
    Mini Show #13: Pharma Dems, Pete vs Kamala, Tulsi's Shift, John Oliver, and More!

    enNovember 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • US Cellular, Undercover Tourist, Consumer Cellular, Breaking Points, PharmaDemsUS Cellular urges a 5-hour smartphone detox, Undercover Tourist offers discounted theme park tickets, Consumer Cellular provides affordable wireless service, Breaking Points seeks support to reduce hatred, PharmaDems saved drug industry $450B over a decade

      US Cellular encourages us to reset our relationship with our smartphones by putting them down for five hours, while Undercover Tourist offers discounted adult theme park tickets at Walt Disney World. Consumer Cellular, on the other hand, promises affordable wireless service with the same reliable coverage as leading carriers. Breaking Points, an independent media outlet, calls for support to continue their mission of reducing hatred towards each other and the corrupt ruling class. In the latest news, PharmaDems saved the drug industry approximately $450 billion over a decade by stripping down the Medicare drug pricing provisions in the Build Back Better plan. This is a significant reduction from the initial estimated savings of $700 billion.

    • Pharma's Lobbying Pays Off in Drug Pricing CompromisePharma spent over $260 million on lobbying and ads but saved billions from the drug pricing compromise, with key players benefiting from their spending

      The recent compromise on prescription drug pricing in the reconciliation bill resulted in a significant win for Pharma companies, despite their initial concerns. Big Pharma spent over $260 million on lobbying and ads this year, but the money they spent will be less than 0.1% of the revenue they saved from the compromise. Key players like Kyrsten Sinema, Scott Peters, Kurt Schrader, Josh Gottheimer, and Kathleen Rice, who are known as "Pharma Dems," have benefited from this spending. The compromise allows for negotiation on fewer drugs and only after their exclusivity period, which won't significantly lower drug prices overall. However, there is a positive development with a cap on insulin prices at $35 a month, but it goes into effect after the midterm elections in 2023 and only applies to a few drugs. The timeline and limited scope of the insulin cap make it challenging to claim a significant reduction in drug prices.

    • Uncertainty surrounds Democratic Party's choice for Biden successorThe Democratic Party faces a challenge in selecting a viable successor to President Biden, with Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg under scrutiny due to lack of popularity and electability, and a recent study revealing that 'woke moderate' or 'woke corporatist' candidates are least appealing to the working class.

      The political landscape in Washington D.C. is in a state of uncertainty regarding the future of the Democratic Party, specifically regarding potential successors to President Joe Biden. The implementation of the drug pricing legislation, which won't begin until 2025, has sparked speculation about who will take the helm next. Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg are currently under the spotlight, but both have faced criticism for their lack of popularity and electability. The ongoing jockeying among their aids for positioning adds to the chaos. A recent study revealed that the "woke moderate" or "woke corporatist" candidate, which describes Harris and Buttigieg, is the least appealing to the broad working class, adding to the concern for the Democratic Party. The situation is further complicated by the ongoing supply chain crisis and Harris' unpopularity as Vice President. Overall, the Democratic Party is facing a challenging time in selecting a viable successor to Biden.

    • Democratic Party's internal power strugglesThe Democratic Party is facing criticism for prioritizing the interests of established political figures and donors over winning elections and finding effective candidates.

      The Democratic Party's internal dynamics and the role of established political figures and donors in shaping the party's nomination process were major topics of discussion. The speaker expressed concern that the party appears more focused on maintaining the status quo and the power of its existing players than on winning elections or finding the most effective candidates. The example given was the appointment of Kamala Harris as Vice President, who has faced significant challenges and dysfunction in her office, and the potential preference for Pete Buttigieg as a replacement due to his appeal to the consultant industrial complex and donor class. Additionally, the speaker noted the open discussion among top Democrats about the possibility of Joe Biden not running for reelection and the implications of that for the party's nomination process. The speaker also highlighted the contrast between the current situation and the rigid adherence to the assumption of a Trump reelection under the Trump administration.

