
    My Home Invasion Story (ft. Mean girls & Pee)

    enMay 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The joy of staying home with friendsPrioritize mental and regular health by choosing cozy nights in with friends over forcing a night out, and stay hydrated during summer months.

      Sometimes, the simple joys of staying home and spending time with friends can be more enjoyable than going out. The speaker shares her excitement about being able to relax at home after a long period of traveling, and how she had an epiphany during a happy hour with friends that such gatherings can be more fun than going out to a bar. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing mental and regular health, and encourages listeners to consider staying in for a cozy night with friends instead of forcing a night out. Additionally, she promotes staying hydrated during the summer months using products like Liquid IV.

    • Staying Safe and Connected in the Digital Dating WorldTechnology enhances safety and convenience in dating through features like 'Share my date' and emergency services. Communication and self-reflection are essential for forming strong connections.

      Technology is making dating safer and more convenient through features like Tinder's "Share my date" and Noonlight's emergency services. These tools allow users to keep their friends informed and ensure their safety on dates. Additionally, the importance of communication and self-reflection was emphasized, whether it's through sharing personal stories or having deep conversations with new acquaintances. And on a lighter note, summer is here, and Quay sunglasses offer stylish options for any occasion. In the personal anecdotes shared, the hosts discussed their experiences with Tinder safety features, watching TV shows, and forming connections with others. They highlighted the enjoyment of rediscovering shows like Love Is Blind and the importance of deep conversations in building strong friendships. Overall, the episode emphasized the significance of safety, communication, and self-expression in various aspects of life, from dating to friendships and personal growth.

    • Sharing experiences through games and cookingPlaying games and cooking together can strengthen relationships, but past experiences can bring up unexpected emotions.

      Playing a game together can help build strong connections quickly between people. However, once the initial excitement wears off, the comfortability and familiarity that comes with knowing each other's stories can make the beginning of new relationships feel daunting. On a lighter note, the speaker also expressed excitement about the simple pleasure of going to the grocery store and cooking after a long absence. However, a specific memory of drinking strawberry lemonade Specka brought back a painful reminder of a past experience with drinking and a bad black eye, highlighting how certain sensory experiences can trigger strong memories and emotions.

    • Using creativity to gain entry to a partyPersistence and problem-solving skills can help overcome obstacles to achieve desired goals

      Determination and creativity can lead to gaining access to desirable situations, even when faced with obstacles. In this story, the speaker and her sister wanted to attend an older brother's party but were denied entry. They came up with a plan to bake cookies as a peace offering and spent hours preparing, including getting ready as if for a formal event. Through their persistence and thoughtfulness, they were eventually able to join the party. This experience demonstrates the power of using one's resources and problem-solving skills to achieve a goal.

    • Unexpected consequences of underage drinkingUnderage drinking can result in embarrassing experiences and unintended consequences, making it important to make safe and responsible choices.

      Underage drinking can lead to unexpected and embarrassing consequences. The speaker describes an experience in high school where she and her friend went to a party and tried to fit in by serving cookies and drinking alcohol. She was inexperienced with alcohol and ended up getting drunk, leading to a blackout and a large black eye from an accident. The experience left her feeling embarrassed and vowing to avoid parties and alcohol in the future. It's important to remember that underage drinking can have serious and unintended consequences, and it's always best to make safe and responsible choices.

    • Creative stories to hide actions from parentsMemories of intrusive parents can trigger embarrassment and reinforce negative perceptions

      People often come up with creative stories to hide their actions from their strict parents. The speaker, for instance, once concocted a story about baking cookies and injuring herself to explain a black eye she got from a party. However, certain sounds or memories can trigger strong reactions and bring back unpleasant experiences, such as the speaker's father's infamous "find my iPhone" sound. This sound became even more distressing when it interrupted an awkward situation in high school, where the speaker was in the middle of hooking up with someone she wasn't comfortable with. The experience left her feeling embarrassed and reinforced her father's reputation for being impatient and intrusive.

    • The Power of Parental DisapprovalParental disapproval can instill fear and panic, motivating individuals to change their behavior to avoid negative consequences.

      The fear of parental disapproval can be a powerful motivator. The speaker in this story shared an experience where her dad unexpectedly interrupted her plans with a boyfriend, leading her to rush out of the house in a panic. She described her father as a strict disciplinarian who would go to great lengths to ensure his daughter stayed out of trouble. Even in college, she believed her father had the ability to track her location and send the police to get her if she stayed out too late. The experience left her feeling scared and petrified, illustrating the significant impact of a parent's authority and disapproval.

    • Staying Safe on First DatesCommunicate plans, use safety features, and prioritize self-care for a safe and enjoyable first date.

