
    Mini Show #35: Congress Corruption, Saudi CIA Meeting, Bank Fraud, Hunter Biden, New Right, & More!

    enMay 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing Technology and Unique NeedsRecognize unique needs, find balance with technology, and prioritize essentials like sleep and retirement planning

      It's important to find balance in our use of technology and recognize the unique needs of different groups, such as women in retirement planning. US Cellular encourages putting down phones for five minutes to reevaluate our relationship with them. Meanwhile, Cambridge offers the Parity Flex Annuity for women's retirement needs with flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit. Gainbridge also focuses on retirement income that can't be outlived. A good night's sleep is essential for overall health, and Leesa offers various mattress options with free delivery and a 100-night trial. Regarding cable news, there's a growing need for a more trustworthy and less divisive media source, which is why Breaking Points is building a new platform. Lastly, it's essential to understand and engage with political trends, such as the increasing number of Latinos identifying with the Republican party. Ignoring or dismissing these trends can hinder progress and success within political parties.

    • Dismissive attitude towards criticism and belief in 'stuck' demographicsDespite data showing shifts in demographic voting patterns, some believe certain groups are 'stuck' with the Democrats and dismiss criticism. This attitude can harm the party and overlook complex issues like lobbying and its impact on policy and the stock market.

      The dismissive attitude towards criticism of the Democratic party and the belief that certain demographic groups are "stuck" with them can be harmful and may contribute to the party's current challenges. This was exemplified by Joe Biden's response to criticism from Charlamagne the God, and the belief that certain groups, such as black and Latino voters, have no other choice but to support the Democrats. However, data shows that this is not the case, as there has been a significant increase in Republican identification and voting among these groups. Additionally, the report from unusual_whales highlights the issue of lobbying in DC and how it can potentially influence both policy and the stock market, further complicating the political landscape. These complex issues require thoughtful engagement and a recognition that there are valid criticisms and shifting demographic trends that cannot be ignored.

    • Lobbying and Stock Ownership: Potential Conflicts of InterestLobbying by companies may lead to insider information being exchanged for financial gain, creating potential conflicts of interest for lawmakers. The large sums spent on lobbying suggest its effectiveness, and companies often target key committee members.

      There seems to be a correlation between lobbying by companies and lawmakers holding their stock. This raises questions about potential insider information being exchanged for financial gain. The lobbying industry is not always a conspiracy, but the large sums of money spent on lobbying suggest that it is effective. Furthermore, companies often lobby members of Congress who hold key committees related to their industry, creating a potential conflict of interest. A newly declassified document from 2017 also sheds light on the Saudi government's involvement in the 9/11 attacks, specifically through a Saudi consulate member named Omar Al Bayoumi, who had confirmed connections and financial ties with two of the hijackers. These findings highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in both the financial and political spheres.

    • Saudi government's potential involvement in 9/11 attacksNewly declassified documents reveal possible Saudi government knowledge and connections to 9/11 suspects, raising questions about their complicity in the attacks.

      The Saudi government and certain individuals within it may have had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, as evidenced by documents and connections to suspects like Omar Al Bayoumi. These facts have been covered up for over two decades due to Saudi corruption and political pressure. The recent declassification and release of these documents by the Biden administration and the British government shed new light on this issue. The Saudi government's involvement raises questions about what they knew beforehand and their potential complicity in the attacks. The US relationship with Saudi Arabia has changed since the Bush years, and it remains to be seen how this new information will impact the current administration's stance towards the Saudi government. It's important to remember that the full story of 9/11 and the role of various individuals and governments in it may still be unfolding.

    • Shaming people for opposing views hinders progressCompassion, dialogue, and accountability build a powerful coalition, not judgment and exclusion.

      Shaming people for their political beliefs, particularly those who hold opposing views, is not an effective strategy for progressives seeking to change the country. According to comedian Louie, this approach pushes people away and creates a polarized environment that makes it difficult to build a winning coalition. Instead, he suggests showing compassion and understanding towards fellow citizens, engaging in open dialogue, and focusing on holding those in power accountable for their actions. The left's tendency to judge and vilify ordinary citizens while giving a pass to those in power is a major hindrance to progress and growth. It's important to remember that building a powerful coalition requires openness and inclusivity, not judgment and exclusion. By focusing on our shared values and engaging in constructive dialogue, we can make progress towards positive change.

