
    Podcast Summary

    • The transition to a decarbonized economy requires significant mineral extraction, but raises concerns over availability, cost, and environmental impact.The energy transition necessitates extracting large quantities of minerals, but the seabed's vast resources pose risks to ecosystems and require careful balance.

      The transition to a decarbonized economy will require a significant increase in the extraction of various minerals and metals, such as nickel, cobalt, lithium, and copper. However, this shift raises complex questions and concerns, particularly regarding the availability and cost-effectiveness of these resources, as well as the potential environmental impact of extracting them, especially from the seabed. The resource potential is vast, with areas like the Clarion Clifton zone in the Pacific Ocean estimated to contain more nickel than the entire global terrestrial nickel resource. Yet, the ecosystems in these areas are largely unknown, and the extraction process may pose significant risks. It's crucial to strike a balance between meeting the demands of the energy transition and minimizing the negative environmental consequences. The debate around seabed mining is ongoing, and it's essential to continue exploring solutions that maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.

    • Untapped Resource of Essential Metals for the Green Economy: Polymetallic Nodules,The Clarion Clipperton zone holds a significant untapped resource of polymetallic nodules, rich in nickel, cobalt, and copper, which could meet the demand for essential metals in the green economy.

      The world's supply of essential metals for the green economy, such as nickel, cobalt, and copper, is limited due to geopolitical and environmental challenges. However, a significant untapped resource exists in the form of polymetallic nodules on the seabed, particularly in the Clarion Clipperton zone between Mexico and Hawaii. This resource is estimated to contain more nickel than the entire global terrestrial nickel resource. Polymetallic nodules are not connected to the seabed and can be extracted as they are. They contain multiple metals, including nickel, cobalt, copper, and some rare earths. There are three main types of mineralogies on the seabed: polymetallic nodules, seafloor massive sulfides, and cobalt ferromanganese crusts. Polymetallic nodules have a higher mineralogy of nickel in the Clarion Clipperton zone, while the Cook Islands region has a slightly higher cobalt content. Understanding the location and mineral composition of these deposits will be crucial in determining which ones to target based on market trends and return on investment. Polymetallic nodules are a promising source of these essential metals for the green economy, but it's important to consider the environmental impacts and the technology required for their extraction.

    • Economic viability of seabed miningThe economic feasibility of seabed mining depends on factors beyond mineral grade, including extraction costs, feasibility, and utilization rates.

      While seabed resources have high concentrations of minerals like nickel, cobalt, copper, and rare earth elements, their economic viability depends on various factors beyond grade, such as extraction costs and feasibility. The economics of seabed mining are still being debated, but it's speculated that some seabed resources might be in the mid to lower end of the cost curve, while others could be more expensive. One significant advantage of seabed mining is lower rehabilitation liabilities compared to terrestrial mining. However, lower utilization rates in seabed mining could negatively impact economics. As the mining industry continues to explore and develop seabed resources, increasing utilization rates will be crucial for economic success.

    • Determining Feasibility and Economics of Seabed MiningThe International Seabed Authority plays a crucial role in governing seabed mining in international waters, balancing exploitation and protection

      A resource becomes a reserve only after it has been established that it can be extracted and processed in a feasible and economically viable manner. This involves determining the cost of extraction and processing, as well as securing necessary permits. The International Seabed Authority, established by the United Nations, plays a key role in governing seabed mining in international waters, acting as both the mining department and the environmental department. The debate around seabed mining centers on whether it should be allowed at all, and if so, how to minimize its environmental impact. The process of determining whether to allow seabed mining is complex, with the International Seabed Authority serving as the governing body responsible for both exploitation and protection.

    • ISA Decision on Seabed Mining Regulations NearsISA's approval of mining regulations could enable seabed mining projects, but failure to approve would halt all mining activities.

      The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is nearing a decision on approving exploitation regulations for seabed mining, which could allow the consideration of mining projects in the future. This decision was triggered by Nauru, a sponsoring state of a seabed mining company, two years ago, initiating the "2-year rule" under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The ISA has been working on the regulations since around 2017, but the 2-year rule has accelerated the process. If the regulations are approved, companies will be able to submit applications for mining projects, which will then be assessed on economic and environmental merits. However, if the regulations are not approved, no mining will be permitted. This decision could significantly impact the seabed mining industry.

