
    Nashville school shooting, Israel tensions ease, five planets align

    enMarch 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Innovative sleep solutions from Sleep NumberSleep Number's adjustable firmness, temperature control, and quiet features prioritize individualized comfort and quality sleep, as recognized by JD Power's customer satisfaction awards.

      The Sleep Number smart bed prioritizes individualized comfort and quality sleep, as evidenced by its adjustable firmness, temperature control, and quiet features. The JD Power's recognition of Sleep Number's customer satisfaction further highlights its effectiveness. Meanwhile, the news covers a tragic school shooting in Nashville, where a former student killed six people, including three children. The shooter reportedly reached out to a former teammate before the attack and left messages indicating a planned suicide. The community is mourning, and investigations are ongoing. While these events may be distressing, it's essential to prioritize sleep and overall well-being. Sleep Number's innovative bedding solutions can help individuals achieve restful nights, ensuring they're well-rested and prepared to face the challenges of each day.

    • Nashville School Shooting: Six People Killed, Including Three 9-year-oldsA former student, Audrey Hale, killed six people at the Covenant School in Nashville, despite police response. The president expressed condolences and called for gun control measures, but progress remains elusive.

      Another tragic mass shooting occurred at the Covenant School in Nashville, leaving six people, including three 9-year-olds and a head of the school, dead. The shooter, a former student named Audrey Hale, had a prewritten plan and was armed with multiple weapons. Police responded within minutes but unfortunately, couldn't prevent the loss of life. The president responded by lowering flags to half-staff and expressing his condolences, reiterating the need to address gun violence and protect schools. Despite his calls for an assault weapons ban, progress remains elusive. The shooting once again brought the trauma of mass shootings to the forefront of public consciousness, leaving many wondering when and how this cycle of violence will end.

    • Recognizing warning signs in mass shootersBe vigilant for potential warning signs in individuals, such as chilling messages or concerning behavior, and reach out to authorities if you suspect danger. Preventing mass shootings requires addressing root causes like mental health and gun access.

      Mass shootings are not impulsive acts, but rather carefully planned events with potential warning signs that can be missed. The latest shooting incident involved a former teammate receiving a chilling message from the shooter, expressing a sense of impending doom and leaving behind evidence. Although it's unclear if this message could have prevented the tragedy, it underscores the importance of recognizing the signs and reaching out to authorities if someone in your life exhibits concerning behavior. Another crucial aspect of the discussion was the identity of the shooter being a transgender person, which may pose unique challenges for law enforcement but should not detract from the focus on commonalities between these tragic events. Ultimately, addressing the root causes, such as mental health and gun access, and taking action when warning signs are present, could help prevent future shootings.

    • Limited abilities of law enforcement in mass shootingsDespite quick police response, mass shootings often result in significant casualties in the initial minutes, underscoring the need for additional solutions beyond law enforcement.

      The quick and professional police response in the recent shooting incident at a campus was unable to prevent the tragedy, as the majority of casualties occur in the initial minutes of such events. This highlights the limitations of law enforcement in addressing mass shootings and the need for other solutions. Another key point is the ongoing investigation into former President Trump regarding hush money payments, which he has labeled as a new form of election interference. Trump's legal team is emphasizing that the decision to bring the case rests with the evidence and the grand jury, not public opinion. The grand jury is expected to meet again tomorrow to potentially hear more evidence in the case.

    • David Pecker testifies in Trump hush money probeCEO of American Media Inc., David Pecker, testified in the Manhattan grand jury investigation into Trump's hush money payments to refute Robert Costello's testimony.

      David Pecker, the CEO of American Media Inc., testified in the Manhattan grand jury investigation into former President Trump's hush money payments just a week after Robert Costello's appearance at the defense's request. Prosecutors believed they needed someone to rebut Costello's testimony, making Pecker an ideal candidate due to his knowledge of the payment arrangements. The investigation, which began five years ago, revolves around conduct that occurred seven years prior. Meanwhile, in a tragic turn of events, six people, including three 9-year-old children, were killed in a shooting in Nashville. The shooter was heavily armed, carrying three firearms: two assault-style weapons and a handgun. The recovery of a sawed-off shotgun at the shooter's home could lead to stricter regulations under the National Firearms Act due to its shorter barrel length. The quick police response prevented the shooter from causing more harm.

    • Israeli Prime Minister Pauses Judiciary Overhaul Amid Protests and PressureIsraeli PM Netanyahu temporarily halted judiciary overhaul plan amid protests and international pressure. Negotiations for reforms may resume with Israeli president as mediator, but skepticism remains from opposition and protesters.

      The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has temporarily paused his plan to overhaul the country's judiciary following mass demonstrations and international pressure. The reforms, which would give the Israeli parliament unprecedented power over the supreme court, will supposedly still happen when parliament comes back into session in a month. However, opposition leaders are being cautious and are only open to negotiations if they are done correctly with the Israeli president as mediator. Protesters, on the other hand, do not believe that Netanyahu will engage in real negotiations and will continue protesting until these reforms are completely off the table. Meanwhile, in the US, the first city to pass a resolution for reparations for black residents is Evanston, Illinois. In Philadelphia, officials say that tap water is safe to drink at least until this afternoon after a chemical spill in the Delaware River, but residents are still buying bottled water due to mixed messages and a lack of trust in officials.

