
    Podcast Summary

    • Maintaining Emotional Connection in Mental Health ProfessionsEffective communication and emotional support are essential in relationships, especially in mental health professions where clinical language and distancing can occur. Make an effort to maintain a strong emotional connection outside of professional roles.

      Effective communication and support are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship, especially when one partner is working in a field like mental health where the focus can shift towards clinical explanations and distancing language. The wife in this conversation expressed feeling unsupported and distanced from her husband due to his use of clinical language and focus on his work as a trauma-focused therapist. This can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of being unsupported or like a problem to be solved. It's important for both partners to make an effort to communicate effectively and maintain a strong emotional connection outside of their professional roles.

    • Recognizing and respecting roles in a relationshipIt's crucial for partners to acknowledge each other's roles and boundaries, especially for a therapist and their family. Setting clear communication and respectful boundaries can help maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life.

      It's essential for both partners in a relationship to recognize and respect each other's roles and boundaries, especially when one partner is a therapist. In this discussion, the speaker expresses her frustration with her husband's tendency to wear his therapist hat at home, treating her and their children as clients. She believes that their relationship needs a husband and a father figure more than a live-in expert. She acknowledges that she may unintentionally offend him with her words due to their different processing styles. The husband's professional ethics dictate that he should not treat family members as clients, but the speaker cannot force him to change. Instead, she can set clear boundaries and communicate her feelings respectfully. By doing so, she empowers herself and encourages her husband to differentiate his work life from his home life.

    • Understanding and Communication in Parenting ConflictsEffective communication and understanding are essential in resolving parenting conflicts and fostering healthy family relationships. Acknowledge your reactions and their impact on your child, seek advice from trusted sources, and collaborate with your partner to create a supportive home environment.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in resolving parenting conflicts and fostering healthy relationships within a family. The speaker's wife pointed out specific behaviors that made him come across as distant or critical, and they discussed how their parenting styles might influence their oldest child. The husband acknowledged the importance of being mindful of his reactions and the potential impact on his child. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the role of trauma therapists in helping individuals process difficult experiences and confront challenges rather than shielding them from discomfort. He also highlighted the importance of seeking advice and expertise from trusted sources, such as his wife, who has experience and knowledge in education and discipline. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of open dialogue, mutual respect, and collaboration in addressing parenting challenges and creating a supportive home environment.

    • Communicating effectively and setting boundaries in family conflictsEffective communication, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help are crucial for resolving conflicts within a family. Prioritize personal relationships over work.

      Effective communication and setting boundaries are crucial in resolving conflicts within a family. The husband's profession dealing with trauma may contribute to his disconnection, making it essential for him to be present and engaged with his loved ones. The wife needs to be clear about her boundaries and respond in a respectful manner. Both parties must learn to communicate effectively and avoid reacting negatively towards each other and their children. If the issues persist, seeking professional help through marriage counseling may be necessary to prevent the relationship from deteriorating further. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize being present and engaged in personal relationships, rather than hiding behind one's profession or expertise.

    • Seeking human connection and self-awarenessWhen feeling stuck, reach out for help from trusted friends, mentors, or therapists. Forgiveness is important, especially in financial situations, and seeking understanding and communication can help move forward.

      While it's easy to seek quick solutions to complex issues through influencer hacks, sometimes what we truly need is human connection and self-awareness. When feeling stuck, whether it's about financial surprises or other challenges, reaching out to trusted friends, mentors, or therapists can provide valuable insights and help create an action plan. Forgiveness, especially in situations involving financial irresponsibility, can be a struggle. However, it's important to remember that making judgments based on our unique upbringings and experiences can be misleading. Common financial practices, such as parents taking out loans in their children's names or signing off on loans without fully understanding the amounts, are more prevalent than we might think. Instead of dwelling on the past or considering drastic measures like leaving a relationship, consider seeking understanding, communication, and finding ways to move forward together.

    • Carrying Anger and Unforgiveness is a Heavy BurdenLetting go of anger and unforgiveness frees you from negativity and makes room for positivity and growth.

      Holding onto anger and unforgiveness is like carrying a heavy burden that only makes life more miserable. The speaker suggests that this anger often stems from self-blame or disrupted plans, but ultimately, it's a choice to hold onto that power and negativity. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of letting go and not giving others rent-free space in your mind. In the context of the discussion, the woman is dealing with her husband's financial mistake and feels frustrated that he hasn't taken responsibility for cleaning it up. She feels like she's become his mother and resents having to deal with the situation. However, the speaker encourages her to let go of the anger and focus on solving the problem instead of dwelling on the negative emotions. Overall, the message is to forgive and let go of the past to make room for positivity and growth.