    • Considering Deep Sea Mining Applications in the International Seabed AuthorityThe ISA still requires consideration and provisional approval of deep sea mining applications despite the 2-year rule's expiration. However, the process is not clearly outlined and there are concerns about potential harm to deep-sea ecosystems, leading to calls for caution or a moratorium.

      Despite the expiration of the 2-year rule for deep sea mining applications in the International Seabed Authority (ISA), there is still a requirement for the ISA to consider and provisionally approve applications. However, the process for considering these applications is not clearly outlined in the Convention, unlike the regulations for mining within a nation's Exclusive Economic Zone. The main argument against deep sea mining is the potential significant and poorly understood impacts on deep-sea ecosystems. The precautionary principle, which emphasizes taking precautions before understanding the impacts, is a valid consideration. The ISA has been a subject of intense debate, with numerous countries and companies calling for a pause or moratorium on deep sea mining due to these concerns. The deep-sea ecosystem's lack of understanding implies potential damage to unknown populations and ecosystems, making it crucial to approach this issue with caution.

    • Understanding Deep-Sea Ecosystems for MiningBaseline studies identify environmental values, minimize disturbance, and robust science, regulations, and enforcement are crucial for deep-sea mining, as vast unknowns persist

      When it comes to deep-sea mining, understanding and protecting the complex ecosystems and their valuable species is crucial. Baseline studies are essential to identify the environmental values and interconnections within deep-sea ecosystems. Engineering solutions that minimize disturbance or destruction of these values is key, with strategies such as offset areas and minimizing sediment disturbance. However, the uncertainty of deep-sea biodiversity makes this challenging, requiring robust science, supportive regulations, and enforcement. The species accumulation curve in the deep sea not yet flattening out highlights the vast unknowns, emphasizing the need for caution and innovation in deep-sea mining practices.

    • Deep-sea ecosystem protection during mining operationsEffective offsetting requires understanding deep-sea connectivity and enforcing offset zones, while minimizing sediment plumes is crucial for mining technologies. Both mining companies and regulatory bodies need to invest in scientific research to ensure protective measures work.

      Effective protection of deep-sea ecosystems during mining operations is a complex challenge. Theoretically, offsetting, where a mining company sets aside undisturbed areas to make up for disturbances in others, could work. However, enforcing these offset zones and understanding deep-sea connectivity are significant hurdles. Connectivity in the deep ocean is more complex than on land, and larval dispersion, for instance, may require offset zones to be closer to protect ecosystems. Regarding mining technologies, several methods are proposed for extracting polymetallic nodules, including dredge systems. Companies are focusing on minimizing sediment plumes, but more research is needed to ensure that offsets function effectively and protect deep-sea ecosystems. Ultimately, both mining companies and regulatory bodies must invest in understanding the science behind these protective measures to ensure their success.

    • Minimizing Environmental Impact in Deep-Sea MiningCompanies use selective harvesting and large offset areas to minimize environmental impact in deep-sea mining. Regulatory bodies only permit economically viable mining activities to ensure industry sustainability.

      Companies involved in deep-sea mining are striving to minimize the environmental impact by using advanced technologies and techniques, such as selective harvesting, which aim to leave the sediment undisturbed and reduce plumes. These companies are also exploring large offset areas to limit the percentage of their mining lease or contract area that is disturbed. While the jury is still out on which technologies will be economically viable, the regulatory bodies are unlikely to permit mining activities that are not feasible from an economic standpoint, as it benefits them economically and ensures the industry's sustainability. The ultimate goal is to find a balance between economic gain and environmental preservation.

    • Ensuring responsible mining through permitting and monitoringRobust permitting processes and effective monitoring mechanisms are crucial for responsible mining practices, especially in challenging environments where ecosystem impacts can be difficult to manage.

      Permitting is a crucial aspect of developing engineering projects, including those in the mining industry, as it ensures responsible investment and the management of environmental impacts in a responsible way. However, the enforcement and ongoing monitoring of potential ecosystem impacts, especially in challenging environments like the deep sea, pose significant challenges. To address this, it's essential to have a robust and transparent monitoring mechanism in place that can hold companies accountable for their environmental data and interpret it to identify any potential issues. Additionally, there must be a clear plan for addressing any discrepancies between permitted impacts and actual impacts. Despite these challenges, having strong regulations and effective enforcement mechanisms are vital for ensuring sustainable and responsible mining practices.

