
    Podcast Summary

    • Review questions evidence base for under-18 hormone treatments and advocacy for military aidA review emphasizes the importance of evidence and multidisciplinary approaches for under-18 hormone treatments and addressing complex needs. Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron faces challenges in securing military aid for Ukraine.

      BT, a sponsor of this podcast, is committed to supporting businesses of all sizes and complexities. Meanwhile, in news, a review led by Doctor Hilary Cass questioned the evidence base for prescribing hormones to halt puberty or facilitate gender transitions for under-18s. The review emphasized the need for a multidisciplinary approach to address the complex needs of these young people. Elsewhere, Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron is in Washington advocating for $60 billion military aid for Ukraine, but persuading Republicans to approve it may be challenging, according to Reid Ghahlen of The Lincoln Project. These stories underscore the importance of evidence-based decision making and the complexities of addressing diverse needs in various fields.

    • UK's stance on exporting arms to Israel unchanged despite humanitarian concernsThe UK continues to export arms to Israel, disregarding humanitarian issues in Gaza, with former Foreign Secretary Lord Owen emphasizing the importance of adhering to the law. Labour aims to fund policies by tackling tax dodgers, while 1-800-Flowers offers Mother's Day discounts.

      The UK will continue to export arms to Israel despite concerns over humanitarian issues in Gaza. Lord Cameron, the current Foreign Secretary, has confirmed that the UK's position on export licenses remains unchanged, despite the killing of seven aid workers in an airstrike last week. Former Foreign Secretary, Lord Owen, emphasized the importance of adhering to the law and the potential consequences of disrupting arms sales to friendly countries. Meanwhile, Labour has pledged to fund policies on the NHS and school breakfast clubs by tackling tax dodgers, which could potentially raise £5 billion a year. The party had to find alternative sources of funding after the government's plan to scrap non-dom tax status. Additionally, during Mother's Day, 1-800-Flowers is offering discounts on handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and one-of-a-kind gifts, allowing customers to save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers.

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