
    About this Episode

    Eve's busting the cold and flu myths! Tune in to learn how to identify a cold or flu, the symptoms of these viruses, treatments, and even prevention techniques!

    Recent Episodes from Eve Plews' Podcast

    INTERVENTION: America's Pizza Problem

    INTERVENTION: America's Pizza Problem
    It’s true! Studies have shown that Pizza is the second biggest source of calories in a child’s diet (second to cookies and cakes) and 20% of children eat pizza on a daily basis. If parents actually knew what was in pizza they would probably stop eating it, and especially stop feeding it to their kids. Do you eat a lot of pizza? If so, you need to get the truth! Tune in to Eve Prang Plews, LLC, IFMCP to learn more!
    Eve Plews' Podcast
    en-usSeptember 08, 2015