
    Mini Show #44: Jill Biden, Uvalde Coverup, Airline Dysfunction, Dem Alternatives, Abortion Story, Airline Business, & More!

    enJuly 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring resources for enjoyable bedtime experiencesDiscover podcasts like Koala Moon and She Pivots, or Stories for Kids by Lingokids for educational and relaxing bedtime content. Remember, past experiences shape us, and it's essential to recognize their value in personal growth. Be mindful of language and cultural nuances to promote authentic representation and sensitivity.

      There are numerous resources available to make bedtime a more enjoyable experience for parents and children. The Koala Moon podcast offers bedtime stories and sleep meditations, She Pivots explores inspiring stories of women's career pivots, and Stories for Kids by Lingokids provides educational and interactive content. Meanwhile, it's important to recognize the value of past experiences and how they contribute to personal growth. Additionally, the importance of authentic representation and cultural sensitivity was highlighted in the discussion about the first lady's misstep at a recent event. It's crucial for individuals and organizations to be mindful of language and cultural nuances to avoid causing offense.

    • Lack of representation and understanding in power leads to insensitive statements and actionsThe importance of representation and understanding in power cannot be overstated, as demonstrated by the Trump Taco Bowl tweet and the ongoing Uvalde school shooting investigation, where a lack of clarity and accountability persists

      The lack of representation and understanding of various communities, including the Latino community, in positions of power can lead to insensitive and out-of-touch statements or actions. This was exemplified by the Trump Taco Bowl tweet and the ongoing confusion surrounding the events of the Uvalde school shooting. The Democrats, who are often criticized for their cultural sensitivity, have been criticized for their lack of representation and disconnect from the everyday lives of ordinary Hispanics. The ongoing investigation into the Uvalde shooting has been marked by conflicting reports and a lack of clear information, with significant discrepancies in the timeline of events and accusations of lying from various officials. The release of the 77-minute video from the school hallway could provide much-needed clarity, but it has not been authorized for public release. The lack of transparency and accountability in this situation highlights the importance of representation and understanding in addressing complex issues.

    • Ongoing concerns about Uvalde school shooting cover-upFamilies seek answers, transparency about Uvalde shooting; Stewart's potential 2024 presidential run debated

      There are ongoing concerns about a cover-up regarding the Uvalde school shooting, as key details about the events leading up to the tragedy remain unanswered. The families are left in the dark about what happened and who is responsible. Meanwhile, calls for transparency from authorities have gone unheeded. In a different vein, an intriguing suggestion has emerged in political circles, with some advocating for comedian John Stewart to run for president in 2024. Stewart's popularity and communication skills make him an attractive candidate, but it remains uncertain if he would be able to win a primary due to some Democrats' mistrust of the media and his past criticisms of prominent political figures. Regardless, the Uvalde shooting investigation continues to unfold, with the public eagerly awaiting answers and accountability.

    • Jon Stewart's Unlikely Political Run and Shifting Political LandscapeJon Stewart's expertise and debate skills make him a strong potential candidate, but he's unlikely to run due to past criticisms of politics and the current political landscape's shifting priorities. The EU's energy crisis and rationing decisions have implications for human health and safety, and US-Russia energy policies are under scrutiny.

      Jon Stewart, despite his effectiveness as a potential political candidate due to his depth of knowledge on substantive issues and ability to handle debates, is unlikely to run for office given his past criticisms of politics and the challenges that come with it. Additionally, the political landscape is currently experiencing a significant shift, with many young Democrats and even some within the Democratic base expressing dissatisfaction with President Biden, yet mainstream Democrats are deferring to him. On a separate note, the discussion also touched upon the energy crisis, with the example given being the European Union's decision to ration power and shut down nuclear power plants, and the implications of such decisions for human health and safety during extreme heat waves. The policy towards Russia regarding energy has also been criticized as misguided and potentially dangerous.

    • Geopolitical Crisis Ripple Effects on Developing NationsThe Russia-West conflict disrupts natural gas supplies, record-breaking oil profits fuel debt crises, food and fuel shortages, and potential social unrest in developing nations, leading to global instability and potential new dictators.

      The ongoing geopolitical crisis between Russia and the West, triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, is having far-reaching consequences beyond the immediate conflict. The disruption of natural gas supplies from Russia, coupled with record-breaking oil profits, has put many developing nations on the brink of crisis. These countries, already weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic, are facing debt defaults, food and fuel shortages, and potential social unrest. The ripple effects could lead to global instability and the rise of new dictators in unpredictable parts of the world. The longer the crisis lasts, the more chaos it injects into the system, and the greater the potential for unintended consequences. It's important to consider whether the chaos caused by the conflict is worth the political goal being accomplished.

