
    More Dems Push Biden to Go, and Haley Endorses Trump and RNC Day 2 Highlights, with Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Elise Stefanik, and Ruthless | Ep. 840

    enJuly 17, 2024
    What stories were ignored by MSNBC during the convention?
    How did MSNBC respond to mothers' testimonials about crime?
    What concerns did Dan Bongino raise about the investigation?
    How did President Trump's health scare affect his global support?
    What were Biden's internal calls about during the political tensions?

    Podcast Summary

    • Media disregard for grieving familiesMSNBC ignored testimonials of mothers whose sons were killed during RNC, highlighting the importance of alternative sources of information due to media bias

      Despite the call for unity following the assassination attempt on former President Trump, the media, specifically MSNBC, has continued to dismiss and ignore the stories of grieving families whose loved ones have been affected by crime and Democratic policies. This was evident during the Republican National Convention when MSNBC failed to acknowledge the testimonials of mothers whose sons were killed, despite the emotional response from the crowd. These mothers criticized the Democratic Party for failing to deliver justice and accountability, but their voices were largely ignored by the mainstream media. This disregard for the experiences of everyday Americans adds to the growing divide between the political parties and highlights the importance of alternative sources of information.

    • Impact of Biden's leadership on everyday AmericansSpeakers at the RNC convention criticized Biden for ignoring everyday Americans' concerns and attacked Democrats for becoming 'anti-victim, anti-American.' Trump was praised for standing up against divisive DEI policies and being a unifying figure.

      The RNC convention highlighted the concerns of everyday Americans regarding the impact of President Biden's leadership on their lives. Speakers attacked the Democrats for ignoring these issues and for becoming "anti-victim, anti-American." The convention also emphasized the need for unity and safety, with strong endorsements for Trump from notable Republicans like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. The issue of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) was criticized for promoting division, exclusion, and indoctrination. Trump was praised for standing up against these policies and for being a unifying figure. The convention also touched on issues like crime, border security, and education. Overall, the message was that Trump is the best candidate to save America and restore unity and safety to the country.

    • University Code of Conduct ViolationsUnprecedented congressional hearing leads investigation into universities' handling of code of conduct violations, gaining significant attention after transcripts' release and criticism of media personalities for promoting insensitivity

      During a congressional hearing, a representative was shocked by the nonchalant responses of university presidents regarding handling of code of conduct violations. The hearing, which was not covered by media at the time, gained significant attention after the transcripts were released, becoming the most viewed in US Congress history. The representatives are now investigating these universities and plan to release a report later this year. The representative also criticized media personalities for promoting hate and insensitivity, particularly regarding the assassination attempt on a former president. The lack of transparency and accountability in these situations is a major concern for many Americans.

    • White House security and investigationsTransparency and accountability are crucial during investigations, and agencies involved cannot delay in providing documentation and information.

      During a discussion about security at the White House and ongoing investigations, it was expressed that transparency and accountability are crucial. The agencies involved cannot delay in providing documentation and information. The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing next week. Important questions include why President Trump's campaign's requests for additional Secret Service protection were denied. The MSNBC anchor brought up the topic of Biden's cognitive decline, and it was mentioned that Schumer reportedly asked Biden to step down as the nominee. However, it is believed that Biden will not resign. The week has seen significant events for the Republicans, including the collapse of the lawsuits against President Trump and concerns about Biden's health and the infighting within the Democratic Party.

    • Democratic Party infightingDespite concerns over Biden's electability, he remains the Democratic nominee, but internal strife and efforts to replace him could negatively impact the party in the upcoming election.

      There have been efforts from within the Democratic Party to replace Joe Biden as their nominee due to concerns over his electability. A notable figure pushing for this change was Chuck Schumer, who reportedly met with Biden to make his case. However, the meeting did not result in Biden stepping down. The news of this meeting was kept under wraps by the media, but it eventually came to light, leading to increased scrutiny of Biden's campaign. The press has since turned against him, with many reporting on the internal strife within the Democratic Party. This situation has been further compounded by polls indicating that other Democratic candidates would perform better against Trump. Despite these challenges, Biden remains the nominee, but the party is not unified behind him, with some actively trying to replace him. This disunity could have significant consequences for the Democrats in the upcoming election.