    • Regulations and enforcement crucial for preventing deep seabed miningEffective regulations and enforcement are necessary to prevent deep seabed mining, with mechanisms to stop mining and on-site presence. Enforcement challenges from fishing industry insights, mining activity expected in EEZs, and investor stewardship driving sustainability.

      Effective regulation and enforcement are crucial for preventing mining activities in the deep seabed. Regulations must include mechanisms for regulators to stop mining, and the physical ability to enforce those regulations through on-site presence is essential. The international fishing industry provides valuable insights into the challenges of enforcement in heavily regulated industries. In the next 5 to 10 years, mining activity is expected to begin in Exclusive Economic Zones due to stronger enforcement capabilities. Additionally, investor stewardship may play a significant role in driving sustainability and higher standards in the industry. Companies may demand and enforce stricter sustainability measures beyond regulatory requirements, providing transparency and accountability to the public.

    • Discussing the Uncertain Future of Seabed Mineral MiningExperts predict commercial-scale seabed mineral mining may not start until 2028, with location and minerals still uncertain. Supported by Prelude Ventures, a venture capital firm addressing climate change.

      While the first claims of commercial-scale seabed mineral mining were made around a decade ago, experts like Renee Grogan estimate that it may not become a reality until around 2028. The specific location and minerals involved in this mining are still uncertain. Renee Grogan, a deep sea mining expert and co-founder of Impossible Metals, discussed these complexities on the Catalyst podcast. This episode was produced by Daniel Waldorf, with mixing by Roy Campanella and Sean Marquand, and a theme song by Sean Marquand. The Catalyst podcast is a co-production of Postscript Media and Canary Media, and is supported by Prelude Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on addressing climate change across various sectors. For more information on the topics discussed in this episode, visit canarymedia.com.

    Recent Episodes from Catalyst with Shayle Kann

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    Going deep on next-gen geothermal
    Investment is on the rise in geothermal, where advances in drilling techniques are driving down the cost of generation right as the grid needs more clean, firm, dispatchable power to meet rising load growth. And enhanced-geothermal startup Fervo is leading the pack of entrants, signing agreements to provide power to Southern California Edison and Google.  So how ready are these next-generation geothermal technologies to scale? In this episode, Shayle talks to Dr. Roland Horne, professor of earth sciences at Stanford, where he leads the university’s geothermal program. Shayle and Roland cover topics like: Geothermal’s historical challenges of limited geography and high up-front costs Three pathways of next-generation geothermal: enhanced, closed-loop, and super-deep (also known as super-critical) Knowledge transfer from the oil and gas industry Advances in drilling technology that cut across multiple pathways  Recommended resources U.S. Department of Energy: Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Next-Generation Geothermal Power Latitude Media: Fervo eyes project-level finance as it plans for geothermal at scale Make sure to listen to our new podcast, Political Climate – an insider’s view on the most pressing policy questions in energy and climate. Tune in every other Friday for the latest takes from hosts Julia Pyper, Emily Domenech, and Brandon Hurlbut. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also check out Living Planet, a weekly show from Deutsche Welle that brings you the stories, facts, and debates on the key environmental issues affecting our planet. Tune in to Living Planet every Friday on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Want to win Catalyst merch? Tell your friends about the show. We’ll give you a unique link that you can share. For every friend who signs up with your link, you’ll get a chance to win. Sign up here.

    Demystifying the Chinese EV market

    Demystifying the Chinese EV market
    New electric vehicles — including both battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles — make up nearly half of new car sales in China. Compared to slowing EV sales in Europe and the U.S. the Chinese market is booming.  So what’s going on? In this episode, Shayle talks to TP Huang, who writes a Substack about EVs, clean energy, and other tech focused on China. (Editor's note: TP Huang is a pseudonym, used for family reasons.) Shayle and TP cover topics like: How EVs became extremely cost competitive with internal combustion engines in China where EV prices dip as low as $10,000 USD Chinese consumer preferences for vehicles packed with features ranging from voice commands to fridges The ubiquity and interoperability of fast charging, plus battery swapping The rapid pace of electrification in heavy-duty trucking  Chinese exports to Europe, Southeast Asia, and elsewhere (although not the U.S.) Recommended Resources: TP Huang: What's going in the Chinese automotive market CNN: A brutal elimination round is reshaping the world’s biggest market for electric cars Bloomberg: Why Europe Is Raising Tariffs on China’s Cheap EVs Make sure to listen to our new podcast, Political Climate – an insider’s view on the most pressing policy questions in energy and climate. Tune in every other Friday for the latest takes from hosts Julia Pyper, Emily Domenech, and Brandon Hurlbut. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also check out Living Planet, a weekly show from Deutsche Welle that brings you the stories, facts, and debates on the key environmental issues affecting our planet. Tune in to Living Planet every Friday on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Under the hood of data center power demand