    • A 10-year-old rape victim's journey for abortion accessThe overturning of Roe vs. Wade has led to complex situations for abortion access, including a 10-year-old rape victim traveling out of state for a procedure due to restrictive laws. These laws could result in more girls facing similar situations or even illegal procedures.

      The overturning of Roe vs. Wade has led to controversial and complex situations regarding abortion access, as seen in the case of a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio who had to travel to Indiana for the procedure due to Ohio's 6-week ban. This situation, which has drawn international attention, highlights the uncertainty and potential harm that can result from restrictive abortion laws. Confirmation of the rape and arrest of the perpetrator, Gershon Fuentes, adds authenticity to this tragic story. Despite the rarity of such instances, the increasing restrictions on abortion access in states like Ohio and Indiana could lead to more situations where young girls are forced to seek abortions in neighboring states or even face illegal procedures. The response from some on the right has been to question the validity of these stories rather than addressing the implications of the laws they support. The implications of these laws are that such situations will continue to arise, and ignoring them is a disingenuous approach to the issue.

    • Attorney General's Focus on Doctor Amidst Rape Case Sparks CriticismThe Indiana AG's investigation into a doctor for performing an abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim has sparked criticism for prioritizing the doctor over the crime itself, while families face economic struggles and pandemic aid ends.

      The Indiana Attorney General is focusing on the doctor who performed an abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim, rather than the horrific crime itself. The attorney general also wants to investigate the doctor's failure to report the crime, which is a crime in Indiana. While the immigration status of the victim's family is a valid concern, the current situation has sparked criticism for targeting the doctor instead of addressing the rape itself. Additionally, the end of pandemic aid has led to a significant increase in families struggling to afford basic expenses, which could negatively impact the Democratic Party's chances in the midterms. Overall, this situation highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding reproductive rights and economic struggles in the United States.

    • Government relief checks causing inflation debate and potential recessionThe Fed is considering interest rate hikes due to inflation caused by excess money from relief checks, which could harm workers and lead to a recession.

      The COVID-19 relief checks provided by the government have led to a reactionary environment in Washington, with no real talk of stimulus currently. The belief that inflation is caused mainly by demand side issues, such as people having too much money, has resulted in the Fed considering significant interest rate hikes, which could negatively impact workers and potentially lead to a recession. Additionally, the discussion around corruption highlighted the difference between Trump's boorish approach and the typical Washington decorum, with people appreciating his willingness to speak openly about certain issues despite the lack of action taken.

    • Understanding the Interplay of Economic and Cultural Factors in PoliticsThe political landscape is shaped by both economic and cultural issues, with cultural concerns becoming increasingly important due to stalled economic progress. Parties risk losing support if they don't address the needs of their bases, leading to a potential 'yo-yo effect'.

      The current political landscape is complex and driven by a mix of economic and cultural factors. The speaker suggests that due to the lack of significant progress on economic issues from either major party, cultural issues have become the primary identification points for voters. This dynamic is particularly evident in the ongoing debates around abortion and gun rights. The speaker also notes that the Democratic and Republican parties each have distinct bases, with economic concerns being a primary driver for some demographic groups, while cultural issues are more important for others. The speaker argues that this dynamic sets up a potential "yo-yo effect," where parties may lose support if they don't address the concerns of their respective bases. Additionally, the speaker mentions the ongoing debate within the Democratic party regarding the role of Biden in the 2024 election and the potential impact of his low approval ratings on the party's chances. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the complex interplay of economic and cultural factors in the current political climate.

    • Criticizing President Biden's LeadershipThe speaker believes stronger White House leadership is necessary to tackle current issues like high gas prices, inflation, and systemic problems in industries. They criticize President Biden for not using executive powers and suggest potential alternative candidates.

      The current political situation, with high gas prices, inflation, and various issues, requires stronger leadership from the White House. The speaker criticizes President Biden for not utilizing his executive powers to address these problems and instead focusing on maintaining the status quo. They argue that supporting Biden for another term would mean accepting the current state of affairs, which is not preferable. The airline industry crisis, which has been ongoing for years, was discussed as another example of a systemic problem in need of a more robust solution. The speaker praised figures like Marianne Williamson, Raphael Warnock, and John Fetterman as potential superior candidates for the future.

    • Airlines' past refund practices and lack of competitionDuring the pandemic, airlines overscheduled and canceled flights due to understaffing, lack of competition, and past refund practices, leaving consumers feeling uncertain and frustrated.