    • Capitol incident reactionsThe Capitol incident sparked contrasting reactions between the right and left, with some seeing it as a unifying moment and others questioning its authenticity. The lack of transparency regarding President Trump's ear injury fueled speculation and deepened the divide between the two sides.

      The discussion revolved around the contrasting reactions to the Capitol incident between the right and left. While some on the right saw it as a unifying moment, the left questioned its authenticity and compared it to past events. The lack of transparency regarding President Trump's ear injury fueled speculation, with some even suggesting it was a deep fake or a setup. Despite the uncertainty, it was clear that the event had a significant impact on the country, and the divide between the two sides was more apparent than ever. The former Republicans turning against their old party and the extreme rhetoric from the left were also notable aspects of the conversation.

    • Leadership in crisisEffective communication and leadership are crucial during crises, as shown by the contrasting reactions to Trump's health scare and Biden's internal calls with Democrats.

      The aftermath of the President's health scare brought forth a global recognition of his significance as a world leader. Simultaneously, reports emerged of President-elect Biden's heated internal calls with Democrats, showcasing his behavior during these interactions. An exchange between Biden and Representative Jason Crow, an Army Ranger with a Bronze Star, went viral, highlighting Biden's defensive and dismissive attitude towards Crow's concerns about national security. The contrasting reactions to both leaders' performances underscored the importance of effective communication and leadership in times of crisis. While Trump's health scare led to an outpouring of global support, Biden's internal calls raised concerns among Democrats.

    • Biden's Controversial VideoRepublicans want to bury Biden's controversial video, while Democrats are fighting for his legacy. The video, believed to contain disparaging remarks about American soldiers, has caused political divisions and uncertainty regarding the Democrats' future nominations.

      The ongoing discussion revolves around the perceived decline of President Biden and the Republican desire to move past the controversy surrounding his video. The video in question, which has yet to be seen, is believed to show Biden making disparaging remarks about American soldiers. The Republicans expressed their discomfort with the situation and their wish to bury the video, with one speaker suggesting that Biden's age is a factor in his current political struggles. The Democrats, on the other hand, are seen as still fighting for Biden's legacy and trying to keep him in the race. The uncertainty surrounding the Democrats' nominations for the future was also touched upon. Additionally, there was a mention of Biden's proposed changes to the US Supreme Court, which was criticized as unconstitutional and a political move. Overall, the conversation highlighted the political divisions and the ongoing debates surrounding the current state of American politics.

    • Trust in Government InvestigationsThe ongoing investigation into an alleged assassination attempt on former President Trump highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government investigations to restore public trust and confidence.

      The current political climate is filled with confusion and mistrust, as demonstrated by the ongoing investigation into an alleged assassination attempt on former President Trump. The issue at hand is the credibility of those leading the investigation and the conflicting information being presented. Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent turned media personality, has raised concerns about the inconsistencies in the official story and the potential cover-up. The small secured area, the suspicious individual being let go, and the lack of communication between law enforcement agencies have all fueled speculation and suspicion. While it's unclear what the truth is, the situation highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government. It also underscores the need for a thorough and impartial investigation to restore public trust and confidence.

    • Rule of law and its applicationThe importance of upholding the rule of law for all, regardless of political affiliations or skin color, while addressing concerns of hypocrisy and inconsistency in its application.

      The rule of law and its perceived inconsistent application have become contentious issues in American politics. The discussion revolved around the Hunter Biden investigation, the Secret Service's handling of a security breach, and the ongoing immigration debate. Vivek Ramaswamy, a former 2024 presidential candidate, emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law for all, regardless of political affiliations or skin color. However, some critics argue that the GOP's stance on law and order is hypocritical given their past objections to investigations targeting their political allies. The ongoing tension between the two parties highlights the need for a more nuanced and consistent approach to applying the law. Additionally, the Secret Service's handling of a security breach at the White House raises concerns about potential communication breakdowns and compromised security protocols.

    • Political discourse in the USModern political discourse in the US has shifted towards personal attacks and misrepresentations, hindering productive and respectful dialogue between opposing sides.

