
    Musician Keaton Henson - Specialist Guest

    enJuly 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Shopping at Kroger: Delightful Experience with Extensive Choices and SavingsShopping at Kroger offers a vast selection of over 30,000 options, everyday low prices, and various ways to save including digital coupons and fuel points.

      Shopping at Kroger offers not only a vast selection of over 30,000 delicious options to excite your inner foodie but also everyday low prices and various ways to save, including digital coupons and fuel points. The conversation between Charlie and Ketan revealed their shared appreciation for the unique and off-putting robot design in Brian and Charles, which showcases unexpected charm and creativity. The interview was a first for Shamir, who has a diverse musical background, having composed for films, ballet, and war films. Despite living in Sussex, Shamir shared that he doesn't have Wi-Fi at home and instead conducts interviews from his manager's house. The conversation also touched on their mutual connections to West Sussex and famous residents like Hugh Bonneville and Vinnie Jones. Overall, shopping at Kroger provides a delightful experience with an extensive range of mealtime choices, affordable prices, and the opportunity to discover new savings and flavors.

    • Joe and Keaton's mutual respect and shared love for their craftJoe and Keaton, despite their different backgrounds and lifestyles, found common ground in their admiration for each other and shared a mutual respect. They discussed their approach to interviews and tried to avoid coming across as overly enthusiastic fans.

      Both Joe and Keaton are genuine fans of each other's work and share a mutual respect. Despite their different backgrounds and lifestyles, they found common ground in their admiration for each other. Joe was intimidated by Keaton's musical talent and was careful not to come across as a fanboy, while Keaton wanted to be liked by Joe and even felt a sense of competition with him. They both shared a sense of humor and had a playful banter during their conversation. Keaton lived in a remote, old cottage in Sussex with an untended garden, and he was hesitant to reveal too much about his personal life during the interview. Joe, on the other hand, was more open and even suggested showing his house on camera, but Keaton declined. They discussed their approach to interviews and how they both try to avoid sounding like a "tit" or coming across as overly enthusiastic fans. Overall, their conversation was filled with mutual respect, admiration, and a shared love for their craft.

    • The feeling of fulfillment in music creationTrusting one's own taste, surrounding oneself with support, and recognizing fulfillment in each moment are key to music creation.

      The process of creating music, whether it's songwriting or producing, brings a unique feeling of fulfillment and lift that can be cherished as the best thing a song will ever give. This feeling is not dependent on external validation, such as awards or chart success, but rather on the authentic connection one has with their own creation. Trusting one's own taste and judgment is crucial, but it can also be helpful to surround oneself with supportive people who validate and encourage the creative process. The pursuit of this feeling of fulfillment is a continuous journey, and it takes presence and willpower to recognize and appreciate it in each moment.

    • Interconnectedness of Songwriting and ImprovisationArtists face self-doubt despite positive feedback and can gauge audience emotions through their reactions, but may envy instant feedback during performances.

      Songwriting and improvisation are interconnected, with the former being a slower version of the latter. The creative process involves making quick decisions among numerous possibilities. However, even when receiving positive feedback, some artists, including the speaker, may experience self-doubt and a feeling of disbelief. The speaker also shared that they have a unique experience as a performer, being able to gauge audience reactions through their emotions, such as crying or laughter. Despite this, the speaker admitted to feeling envious of artists who receive instant feedback during their performances. Ultimately, the speaker's career has evolved to become a space where people come to share and express emotions together.

    • The Nerve-Wracking Experience of Performing Music for an AudienceArtists face anxiety over audience reaction, rely on feedback or instincts, and can choose between intimate or large shows, with Patreon offering fan support and deeper engagement

      Creating and performing music comes with its own unique challenges. For artists, the fear of an audience's reaction to a new song for the first time can be nerve-wracking. They can't be present to gauge the audience's response directly, so they often rely on feedback from listeners or their own instincts. Some artists prefer smaller, more intimate shows, while others find the pressure of performing for larger crowds more daunting. Additionally, there's a Patreon page for listeners who want to support the creators and gain access to exclusive content. This platform allows fans to engage more deeply with the artists and even potentially appear on the show.

