
    Mini Show #36: Progressive Wins, GOP Shift, Al Jazeera Journalist, Non Profit Corruption, Workplace Bullying, Ukraine Drones, & More!

    enMay 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Attempts to criminalize dissent and protestsRepublicans call for McCarthy-era laws to silence protesters, contradicting their 'free speech' stance; Florida makes protesting outside homes illegal.

      As societal issues continue to unfold, there's a growing attempt to criminalize dissent and protests, even going as far back as McCarthy-era laws. This was highlighted in a discussion on The Lever podcast regarding the Republican response to the imminent overturning of Roe v. Wade. Senators like Josh Hawley are calling for the resurrection of a McCarthy-era law to arrest and jail protesters near the homes of Supreme Court justices. This is a concerning development, as it goes against the idea of free speech and the right to peacefully protest. Additionally, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed a bill making protesting outside of a person's home illegal. These actions expose the inconsistency of the Republican Party's claims to be the "free speech party." It's essential to stay informed and engaged in these issues to ensure our rights to peaceful protest and dissent are protected.

    • Politicians trying to selectively restrict protest rightsPoliticians attempting to restrict certain protests, like those related to reproductive rights, undermines the First Amendment's freedom of speech principle

      The debate over the effectiveness of protests should be separate from the question of whether they should be allowed to happen. However, there are concerns that some politicians are trying to outlaw certain forms of protest, like those related to reproductive rights, due to disagreement with the message being conveyed. This selective application of laws undermines the principle of freedom of speech, which is enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The ongoing efforts to restrict protest rights, particularly by the religious right, raise concerns about the potential erosion of this fundamental right. The fact that these efforts are being made despite decades of work towards this goal and the imminent achievement of a significant political victory highlights the importance of staying vigilant and focused on the issue at hand.

    • Republican economic orthodoxy may become irrelevantThe GOP needs to adapt from Reagan-style economics to address modern voter needs, balancing cultural and economic messages, and addressing economic concerns for working-class voters.

      The Republican Party's economic orthodoxy, driven by well-funded think tanks and institutions, may become irrelevant if they fail to adapt to the changing political landscape. The current focus on Reagan-style, libertarian economic policies no longer fits the needs of the electorate in 2022. Obstacles to change include the source of funding and the base's response to cultural issues. However, there's hope for realignment through candidates like JD Vance who balance cultural and economic messages. Additionally, the crossover between cultural and economic issues, particularly regarding corporate interests and "woke capital," presents an opportunity for right-leaning politicians to connect with voters on both fronts. Ultimately, the ability to adapt and address economic concerns for working-class voters is crucial for building a governing majority.

    • Politics and Culture: Beyond Economic IssuesThe political climate goes beyond economic issues, encompassing cultural stances and critiques against corporations. Some individuals find kindness and generosity within the system, but it's crucial to consider the overall impact and potential for change.

      The current political climate is not just about economic issues, but also cultural ones. The critique against corporations is not solely based on labor practices or union busting, but rather on cultural stances. Jen Psaki's experience in Washington, as she sees it, is one of working with incredible people and shining stars, despite the common perception of corruption. However, as an outside observer, the experience can be quite the opposite. The West Wing may inspire individual kindness and generosity, but it's essential to consider the overall impact of the system and the ideologies it fosters. The current political landscape is witnessing a shift, with some groups rethinking orthodoxies and seeking a policy agenda that addresses America's problems. Those who cling to outdated ideas risk becoming irrelevant.

    • The Importance of Authenticity in High-Profile CareersMany take high-profile jobs for career advancement, but authenticity and staying true to beliefs are crucial.

      Many people take jobs in high-profile positions not because they are passionate about the work or believe in the vision, but as a stepping stone to further their careers. This was discussed in relation to individuals working in politics and media. The speaker highlighted the high turnover rate in certain administrations and the tendency for people to leave when things get tough. The speaker also mentioned the financial incentives, such as higher salaries, that come with these jobs. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the cancellation of various projects, including a Hillary Clinton series and Meghan Markle's animated racial series. The speaker suggested that the content was not particularly good and that some of it was produced as a means to buy off politicians. The speaker also shared that a new Democratic primary poll did not show Hillary Clinton faring well. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of authenticity and staying true to one's beliefs in the face of financial and career opportunities.