    • Hunter Biden's Large Debt Covered by Hollywood LawyerHunter Biden owes $2M in back taxes, receives financial assistance from lawyer Kevin Morris, who advises him on art sales and pays off debts, amid ongoing federal investigation

      Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, owes nearly $2,000,000 in back taxes and has reportedly received significant financial assistance from a Hollywood lawyer, Kevin Morris. The New York Post reported that Morris has been funding Hunter's lifestyle in Los Angeles, including his rent and living expenses, and has been advising him on how to structure his art sales. Morris's wife allegedly refused to comment on the matter when approached by the New York Post. The significance of this story lies in the fact that Hunter Biden is under federal investigation for potential tax violations, money laundering, and unregistered foreign lobbying, particularly for his work with foreign interests in Ukraine, China, and Kazakhstan. The investigation is ongoing, and it remains unclear why Morris would be willing to pay off such a large debt for Hunter Biden or what he might be getting in return. The story has been corroborated by CBS News, which reported that Morris maintains a "robust team" for Hunter.

    • Democratic Party's inconsistent stance on women's reproductive rightsDespite past opportunities, Democrats failed to codify Roe v. Wade into law and face internal conflicts over pro-choice vs pro-life beliefs, raising questions about their commitment to women's reproductive rights.

      There seems to be a disconnect between the Democratic Party's public stance on women's reproductive rights and their actions when they hold political power. During past Democratic administrations, despite having the opportunity to codify Roe v. Wade into law, they failed to do so. This raises questions about the party's commitment to this issue and their ability to effectively address it. Furthermore, the ongoing conflict within the Democratic Party over pro-choice versus pro-life beliefs, as exemplified by the support for pro-life Democrats, adds to the confusion and undermines their efforts. It's crucial for the Democratic Party to address these internal conflicts and demonstrate a consistent, strong stance on women's reproductive rights to regain the trust and support of their constituents.

    • Obama's missed opportunity to codify Roe vs. Wade and the rise of the new rightDuring Obama's presidency, the new right emerged as a response to perceived failures of liberal individualist capitalism and a call for a more nationalist, anti-globalist vision, critiquing liberalism from a right-wing perspective, with a focus on the decline of Americanism as previously understood.

      During Obama's presidency, there was an expectation for him to codify Roe vs. Wade, but it didn't happen due to shifting priorities and the ongoing political battle. The new right discourse emerged as a response to perceived failures of liberal individualist capitalism and a call for a more nationalist, anti-globalist vision. The new right is not just about taking over the Republican Party but also critiquing liberalism from a right-wing perspective. The Reaganite version of Americanism focused on progress and triumphalism, but the new right sees it as a vision of decline. The new right's emergence gained attention in late April 2022, as more people became aware of its intellectual undercurrents and critiques of liberalism.

    • New Right's Critique of Reagan's LegacySome figures on the new right criticize Reagan's legacy due to a desire for societal values and measures beyond market-oriented policies. This includes discomfort with issues like abortion and a longing for boundaries and values.

      There exists a critical perspective towards Reagan's legacy among some figures on the new right. This critique stems from a desire for a shift in societal values and measures of success beyond market-oriented policies. While there may be some parallels between this new right and the progressive left, the cultural aspect of the new right's critique is often underestimated. For instance, there's a growing discomfort with issues like abortion that was not as prevalent a decade ago. This new right conservatism longs for boundaries and values that some feel are lacking in contemporary society. The speaker's personal experience of the Bernie Sanders movement's potential for societal change and its subsequent disappointment led them to observe similar longings and values among young people on the new right.

    • The search for meaning and connection in a disconnected worldThe left can respond to the search for meaning and connection by acknowledging its importance and engaging in open dialogue, providing a more holistic approach to societal challenges

      The rapid spread of certain cultural trends, such as the sexual revolution, has led to a deep sense of disconnection and longing for community and deeper understanding of values among some individuals. This search for meaning and connection has given rise to various reactions and critiques, some of which may be misguided or oversimplified. The left, particularly the progressive left, can respond by acknowledging the importance of community and the need for a coherent and meaningful world, rather than solely focusing on economic issues. By engaging in open and respectful dialogue, the left can create a welcoming space for individuals who feel alienated and provide a more holistic approach to addressing societal challenges.

    • New Right Movement's Vision for Centralized Power and Aggressive Policy-MakingThe new right movement is advocating for a more centralized executive power and an aggressive approach to policy-making, while the progressive left grapples with questions about their ability to do the same. The cultural war narratives may influence voter decisions, and this dynamic has sparked curiosity and reflection among the center-left demographic.

