
    More on Dishani Jayaweera and Sri Lanka

    enJune 07, 2021

    About this Episode

    Rev. Susan Hayward, senior adviser for religion and inclusive societies at the United States Institute of Peace, provides a historical overview of the conflict in Sri Lanka, as well as a detailed analysis of Dishani Jayaweera’s work with the Centre for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation. Transcript & more info at . Follow us .

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    More on Dishani Jayaweera and Sri Lanka

    More on Dishani Jayaweera and Sri Lanka
    Rev. Susan Hayward, senior adviser for religion and inclusive societies at the United States Institute of Peace, provides a historical overview of the conflict in Sri Lanka, as well as a detailed analysis of Dishani Jayaweera’s work with the Centre for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation. Transcript & more info at . Follow us .
    Peacemakers in Action
    enJune 07, 2021

    Conflict is a Flower: Dishani Jayaweera, Sri Lanka

    Conflict is a Flower: Dishani Jayaweera, Sri Lanka
    When Dishani Jayaweera was just 14 years old, she witnessed the start of Sri Lanka’s decades-long civil war. At the same time, she saw people, including her parents, work across the divisions and sow seeds of peace. Such actions would serve as inspiration, as she began her own journey from justice-seeking youth to co-founder of the Centre for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation — a powerful civil society organization that helped bring an end to Sri Lanka’s devastating conflict and still builds peace today. Transcript & more info at . Follow us .

    Introducing Peacemakers in Action

    Introducing Peacemakers in Action
    Hidden in the news, if reported on at all, are the brave religiously-motivated actors working to bring peace and reconciliation to their countries. Tanenbaum has spent years researching and upholding the work of these amazing individuals. In this episode, we give a brief history of our Peacemakers in Action award, Network, and introduce you to some of the Peacemakers you’ll hear from in this series. Follow us @TanenbaumCenter. Transcript & more info at tanenbaum.org.