    Under the hood of data center power demand
    Driven by the AI boom, data centers’ energy demand could account for 9% of U.S. power generation by 2030, according to the Electric Power Research Institute. That's more than double current usage. So how do we meet that demand? And what impacts will it have on the grid and decarbonization? In this episode, Shayle talks to Brian Janous, former vice president of energy at Microsoft and current co-founder of Cloverleaf Infrastructure. Brian talks through the options for meeting data center demand, including shaping computational loads to avoid system peaks and deploying grid-enhancing technologies. He and Shayle also cover topics like: Why AI-driven demand will be big, even with “zombie requests” in the interconnection queue How hyperscalers are “coming to grips” with the reality that they may not hit decarbonization targets as quickly as planned Why Brian thinks efficiency improvement alone “isn’t going to save us” from rising load growth Why Brian argues that taking data centers off-grid is not a solution  Options for shaping data center load, such as load shifting, microgrids, and behind-the-meter generation How hyperscalers could speed up interconnection by shaping computational loads Recommended Resources: Electric Power Research Institute: Powering Intelligence: Analyzing Artificial Intelligence and Data Center Energy Consumption The Carbon Copy: New demand is straining the grid. Here’s how to tackle it. Federal Regulatory Energy Commission: Report | 2024 Summer Energy Market and Electric Reliability Assessment Make sure to listen to our new podcast, Political Climate – an insider’s view on the most pressing policy questions in energy and climate. Tune in every other Friday for the latest takes from hosts Julia Pyper, Emily Domenech, and Brandon Hurlbut. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to also check out Living Planet, a weekly show from Deutsche Welle that brings you the stories, facts, and debates on the key environmental issues affecting our planet. Tune in to Living Planet every Friday on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Drew Baglino on Tesla’s Master Plan

    Drew Baglino on Tesla’s Master Plan
    Tesla’s Master Plan Part 3 lays out the company’s model for a decarbonized economy — and makes the case for why it's economically viable. It outlines a vision for extensive electrification and a reliance on wind and solar power.  In this episode, Shayle talks to one of the executives behind the plan, Drew Baglino, who was senior vice president for powertrain and energy at Tesla until April when he resigned. In his 18 years at Tesla he worked on batteries, cars, and even Tesla’s lithium refinery. Shayle and Drew cover topics like: Why Drew isn't sure that AI-driven load growth “is going to be as dramatic as people think” Drew’s optimism about the U.S.’ ability to build out enough transmission for decarbonization How to deal with the high rates of curtailment and what to do with that excess power Meeting the material requirements of decarbonization and Drew’s experience with permitting Tesla facilities  Recommended Resources: Tesla: Master Plan Part 3 CNBC: Tesla execs Drew Baglino and Rohan Patel depart as company announces steep layoffs The Carbon Copy: AI's main constraint: Energy, not chips Catalyst: Understanding the transmission bottleneck Utility rates could make or break the energy transition – so how do we do it right? On June 13, Latitude Media and GridX are hosting a Frontier Forum to examine the importance of good rate design and the consequences of getting it wrong. Register here. And make sure to listen to our new podcast, Political Climate – an insider’s view on the most pressing policy questions in energy and climate. Tune in every other Friday for the latest takes from hosts Julia Pyper, Emily Domenech, and Brandon Hurlbut. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Heavy duty decarbonization