    • From secret songwriter to unexpected fameUnexpected discoveries and sharing art publicly can lead to unexpected success in the music industry, but it takes courage to embrace the spotlight.

      The journey of a musician's career can be unexpected and overwhelming. The speaker, who is a musician, shares her experience of writing songs secretly and reluctantly performing them in public. She was discovered when someone shared her music online, leading to radio play and a rapid rise to fame. Despite her initial discomfort with the spotlight, she found herself becoming a performer. The speaker also mentions her background as an illustrator and her appreciation for album artwork. Overall, this conversation highlights the unpredictable nature of the music industry and the courage it takes to share one's art with the world.

    • Discussing Album Artwork and Creative ProcessThe artist shared his experience of working with a designer to create distinct album artwork and discussed his creative process, including writing songs from a parallel universe perspective.

      The artist discussed the importance of album artwork and how he chose a designer for his latest album to create a distinct and pop seventies look. He also shared his experience of writing songs from the perspective of a parallel universe version of himself who desires fame and wears a pink suit in the music videos. The artist mentioned his discomfort with being in music videos and how he finds it odd when the crew doesn't react as he expects. He also mentioned his favorite album artwork and shared his admiration for an artist named Tristan Pigott. The artist's conversation revealed his creative process, his thoughts on fame, and his preference for having control over his artwork.

    • The Risks and Rewards of Putting Yourself Out There CreativelyCommitment, going 'all in', and a sense of humor can help navigate the risks of expressing oneself creatively, while safeguards can prevent negative thought patterns.

      Both Joe and the speaker have experienced vulnerability and embarrassment in their careers, with Joe's story involving dressing up on set and being judged by electricians. They discussed the importance of commitment and going "all in" in their work, even when it leads to potential embarrassment. The speaker admired Joe's fearlessness but acknowledged their own desire to express themselves while also avoiding being looked at. They also discussed the importance of having safeguards to prevent spiraling into negative thought patterns. Overall, the conversation highlighted the risks and rewards of putting oneself out there creatively, and the importance of staying committed and having a sense of humor about potential failures.

    • Artists' right to control their creative processArtists should maintain control over their creative process and personal life, even if it goes against industry norms or expectations.

      Artists have the right to set their own rules and boundaries in their personal and professional lives, even if it goes against the norms or expectations of the industry. This was discussed during a podcast where the artist shared their experience of resisting the pressure to become an influencer and perform live with an audience. They had initially found a solution by projecting themselves into a room to sing one-on-one, but this backfired when they realized they would be there for hours. The artist expressed their annoyance at being told what to do and emphasized the importance of maintaining control over their own creative process. They also shared their preference for keeping their personal life private and only revealing aspects of themselves through their music. This conversation highlights the importance of artists being true to themselves and their art, even when faced with external pressures.

    • The Industry's Favoritism Towards Extroverted ArtistsThe music industry's emphasis on performance and relatability risks overlooking the contributions of introverted songwriters, potentially hindering the development of their writing skills.

      The music industry and social media platforms are increasingly favoring extroverted artists, rewarding relatability and visibility over introverted songwriters. This trend concerns the speaker, who values the contributions of introverted artists and fears a future where their works may be overlooked. The speaker also reflects on the changing dynamics of the industry, where the emphasis on performing and touring can hinder the development of writing skills. The speaker uses the example of John Sullivan, a well-known writer who might not have had the opportunity to create iconic works like "Tony Falls in the Halls" under the current industry model. The speaker's main point is that the art of writing and performing are distinct practices, and the focus on performance should not overshadow the importance of nurturing writing skills.

    • Music evokes emotions and syncs heart ratesMusic can manipulate emotions through specific sounds and rhythms, sync heart rates, and even control lighting based on audience responses

      Music has a profound effect on our emotions and physiological responses. The use of specific sounds, rhythms, and even live performances can evoke strong feelings and sync heart rates, creating a sense of community. For instance, a lower descending sound is universally agreed to be sad, while high, rising notes can sound happy. Neuroscientists have studied these phenomena, and they believe that music can manipulate our emotions and even control lighting based on audience anxiety levels. The artist in the discussion even experimented with this concept, allowing the audience to control the lighting with their anxiety responses. Additionally, music can serve as an escape for performers, allowing them to express emotions they may not be able to convey themselves. So, music is a powerful tool for evoking emotions and creating connections between people.