    • Authenticity and Honesty in MediaThe Real Ones podcast provides unfiltered and fair discussions on key issues featuring individuals from diverse backgrounds, promoting compromise and understanding in today's divisive discourse.

      Both the guest, Jon Bernthal, and the host value authenticity and honesty in media, especially during a time when unfiltered and fair information is hard to come by. Bernthal's podcast, "The Real Ones," aims to provide that by featuring individuals from various backgrounds and professions to discuss key issues. The host, who is a celebrity himself, expressed his frustration with the current discourse in the country being agenda-based and divisive, and believes that true American values lie in compromise and understanding differences. Bernthal's interviewing style on his podcast was praised for allowing his guests to speak and share their perspectives. The themes of exploring complex issues through multifaceted characters and social commentary were also discussed, with Bernthal's role in "We Own the City" being highlighted as an example.

    • Building relationships through authentic storytellingThe production of 'The Wire' showcased the power of gaining access to communities and individuals through authentic storytelling, while the UFO hearing marked a new chapter in the public discourse on UFOs with top military officials sharing new information.

      The individuals involved in creating authentic and truthful stories, whether it be through journalism or storytelling, can gain access and build relationships with people and communities that may be difficult to reach. This was evident in the discussion about the production of "The Wire" and the experience of the journalist in gaining access to the Baltimore Police Department. Another key point is the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the good and courageous police officers, as well as addressing and addressing the issue of police corruption and brutality. In the context of the UFO hearing, the takeaway is that this is just the beginning of a new chapter in the public discourse on UFOs, with top military officials coming forward to share new information. The hearing marks a significant moment in history, and there is a commitment to continuing the conversation and uncovering more information through classified briefings and future testimonies.

    • Historic UFO hearing in Congress marks first step towards transparencyCongressional hearing addresses UFOs, acknowledges public interest, and reveals past deception

      That the UFO hearing in Congress marked a significant step towards increasing transparency and accountability regarding the study and management of UFO phenomena. The military and intelligence communities were pressed about their programs and capabilities, and the public's interest and involvement were acknowledged. The lies and obfuscation surrounding past videos, such as the triangular-shaped object off the USS Russell, were addressed, revealing the true nature of the classified briefings describing these objects as pyramid-shaped. This hearing is a first step towards addressing the UFO mystery and increasing public knowledge on this intriguing topic that has been a part of human history for centuries. The public's enthusiasm and curiosity are expected to push this topic forward, as we continue to learn more about the UFO phenomenon and its potential implications for humanity.

    • Wall Street firms investing in US South for single family homes and rentalsWall Street firms are buying up properties in the US South, driving up rents and exacerbating affordability issues, with critics linking this to deregulation and market concentration following the 2008 housing crisis

      Wall Street firms, including Fundrise, are increasing their investments in the southern United States, particularly in single family homes and rental properties. This trend is driven by population growth and demographic shifts in these regions. While corporate purchases represent a small percentage of overall home transactions, critics argue that they contribute to rising rents and housing affordability issues. Some experts trace this issue back to the 2008 housing crisis and the subsequent deregulation of the housing market, which led to unregulated mortgage lending and the sale of toxic assets. Today, firms like Fundrise and BlackRock are buying up properties and renting them back to people at higher prices, exacerbating affordability issues. The lack of regulation in the housing market and the concentration of market power in the hands of a few large firms continues to be a concern.

    • John Fetterman: The Pragmatic ProgressiveJohn Fetterman, Pennsylvania's Democratic Senate nominee, resonates with voters through authenticity and pragmatic policy approaches, setting him apart from traditional party labels.