      Safety should be a priority, especially during first dates. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling anxious about not answering her phone or not having her location shared, leading to imagined worst-case scenarios. She emphasizes the importance of communication and sharing plans with trusted friends. Tinder's safety features, such as "Share my date" and Noonlight, can help ensure safety on dates. Additionally, staying hydrated is crucial during the warmer months, and Liquid IV offers a convenient and effective solution for staying hydrated. The speaker also reflects on her relationship with her father, sharing how their dynamic shifted as she grew older and became more independent. Overall, the episode highlights the importance of safety, communication, and self-care.

    • Growing closer to parents as an adultAs we grow older, our relationship with our parents can deepen, leading to a closer bond as friends. Seeking their advice and confiding in them can bring us closer, while appreciating their wisdom and experience is a valuable aspect of this relationship.

      The relationship between a child and their parents can evolve and deepen as the child grows up and becomes more independent. The speaker in this conversation shares how they used to feel distant from their parents during their college years, but as they entered the workforce and became more responsible, they began to seek their parents' advice and confide in them. This led to a closer relationship, where they now enjoy spending time with their parents as friends. The speaker also reflects on how their perspective on their living situation has changed since leaving college, appreciating the peace and sophistication of their current neighborhood compared to the chaotic college environment. Despite past challenges, such as an unpleasant encounter with a disliked college acquaintance, the speaker values the growth and improvement that comes with maturity and independence.

    • Social media amplifies conflicts and can lead to negative consequencesBe mindful of potential repercussions before sharing controversial content online, as it can amplify conflicts and lead to long-lasting consequences.

      Posting controversial content on social media can lead to unexpected backlash and negative consequences. In the story, Trevor's actions at the restaurant led to his ex-girlfriend publicly criticizing him and causing a rift between him and her friend group. This situation could have been avoided if Trevor had been more mindful of the potential repercussions of his actions. Additionally, the story illustrates how social media can amplify conflicts and make them more public, leading to long-lasting consequences. It's important to consider the potential impact of our online actions before sharing them with a wider audience.

    • The Importance of Keeping an Open MindSuspecting and investigating all possibilities, even the unlikely ones, can lead to the truth.

      Sometimes the explanation for an unexplained event may not be immediately clear, and it may require considering various possibilities, even those that seem unlikely. In the case of the speaker, she experienced the mystery of finding her crop tops soaked and smelling of urine. She initially suspected her boyfriend, but he denied any involvement. She then considered her roommate's dog, but the amount of urine did not make sense. The maintenance man confirmed the smell was indeed urine but could not offer a solution. The speaker was left with no explanation and had to discard her ruined crop tops. Despite her initial belief that her boyfriend was responsible, she eventually forgot about the incident. This experience demonstrates the importance of keeping an open mind and considering all possibilities, even if they seem far-fetched, to arrive at the truth.

    • Importance of securing personal spaces and addressing health issuesSecure personal spaces, lock doors, take opportunities when they come, and openly discuss women's health issues.

      Personal security and privacy are important. The speaker shared a bizarre experience from college where someone she didn't get along with allegedly peed in her drawer. This incident emphasized the importance of securing personal spaces and locking doors. Another key takeaway is the value of taking opportunities when they present themselves. The speaker mentioned her resolution to take dance classes, encouraging listeners to pursue their goals and not let them slip away. Lastly, the speaker emphasized the importance of addressing women's health issues openly and without shame. She acknowledged that many women may feel uncomfortable discussing these matters but encouraged seeking help when needed. Overall, the discussion touched upon themes of personal security, self-improvement, and open communication.

    • Embracing Intimate Health and RelationshipsIt's normal to seek help for intimate health issues and trust instincts in relationships. Apologies don't always make things right, and setting boundaries is essential. Everyone experiences anxiety, but it's crucial to minimize triggers and communicate feelings.

      Treating intimate health issues is normal and shouldn't be a source of shame. Eizo is a brand that helps women with various vaginal and urinary issues. Regarding relationships, it's essential to trust your instincts and set boundaries. If your partner's actions make you uncomfortable, it's okay to consider ending the relationship. An apology doesn't always make things right, and it's crucial to communicate your feelings and set consequences. In the context of anxiety, it's essential to remember that everyone experiences hangxiety, and it's normal to feel embarrassed, but true friends will support you through it. It's also essential to be mindful of how often you put yourself in situations that cause anxiety and take steps to minimize it.

    • Assessing Drinking Habits and Relationship BoundariesConsider the potential consequences of actions, especially when in relationships, and be honest to maintain friendships without crossing boundaries into infidelity. Reflect on drinking habits and seek help if needed.

      It's normal to have occasional nights out that end in less-than-ideal situations, but if it becomes a regular occurrence, it may be time to reevaluate drinking habits. Regarding relationships, it's important to consider the potential consequences of actions, especially when involving someone in a committed relationship. In the situation discussed, the advice given was for honesty and maintaining friendship without crossing boundaries into infidelity. Additionally, the podcast will be covering the Kentucky Derby next week, promising a shift from a calm week at home to a lively and exciting event.