      The current state of the airline industry, with a lack of competition and past refund practices, has contributed to overscheduling and cancellations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, airlines received a bailout and promised to maintain staff, but encouraged early retirement when demand was expected to take years to rebound. However, demand returned more quickly than anticipated, leaving airlines understaffed and unable to account for unexpected issues like weather or mechanical problems. With few competitors and consumers having limited choices, airlines have been able to overschedule and cancel flights without significant consequences. Additionally, during the pandemic, airlines refused to offer refunds for canceled flights, which they are legally obligated to do, resulting in billions of dollars in unreturned funds. The Department of Transportation has taken steps to enforce consumer protection and offer refunds, but the disingenuous rhetoric from regulators and airlines has left consumers feeling uncertain and frustrated.

    • Secretary Buttigieg's statements on airline fines are misleadingDespite Secretary Buttigieg's claims, investigations into airline refunds during the pandemic resulted in reduced fines and limited enforcement, leaving consumer protection in question. Structural industry issues and potential legal solutions are discussed.

      Secretary Buttigieg's statements about record fines against airlines for refusing refunds during the COVID-19 pandemic are misleading. The fine against Air Canada, which he cited as an example, was significantly reduced from the initial $25 million to just $2 million in cash, with the rest credited for refunds already given. The lengthy investigations and lack of enforcement orders against major domestic carriers raise questions about the effectiveness of the Department of Transportation in protecting consumer rights. The structural issue lies in the airline industry's history of poor service and increasing prices, coupled with the reduction of routes to smaller and midsize cities. A potential solution could be to allow state attorneys general and consumers to sue airlines for violating consumer protection laws. However, this would only address part of the problem, as the fundamental issue is the industry's trend towards providing subpar service and charging high prices.

    • Deregulation led to unprofitable airline industry due to fierce competitionDeregulation caused airlines to compete fiercely on popular routes, driving prices down and leading to industry instability and bankruptcies, resulting in unequal access to air transportation across the country

      The deregulation of the airline industry in 1978, while having some merits, led to a structurally unprofitable industry due to ruinous competition. The economics and physics of flight make it more cost-effective for airlines to serve long, popular routes between large cities, leaving short haul flights and smaller regional cities underserved. Without regulation, a collective action problem arises, causing airlines to compete fiercely on popular routes, driving prices down and leading to industry instability and bankruptcies. The result has been a lack of equitable access to air transportation across the country. Despite the Department of Transportation's charter to promote airline financial health, consumer protection has been lacking, perpetuating this cycle.

    • Deregulation's Impact on the Airline IndustryDeregulation led to consolidation, price regulation through monopolies, and lack of public rules, hindering access to the air grid for many and not serving customers well. Government intervention is necessary to regulate the industry as a national resource.

      The current state of the airline industry, marked by frequent cancellations and high fares, is a result of deregulation in the late 1970s that led to consolidation, price regulation through monopolies, and lack of public rules. This system, driven by airline CEOs and Wall Street, hinders access to the air grid for many communities and does not serve customers well. The airline industry, which has been taxpayer subsidized since its inception, requires regulation as a national resource. However, the current approach of only intervening during crises is not effective. Without public rules in place, the industry will continue to underperform, and the collective action problem can only be solved through government intervention. Despite skepticism towards government, it's the most viable alternative to the current system, where airlines and Wall Street call the shots.

    • Airlines facing challenges in meeting public expectations74% of travelers regret their flying decisions due to issues like pilot shortages, scheduling mishaps, and weather. Airlines prioritize revenue and stock price over transportation, leading to a focus on ancillary fees and credit card offers.

      The current state of the airline industry has led to a significant disconnect between public expectations and the reality of air travel. With 74% of travelers expressing regret over their flying decisions, it's clear that the industry is facing numerous challenges, including pilot shortages, scheduling mishaps, and weather issues. Secretary Pete Buttigieg expects airlines to prioritize improving their customer service and resilience, viewing them as a public utility responsible for getting people to their destinations. However, the financial optimization of airlines as publicly traded companies, which prioritize revenue and stock price over transportation, creates a fundamental gap between these expectations and the industry's actual capabilities. This dynamic has led to an increased focus on ancillary fees and credit card offers during flights, as airlines seek alternative sources of revenue. Ultimately, this situation highlights the need for a reevaluation of the airline industry's priorities and a renewed commitment to serving the public as a reliable and efficient transportation system.

    • Airlines as Central Banks of Frequent Flyer MilesAirlines generate significant revenue from selling and redeeming frequent flyer miles to third parties, making their loyalty programs more valuable than their airline operations.