      The modern political discourse in the US has shifted towards personal attacks and labeling rather than engaging in substantive debates. This was evident during a conversation about the Republican Party and its policies, where instead of addressing the merits, there were personal attacks and misrepresentations of Republican views. The strategy seems to be to mislead voters about the actual Republican platform in the remaining months leading up to the election. This is not only unfortunate but also detrimental to the country as it prevents productive and respectful dialogue between opposing sides. It is essential to challenge each other's ideas on the merits and maintain a level of mutual respect, even when deeply disagreeing.

    • Political landscapeKey figures like DeWine and Biden face calls for change, with some suggesting Biden withdraw from the race. JD Vance's clear-eyed vision and ability to find common ground are praised. The Democratic Party may wait until August to officially nominate a new candidate.

      The political landscape is in flux, with key figures like Governor DeWine and President Biden facing calls for change. DeWine expressed openness to the idea of running for Senate, while Biden faces increasing pressure to step down as the Democratic nominee. JD Vance, a former Senate candidate, was praised for his clear-eyed vision and ability to find common ground with those who disagreed with him. Schiff, a Democratic representative, has called for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race due to concerns about his ability to defeat Trump and the potential harm a second Trump term could cause to democracy. The collective incentives for the Democratic Party suggest they may wait until August to officially nominate a new candidate, allowing them to capitalize on the honeymoon phase and media attention. The election is far from over, and it's crucial for individuals and organizations to focus on their own values and principles rather than getting distracted by the shifting sands of politics.

    • Democratic Party nominee 2024The Democratic Party is facing pressure to make a strong choice for their 2024 nominee, with Vice President Harris's nomination based on race and gender potentially making it difficult for her to be replaced. Michelle Obama is mentioned as a possible contender, and the importance of taking a strong stance to win is emphasized, despite financial backing and historic nomination.

      The ongoing political discussions revolve around the Democratic Party's potential nominee for the 2024 presidential election and their perceived incentives to make a strong choice. Some believe that Vice President Kamala Harris's selection in 2020, based on race and gender, may make it difficult for her to be replaced, and Michelle Obama is mentioned as a possible contender. The speakers emphasize the importance of the Democrats taking their best shot at winning, given their significant financial backing and the historic nature of Harris's nomination. The discussion also touches on the potential delay of the Democratic National Convention's roll call vote and the influence of major donors on the party's decisions. Ultimately, the message is to stay alert and focused on defining one's own vision and values, rather than being overly concerned with the opposition.

    • Authentic ConversationsMegyn Kelly's unique interviewing style fosters authentic and unfiltered conversations, leading to meaningful discussions on various topics, without hidden agendas or fear of controversy.

      Learning from The Megyn Kelly Show is the commitment to authentic and unfiltered conversations. Megyn Kelly's approach to interviewing guests is unique as she ensures there is no BS, no hidden agendas, and no fear. This creates a platform where guests can openly share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives, leading to meaningful and engaging discussions. Listeners can expect to gain insights into various topics, from politics and current events to personal stories and expert advice. The absence of a preconceived agenda or fear of controversy allows for genuine and unscripted conversations that resonate with audiences. Ultimately, The Megyn Kelly Show serves as a reminder that open and honest dialogue is essential for understanding different viewpoints and fostering meaningful connections. By maintaining a commitment to authenticity and transparency, Megyn Kelly provides a refreshing and valuable contribution to the world of talk shows.

    Recent Episodes from The Megyn Kelly Show

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    Dems Smear Dissenters as Russian Assets, Nashville Shooter's Manifesto Revealed, and Stelter's CNN Return, with Glenn Greenwald | Ep. 878

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Glenn Greenwald, host of Rumble's "System Update," to talk about Brazil's government banning Elon Musk's social platform X and criminalizing its use, why this infringement of free speech should matter to Americans and every democracy, Kamala Harris' past interest in banning then-President Donald Trump from Twitter, Democrats claiming to be the party of democracy but smearing dissenters as Russian assets, what they are doing now to Jill Stein and what they did to Tulsi Gabbard, how the media and the left worked together to cheat against Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 primaries, why the media is once again pushing the narrative that Russia is trying to influence the presidential election, how this is all a pretext for more censorship, CNN rehiring Brian Stelter two years after firing him, how it signals the network's apparent shift away from objective journalism. CNN and Stelter's terrible journalism during the Trump years, the contents of the recently revealed manifesto of the transgender Nashville school shooter, what we're learning about why it was covered up for so long, how the media cares about motives when they can smear the right but not the left, The Walz family speaking out about the VP pick, Georgia DA prosecuting Trump Fani Willis showed up at her daughter's arrest with Nathan Wade by her side, and more.

