
    Mother Mary’s Intuitive Message on How to Stop Feeling Lonely

    enMay 18, 2022

    About this Episode

    Do you feel alone or lonely?

    My Spirit Guide Mother Mary of Unconditional Love came to me and volunteered to give an intuitive message about how to stop feeling alone and lonely.

    She talked about why we have this feeling of loneliness and what is missing that creates the feeling of aloneness and loneliness.  

    She also shared a practice that will help you transform this feeling of loneliness to one of connection with your higher power so you can alleviate your loneliness and be empowered in your life.

    Remember: Greatness is within you it’s time to let it out

    If you are ready to get the support you need to start having the spiritual growth you desire and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call Click this link to receive your free gift.  

    To check out Deepa’s Sacred art portals go to https://deepaliu.com/

    Recent Episodes from The Creative Mystic

    What Ignites Your Gratitude- How to Feel Gratitude Deeply

    What Ignites Your Gratitude- How to Feel Gratitude Deeply

    Have you struggled to feel grateful throughout your day?

    It’s so easy to get caught up in the things that need to get done or the worry of what is happening in the world that you don’t even realize that you aren’t in the energy of gratitude. 

    Mother of Compassion shared for the message of the month that:


    Compassion is the doorway to feeling gratitude when you don’t.


    This week she guided me to share with you what will ignite your gratitude and fuel your feelings of deep gratitude.

    I was fortunate to get to experience a nature experience with someone who is being trained in bringing people on forest bathing trips.  It was an amazing experience.

    I had so many insights and experiences that blew my mind from connecting with nature, and from this experience I was guided to share with you how nature is the fuel that will enable you to feel deep gratitude in your life.

    You’ve heard it before; gratitude is key to manifesting what you desire in your life.  The deeper you feel it, the faster you will manifest your heart’s desires.   

    If you’d like to learn how nature can deepen your feelings of gratitude , please listen to the podcast to receive the blessings of her message.


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light


    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/



    Spirit Guide Message- Spirit Guide for Nov. How to Feel Grateful When You Don't

    Spirit Guide Message- Spirit Guide for Nov. How to Feel Grateful When You Don't

    Spirit Guides are all around you and they want to help you with what to do in your life so you can have more success and ease in your life.

    This month’s Spirit Guide is Mother of Compassion and she came with a message on the energy of gratitude. 


    How do you feel gratitude when you don’t


    It’s easy to feel grateful when everything is going great.  When you are getting exactly what you want, when you want it, but what do you do when that doesn’t happen

    Mother of Compassion shared what is the doorway to shifting into gratitude when you aren’t feeling it.

    If you’d like to hear what the key to opening that door to gratitude, please  listen to the podcast to receive the blessings of her message.


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light


    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/





    Creativity Meditation- How to Boost Your Creativity & Overcome Creative Blocks

    Creativity Meditation- How to Boost Your Creativity & Overcome Creative Blocks

    Boost your creativity with this creativity meditation with the blessings of Mother of Creativity and the amazing power of 396 hz music and Tibetan bowls. 

    This month the Heart chakra angel spirit guide gave a message about doing what you love, especially what do you love to create.  What creative process do you love? 

    I was guided to do a guided meditation to help you be in the creative flow so you are creative.   The creative flow comes from one place,  Source, Higher Power and this meditation is here to help you remove the blocks that prevent you from being awake to that flow.

    I have created this guided meditation with 396 hz music and Tibetan bowls to use the power of sound healing in boosting your creativity. 

    396 hz music helps you overcome fears which is what creates your creative blocks, and Tibetan bowls have been used for thousands of years to help you reduce stress, bring healing and focus your mind for meditation.

    Your ability to be in the creative flow is what will enable you to solve all problems in your life and most of all when you access your creativity and create what you love will bring you more joy and happiness in your life.

    please  listen to the podcast to receive the blessings of this meditation

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/




    Creativity-How to be Creative & Transform Your Spiritual Gifts and Your Life

    Creativity-How to be Creative & Transform Your Spiritual Gifts and Your Life

    Creativity isn’t just about making things or using your imagination to create new things, especially if you are a spiritual seeker looking to grow your spiritual gifts of intuition or deeper connection with Spirit. 

    When you create on a consistent basis, creativity will transform you and your life.

    How do I know this?  Because it transformed mine.