      There is a growing divide within the political landscape, particularly on the right, where some individuals and groups are advocating for a more centralized executive power and a more aggressive approach to policy-making. This new right movement, as described in the discussion, has a clear vision of how to acquire and wield power quickly to enact change. However, the progressive left is currently facing questions about their ability to do the same. The conversation around this issue extends beyond Twitter and raises the question of whether people are voting for these candidates based on their ideas or the cultural war narratives. The new right is preparing for a war for control of conservative politics, and they are ready to articulate their views openly. This dynamic was highlighted in a piece published in Vanity Fair, which received varying reactions, with some seeing it as a threat to democracy and others finding it intriguing. Ultimately, the piece sparked curiosity and reflection among the center-left demographic, offering a critique of liberalism that many had not considered before.

    • Hawkish foreign policy sentiment returns in D.C.Despite past interventionist failures, the U.S. is funding a proxy war in Ukraine, reflecting a cyclical pattern of shifting foreign policy attitudes in America

      The war in Ukraine has led to a resurgence of hawkish foreign policy sentiment in Washington, D.C., despite the country's recent history of interventionist failures and the desire for a more isolationist approach. The term "blob" refers to the bipartisan consensus of journalists, think tank members, and politicians who advocate for America's leading role abroad. Despite the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the criticism of interventionist policies, the attitude towards foreign policy has shifted once again, with the U.S. funding a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. This shift can be seen as a cyclical pattern, with the pendulum swinging between interventionist and isolationist approaches throughout American history. However, the consequences of past interventions, such as the chaos in Libya and Iraq, have left many questioning the wisdom of this renewed hawkishness.

    • The shift in global politics requires a more careful US approachUnchecked American power can lead to overreach and conflict, and a more hawkish stance towards China and Russia comes with risks and limitations.

      The world has shifted significantly since the unconstrained use of American power in the early 2000s, and the current geopolitical landscape demands a more careful approach. Hawks in American foreign policy circles may push for a more aggressive stance towards China and Russia, but the realities of the current international situation and the restraint shown by the Biden administration suggest that such actions come with risks and limitations. The past two decades have shown that unchecked American power can lead to overreach and decades of conflict. While hawks may serve as a useful foil for Biden to appear more moderate, the real question is how successful the US can be in proxy wars like the one in Ukraine, and what the implications of a more hawkish foreign policy could be in the future. The midterm elections and potential changes in administration could bring new dynamics to this discussion, but for now, the hawks are the dominant voice in Washington D.C., and the realists who advocate for caution are on the back foot.

    • Biden's Foreign Policy: Cold War Experiences and PragmatismBiden's foreign policy is shaped by Cold War experiences and pragmatism. He's tougher than Obama but cautious in crises. Burns' discreet meeting with MBS signifies geopolitical implications and a Hail Mary attempt to address oil prices.

      President Joe Biden's foreign policy approach is shaped by his experiences during the Cold War and his dealings with foreign autocrats over his career. Despite his opposition to the Bin Laden raid and withdrawal from Afghanistan, he is considered tougher than Obama in foreign policy and pragmatic. In the Ukraine crisis, he was cautious at first but ramped up support once Ukraine looked like a winner. Regarding the CIA and Saudi Arabia, the meeting between CIA Director William Burns and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is significant due to its discretion and geopolitical implications, particularly concerning oil prices and international trade. The Biden administration's efforts to maintain a stance against MBS while addressing gas prices led to Burns' meeting with him, which some view as a Hail Mary attempt.

    • Tensions between US and Saudi Arabia over oil production and China's involvementThe ongoing negotiations between the US and Saudi Arabia over oil production have geopolitical implications, including potential profits for Russia during conflicts and sensitive talks between Saudi Arabia and China over oil sales and missile imports, which could impact US economic dominance and cause irritation in US agencies.

      The ongoing negotiations between the Biden administration and Saudi Arabia over oil production have significant geopolitical implications. The potential increase in oil production could lead to higher profits for Russia during times of conflict, such as the invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, there are sensitive negotiations between Saudi Arabia and China over potential sales of oil in yuan and the importation of completed ballistic missiles, which could undercut the US's economic dominance and cause irritation in the CIA and State Department. Some argue that keeping oil prices high incentivizes a shift towards alternative energy, but without the necessary infrastructure in place, it could lead to a recession. The lack of agreement on oil production and these sensitive negotiations highlight the complexities of international relations and the challenges of transitioning to a post-oil economy.