      John Fetterman, the Democratic nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania, is a unique political figure who has resonated with voters in his state despite not aligning with one specific wing of the party. Fetterman, who is the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania and was previously the mayor of Braddock, a former steel town, is known for his authenticity and relatability. He won the Democratic primary by a landslide against established candidates, demonstrating his appeal to voters. While some may label him a Bernie Sanders-style progressive, Fetterman has distinguished himself by taking a pragmatic approach to policy issues, focusing on expanding healthcare access in Pennsylvania rather than specific labels like Medicare for all or a Green New Deal. His ability to connect with voters and work across party lines could make him a formidable candidate in the general election.

    • John Fetterman's authenticity fuels political successJohn Fetterman's authenticity and connection to his community, despite being labeled a progressive activist, have been key factors in his political success. His refusal to wear suits and ties is seen as relatable and evidence of his commitment to his community.

      John Fetterman's authenticity and connection to his community in Pennsylvania have been key factors in his political success. Despite being labeled as a progressive activist, Fetterman's policy alignment with progressives is limited to a few issues, such as a $15 minimum wage, strong support for unions, and protecting voting rights. However, his endorsement of Bernie Sanders in 2016 was likely due to Sanders being the populist candidate. Fetterman's refusal to wear suits and ties, which has become a distinctive part of his look, is seen as authentic and relatable to voters in Pennsylvania. This approach may become more widespread in politics as voters prioritize trustworthiness and likability over specific policy planks. Fetterman's authenticity is seen as a strength rather than a weakness, and his refusal to change his appearance is viewed as evidence of his continued connection to his community.

    • Authenticity and reaching disengaged voters matter in electionsAuthenticity and connecting with disengaged voters can make a significant difference in elections, but adapting to changing political landscapes is crucial for young politicians to advance.

      Authenticity and reaching a larger portion of disengaged voters, even if not a majority, can make a significant difference in elections, as exemplified by Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman. Meanwhile, the trajectory of politicians like Elise Stefanik shows that the political landscape can shift rapidly, and young politicians may need to adapt to advance in their parties. Despite these challenges, the optimism expressed in the book "The Ones We've Been Waiting For: Millennials, Young People, and Politics" remains, as most of the individuals profiled in the book remain active in politics. However, the coming years may present challenges to democracy.

    • A generational shift in US politics and potential change in US-Israeli relationsBipartisan support for an independent investigation into the killing of a Palestinian American journalist shows a potential shift in US-Israeli politics, as younger politicians push for more accountability and impartiality in foreign investigations involving American citizens.

      While electing young politicians may not be the sole solution to the structural issues in American politics, a generational shift is underway that could bring about new political paradigms. However, the influence of Trumpism remains strong, particularly on the right. A current example of this is the call for an independent investigation into the killing of Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, with bipartisan support among House Democrats. This step highlights the importance of the US government addressing the impartiality of foreign investigations when it comes to American citizens. The letter, initially circulated by Representatives Andre Carson and Correa, has gained support from both progressives and more established politicians, signaling a potential shift in US-Israeli politics.

    • Israeli investigation into Shireen Abu Akleh's death raises concerns about impartialityThe Israeli investigation into the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh is facing skepticism due to the Israeli government's response, forensic analysis suggesting IDF involvement, and broad support for an independent investigation among Democrats in Congress.

      The killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the West Bank and the subsequent events have raised serious concerns about the impartiality of an Israeli investigation into the incident. The prominence of Abu Akleh, a respected journalist with over 20 years of experience in Palestine, and the broad support for an investigation among Democrats in Congress, make it an awkward situation for the Biden administration. The Israeli government's response to the incident, including a controversial video and the use of excessive force against mourners, has added to skepticism about the investigation's independence. Forensic analysis by organizations like Bellingcat suggests that the IDF may be responsible for Abu Akleh's death, further fueling doubts about the Israeli investigation.

    • Israeli interference in US primaries raises questionsIsraeli groups spent millions in US primaries, raising questions about their intentions and long-term interests, while US stance on Ukraine aid remains unchanged despite bipartisan calls for change.

