
    About this Episode


    From The Kobeissi Letter - Mortgage rates just hit a 20-year high of 7.5% and are well above the 2008 peak of 6.6%.  However, the EFFECTIVE rate of all mortgages outstanding is 3.5%, less than half of current rates.

    Why sell your house if your mortgage rate will double?  This is the question that 90% of homeowners are now facing. 

    Supply is unlikely to return to the market anytime soon.

    Michael Lodge - several weeks ago I put out a podcast telling you that now is not the time to buy or sell.  I stand with that statement.

    If you have any business questions, send them to:  thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com

    If you have any business issues that you would like to work with a business advisor / coach, you can schedule online at:  www.lodge-co.com

    Recent Episodes from The Business Advisor

    Lunches are too expensive and we are still buying medical gloves from china

    We Have Become Slobs and Unproductive

    New Speaker Of The House, New Demanding Responsibility To Reduce Spending and Debt

    Money, Personal Finance, Government Debt and War

    Tell Me About Houston Texas

    Tell Me About Houston Texas

    I just got back from Houston Texas where I spent three days driving around the city, trying to get to know it.  I am at the cross roads of making a business decision on moving out of Greenville, SC to a busier community.  I love living in South Carolina but trying to start a new business in a small community is not easy, unless you are part of the good old boy network.  My clients are all over the United States, but zero in South Carolina because of restrictions in what I do.  I want to get back to that one on one meetings with clients.  That stimulates me more by working with clients face to face.  Zoom is great for business, but that one on one experience is so important in dealing with clients.  So I am at the decission process of making a move.  If you live in Houston, let me know how you like it and your business experience there.

    Send me an email to:  thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com

    If you would like to have a confidential business advisory / coaching / mediation session, you can schedule online at:  http://www.lodge-co.com


    Inflation Continues, Economy Responds to Israel / Hamas War