    Today I’m going to share with you:

    1.      How to be creative

    2.     And how creativity will transform your life, if you give it a chance.


    Let’s get going:

    How to be creative :

    1.     You have to be willing to suck to be creative. 

    a.     You have to be willing to be bad at what ever creative medium you are doing if you want the creative flow to happen.  Once you are trying to be good you are in your ego and that will not put you in the creative flow. 

    b.     Because what is the creative flow.  The creative flow is about being connected to source.  Creativity is about connecting to source.  Whether you call that source, God, Buddha or The Universe.

    c.     If you are worried about being good or whether other people will like it, or what will other people think about me doing this.  (share my story of creating yogananda for the first time and my fear, but how I got over it)  

    2.     Step 2 to being creative is to know when you are stopping the creative flow.  When have you fallen into worrying about whether what you are making is good.  How do you know you all of a sudden are worrying about making a mistake or wrecking what you have done so far.  Have you ever done that?  I know when I’m painting it can happen to me.  I’ll like what I’m creating so far and then I’ll start to go but I don’t want to mess up what I have.  Or in every spirit guide portal I create there is what I call the ugly stage.  I’m putting down the base and I’m not quite sure what to do next and I’ll start not liking what I see, but then I remind myself the ugly stage is part of the process.  If I don’t do the ugly stage I won’t complete it to have the blessings that I desire.

    3.     So, It’s all about being willing to go through the process of working with the medium with and checking in with yourself with what are you being called to do next, even if you don’t know why.  The feeling of this feels right,  It feels expansive, I feel called to put this on the canvas or make this knot, or

    How creativity will transform your life:

    1.     Whether you consider yourself a spiritual seeker or not.  If you are creative and are creating you are connecting with your higher power.   If you want to transform your life with creativity combine the act of creating on a consistent basis with connecting to your higher power.  Are you ready to commit to a consistent creative practice?  Please put in the comments what your medium is or what you are going to create consistently?

    2.     A consistent practice of painting transformed me from a nonvisual person to a visual person.  What I mean by that is I was someone who could never visualize when I did guide meditations.  (Share my story)

    3.     I combined spiritual prayer and connection with creating and I began having visions.  I was someone who doubted my intuition to someone who trusts what my spirit guides download to me in what I share with my coaching clients and what I share on my videos to the guidance I get for myself to act on. 

    4.     If you commit to consistently creating with bringing in prayer, and some spiritual practices to relax and be connected you can transform your spiritual gifts and abilities and transform your life.  You are a creative being you are meant to create and when you create on a consistent basis you will become happier, more fulfilled and more connected to your higher power if you consciously choose to be connected when you are creating.

    If you want to trust your higher power and intuition more one of the most important things to be able to have that trust is to love yourself.  I’m offering a program Connect to Your Self love spirit guide which is all about helping you to connect with your spirit guide that is here to help you love yourself.  And one of the ways you start to have more trust in your higher power and your intuition is to see how your spirit guides can help you manifest something in your life. 

     please listen to the podcast. 

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/






    Spiritual Guidance for October from Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide

    Spiritual Guidance for October from Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide

    Spiritual Guidance for the Month of October is from the Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide portal.

     The Heart Chakra Angel came in the form of the feminine to give you spiritual guidance that will help you with the energies of the month.

    Whenever the Heart Chakra Angel spirit guide shows up as a she or a he they are giving you guidance that you have something to shift and change with your feminine or masculine self. This month Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide showed up as a she so it is all about the Divine Feminine.

    She came to give you guidance on how to work with the energy of fall and how you know what to let go of and what to embrace.

    She wants to help you be in flow with the energies that are happening this month, rather than fighting up stream and struggling. Check out her guidance on how you can begin to be in the flow for this month.

    Remember: Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/



    🔸 Learn more at: http://deepaliu.com/ Lightworkers & Highly Creative Spiritual Seekers need inspiration and blessings to expand into their next step of spiritual growth and purpose. Each Wednesday, join Deepa Liu, Sacred Artist, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Success Coach/ Teacher as she shares intuitive messages, meditations and her own miraculous experiences as a Creative Mystic, to support and inspire you to deepen your connection with Divine Presence so you can let your greatness out.

    If you want to learn how to access your spiritual gifts, use your creativity as your super power and be a blessing in this world making a difference, this podcast is for you.