      The Israeli government's actions and interference in Democratic primaries using significant funds from Republican donors, without any clear connection to Israel or its politics, raises questions about their good faith intentions and long-term interests. This was evident in the recent primaries in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, where APAC and DMFI spent millions against progressive candidates, narrowing the gap but not securing victories. The lack of transparency and focus on Israel in these ads further highlights the issue. Meanwhile, in international affairs, the US administration's stance on providing Ukraine with fighter jets and setting up a no-fly zone remains unchanged despite bipartisan calls for a shift. The situation raises concerns about the US's assessment of Ukrainian needs and the potential for wasted efforts in diplomacy.

    • Mitigating Risks in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Use of Reaper DronesDecision to use Reaper drones in Russia-Ukraine conflict carries economic, political, and potentially dangerous consequences

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine comes with risks, and the decision to mitigate those risks through increased military intervention also carries its own consequences. The discussion touched upon the potential use of Reaper drones, which could function similarly to manned fighter jets and carry intense air-to-ground weapons. However, their use could be provocative from the Russian perspective and potentially lead to escalation. The training of Ukrainian pilots to operate these drones is a significant undertaking and could be expedited, but the costs associated with the drones and their support structure are substantial. General Atomics, the manufacturer of the Reaper drones, has expressed frustration with the US export policy and the financial strain they are facing. Ultimately, the decision to provide military aid, including the use of Reaper drones, comes with economic, political, and potentially dangerous consequences that must be carefully considered.

    • US export policies led to increased sales of advanced military tech, but raised concerns about who they would end up withDuring the Trump administration, the US eased export policies, resulting in increased sales for corporations like Lockheed Martin, but also concerns about potential recipients and revenue from associated contracts

      During the Trump administration, the US eased export policies to allow more countries to access advanced military technology, including drones. This shift led to increased sales for corporations like Lockheed Martin, but also raised concerns about who these weapons would end up in the hands of. The ongoing debate about allowing Ukraine to access these drones is part of this broader trend. Meanwhile, reporting has shown that intelligence gathering and maintenance contracts associated with these technologies can generate significant revenue. However, recent revelations about how some organizations, like Black Lives Matter, have used donations have fueled criticisms that such groups prioritize personal gain over community improvement.

    • Susceptibility of nonprofits to financial impropriety and lack of transparencyDespite their charitable missions, nonprofits like the BLM Global Network Foundation can lack transparency and be susceptible to financial mismanagement. Donors and the public should demand transparency and scrutinize nonprofits' activities to ensure they're making a positive impact.

      The nonprofit sector, including organizations like the BLM Global Network Foundation, can be susceptible to financial impropriety and lack of transparency, despite their charitable missions. The ease of obtaining nonprofit status and limited oversight from regulatory agencies and the media contribute to this issue. This lack of scrutiny can lead to questionable uses of public funds and perpetuate a cycle of mistrust. It's essential for donors and the public to apply critical thinking and demand transparency when considering donations to nonprofits, especially those with significant resources and influence. The media also plays a crucial role in holding nonprofits accountable and reporting on their activities in an unbiased and thorough manner. By staying informed and advocating for greater transparency, we can help ensure that nonprofits are truly making a positive impact on society.

    • Nonprofits: A breeding ground for misconduct and manipulationThe nonprofit sector, with its lack of government scrutiny and centralized data, can allow fraud, corruption, and manipulation to go unchecked. Corporate interests can influence nonprofits, co-opting social movements and creating a dangerous reliance on these organizations, disconnecting from grassroots activism.

      The nonprofit sector, despite its perceived altruistic nature, can also be a breeding ground for misconduct and manipulation by powerful interests. The lack of centrally compiled data and government scrutiny in the nonprofit sector makes it easier for fraud and corruption to go unchecked. The nonprofit industrial complex, with its ties to corporations and the ultra-wealthy, can be used to surveil and co-opt social movements, rather than fostering fundamental change. The increasing corporatization of activist movements and the assumption that nonprofits have the best interests of those they serve in mind, can lead to a dangerous reliance on these organizations and a disconnect from grassroots activism. The case of the BLM Global Network Foundation serves as an example of how corporate interests can influence the tactics and goals of social movements. Ultimately, it's crucial to question the motivations and intentions behind nonprofits and the role they play in addressing large-scale political issues.