    More from Greenwald- https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    Media Lies About Kamala and Veterans, and Exposing "Anti-Racist" Grifters, with Ric Grenell and Matt Walsh | Ep. 877

    Media Lies About Kamala and Veterans, and Exposing "Anti-Racist" Grifters, with Ric Grenell and Matt Walsh | Ep. 877

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing VP Kamala Harris’s attack on former President Donald Trump over his visit to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the lives lost during the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Gold Star families defending Trump and attacking Harris, the media refusing to tell the truth about the story, and more. Then Ric Grenell, former ambassador and acting DNI, joins to discuss the media ignoring veterans speaking out against Tim Walz, how the corporate media is lying on behalf of Harris and her campaign, whether the media's coverage of Trump is worse than ever, PBS refusing to correct the record about their false reporting, Trump's comments about Florida's abortion ballot initiative, how his recent comments have drawn fire from the left and right, and more. Then The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh, star and producer of "Am I Racist?" joins to talk about his new film out next week about the "anti-racist" movement that has taken over our culture and politics, how he exposes the race grifters who are brainwashing Americans, the shocking DEI nonsense he discovered, race hustlers in today’s world who thrive on pushing the lie that there's more racism than ever before, the Robin DiAngelo plagiarism scandal, the insanity happening at “Race 2 Dinner” meetings where white women are told how racist they are, if everyday Americans are catching on to the nonsense, Walsh infiltrating the DNC, and more.

    Grenell- https://x.com/richardgrenell

    Walsh- https://www.amiracist.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    EXCLUSIVE: Four Veterans Speak Out About Tim Walz's "Stolen Valor" and Truth About Retiring Before Iraq Deployment | Ep. 876

    EXCLUSIVE: Four Veterans Speak Out About Tim Walz's "Stolen Valor" and Truth About Retiring Before Iraq Deployment | Ep. 876

    Megyn Kelly is joined by four veterans who served in the National Guard with Gov. Tim Walz and in his unit that deployed to Iraq, Tom Behrends, Paul Herr, Tom Schilling, and Rodney Tow, to talk about all the controversies surrounding the Democratic VP pick and his military service, why it matters when Walz retired just before his National Guard unit deployed to Iraq, why he had to know he was going to deploy before he retired, the relevance of his rank and his leadership role to how he abandoned his troops, what Walz told them at the time, his decision to run for Congress and whether that service counts, and why it matters Tim Walz has called himself a "retired command sergeant major" when he isn't one, the training that goes into retiring as a command sergeant major, the truth about Walz's public comments, the accusations that there's a political motive behind the veterans speaking out now, why Walz's motivations to portray himself as more decorated than he is are actually political, how Walz denigrated the National Guard with his "19-year-old cooks" comment, the truth about the National Guard and how incompetent Walz really is, how Walz' unit lost a 19-year-old in Iraq when Walz retired and left his men behind, what it means for Walz to potentially be one heartbeat away from the presidency, fear vs. bravery and Walz's wrong decision, why the veterans say Walz is a "coward" and "deserter," whether it's relevant that Donald Trump never served in the military, and more.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Megyn Kelly's Analysis of CNN's Softball Interview: Kamala Harris' Lies, Tim Walz's Ridiculous Spin | Ep. 875

    Megyn Kelly's Analysis of CNN's Softball Interview: Kamala Harris' Lies, Tim Walz's Ridiculous Spin | Ep. 875