    • Acknowledge and address marriage issues with honesty and professional helpSeeking marriage counseling early can help improve communication, set boundaries, and build a stronger, healthier relationship.

      A marriage in distress requires both partners to acknowledge and address their issues with honesty, compassion, and professional help. Disappointment and fear are common emotions in troubled marriages, but it's essential not to let them consume you or become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Shame and secrets can lead to a cycle of disconnection, resentment, and even more destructive behaviors. Seeking marriage counseling as soon as possible is crucial, as it can help both partners learn new ways of communicating, setting boundaries, and growing together. Remember, it takes two people to make a marriage work, and both parties must be committed to doing the hard work required to overcome challenges and build a stronger, healthier relationship.

    • Approach challenges as opportunities for growthLet go of past burdens, recognize and release anger and resentment, acknowledge and address past traumas, and choose your reactions to situations.

      When facing new challenges in relationships, it's essential to approach them as opportunities for growth rather than dwelling on past mistakes or character defects. Carry as few burdens as possible from the past, especially those related to parents' imperfections. Anger and resentment can be detrimental, and it's crucial to recognize and let go of personal secrets that may be holding you back. Remember, you have the power to choose your own path and determine your reactions to situations. In the case of marriage counseling, it's not mandatory for both parties to attend, but if one partner feels the need to learn and grow, they should consider going alone. Additionally, acknowledging and addressing past traumas, such as sexual abuse, is a crucial step towards healing and moving forward.

    • Recognizing and validating past traumasAcknowledging past traumas can bring clarity and help us move forward. Self-care, mindfulness, and deep love for others are essential in dealing with traumatic memories.

      Naming and acknowledging past traumas can provide clarity and help us move forward. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and validating experiences of abuse and the impact they have on our bodies and emotions. He also highlights the significance of self-care and mindfulness practices in dealing with traumatic memories and the importance of understanding that our bodies remember and respond to past experiences in the present. The speaker encourages focusing less on the specific details of past events and more on how they affect us in the present and how we can take care of ourselves in response. He also emphasizes the importance of deep love and caring for others, especially children, and the challenge of balancing that with taking care of oneself. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-care, and acknowledging past traumas in order to live a peaceful and fulfilling life.

    • Focus on identity for personal growthPractice forgiveness, set boundaries, and write down identity statements to guide your actions and systems towards becoming the person you want to be

      To rewire your brain and become the person you want to be, it's essential to focus on identity and take actionable steps towards it. Instead of suppressing past hurts and being a doormat, practice true forgiveness by acknowledging the past and setting boundaries. Don't let yourself be a victim, but rather, take control of your emotions and honor your family and yourself. It's important to remember that you're not responsible for the emotional regulation of adults in your life. Write down identity statements and backfill them with actions and systems to make those identities a reality. By focusing on identity, you'll have a clear direction and the motivation to make lasting changes.

    • Healing past traumas and anger in relationshipsPractice vulnerability and accountability to deepen connections despite past hurts. Seek support from a therapist or trusted friend to heal and create healthier relationships.

      Dealing with past traumas and anger can be a challenging journey, especially when it comes to relationships. If you've been hurt, it's natural to feel anger and mistrust, but cutting off communication completely may not be the solution. Instead, practicing vulnerability and accountability, even if it's hard, can lead to deeper connections. You may also find it helpful to seek support from a therapist or trusted friend. Remember, holding onto anger and unresolved issues can negatively impact not only your life but also the lives of those around you, particularly your children. So, take steps to break the cycle and create a healthier, more honest and vulnerable dynamic in your relationships.

    • Be intentional and present in raising childrenShow up, communicate openly, use tools for meaningful conversations, set personal goals, and be honest to shape the next generation

      Consistent presence and open communication are key to shaping the next generation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing up for your children, creating opportunities for meaningful conversations, and being honest about your past mistakes. He suggests using tools like question cards to facilitate these conversations and create a strong bond. Additionally, the speaker encourages setting personal goals and working towards them to become the best version of oneself. Overall, the message is to be intentional and present in raising children, and to use available resources to foster growth and understanding.