    • Gates Foundation's Influence in Global Public HealthThe Gates Foundation's significant influence and lack of accountability in global public health raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the need for increased scrutiny and transparency.

      The significant influence and power wielded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in global public health, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, raises important questions about accountability and potential conflicts of interest. The foundation's massive financial investments have enabled it to fund numerous organizations and influence policies, creating few checks and balances. This top-down approach, as journalist Tim Schwab notes, can be seen as neocolonial and technocratic, with Bill Gates positioning himself as the solution provider for global health issues. The nonprofit sector, including the Gates Foundation, should be subjected to more scrutiny, with the government, media, and individuals examining the motivations and uses of donations. The proliferation of nonprofits and activism through this complex may also have shifted our understanding of good activism. It's crucial to remember that Bill Gates' philanthropy does not equate to charity and that there should be ongoing oversight and transparency.

    • Workplace Bullying: A Prevalent Issue Affecting MillionsNearly half of all adults in the US have experienced or witnessed workplace bullying, with 39% of currently employed Americans being affected. Instances have risen with remote work.

      Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue that extends beyond the schoolyard and affects a significant portion of the working population. Despite the lack of a universally accepted definition or legal protections, bullying in the workplace involves intentional mistreatment through verbal abuse, intimidation, humiliation, work interference, or sabotage. The 2021 survey by the Workplace Bullying Institute and Zogby Analytics revealed that nearly half of all adults in the US have been affected by workplace bullying in some way, with 39% of currently employed Americans being bullied or having witnessed it. Instances of bullying have even increased with the rise of remote work. It's important to acknowledge this problem and expand our understanding of a hostile work environment to ensure that all working people are protected and supported.

    • Culture of silence and stigma around workplace bullyingBullying can happen to anyone, regardless of profession or perceived strength, and can have devastating effects on mental and emotional health. We need to stop the silence and fight for change towards healthier workplaces.

      The combination of economic pressures, competition, and tough management styles has led to a culture where workplace bullying thrives, creating toxic workplaces that perpetuate fear, shame, and silence. This enforced silence and cultural stigma have made it difficult for people to acknowledge and address workplace bullying, even when it's happening to them or those around them. The human impact of workplace bullying is significant and can be seen in cases like the high-profile incident involving NFL players Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin, who were subjected to harassment and bullying despite their perceived invincibility. It's important to recognize that bullying can happen to anyone, regardless of their profession or perceived strength, and that it can have devastating effects on mental and emotional health. To address this issue, we need to stop judging and start looking out for each other, raise our voices, and fight for change together. Only then can we begin to make progress towards creating healthier and more supportive workplaces.

    • Vivian Barrett's Tragic Story of Workplace BullyingWorkplace bullying can lead to severe consequences, including suicide. Organizations must take allegations seriously and address them promptly to prevent harm to employees.

      Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue that can have severe consequences, yet many instances go unnoticed or unaddressed. Vivian Barrett's story, though tragic, brought attention to the issue and highlighted the experiences of transgender individuals in the workplace. Barrett faced discrimination and bullying from her supervisor, including misgendering and removal of responsibilities, despite her attempts to seek help from university administration. The situation ultimately led to Barrett's suicide. Workplace bullying can take various forms and can happen anywhere, as evidenced by the case of John Hogsett and his coworkers at g and d integrated, who faced retaliation for unionizing and prioritized workplace safety. It is crucial for organizations to take allegations of bullying seriously and address them promptly to prevent harm to employees.