      Airlines have become more than just transportation companies; they have also become central banks managing a lucrative virtual currency in the form of frequent flyer miles. The internal process of accruing and redeeming miles between the airline and its loyalty program is straightforward, but the real profit comes from selling miles to third parties, such as credit card companies. This business model is so profitable that, according to reports, the value of some airlines' loyalty programs exceeds the value of the airlines themselves. For example, American Airlines' Advantage program is estimated to be worth over $30 billion, while the market cap of American Airlines as a whole is only around $8-9 billion. This trend is significant because it means that airlines' loyalty programs are becoming their primary source of revenue, surpassing the income generated from operating flights. As a result, there may be fewer incentives for airlines to prioritize operational excellence, customer service, or resilience, as their financial success no longer depends solely on their ability to fly planes efficiently. Instead, they can rely on the revenue generated from selling and redeeming miles.

    • Addressing inconsistent flight schedules and unsatisfactory experiences in the airline industryStricter regulations are needed to prioritize safety, reliability, and passenger compensation in the airline industry, including rules regarding staffing, maintenance, and safety protocols.

      The airline industry's primary focus on maximizing profits can lead to inconsistent flight schedules and unsatisfactory experiences for passengers. To address this issue, the industry needs stricter regulations to prioritize safety, reliability, and passenger compensation. This includes rules regarding staffing, maintenance, and safety protocols. It's unrealistic to expect airlines to behave like public utilities while still being publicly traded, profit-driven corporations. For a better bedtime routine, consider listening to the Koala Moon podcast, which has helped over 20 million families with original kids' stories and sleep meditations. Additionally, every experience, no matter the career path, contributes to personal growth and should not be considered a waste. Tune in to She Pivots to learn about inspiring women and their pivots, and discover Stories for Kids by Lingokids for an educational and interactive podcast experience.

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    Some of us take for granted the fact that we can speak freely, transact with who we please and pursue our dreams.

    Others — like Jorge Jraissati, who had to flee his home country of Venezuela for fear of persecution — understand very well that certain freedoms are not a given and that we must fight to establish and preserve them.

    And this is what he does as Director of Alumni for Liberty, a branch of Students for Liberty, which promotes the ideals of Classical Liberalism around the globe.

    Through both Alumni for Liberty and his work as a researcher, lecturer and writer, Jorge works to spread the message of free minds and free markets.

    His recent efforts include educating government officials, policymakers and international regulators of how important Bitcoin is to activists around the world.

    We discuss this and much more in the interview.


    Follow Jorge, Alumni for Liberty and Students for Liberty on social media:

    X (Twitter): @JraissatiJorge @AFLiberty_ @sfliberty

    Instagram: @jraissatijorge @sfliberty @afliberty

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorgejraissati/


    0:00 Cold open

    1:08 Intro music

    1:23 Introduction

    4:08 Students for Liberty

    6:41 Life in Venezuela under the Chávez and Maduro Regimes

    11:02 Why do people like Chávez come to power and can democracy return to Venezuela?

    19:27 Why do well-intentioned people feel that Socialism is the only just form of government?

    32:17 Politicians can change (Banking as a second type of police)

    42:44 Jorge’s victories

    50:01 Where to find Jorge online / Outro

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    Thank you for listening!

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    Show Notes:

    Trump administration stifles free speech

    Foolishness of the Week

    Government regulating pizza toppings

    Topic of the Week: Deficit Day

    Congressional Budget Office projections

    Federal receipts and outlays over time

    Interest rate on the federal debt

    Student loan debt statistics

    Flemming v. Nestor (1960): You do not have an earned right to Social Security benefits

    Helvering v. Davis (1937): Social Security taxes are part of the general revenue

    Join the Conversation

    Antony Davies on Twitter

    James R. Harrigan on Twitter

    Words & Numbers Backstage

    Episode 47: Should We Abolish Government Regulation?

    Episode 47: Should We Abolish Government Regulation?

    What do you do on any given day that is not somehow regulated by government in some way? There really isn't much. In point of fact, there are well over one hundred thousand pages of federal regulations alone, to say nothing of state and local regulations. We have government-mandated guidelines for everything from space exploration to how your dog can behave in a city park. While many people concede that there is an acceptable minimum level of government regulation, and others maintain that there is no such thing as an unregulated market, even in the absence of government guidance, it's clear that as things currently stand, we are a highly overregulated nation. So if there is, indeed, a legitimate purpose for regulation, what is it? What are we trying to accomplish with these regulations? Who benefits? And how far is too far? Join James Harrigan and Antony Davies as they talk about this and more on this week's episode of Words and Numbers.


    Quick Hits

    Police killed in the line of duty


    26 year-old gives birth to 24 year-old




    Venezuelan cryptocurrency


    Foolishness of the Week

    This Week’s Topic

    Magnitude of regulation

    What regulations did Trump eliminate?


    Regulation of social media



    Regulating florists because dirt might be infected



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