    🎧Subscribe to the Podcast: https://deepaliu.com/podcast

    The Creative Mystic
    enOctober 04, 2023

    Most Important Stress Reducer for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

    Most Important Stress Reducer for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

    Understanding what your most important Stress Reducer is can transform your you, your health and your life.


    As an Empath or highly sensitive you feel more stress than the average person. 




    Because you are sensitive to other people's emotions, their energy  and your environment. But your sensitivities are actually your super powers when you know how to reduce your stress and take care of yourself. 


    Knowing how to relieve stress as an empath or highly sensitive is key to your level of enjoyment, success and fulfillment in your life. 


    I will share with you today:


    - The #1 reason empaths and highly sensitives feel more stress and overwhelm than the average person.


    -  the most important stress reducer for you as an empath or highly sensitive so you can have stress relief and have more enjoyment and success in your life. 



    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light


    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/


    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/



    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/





    Letting Go Meditation

    Letting Go Meditation

    Letting Go can be one of the most challenging things for people to do, especially if you are an empath or highly sensitive. 

    Last episode the Healing Hands Spirit Guide gave us a message that the energy of letting go is what is happening in this month of September, but letting go is an important ability to develop and practice no matter what time of the year it is. 

    When you hang on to what is no longer serving you, you can have lack of clarity, feel stuck or challenged in moving forward on your next level of growth in moving towards what you desire in your life. 

    I was guided to bring you a Letting Go Meditation to help you connect with the vibration of letting go by connecting with the energy of nature.  Nature easily let’s go of what is no longer serving it and embraces the new stage of development.

    This guided meditation will connect you with the energy of nature so you can enhance your ability to let go of all that is keeping you stuck.

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/



    Spirit Guide Message- How to Work with the Energies of September

    Spirit Guide Message- How to Work with the Energies of September

    Spirit Guide Guidance for Working with the Energy of September

    Each month comes with a new energy that is affecting you, especially if you are an empath or highly sensitive.  When you understand what the energy is for the month and how to work with it you will find that you are able to grow into the next level of your expansion and growth with more ease and grace.

    My Healing Hand Spirit guide portals volunteered to give you guidance on the energy of September and what you can do to benefit from this energy.

    They volunteered because the energy of September is all about letting go, and healing is letting go. 

    Their intuitive guidance was all about how the trees in fall easily let go of their leaves and if you wan to work with the energy of September to look within yourself and what do you need to heal and let go of so you can go to that next stage of growth and expansion. 

    What belief is holding you back?

    What resentment is holding you back?

    What unforgiveness is holding you back?

    What habit is holding you back?

    In order to go to that next level of growth you have to heal/let go of what is no longer serving you.

    To receive the blessings of the healing hands spirit guide guidance please  listen to the podcast. 

    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/





    🔸 Learn more at:


    Lightworkers & Highly Creative Spiritual Seekers need inspiration and blessings to expand into their next step of spiritual growth and purpose. 

    Each Wednesday, join Deepa Liu, Sacred Artist, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Success Coach/ Teacher as she shares intuitive messages, meditations and her own miraculous experiences as a Creative Mystic, to support and inspire you to deepen your connection with Divine Presence so you can let your greatness out. 

     If you want to learn how to access your spiritual gifts, use your creativity as your super power and be a blessing in this world making a difference, this podcast is for you.

    🎧Subscribe to the Podcast:


    Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/ 

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/



    The Creative Mystic
    enSeptember 06, 2023

    Why is Relaxing Important| A Simple Practice to Relax

    Why is Relaxing Important| A Simple Practice to Relax

    Why is Relaxing Important?

    Do you have a challenge relaxing like really relaxing, not just laying around watching TV but where your body your mind feel relaxed.

    Maybe, you carry a lot of tension in your body, where everything you do you see you're tense.

     I'm Deepa Liu, I'm the creative Mystic and I want to share with you an aha I received in meditation.

    As I sat in meditation what floated across my mind was BUDDAH WAS RELAXED, and in that moment I realized the importance of relaxing. So, what I was guided to share with you was about how relaxing is key for you as an empath or highly sensitive person in your spiritual growth and having success in your life

    Why relaxaing is so important is because it helps you:

    • to connect spiritually

    • to have a deeper connection

    • to receive intuitive messages

    • in manifesting what you want in your life Relaxing is so important.