    Recent Episodes from Hot Mess with Alix Earle

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    Anxiety: From Hospitals to Healing [RE-RUN]
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    When Personal Life is Public (ft. Monet McMichael)

    When Personal Life is Public (ft. Monet McMichael)
    (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix is in Cannes in the South of France. She’s joined by her friend and fellow social media star, Monet McMichael, to have girl talk in bed with champagne. For the first time, Monet opens up about the current online drama surrounding her relationship with boyfriend Jalen Noble. Alix and Monet discuss the harsh realities of putting your life online, hateful comments, and how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media. They then play a game of never-have-I-ever, revealing even more secrets about their glorified careers. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Should We Breakup or Makeup?

    Should We Breakup or Makeup?
    (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix sits down with her sister, Ashtin, to unpack relationship trauma. Ashtin discusses being insecure and leaning on her ex-boyfriend, who Alix would butt heads with. This relationship put a dent in their sisterhood that took years to rebuild. Ashtin explains how good of a sister Alix was during the break-up and how it helped her regain her confidence. The two also discuss friendship red flags and what actions would cause them to break up with a friend. Then, Alix sits down for another WWAD segment. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Beneath the Bikinis: SI Swim

    Beneath the Bikinis: SI Swim
    (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This episode of Hot Mess is one of the most special yet. Alix gets asked to be on the inaugural digital cover of Sports Illustrated magazine — a huge dream of hers for a long time. As usual, she takes you behind the scenes and gives you the full unfiltered experience of the preparation and shoot. She also discusses her decision to refuse any retouching on her photos and what that meant to her and to the brand. Alix vlogs the entire experience and even sits down with the editor in chief of Sports Illustrated Swim, MJ Day, to talk about the evolution of the brand and process of choosing their models. Alix even walks in the SI Swim fashion show during Miami Swim Week, and brings a few special guests with her out on the runway. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Drama at the Jersey Shore

    Drama at the Jersey Shore
    (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix celebrates Memorial Day Weekend in New Jersey. She podcasts in bed with her sister, Ashtin, to recap their nights out at the Jersey Shore. They discuss a mysterious crotch full of sand, Alix getting suspended from Catholic School, and working at their family ice cream shop. Then the two go over ins and outs and answer some WWAD questions.  Alix also sits down with her old boss from Hazel Boutique, Jenna, to talk about their relationship and time working together. They detail an incident in which Alix took tummy time tea during a showroom and spent the day in the bathroom. The two also realize that Jenna is the reason that Alix initially met Braxton.  Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Going Back to College (ft. the Alix Earle Scholars)

    Going Back to College (ft. the Alix Earle Scholars)
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    My BF Met My Parents at a Strip Club

    My BF Met My Parents at a Strip Club
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    Cockblocks & Derby Disasters

    Cockblocks & Derby Disasters
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    My Home Invasion Story (ft. Mean girls & Pee)

    My Home Invasion Story (ft. Mean girls & Pee)
    (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix sits down to tell some of her wild stories that she’s never shared before. She spills the tea on her dad tracking her location during a hookup, getting a drunk black eye, and a mean girl peeing in her crop top drawer. Then Alix answers your questions for another WWAD segment. She discusses cheating boyfriends, friendship betrayal, and blacking out. Listen to hear what would Alix do in these unfortunate scenarios. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Balancing Friends vs. Boyfriends

    Balancing Friends vs. Boyfriends
    (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix sits down to discuss all things relationships. She explains why her boyfriend wasn’t invited to Coachella, explosive fights, and secrets to maintaining healthy boundaries. She then answers your questions about boys and relationships. Alix also shares the excuse behind-the-scenes vlog of her first magazine cover shoot for Flaunt Magazine. She wears a bikini to the grocery store, on the freeway, and appears topless with ice cubes on her chest. Braxton visits her during the shoot at the most revealing moment. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women." 

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!

    Happy New Year! 



    Dietician, Stephanie Wilson, joins me to discuss: 4 part plan/strategy to stick to your fitness goals; how improve sleep; how to cope with feelings of shame and guilt and how she remains calm during this quarantine.


    If you want go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, lonely to connected and like a burden to a blessing, then go to 1-on-1 coaching, go to www.thrivewithleo.com. Let’s get to tomorrow, together. 

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    Alexandra Thompson joins me today to discuss: bringing mental wellness to every church in the world; mindfulness exercises; infertility and feeling alone; why therapy is as important as going to the dentist; family roles; tapping into our inner child; why we're more comfortable in threes than twos.

    If you want go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, lonely to connected and like a burden to a blessing, then go to 1-on-1 coaching, go to www.thrivewithleo.com.