    • Vin Rayo's Love for Pop Music and Admiration for ArtistsDespite his reputation as a 'super musician', Vin Rayo openly admires pop artists like the Backstreet Boys and Boyz II Men, and finds inspiration in comedians and songwriters like Randy Newman. He also covered 'The Middle' by Jimmy Eatworld for a playlist before releasing his current record.

      Vin Vin Rayo, during an interview, shared his love for pop music and his admiration for artists like the Backstreet Boys and Boyz II Men, despite potential judgement from others due to his reputation as a "super musician." He also mentioned his difficulty in writing music and appreciating the efforts of others in the industry, particularly comedians and songwriters like Randy Newman. Rayo also revealed that he had covered "The Middle" by Jimmy Eatworld for a playlist before releasing his current record. Despite some misunderstandings and forgetful moments during the conversation, the interviewers showed appreciation for Rayo's honesty and openness about his musical influences. The conversation highlighted the universality of music appreciation and the challenges of creating art in various genres.

    • Exploring dark themes through morally questionable charactersRandy Newman uses controversial perspectives to create thought-provoking music, challenging listeners to confront uncomfortable topics and see the world from different angles.

      Randy Newman, despite writing songs from the perspective of morally questionable and even racist characters, does not endorse those views himself. He uses these perspectives to explore dark themes and create thought-provoking music. Newman's humor and introspective nature have helped him connect with audiences, and his music has been a source of comfort and inspiration for some listeners. If Newman were to start a podcast, he might find it to be an outlet for sharing his thoughts and experiences, but he also fears revealing too much about himself might disappoint fans who fill in the gaps with their own expectations. Overall, Randy Newman's music challenges listeners to confront uncomfortable topics and see the world from different perspectives.

    • Authenticity in Art and MusicAuthenticity is crucial for resonating with audiences, but can be challenging for artists to maintain. Sharing vulnerabilities and staying true to oneself can lead to meaningful connections and impactful creative work.

      The conversation between the two individuals revolved around their connection to art and authenticity. The musician expressed his concern about the potential disconnect between his persona and the perception of his music. He shared his apprehension about being vulnerable and authentic, but acknowledged that without it, his work might not resonate. The interviewer, in turn, expressed his admiration for the artist and his ability to create meaningful connections with listeners through his music. They also discussed their shared love for comedy and how it influenced their creative processes. Despite some nervous moments and self-deprecating humor, the conversation remained engaging and insightful, highlighting the importance of authenticity in art and the power of creative expression to bring people together.

    • Authenticity and vulnerability in comedy and musicBeing open, willing to connect, and appreciating others' achievements are essential in creating engaging art. Authenticity and vulnerability are key elements in comedy and music, fostering connection and laughter.

      Authenticity and vulnerability are key elements in creating engaging and effective art, be it comedy or music. The speakers in the conversation emphasized the importance of being open and willing to connect with the audience, as well as appreciating the achievements and efforts of others, even if they come from different fields. They also touched upon the common theme of jealousy and competition between comedians and musicians. Ultimately, they agreed that comedy, with its focus on creating laughter and connection, is a unique and essential art form. Despite the occasional self-deprecating humor and joking around, the speakers' conversation revealed a deep appreciation for the creative process and the importance of authenticity in their respective crafts.

    • A heartwarming conversation about collaboration and creativityThrough mutual admiration and creativity, Katie and Joe discussed potential music collaborations, showcasing the power of connection and creativity in overcoming challenges and bringing joy to each other's lives.

      The interaction between Katie and Joe was filled with mutual admiration and creativity. Katie shared how Joe's performances have helped her in difficult times, and they discussed collaborating on music. Joe was open to the idea, and they brainstormed potential songs and techniques. The conversation was lighthearted and fun, with both parties expressing a desire to continue working together. Katie even suggested starting a WhatsApp group and inviting others to join. The conversation ended with a sense of excitement for their potential collaboration and a genuine appreciation for each other's talents. Overall, their conversation showcased the power of connection and creativity in overcoming challenges and bringing joy to one another's lives.

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