    Megyn Kelly gives her analysis of last night's Dana Bash interview of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, including reviewing Bash's questions and preparation, how Harris said nothing, her clearly coached new personality, Harris' lying about her fracking position, what she really said at the 2020 debate, Bash's failure hold Harris accountable, CNN's weak fact-check, gaslighting on immigration, her spin on "root cause," her border failures, the truth about the Biden administration's executive orders,Walz's ridiculous spin that "grammar" and "passion" was the reason for him lying about his military service and other issues, claims that he's just speaking like a regular person, and more

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 30, 2024

    The Important and Powerful New Movie "Reagan," with Dennis Quaid, Penelope Ann Miller, Dan Lauria, and Clint Black | Ep. 874

    The Important and Powerful New Movie "Reagan," with Dennis Quaid, Penelope Ann Miller, Dan Lauria, and Clint Black | Ep. 874

    Megyn Kelly brings a special episode focused on the incredible new movie "Reagan," joined by actors Dennis Quaid who plays Ronald Reagan, Penelope Ann Miller who plays Nancy Reagan, Dan Lauria who plays Tip O'Neill, and musician Clint Black, to talk about the challenges and nuances of portraying President Ronald Reagan, whether Quaid had any reservations about doing so in today's politically and culturally divided environment, how the role demanded a deep understanding of Reagan's legacy and the complexities of his era, the lesson about standing up to a bully, how Quaid lived his life on principles not politics, the unique relationship between the GOP president Ronald Reagan and Democratic Speaker Tip O'Neill, the Democratic Speaker of the House, finding common ground in our politics and culture, the challenges and rewards of bringing these historic figures to life, the powerful role Nancy played in President Reagan's life and career, being a loving partner and a key advisor, the depth of their relationship, the incredible music in the film, their concerns about how social media platforms are increasingly censoring content related to the film, claims that the content is "political" content related to the election, and more.

    Find out more: https://www.reagan.movie

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 29, 2024

    First Person: Legendary NFL Quarterback Brett Favre on the Truth About Concussions in Football | Ep. 873

    First Person: Legendary NFL Quarterback Brett Favre on the Truth About Concussions in Football | Ep. 873

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre, executive producer of "Concussed," as he opens up about the serious issue of concussions in the NFL, his personal experiences with head injuries during his storied career, shedding light on the long-term impact concussions can have on players' health, whether he regrets his NFL career, if he'd do anything differently, the toll that repeated head injuries can take on players, his thoughts on how the NFL can better protect its athletes, how he'd make football safer for all ages, and more.

    Find out more: https://www.concussedfilm.com/

    Grand Canyon University: https://GCU.edu

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 29, 2024

    Kamala Finally Agrees to Interview, and Truth About Learning Loss, with Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Michael Knowles, and Carrie Prejean Boller | Ep. 872

    Kamala Finally Agrees to Interview, and Truth About Learning Loss, with Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Michael Knowles, and Carrie Prejean Boller | Ep. 872

    Megyn Kelly is joined by The Daily Wire's Michael Knowles, host of "The Michael Knowles Show," to talk about Kamala Harris finally agreeing to sit down for an interview, doing it with her "emotional support governor" Tim Walz, whether CNN will be fair or if Dana Bash is too biased, PBS' Judy Woodruff lying on air and in her subsequent clarification about Trump and Netanyahu, new reporting that proves her lies, the embarrassing state of the corporate media, how Democrats are beginning to panic as Harris fails to see an anticipated post-convention poll boost, exploring why Harris's numbers remain stagnant, Gavin Newsom and the Pod Save America bros laughing about the undemocratic way Harris became nominee, and more. Then Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin joins to talk about how Harris' economic policies could have negative impacts on all Americans, the successful tax policies under the Trump administration, the truth regarding COVID learning loss and how he's fighting it in his state, how he's worked to restore parents' rights, his relationship with President Trump and whether he was on the VP short list, and more. Then mom and activist Carrie Prejean Boller joins to talk about Riley Gaines calling out the Georgia Tech president and taking a stand against the erasure of women, a biological man getting close to competing in the LPGA, Australia declaring that biological sex doesn't exist, and more.

    Knowles- https://www.dailywire.com/

    Youngkin- https://x.com/GlennYoungkin

    Boller- https://www.instagram.com/carrieprejeanboller/

    Hungryroot: Go to https://Hungryroot.com/Megyn for 40% off your first delivery & get your free veggies. 