    As those words floated across my mind "Buddha was relaxed",

    The next thing that came in was that oh, “I need to relax, that I am carrying tension with my spiritual practice.”

    If you've been on the spiritual path for any length of time you know it can be easy to fall into your spiritual practices becoming a should or a have to. And with that should or have to energy comes tension.

    If you'd like to hear how the show the Amazing Race clearly gave me evidence to why relaxing is important and the guidance of what you can do to use the power of relaxing, please listen to the podcast. 

    Remember: Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

    If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/

    If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/

    If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/

    Blessings, Deepa


    🔸 Learn more at: http://deepaliu.com/ Lightworkers & Highly Creative Spiritual Seekers need inspiration and blessings to expand into their next step of spiritual growth and purpose. Each Wednesday, join Deepa Liu, Sacred Artist, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Success Coach/ Teacher as she shares intuitive messages, meditations and her own miraculous experiences as a Creative Mystic, to support and inspire you to deepen your connection with Divine Presence so you can let your greatness out.

    If you want to learn how to access your spiritual gifts, use your creativity as your super power and be a blessing in this world making a difference, this podcast is for you. 🎧Subscribe to the Podcast: https://deepaliu.com/podcast

    Harnassing Your Higher Guidance: An Empaths Secret Weapon to Creating a Life You Love

    Harnassing Your Higher Guidance: An Empaths Secret Weapon to Creating a Life You Love

    Higher Guidance intuitive messages are your secret weapon as an empath or highly sensitive person.  They are key to manifesting whatever you want in your life, whether you are looking for more happiness, having more financial abundance or finding that significant other  

    I’m Deepa Liu, I’m the creative mystic and I’m an empath and highly sensitive.  Today I want to share with you

    Why  receiving higher guidance is so key for you as an empath or highly sensitive person? 

    1.      1. You are more easily swayed by someone else's advice  and most people are giving advice that is for the non-empath on nonHSP.  You are more likely to not know what are your true heart’s desires because you are constantly feeling or taking on other people’s energy.  Do you see this happening to you? 

    Because you are more sensitive and susceptible to other people's energy, emotions, opinions and their advice than the non empath or non highly sensitive person. 

    2.     2. And The advice they give you will be what works for the nonempath, but not necessarily what works for you as an empath or highly sensitive. You will find yourself struggling to put in place the advice they are giving you because it's not advice for an empath.  Have you had that happen where you take a training and it seems like its working for other people but not you? 

    Higher guidance/ Intuitive messages are your secret weapon because receiving these messages, higher guidance will save you:

    1.     1. time from doing things that don’t work for you

    2.     2. Allow you to know what is true for you

    3.     3. Put you in divine flow so you can manifest a life that you love.  One that makes you happy and fulfilled when you follow your higher guidance. 

    Higher guidance,  intutive messages from your higher power will ensure that you get guidance that will work for you as an empath or highly sensitive person.  This will be guidance based on truth not what someone's opinion or advice that they think will work for you .

     Higher guidance, intutitive messages are based on truth and are coming from the ethers of all knowing consciousness. 

    Now if you like what you’ve heard so far, please subscribe and give me a like and if you know of anyone who would benefit from what I am sharing with you please share it with someone you know.. 

    How do you get that higher guidance? 

    Whether your call your higher power God, Buddha, The Universe or Spirit Guides it all comes down to you being willing to ASK. 

    Asking your higher power for intuitive guidance on what your next step is in manifesting the financial abundance, the prosperity or whatever is your heart's desire. 

    The act of Asking makes you receptive to receiving the answer. 

    How do you ask?

    You connect with your higher power by a prayer that invokes your connection with them. 

    The prayer can be silently or aloud, whichever way you feel the strongest connection to your higher power.  and then you


    but you want to make sure you ask a solution oriented question? 

    A question with the end in mind you desire. 

    now after you ask you have to be receptive to receiving an answer.

    This answer may not come as a voice or words in your head, but you will get an answer.  

    The answer may come as a symbolic message or repetitive sightings, but you have to be aware to receive the message

    Act on the guidance you receive even if it doesn’t sound logical, practical or you don’t know how you are going to do it. 

     If you are looking for more support as an empath and you are ready to work with a coach or someone that can really help you as  an empath or hsp.  Please sign up for my next step connection call to see if we are a fit .  deepaliu.com/ gift