    • Biden Favoring Some Cabinet Members Over OthersThe Biden administration is showing favoritism towards certain cabinet members, like Pete Buttigieg, while others, such as Kamala Harris, face criticism and less powerful roles. Ideological shifts and government intervention in personal lives could impact the Democratic Party's future direction.

      The Biden White House appears to be favoring certain cabinet members, particularly Pete Buttigieg, over others, such as Kamala Harris. While Harris has been given less powerful roles and faced criticism for her handling of certain issues, Buttigieg has been given significant resources and power as the transportation secretary. Meanwhile, Tulsi Gabbard, a former presidential candidate, has been noted for her ideological shift, particularly on economic issues, which contrasts with her previous stance. Critics argue that this favoritism and ideological evolution could impact the future direction of the Democratic Party. Additionally, there is concern that the government's increasing involvement in various aspects of people's lives, as seen in proposed bills, could lead to a loss of autonomy and larger government dependence.

    • Tulsi Gabbard's Political Shift: From Progressive to Moderate?Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard's political stance has shifted significantly, particularly on economics and foreign policy, raising questions about her motivations and sincerity.

      Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential candidate, has shifted her political stance significantly on various issues, particularly economics and foreign policy. Her past speeches emphasized fighting for universal healthcare, standing up against Wall Street, and addressing social justice issues. However, in recent appearances, she has expressed support for policies like Build Back Better, which includes provisions for Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage, and free community college. Critics argue that these policies could result in tax cuts for millionaires. Gabbard's shift in stance has raised questions about her motivations and sincerity, especially when she appears on conservative media outlets to discuss her new views. Despite her past stances and criticisms of Biden on Afghanistan, Gabbard's recent statements indicate a departure from her earlier positions. The question remains whether this change is genuine or strategic.

    • Explaining Evolving Views is Important for Public FiguresPublic figures should clarify shifts in their views to maintain trust, while companies should respect workers' right to unionize without interference

      Public figures, especially those with significant influence, should explain their evolving views to their audience. This is especially important when those views undergo significant shifts. In the discussed context, a political figure's transformation from advocating for progressive policies to aligning with conservative ideologies was found puzzling and concerning. Additionally, the segment highlighted the issue of union busting and the tactics companies use to prevent unionization. These tactics include monitoring employee behavior, using workers' contact information to send anti-union messages, and holding mandatory meetings designed to spread fear and misinformation. Such practices give companies an unfair advantage in the union election process, making it difficult for workers to exercise their right to unionize.

    • Discussing the power of unions and the importance of subtle propagandaEffective propaganda requires subtlety and unions serve as crucial tools for workers to balance power dynamics and improve economic conditions.

      The use of terms like "living wage" in media discourse can be seen as a subtle way to bring attention to labor issues and the importance of unions. The discussion highlighted how effective propaganda requires subtlety and nuance, and the current focus on union busting sheds light on the role of unions as a powerful tool for workers to balance out the power dynamics between the ruling class. During periods of high unionization, workers have historically experienced better economic conditions. Furthermore, unions serve as crucial non-governmental institutions that enable collective bargaining and social cohesion.

    • Balancing Technology and Social ConnectionsStriking a balance between technology use and real-life connections is essential for overall well-being. Companies can encourage disconnection and offer opportunities for improved experiences and stronger connections.

      Technology and social connections can have a complex relationship. The discussion touched upon the decline of unionization leading to less social interaction and increased isolation. At the same time, we were encouraged to disconnect from our phones for a better social experience. Meanwhile, opportunities to save money on theme park tickets and use scents to enhance our homes offer potential for improved experiences and connections. So, it seems that finding a balance between technology use and real-life interactions is essential for overall well-being. Additionally, the segment highlighted the power of companies in encouraging consumers to disconnect from their devices, as US Cellular suggested putting phones down for five minutes. Furthermore, the availability of affordable theme park tickets and scents that evoke pleasant feelings can contribute to creating memorable experiences and strengthening connections. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of striking a balance between technology use and real-life connections, as well as the role companies can play in enhancing our lives.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

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