    Heavy duty decarbonization
    Batteries are making their way into more passenger cars and commercial vehicles than ever before, but the limits of electrification mean that we’ll likely need alternative fuels to decarbonize heavy transport like ships, planes, and trucks.  So what are those fuels and what modes of transport do they suit best? In this episode, Shayle talks to his colleague Andy Lubershane, partner and head of research at Energy Impact Partners. They talk through the limits of electrification and the alternatives for decarbonizing trucks, ships, and planes, drawing on Andy’s recent blog post, “How will we move the big, heavy things?”. They cover topics like: The main limitations of batteries: density and infrastructure Volumetric and gravimetric density, and why they matter for different types of vehicles How fossil fuels would beat out even a theoretical “uber-battery” multiple times denser than current batteries Why upgrading “always-on” grid infrastructure can be lengthy, expensive, and disruptive  The alternatives to electrification: biofuels, hydrogen, and e-fuels The advantages and limitations of each for different modes of transport Recommended Resources: Port of Long Beach: Our Zero Emissions Future Enterprise Mobility: Electrifying Airport Ecosystems by 2050 Could Require Nearly Five Times the Electric Power Currently Used Catalyst: Understanding SAF buyers Utility rates could make or break the energy transition – so how do we do it right? On June 13th, Latitude Media and GridX are hosting a Frontier Forum to examine the imperative of good rate design, and the consequences of getting it wrong. Register here. And make sure to listen to our new podcast, Political Climate – an insider’s view on the most pressing policy questions in energy and climate. Tune in every other Friday for the latest takes from hosts Julia Pyper, Emily Domenech, and Brandon Hurlbut. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    With Great Power: Why dynamic rates are gaining momentum

    With Great Power: Why dynamic rates are gaining momentum
    This week, we’re featuring a crossover episode of With Great Power, a show produced by Latitude Studios in partnership with GridX. Subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts. Ahmad Faruqui has been researching electricity pricing since the mid 1970’s, when the cost of a kilowatt-hour was flat. But in the 80’s and 90’s, he started working on dynamic pricing – pioneering the concept of time-of-use rates. The big breakthrough for time-of-use rates came during the fallout from the California energy crisis. Later, thanks to the rollout of smart meters, more power providers started experimenting with dynamic rates. Now, new technology is making time-of-use rate design more transparent. This week, Ahmad talks with Brad about why dynamic pricing is gaining momentum among electric utilities – and what makes for good rate design.  On June 13th, Latitude Media and GridX will host a Frontier Forum to examine the imperative of good rate design – and the consequences of getting it wrong. Register at the link in the show notes, or go to latitudemdia.com/events. See you there!

    Could VPPs save rooftop solar?

    Could VPPs save rooftop solar?
    The U.S. rooftop solar market has tanked. Residential applications in California, the largest market in the country, plunged 82% from May through November 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. Contractors are going bankrupt. The big culprits are high interest rates and California’s subsidy cuts. But there are some bright spots. Battery attachment rates in California have surged. So what will it take to revive the U.S. rooftop solar market? In this episode, Shayle talks to Jigar Shah, director of the Loans Programs Office at the U.S. Department of Energy. Jigar argues that the rooftop solar industry should reinvent itself, relying on batteries and virtual power plants (VPPs). He also argues that regulations should focus on system-level dispatchability.  Shayle and Jigar cover topics like: The pros and cons of California’s latest regulations, new energy metering or NEM 3.0 Learning from the mistakes of California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (S-GIP) The role of VPPs and rooftop solar in meeting accelerating load growth Incentivizing system-level dispatchability  How VPPs complicate the sales pitch for rooftop solar How VPPs could help utilities increase the utilization of infrastructure How to make VPPs more reliable Recommended Resources: U.S. Department of Energy: Virtual Power Plants Commercial Liftoff Latitude Media: Defining the rules of DER aggregation Latitude Media: Unpacking the software layer of VPP deployment CalMatters: What’s happened since California cut home solar payments? Demand has plunged 80%  The Wall Street Journal: The Home-Solar Boom Gets a ‘Gut Punch’ Catalyst is supported by Origami Solar. Join Latitude Media’s Stephen Lacey and Origami’s CEO Gregg Patterson for a live Frontier Forum on May 30th at 1 pm Eastern to discuss Origami’s new research on how recycled steel can help reinvigorate the U.S. solar industry. Register for free on Latitude’s events page.