    • Workers faced retaliation and bullying for unionizingManagement used illegal tactics, threats, and isolation to prevent unionization, leading to multiple unfair labor practice charges and tragic consequences

      Workers at G and D Integrated faced retaliation and bullying from management after expressing their desire to unionize. This included illegal surveillance, interrogation, threats, and the weaponizing of personal information to isolate and alienate workers. Management's actions led to a staggering number of unfair labor practice charges against the company, which it has denied. The bullying tactics used by management were designed to make workers feel powerless and unable to turn to anyone for help. This abuse was not limited to G and D Integrated, as the family of Evan Seyfried, a 20-year dedicated worker at an Ohio Kroger, shared their story of how store managers allegedly bullied Evan, leading him to have a transient psychotic break and take his own life. These cases highlight the serious issue of workplace abuse and the need for stronger protections for workers.

    • A tragic case of workplace harassmentCompanies must prioritize employee safety and well-being, address harassment promptly, and hold accountable those who create hostile work environments.

      Workplaces have a responsibility to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all employees. In the tragic case of Evan Seyfried, his workplace, a Kroger grocery store, failed to do so, leading to a 6-month harassment campaign by two coworkers. The harassment included sabotage at work, stalking outside of his home, and false accusations. Evan's attempts to report the harassment to management, HR, and the union went unheeded, and the situation only worsened. His family has described this as a whistleblower case, as Evan spoke out against the hostile work environment. Evan's story has not received the media attention it deserves, but it serves as a reminder of the importance of creating a safe and respectful workplace for all employees, regardless of political beliefs or affiliations. The Seyfried family's fight for justice highlights the need for companies to prioritize the well-being of their employees and hold accountable those who create hostile work environments.

    • Workplace harassment and its devastating consequencesFailing to address harassment and bullying in the workplace can lead to severe harm for victims, and it's crucial to support those affected and create a safe work environment.

      Workplaces have a responsibility to address complaints of harassment and bullying, and failing to do so can result in devastating consequences for the victims. Evan Seyfried, a kind and selfless man who took care of his family and loved his career, faced harassment and tried to help his coworkers who were being harassed. Despite this, Kroger did not intervene. Evan's father shared that during the COVID-19 period, Evan took care of his parents and visited them every week. He was proud of his accomplishments, including buying his own home. Evan's story serves as a reminder that every person who experiences workplace bullying is a whole human being who deserves better. It's important to remember that we must fight against what is fundamentally unacceptable and support those who are suffering.

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    Producer: Daniel J. Bolin

    Executive Producers: Julie Tappendorf, Keri-Lyn Krafthefer

    Chair: Erin M. Monforti

    Engineers: Matt Smith, Ricardo Perez

    This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers

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    Sen. Hawley - https://www.hawley.senate.gov

    Markowicz/Mandel - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1956007083/

    Tragos - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxAHSAOfe4wZozc2jYK9NAw


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    Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 5/11/2022

    Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 5/11/2022
    New Time! On today's show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: Supremely Upset: Protesters in front of Pelosi's house! - Tim Scott calls out treasury secretary for 'callous' claim that banning abortion is bad for economy - Law bans attempts to 'influence' Supremes, but DOJ silent on near-riots at justices' homes - proposed abortion bill would force Christian doctors to perform abortions against religious beliefs - we'll analyze. Vax Scene: Air Force admits all granted religious accommodations for Vax were for airmen already leaving Service - Military doctor claims Defense medical database totally corrupted as vax injuries scrubbed - White House warns of 100 million COVID infections this fall - we'll examine. Plus, 'Mama bears' sweep school-board elections in Texas county. And, skipping meals. racking up debt. how inflation is squeezing single parents. https://www.spreaker.com/show/christian-talk-that-rocks https://christiantalkthatrocks.net or http://christiantalkthatrocks.com

    Episode 122- Wendy & Dave Start A Fight Club

    Episode 122- Wendy & Dave Start A Fight Club

    We still got a LOT on our minds & hearts concerning the recent events in our country...so, this episode is still pretty politic heavy...but before that, we do get into some lighthearted stuff like some more movies from different POVs & stuff like that...then BOOM...we start it up! We talk about Drew Brees & the NFL, we get a little into cancel culture, Gone With The Wind on HBO Max, and the Wendy's incident. We end with our thoughts on Dave Chappelle's new special... 8:46.  Real compelling stuff for y'all mechanics!