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 28, 2024

    Tulsi Endorses Trump in Political Realignment, and Kamala's Substance-Free Campaign, with Stu Burguiere and Stephen L. Miller | Ep. 871

    Tulsi Endorses Trump in Political Realignment, and Kamala's Substance-Free Campaign, with Stu Burguiere and Stephen L. Miller | Ep. 871

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV's "Stu Does America," and Stephen L. Miller, host of the "Versus Media" podcast, to discuss the very real question about who is actually running the country, President Biden seen visibly shaking last week, his non-stop vacation, the media focused on Kamala Harris’ “joy,” how Harris' comments are all filler and no substance, how she never seems to know how to answer direct unscripted questions, the media spinning her in a different light, new reporting that Harris' campaign is asking reporters who they think she should sit down with, the infighting within her campaign about how to handle the first interview, the truth about why she may be putting it off, former President Trump's appearance with Shawn Ryan, his revelation about one of the CNN debate rules, what Trump will do with the ABC debate, Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Trump, what it means for liberals to endorse Trump while neocons endorse Harris, the massive political realignment happening in America, why independent media is currently crushing corporate media, why viewers flock to the truth and where they feel represented, the success of the Megyn Kelly Show and how it surpassed huge legacy media channels on YouTube, and more.

    Blackout Coffee: https://BlackoutCoffee.com/MK or use the code MK for 20% off your first order
    Done with Debt: https://www.DoneWithDebt.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 27, 2024

    Trump-RFK Alliance Terrifies Elites, and Brilliant "Make America Healthy Again" Message, with Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 870

    Trump-RFK Alliance Terrifies Elites, and Brilliant "Make America Healthy Again" Message, with Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 870

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The Case For Trump," to talk about the incredible moment when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. endorsed former President Donald Trump, how this could be a hugely consequential moment in 2024, RFK's trajectory from censored nearly everywhere (except the Megyn Kelly Show) to now, RFK's ability to expose the Democrats for who they truly are, what role he might serve in a Trump administration, Kamala Harris' losing strategy vs. Trump's winning strategy, the Trump-RFK brilliant messaging of MAHA or Make America Healthy Again, the true danger of unsafe chemicals and toxins in the environment and our food, VDH's emotional story about how this has affected his family, the merger of Big Pharma and Big Ag, the Kamala Harris campaign now trying to change the debate rules, Harris' weakness in speaking off-the-cuff, the absurd new column about why Doug Emhoff is a sex symbol, the disgusting media coverage of this race, the key issue of abortion in 2024, how the media and left is trying to spin Trump's real position, an emotional moment during the Theo Von interview where Trump talked about losing his brother to alcoholism, the Trump campaign strategy of reaching young men, the truth about Trump's personality, RFK's family attacking him in a cruel way, and more.

    Hanson- https://www.amazon.com/Case-Trump-Victor-Davis-Hanson/dp/1541606434

    Grand Canyon University: https://GCU.edu
    Tax Network USA: https://TNUSA.com/MEGYN


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Tucker Carlson - The FULL Interview | RFK Endorses Trump, Creepy Walz Vibes, and More

    Tucker Carlson - The FULL Interview | RFK Endorses Trump, Creepy Walz Vibes, and More

    Here's the full Tucker Carlson interview from Thursday's Megyn Kelly Show. Megyn Kelly is joined by Tucker Carlson, host of The Tucker Carlson Show, to discuss the breaking news that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might drop out of the presidential race and endorse Donald Trump on Friday, reports Tucker and Donald Trump Jr. are working behind the scenes to convince RFK to drop out, how that would affect the race, RFK's key issues that resonate with conservative voters, the controversy over the JD Vance “childless cat ladies” comment that happened on his Fox show, the truth about Vance and Democratic VP pick Gov. Tim Walz, the red flags around Walz, the media praising Walz and Doug Emhoff as a new kind of masculinity, why it's a weaker version of masculinity, the media fawning over the DNC, the Democrat focus on abortion as a religion, whether Trump really changed after the attempted assassination, what the next Trump administration might be like, whether RFK might be good running the CIA, and more. 

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 25, 2024