    • Biden's Middle East Policy: Balancing Geopolitics, Business Deals, and DiplomacyThe Biden administration's Middle East policy involves complex negotiations with Iran, alliances through business deals like the Abraham Accords, and prioritizing intelligence gathering over diplomacy in certain cases.

      The Biden administration's approach to foreign policy in the Middle East, particularly regarding oil prices and diplomacy with Saudi Arabia, is complex and multifaceted. The absence of Blinken and the State Department in a recent CIA director's trip to Riyadh highlights the administration's shifting priorities and potentially strained relationships with certain regional leaders. The Abraham Accords, described as a peace deal but more accurately a business deal, have set the foundation for alliances between Israel, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia. The CIA's role in diplomacy and intelligence gathering, as seen in the hacking of Jamal Khashoggi's phone, may prioritize different interests than the State Department. The ongoing negotiations with Iran add another layer of complexity, with the potential for a nuclear deal but also the possibility of it falling apart. Overall, the Biden administration's Middle East policy is a delicate balance of geopolitical interests, business deals, and diplomacy.

    • Iran's Capability to Disrupt Global Oil MarketsIran's attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and the UAE highlighted its ability to cause significant economic damage and disruption to global oil markets, leading to a more conciliatory stance towards the Iran nuclear deal.

      The attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, carried out by drones, served as a wake-up call for Gulf states and other countries involved in negotiations with Iran. These attacks highlighted Iran's capability to disrupt global oil markets and cause significant economic damage, leading to a more conciliatory stance towards the Iran nuclear deal. The recognition of the need for regional stability and the potential consequences of continued conflict have influenced the messaging around the reinstatement of the deal. The attacks also exposed the vulnerabilities of relying on oil and the potential risks of prolonged conflict. The desire for alternative energy sources and oil supplies, as well as the need to mitigate the effects of unstable leaders, further emphasizes the incentive to reinstate the Iran deal.

    • Wells Fargo and TD Bank scandals reveal profits over ethicsBanking industry prioritizes profits over consumer protection, resulting in unauthorized accounts and customer dissatisfaction, with little transparency or accountability

      The American financial industry has a long-standing problem with prioritizing profits over ethics, as evidenced by the Wells Fargo and TD Bank scandals. In both cases, employees were pressured to meet aggressive sales targets by opening unauthorized accounts or misleading customers, resulting in significant fines and customer dissatisfaction. Despite regulatory knowledge of these issues, the findings were not made public, and no significant penalties were imposed. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of bank regulations and the prioritization of corporate profits over consumer protection. The lack of transparency and accountability in the banking industry underscores the need for increased scrutiny and reform.

    • TD Bank's growth faces scrutiny over past misconductDespite expansion efforts, TD Bank's growth is threatened by past misconduct involving unnecessary overdraft protection sales and regulatory investigations. Stronger regulation is needed to protect consumers and uphold financial system integrity.

      Despite TD Bank's efforts to expand and grow, it continues to face scrutiny over past misconduct involving the sale of unnecessary overdraft protection to customers. This scandal is not an isolated incident, as 5th Third Bank also faced similar charges in 2020. Regulators, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, have the power to impact TD Bank's growth through merger approvals and investigations. The Republican Party's handling of bank regulation in the past, including the blocking of tough regulators like Saleh Omarova, has contributed to the erosion of the rule of law in the banking industry. The persistent occurrence of such deceptive practices underscores the need for stronger regulation to protect consumers and uphold the integrity of the financial system.

    • Addressing unique financial and mental health needsCambridge offers a flexible retirement income solution with their Parity Flex Annuity, while Gainbridge makes mental health support accessible with BetterHelp.

      Both Cambridge and Gainbridge are addressing unique financial needs, specifically for women's retirement and mental health, respectively. Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity offers flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit, ensuring retirement income that can't be outlived. Gainbridge, on the other hand, is making mental health support more accessible through their online therapy platform, BetterHelp. This flexible, affordable, and convenient solution connects individuals with licensed therapists, making mental health support more accessible to everyone. Ultimately, these companies are addressing essential needs and providing innovative solutions to improve people's lives. Start planning for your financial future with Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity and prioritize your mental health with BetterHelp.

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