    Understanding SAF buyers

    Understanding SAF buyers
    Airlines are lining up to buy as much sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as they can, despite it costing two to three times more than conventional jet fuel, according to BloombergNEF. United Airlines has secured 2.9 billion gallons of SAF over, and others like Delta, Air France-KLM, and Southwest have secured around 1 billion gallons each. And yet to meaningfully decarbonize aviation, the SAF market needs to grow thousands of times larger than it is today. BloombergNEF estimates that global production capacity will grow 10-fold by 2030, but by then supply will still only meet 5% of jet fuel demand. So how are airlines thinking about scaling up their procurement of SAF? In this episode, Shayle talks to Amelia DeLuca, chief sustainability officer at Delta. They cover topics like: Who pays the green premium Infrastructure considerations, like SAF hubs and blending Technical pathways, like hydroprocessing, alcohol-to-jet, and power-to-liquids The role of incentives and regulation, like ReFuelEU Why airlines should procure SAF instead of buying carbon removal Recommended Resources: BloombergNEF: United Airlines Is Betting Big on a Pricey Green Aviation Fuel The Verge: Delta Air Lines lays out its plan to leave fossil fuels behind  Canary Media: Can corn ethanol really help decarbonize US air travel? Canary Media: How hydrogen ​‘e-fuels’ can power big ships and planes Catalyst: CO2 utilization Catalyst is supported by Origami Solar. Join Latitude Media’s Stephen Lacey and Origami’s CEO Gregg Patterson for a live Frontier Forum on May 30th at 1 pm Eastern to discuss Origami’s new research on how recycled steel can help reinvigorate the U.S. solar industry. Register for free on Latitude’s events page.

    The news quiz episode!

    The news quiz episode!
    This week, we have something a little different: a news quiz.  We recently took the stage with four investors at the Prelude Climate Summit — armed with a bell, a buzzer, and four different categories of questions. We tested two teams of venture investors on their knowledge of the most recent industry news. Shayle Kann and Cassie Bowe, partners at venture firm Energy Impact Partners, are team High Voltage.  Dr. Carley Anderson, principal at venture firm Prelude Ventures, and Matt Eggers, Prelude’s manager director, are team Shayle Gassed. (Prelude led fundraising for Latitude Media.) Stephen Lacey, executive editor of this show and host of The Carbon Copy, quizzes the teams on the latest in climate tech news. Which team will come out on top? Catalyst is supported by Origami Solar. Join Latitude Media’s Stephen Lacey and Origami’s CEO Gregg Patterson for a live Frontier Forum on May 30th at 1 pm Eastern to discuss Origami’s new research on how recycled steel can help reinvigorate the U.S. solar industry. Register for free on Latitude’s events page.

    CO2 utilization

    CO2 utilization
    The IPCC says that we likely need to capture hundreds of gigatons of CO2 if we want to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. So what are we going to do with all that carbon? In this episode, Shayle talks to Julio Friedmann, chief scientist at Carbon Direct. Julio says we will store the vast majority of that CO2. But the markets for using CO2 in things like concrete, fizzy water, and chemicals will play an important role in developing the carbon management economy. Shayle and Julio cover topics like: The roughly 50 carbon capture facilities operating today and how much carbon they capture Why we should recycle carbon at all when we could just store it  Current uses for CO2, like fizzy water, enhanced oil recovery, and concrete Emerging chemical uses, like jet fuel, ethanol, urea, and methanol Substituting glass and metal with products that use recycled carbon, like polycarbonate and carbon fiber The “over the horizon” stuff, like making space elevators from graphene Solving the challenge of local opposition to carbon infrastructure Who will pay the green premium for products made with recycled carbon   Recommended Resources: Center on Global Energy Policy: Opportunities and Limits of CO2 Recycling in a Circular Carbon Economy: Techno-economics, Critical Infrastructure Needs, and Policy Priorities Canary Media: US Steel plant in Indiana to host a $150M carbon capture experiment NBC: Biden admin seeks to jumpstart carbon recycling with $100 million in grants Are growing concerns over AI’s power demand justified? Join us for our upcoming Transition-AI event featuring three experts with a range of views on how to address the energy needs of hyperscale computing, driven by artificial intelligence. Don’t miss this live, virtual event on May 8. Catalyst is supported by Origami Solar. Join Latitude Media’s Stephen Lacey and Origami’s CEO Gregg Patterson for a live Frontier Forum on May 30th at 1 pm Eastern to discuss Origami’s new research on how recycled steel can help reinvigorate the U.S. solar industry. Register for free on Latitude’s events page.

    Related Episodes

    Deep-sea Treasure Trove: Opportunity or Risk?

    Deep-sea Treasure Trove: Opportunity or Risk?

    Although deep-sea mining has never occurred at commercial scale, the growing interest in the minerals and metals found on the seabed could prompt a shift in the status quo. As the world looks to address climate change, increased demand for required base metals and critical minerals that support large scale deployments of green technologies is a real concern. Against this backdrop, some point to deep-sea mining as a potential solve, but it’s not that simple.