    • Daily choices for a peaceful, non-anxious lifePractice gratitude, set boundaries, get enough sleep, engage in physical activity, stay present, seek support to eliminate anxious feelings and better respond to life's challenges

      We all experience anxiety, burnout, and chronic stress at some point in our lives. However, there are steps we can take to build a more peaceful, non-anxious life. In John Dalton's new book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," he shares six daily choices that can help eliminate anxious feelings and better respond to life's challenges. These choices include practicing gratitude, setting boundaries, getting enough sleep, engaging in physical activity, staying present, and seeking support. It's important to remember that we're not alone in our struggles, and seeking help from a counselor or trusted support system can be a crucial part of the healing process. Today's show was a heavy one, but it's a reminder that we all have the power to make positive changes in our lives and build a more peaceful, non-anxious existence.

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    A Survivor's Journey Through Cancer and Musical Theater with Edward Miskie

    A Survivor's Journey Through Cancer and Musical Theater with Edward Miskie

    Edward Miskie is currently celebrating 10 years as a sole survivor of a rare cancer with the publishing of his book Cancer, Musical Theatre, & Other Chronic Illnesses, available at Barnes & Noble, and others. 

    For the last 18 years, Edward has spent his life in NYC writing, producing, and performing. These ventures have taken him all over the US and the world. Currently, he is the Executive Producer of his upcoming musical TV pilot based on his book “Cancer, Musical Theatre, & Other Chronic Illnesses”. He is the creator of BariToned Does Broadway's Leading Ladies and the recipient of the 2011 AEA Roger Sturtevant Award. You can catch him in Devil Vac (S1, E4) on Hulu in their seasonal mini-series, Bite Size Halloween. In 2021, Edward released a dance/pop album under the name Edward The First, titled Renaissancing, which is available to stream anywhere you listen to music. 

    In this episode of Navigating Cancer Together, Edward shares his experience navigating enlarged B-cell Burkitt lymphoma and discusses his book, "Cancer, Musical Theater, and Other Chronic Illnesses." Tune in to hear how Edward's experiences have shaped his life and how he is thriving after 10 years as a survivor. Don't miss this inspiring conversation about cancer, creativity, and resilience.

    A few highlights from the show: 

    [00:03:22] Rare B-cell Burkitts lymphoma. 

     [00:13:41] Stem cell transplant decision. 

    [00:18:45] Relationships and cancer. 

    [00:20:27] Chemotherapy and bodily changes. 

    [00:24:46] Coping with disappearing friends. 

    [00:27:02] Crying and seeking help. 

    [00:31:38] Letting go and reinventing yourself. 

    [00:34:08] Transitioning out of hospital.

    [00:37:31] Cancer is a life-changing experience. 


    Burkitt lymphoma and other types of B-cell lymphomas, https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/non-hodgkin-lymphoma/about/b-cell-lymphoma.html 

     📰 Blog post: https://www.ontheotherside.life/post/a-survivor-s-journey-through-cancer-and-musical-theater 

    🎭Connect and learn more about Edward:

    Website: https://www.edwardmiskie.com/ 

    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/edwardmiskie 

    Follow on Social Media Platforms:@edwardmiskie  

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGYYWST4/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_G4E95WQR7GXT9GQJCDQ3_0 

    🦄About Me:
    In 2011, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, out of the blue. I did not have any prior health concerns or issues. Fast forward, the dreaded cancer diagnosis opened my eyes, introduced me to my purpose, and led me to where I am today. 

    As a Cancer Doula, I use my 12 years of experience with cancer to support and guide others diagnosed with cancer. Many people are not familiar with what a cancer doula is. Think of me as your personal guide and patient advocate. Schedule a 30-minute Meet and Greet call to confidentially share the challenges you are facing and learn more about how I can support you. https://bit.ly/OTOSDiscovery 

    Learn more about On the Other Side at https://www.ontheotherside.life/. Connect with me on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/talayadendy/), or sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter https://bit.ly/OTOSNewsletter) to get valuable information and resources that can help you navigate cancer. 

    🙏🏼Thanks for joining us for this episode of Navigating Cancer TOGETHER!

    💜If you found this podcast helpful, why not spread the love and share it with others? Together, we can help more people benefit from this valuable resource!

    Disclaimer: The information on this podcast is for general informational purposes only and SHOULD NOT be relied upon as a substitute for sound professional medical advice, evaluation, or care from your physician or other qualified health care provider.   

    Humanity Has Gone Too Far

    Humanity Has Gone Too Far
    Drew and Enya are finally stepping in and fixing society. They have the answers to settling it all; TikToks, Kanye, KY.....  Really all this episode is about is Drew spiraling into insanity while Enya watches and laughs. Follow Enya on Insta: @EnyaUmanzor Follow Drew on Insta: @DrewPhillips09 To listen to the podcast on YouTube: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercomPodYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercom If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercom Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices