's transformation not only alters their physical appearance but also their interests and behavior, leaving children and the non-transitioning partner struggling to cope with the loss of the known father figure. The lack of closure and finality in such situations can make the grieving process even more challenging.

    • Impact of Gender Transitions on FamiliesFocusing solely on individual happiness during gender transitions can overlook the negative effects on family wellbeing and children's mental health.

      The focus on individual happiness and respecting personal choices in the context of gender transitions has led to a disregard for the wellbeing of families and children. The speaker shares her personal experience of her husband's transition and its impact on her and their children. She points out that not all individuals going through transitions are economically disadvantaged, and the societal narrative often overlooks the consequences for the family unit. The speaker also uses the term "fetish" to describe the prioritization of personal desires over family obligations and responsibilities. She emphasizes the long-term negative effects on her children, including mental health issues, and criticizes the use of the term "resilient" to downplay the impact of family instability. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more nuanced understanding of the complexities and consequences of gender transitions on families.

    • Divorce and Gender Identity: A Complex Custody BattleContentious divorces involving gender identity can result in confusing and distressing situations for children, including being forced to use wrong pronouns and names for a parent, and facing punishment for not complying.

      During a contentious divorce in Texas in the late 2000s, the speaker's ex-husband, who identified as transgender, was granted full custody of their children and was allowed to bring his lover, an activist in the transgender community, around them. The speaker was barred from homeschooling and the children were ordered to use the wrong pronouns for their father and come up with a new name for him. The situation left the children confused and scared, and the speaker felt powerless to stop it due to the court's involvement. The ex-husband's new partner threatened to punish the children if they misgendered him, adding to their distress. The family's situation highlights the complexities and potential harm that can come from contentious custody battles involving gender identity issues.

    • Hiding secrets in relationships leads to harm and confusionHonesty and openness are crucial for building trust and understanding in relationships, while deceit and secrecy can lead to significant harm and confusion.

      Hiding secrets and deceit in a relationship can lead to significant harm and confusion. The speaker in this discussion shares her experience of discovering her husband's cross-dressing and hormone use, which affected their intimacy and ultimately led to a miscarriage and cancer diagnosis. She also shares how his attempts to empathize through cross-dressing were coercive and uncomfortable for her and their children. The lack of open communication and transparency in their marriage led to years of confusion and distress. It's important for individuals to prioritize honesty and openness in their relationships to build trust and understanding.

    • Shifting Financial Landscape and Emotional ChallengesThe world's financial landscape is changing, potentially impacting retirement savings and import prices. Embrace societal changes and support children through emotional challenges.

      The world's financial landscape is shifting, with the potential launch of a new international super currency posing a significant threat to the US dollar's global dominance. This could lead to higher prices on imports and rising loan rates, and individuals can protect their retirement savings by diversifying with gold. Meanwhile, in a different context, the discussion touched on the emotional challenges faced by children whose parents' gender identities conflict with traditional roles and societal norms. These children can feel embarrassed and miss out on experiences like having a catch with their dad. It's essential to embrace these changes and support children in their emotional journeys, rather than forcing them to conform to societal expectations.

    • Navigating a spouse's gender identity transition and custody battleUnderstanding complex gender identity transitions can be emotionally taxing for families, especially children. It's crucial to acknowledge the deep-rooted nature of desires, but also recognize potential harm from fetishistic behaviors and societal norms prioritizing individual desires over children's wellbeing.

      Navigating the complexities of a relationship involving gender identity transition can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for all parties involved, especially for children. The speaker in this discussion shares her experience of dealing with her husband's gender identity transition while raising their children, and the ensuing custody battle. She highlights the gaslighting and narcissistic behavior she faced during the relationship, and the societal shifts that made it difficult to protect the children's best interests. Despite being accused of causing the transition, she acknowledges the deep-rooted nature of her husband's desires and the reality of his pre-existing behavior. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of understanding the potential harm of fetishistic behaviors and societal norms that prioritize individual desires over children's wellbeing.

    • Discovering a Spouse's Gender Transition and Its Impact on Child CustodySocietal acceptance and legal protections of gender transitions can make it difficult for parents to challenge perceived identities, potentially exposing children to inappropriate content and behaviors. Open communication and addressing potential negative impacts on children is crucial.

      Societal norms and legal protections have shifted significantly in the last decade, making it increasingly challenging for individuals to challenge perceived gender identities, even in the context of child custody disputes. This can result in situations where parents are forced to co-parent with individuals who have presented themselves as a different gender, potentially exposing children to inappropriate content and behaviors. The speaker in this discussion shares her personal experience of discovering her ex-husband's gender transition and the pornography use that preceded it, as well as his threats towards her and their children. Despite her concerns and evidence of inappropriate behavior, she felt powerless due to societal acceptance of these gender transitions and the legal protections in place. The discussion underscores the importance of addressing the potential negative impacts of gender transitions on children and the need for open and honest communication between parents and their children.

    • Individual rights overshadow children's welfareThe prioritization of individual rights can lead to child neglect and harm, while societal norms and censorship hinder efforts to protect them.

      The legal system and societal norms have shifted to prioritize individual rights and identities over the welfare of children. In this case, a therapist failed to report child abuse, leading to further harm and legal battles. The individual involved faced significant financial and emotional challenges in fighting for her children's safety. Additionally, the increasing pressure to conform to certain beliefs, such as transgender ideology, can lead to censorship and exclusion from public platforms. This leaves victims, particularly parents, feeling powerless and isolated. The absence of a common moral framework in society allows these issues to be enforced through corporate and financial means, ultimately putting children at risk.

    • Children's gender transitions and co-parenting relationshipsMothers and fathers may face legal and emotional challenges when co-parenting after a child's gender transition, with some parents being excluded from their child's life due to disagreements over affirmation.

      The issue of children's gender transitions and the impact on co-parenting relationships goes beyond individual cases. The testimony of a mother from the previous year on the senate floor, where she admitted having her ex-husband completely cut out of their child's life due to his refusal to affirm the transition, is a clear example. This situation, involving surgeries and court orders, is not unique. Many people cannot speak openly about their experiences due to fear of court repercussions. The speaker herself could not discuss the matter freely until her children were older and she felt assured she would win in court. The backgrounds and beliefs of the parties involved, including their religious beliefs, can also play a significant role in the complexities of these situations.

    • Prioritizing Personal Desires Over Family Commitments Can Lead to Devastating ConsequencesPrioritizing personal desires over family obligations can result in betrayal, broken relationships, and homelessness. Supporting companies that uphold traditional values and prioritize family well-being is encouraged.

      Prioritizing personal desires and pleasures over family commitments and obligations can lead to devastating consequences. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling betrayed and left broken and homeless after her husband's selfish actions. She draws a comparison to public figures like Hunter Biden, who have everything yet choose to pursue destructive vices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of upholding family values and commitments, and expresses disappointment towards corporations and businesses that celebrate and prioritize individual freedoms over family well-being. She encourages consumers to consider where they spend their money and advocates for companies that align with traditional values. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of truth and reality in shaping one's vision of the world and one's obligations towards others, particularly towards family. She challenges the notion of doing whatever one wants without regard for the harm it may cause to others.

    • The Complexity of Changing Gender MarkersClear definitions of sex and gender, upholding individual rights, and respecting experiences are crucial in the context of changing gender markers, while maintaining reason and truth and promoting open dialogue are essential to prevent the suppression of valid perspectives.

      The loss of a shared morality in society has led to confusion and chaos, particularly in the context of gender identity and the law. The ability to change one's gender marker on vital records without clear legal guidelines has created a complex situation where truth and justice can be compromised. The speaker argues that it's essential to establish clear definitions of sex and gender and uphold individual rights while respecting each other's experiences. The pressure to conform to certain beliefs and pronouns, even if they contradict one's own experiences, can lead to a loss of personal autonomy and the suppression of valid perspectives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining reason and truth in the face of societal pressures and the need for open dialogue and understanding.

    • Overlap of Radical Leftist Ideologies and Destructive InfluencesRadical leftist ideologies and destructive influences overlap, leading to coercive enforcement and promotion of pornographic and satanic content in godless societies, which can be more tyrannical than theocracies due to lack of moral restraints.

      The speaker believes there is a significant overlap between radical leftist ideologies and destructive, demonic influences, leading to coercive enforcement of their beliefs and the promotion of pornographic and satanic content. They argue that these godless societies, despite being called democracies, can be more tyrannical than theocracies due to the lack of moral restraints. The speaker has personally experienced hateful messages and threats, particularly when exposing issues like sex offenders in drag queen story hours or criticizing furries. Despite this, they maintain their faith and believe in God's protection.

    • Deception in Disguise: Diversity and Inclusion or Hidden Identities?Trust and honesty are crucial in personal relationships. Deception, even when disguised, can lead to devastating consequences.

      Deception and hidden identities can be disguised under the guise of diversity and inclusion, as seen in the case of some individuals involved in controversial programs like Drag Queen story hours. Despite this, such programs continue to exist. In personal relationships, trust and honesty are essential. One woman shared her experience of staying in a marriage for 11 years despite her husband's deceitful behavior, including his desire to transition and engage in inappropriate online activities. She continued to give him chances and believe his lies, even after being advised otherwise by therapists. Eventually, she found evidence of his infidelity and deception, leading to her decision to leave the marriage. The story serves as a reminder that trust must be earned and that deception can be found in unexpected places.

    • The Impact of Harmful Behaviors in Private and Public LifeRecognizing and addressing harmful behaviors in both private and public life is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and communities. Upholding virtues and truth in all aspects of life is essential to prevent the line between private and public spheres from becoming blurred.

      The line between private and public life can blur, and personal actions, especially when it comes to harmful behaviors, can have far-reaching consequences. The speaker's personal experience of an abusive marriage served as a warning about the destructive impact of narcissistic behavior and societal acceptance of such actions. The state's involvement in the destruction of her family further highlighted the importance of protecting the natural family as a safe place for children. The speaker's message underscores the significance of upholding virtues and truth in both private and public life to maintain healthy relationships and communities. The example of a perverted drag queen in Texas, who was defensive about his actions in the public sphere despite questionable behavior in the private sphere, illustrates the potential for the line between the two to become blurred. Ultimately, the speaker's story emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing harmful behaviors and standing up for truth and virtue in all aspects of life.

    • Blurred Lines Between Acceptable Public Behavior and Private LifeLibrarian's dual life raises concerns about potential impact on children and importance of thorough background checks, while debate continues on protected classes and traditional values.

      The lines between acceptable public behavior and private life are becoming increasingly blurred, particularly in educational institutions. The example given involves a librarian who, during the day, reads to children and promotes gender identity and sexual orientation, but at night, is a prominent figure in the local BDSM community. This raises concerns about the potential impact on children and the importance of thorough background checks. The discussion also touches on the debate surrounding protected classes and the role of institutions in upholding traditional family values and defining gender. The overall sentiment expressed is one of deep concern for the impact on children and families, and a call for greater awareness and action to protect traditional values.

    • The personal is political: Family and politics are interconnectedRecognize the connection between family and politics, and take action to support both to prevent personal and national crises

      The family and politics are intricately connected, and the health of one impacts the other. The family is the fundamental unit of politics, and as such, the state of the family reflects the state of the country. Public politics, therefore, cannot be neatly separated from the private sphere of the family. The turmoil in both spheres is interconnected, and we must defend them both to prevent more personal experiences of crisis. Tracy's perspective underscores the importance of recognizing this connection and taking action to support both the family and the political system. The personal is political, and the health of our families and our country are inextricably linked.

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    The libs are trying to ban ZYN, Louisiana requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms, and the man who went viral for flashing his fake breasts at the White House gets accused of assault.


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    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/michael.

    Ep. 1511 - Baptists Throw Trump a Curveball

    Ep. 1511 - Baptists Throw Trump a Curveball

    President Trump releases a brutal and incisive new ad, Southern Baptists vote to condemn IVF, and a woman smirks in court after allegedly murdering a toddler.


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    Ep. 1510 - A White Girl Said The "N-Word" And This Happened Next

    Ep. 1510 - A White Girl Said The "N-Word" And This Happened Next

    24 Hour Fitness allows gym goers to wear BLM and Pride logos but not American flags, a white girl goes viral for saying the “N-word,” and Harvard researchers claim a UFO civilization could be on Earth.


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    If you have a story you want us to cover or a spooky tale of your own that you want read out on the podcast then send it on to us at  paranormalhotlinepodcast@gmail.com

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    Anastasia Vlasova was a rising tennis star and social media influencer when she started to develop an eating disorder. As an immigrant from Russia, Anastasia experienced a lot of stigma surrounding mental health from her family. After receiving some misguided advice from a school counselor, Anastasia realized how many adults don’t know how to talk to kids about mental health. She started sharing her experiences with anxiety and her eating disorder, and after being chosen as the keynote speaker at Our Minds Matter’s Annual Ball, Anastasia realized the power of storytelling. Since then, she has teamed up with This is My Brave, a nonprofit that uses performances to combat the stigma against mental health to help others share their stories. Today, Anastasia is an NYU student and host of the podcast Our Turn to Talk. She is also the subject of a documentary of the same name from Principal Pictures, being released this fall.

    Listen to the latest episode of All About Change, as Anastasia discusses the pitfalls of social media, how parents can better support their kids, and stories of young people who are changing the mental health conversation.

    You can learn more about Our Turn to Talk the podcast and documentary here.

    Please find a transcription of this episode here.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.