
    Podcast Summary

    • UK PM Rishi Sunak to Discuss Migrant Crisis with French PresidentDespite potential conflicts, Sunak aims to tackle migrant crisis with France. Heavy snow expected to cause disruptions. Train strikes still scheduled, but RMT Union suspends action.

      Rishi Sunak, the UK prime minister, is determined to address the migrant crisis in the English Channel despite potential conflicts with Europe over human rights. He plans to meet with the French president to discuss a closer partnership to tackle the issue. Meanwhile, significant disruption is expected in the UK due to heavy snowfall, with potential traffic disruption and power cuts. The Met Office warns that the snow could last for several days, affecting areas including Wales, the North and West Midlands, Northern Ireland, Northern England, and Central and Southern Scotland. The RMT Union has suspended planned strike action at Network Rail following a new pay offer, but strikes by workers at 18 other train operators are still scheduled for next Thursday. BT, the podcast sponsor, emphasizes the importance of reliable connectivity for businesses to help them grow, regardless of the industry.

    • Ukraine Conflict: British Soldier's Call for More Military AidBritish soldier on front line calls for more military aid, UK government advises against travel to Ukraine, Mother's Day deals from 1-800-Flowers, UnitedHealthcare offers flexible insurance plans

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is entering its third year, and Ukrainian forces are urging western nations for more military aid, specifically tanks, to hold their ground against Russian forces. A British soldier, identified as Scully, has shared his experiences of the stalemate situation on the front line, expressing the dire need for more weapons and support. The UK government advises against travel to Ukraine and encourages safe departure for British citizens. Meanwhile, flexibility is a key theme in other areas of life, such as insurance coverage, with UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans offering budget-friendly and customizable options. Lastly, Mother's Day is a time to express gratitude and give back to the special mothers in our lives, with 1-800-Flowers providing a wide range of gifts and savings for a limited time.

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    Tout pour la vue

    Dans Tout pour la vue plongez dans l'univers de la Planque à Pierrot, un endroit merveilleux qui regorge des plus beaux conseils de vie.

    L’Être au Monde c’est un ensemble de fictions radiophoniques qui est disponible en balladodiffusion. Ou sinon on peut dire que c’est un podcast avec une histoire par épisode.  

    Série sortie tout droit de l'imaginaire tordu de Reenmaha et Alexandre Servage.

    © L'Être au Monde - 2022

    Écriture : Reenmaha

    Interpretation : Alexandre Servage

    Montage : Alexandre Servage

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