    The topic is also garnering further attention—and increased scrutiny—since the International Seabed Authority missed its July 9 deadline to adopt seabed mining regulation. As it stands, the organization is now required to review, and therefore could provisionally approve, applications for deep-sea exploitation without any governing framework in place.

    PGIM Fixed Income’s Co-Head of ESG Research, Armelle de Vienne, and ESG Research Specialist, James Malone, CFA, discuss the many dimensions of this complex subject: its potential and criticality as it relates to the green transition, the pros and cons of deep-sea mining, and the countries and industries lobbying for and against deep-sea mining. Further, the duo explores the investment implications, including the near- and long-term implications of this highly capital-intensive business, if there’s economic foundation to make the endeavor profitable, and the impact to corporate and sovereign issuers. Find all of this and more in this episode of Fixed on ESG, hosted by Client Manager, Ruth Klavert.

    Recorded on July 25, 2023.

    Promise and Peril at the Bottom of the Sea

    Promise and Peril at the Bottom of the Sea

    The adoption of electric cars has been hailed as an important step in curbing the use of fossil fuels and fighting climate change. There is a snag, however: such vehicles require around six times as many metals as their gasoline-powered counterparts.

    A giant storehouse of the necessary resources sits at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. But retrieving them may, in turn, badly damage the environment.

    Guest: Eric Lipton, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

    #10 Ma un vegano lo può mettere un maglione di lana?

    #10 Ma un vegano lo può mettere un maglione di lana?
    Oggi a consigli vegani rispondo alla domanda che mi viene fatta spesso in inverno:" Ma un vegano lo può mettere un maglione di lana?"
    La risposta che troverete nell'episodio si basa sulla mia sensibilità, che è la somma di ciò che sono stata e quello che sono ora.
    È una puntata che parla di veganesimo, ma anche di sensatezza, ecologia e riduzione di consumi.

    Parla, seppur in modo non implicito, del fatto che prima di tutto siamo esseri umani, diversi gli uni dagli altri, anche quando condividiamo valori simili.

    Spero vi piaccia.

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/consigliveganilpodcast/



    Musica Sunny Day
    Licenza Beetoo FW0019
    Studio di registrazione
    Bullet Records - Saronno
    Logo nato da un'idea di Alessandra Panozzo
    Creato da Sara Zilli (che ringrazio tantissimo)

    USW President Explains How "Workers Want a Green Economy, not a Black Environment"

    USW President Explains How "Workers Want a Green Economy, not a Black Environment"
    Leslie is joined by Leo Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers Union (USW).

    The two discuss President Trump’s move to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement. The USW is critical of Trump’s action given the overwhelming evidence of the impacts of climate change and the near universal support for the agreement by labor, environmental, and business leaders. President Gerard explains why the move by Trump is bad for the U.S. economy and for the environment.

    The website for the USW is www.USW.org and their Twitter handle is @steelworkers. President Gerard’s handle is @USWblogger.

    Deep down and dirty? Mining for a sustainable future

    Deep down and dirty? Mining for a sustainable future

    A more sustainable future lies within reach. One where human societies are powered by wind and solar energy, leaving behind dirty, climate-changing fossil fuels in the past. Sounds good right?  

    But with many tonnes of rare earth metals needed to manufacture just one wind turbine, switching to this greener way of life likely means more mining – and lots of it – at least in the short term. But where and how could we get these metals while causing the least possible harm to people and planet? 

    Khalil meets scientists and campaigners to find out: 

    • Why are some people so interested in mining the deep sea?  
    • What lives on the ocean floor and what would happen to it if mining got the green light? 
    • How can science help reverse the long-term damage caused by mining? 


    • Richard Herrington, research lead for resourcing the green economy at the Natural History Museum 
    • Adrian Glover, Natural History Museum Merit Researcher specialising in deep-sea biodiversity 
    • Louisa Casson, Global Project Leader for Greenpeace's Stop Deep Sea Mining campaign 

    Have your say: 

    Join the conversation on social media using #OurBrokenPlanet and tag us: 

    Instagram: @natural_history_museum 

    Twitter: @NHM_London 

    TikTok: @its_NHM 

    Learn more about how you can take action for nature and find additional resources at www.nhm.ac.uk/podcast