    • Communities dealing with natural disasters, shootings, and reparationsDespite facing adversity from natural disasters, shootings, and past injustices, communities remain resilient and determined to rebuild and heal.

      Uncertainty and fear are prevalent in communities affected by natural disasters and violent incidents. In Georgia, residents are dealing with the aftermath of tornado damage and the impending threat of flooding. Meanwhile, in Nashville, families are mourning the loss of loved ones in a school shooting. In Evanston, Illinois, the community is taking steps towards reparations for the discriminatory housing policies of the past. These events highlight the resilience and determination of communities in the face of adversity, but also the ongoing challenges they face. The weather continues to be a significant concern, with severe storms and tornadoes causing destruction and endangering lives. Additionally, the conversation around reparations for historical injustices continues to evolve.

    • Reparations programs face challenges in addressing historical racial injusticesDespite efforts to implement reparations programs, progress can be slow and complex, leaving many waiting for relief and equality.

      Cities like Evanston, Illinois, are implementing reparations programs to address historical racial injustices, but the process can be lengthy and complex. For instance, Evanston's program, which offers $25,000 grants to eligible black residents for home renovations or down payments, has seen over 650 applications but has only disbursed about $326,000 of the promised $10 million. Residents like Ramona Burton and Kimberly Holmes Ross have received grants, while others, like Holmes Ross, are still waiting to build or expand their homes. The challenges extend beyond the United States, as countries like Israel and France grapple with their own social and political issues. In Israel, protests and labor strikes continue against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed judicial reforms, while in France, demonstrators protest the government's plan to raise the retirement age. Meanwhile, tragic events like the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, serve as grim reminders of the need for change and healing.

    • Nashville Covenant School Shooting: Six Lives LostA 28-year-old female identified as transgender killed six people, including the head of the school and three 9-year-old students, in a random shooting at Nashville Covenant School. The motive is under investigation, and the shooter arrived with three weapons, two legally purchased.

      The Nashville Covenant School shooting on March 27, 2023, resulted in the tragic loss of six lives, including the head of the school, a substitute teacher, a custodian, and three 9-year-old students: Halle Scruggs, Evelyn Dickhouse, and William Kinney. The shooter, Audrey Hale, was a 28-year-old female who identified as transgender and had attended the school at some point. The investigation is focusing on the motive behind the shooting, with police suggesting that writings found at Hale's home and in her car may provide clues. Hale arrived at the school in a Honda Fit, shot down the doors, and roamed the hallways with three weapons, two of which were legally purchased. The victims were targeted at random, and it appears that some may have been encountered as Hale moved through the school. A former classmate of Hale's reported receiving a suicide message from her on Instagram just minutes before the shooting. The community is grieving the loss of these innocent lives.

    • Importance of clear communication during mental health emergenciesEffective communication between individuals in distress and authorities is crucial during mental health emergencies. Better training and resources are needed to ensure prompt and clear action.

      Effective communication and timely action are crucial during mental health emergencies. In the discussed situation, Arianna Patton received a concerning message from Audrey Hale, who later carried out a shooting in Nashville. Arianna reached out to various authorities for help, but her attempts were met with confusion and delays. The suicide prevention helpline advised her to call local law enforcement, but no one came to her house despite her multiple attempts to contact them. Eventually, when the officers arrived, they were unable to locate Hale and had to leave. Arianna's experience highlights the importance of clear and immediate communication between individuals in distress and the authorities. It also underscores the need for better training and resources for handling mental health crises.

    • Nashville shooting's impact on a former teammate and the Stormy Daniels hush money case's latest developmentThe Nashville shooting incident left a former teammate feeling numb and calling for action, while the Stormy Daniels case saw a key player, David Pecker, testifying for a second time in the ongoing investigation

      The Nashville shooting tragedy has left many affected, including Adrianna Patton, a former teammate and classmate of the shooter. She expressed her feelings of numbness and called for action to prevent similar incidents in the future. Meanwhile, in a separate case, former publisher of the National Enquirer, David Pecker, testified before a Manhattan grand jury for a second time in the Stormy Daniels hush money case involving former President Trump. Pecker's testimony is significant as he is a key player in the catch and kill schemes to suppress damaging stories about Trump. The significance of his second appearance is assumed to be a rebuttal to previous testimony from Robert Costello, a former attorney for Cohen. Pecker's testimony is critical in the ongoing investigation. Overall, both cases highlight the importance of addressing issues of mental health and gun access while also acknowledging the role of power and influence in suppressing damaging information.

    • Key witness Bob Costello's testimony could lead to end of Trump campaign finance investigationTestimony from key witness Bob Costello that Trump knew about hush money payments could lead to felony charges and possible indictment of former president

      The testimony from a key witness, Bob Costello, against former President Trump in the ongoing campaign finance investigation could lead to the end of the probe. The witness testified that Trump knew about the hush money payments with the purpose of influencing the campaign, which could bump up the charges from a misdemeanor to a felony. The prosecutors have called a rebuttal witness, a sign of confidence in their case, and with a quorum of 16 grand jurors, they could potentially put the case to a vote and return a true bill. The unusual logistics of indicting and arresting a former president remain to be seen, but all signs point to the indictment coming down soon.

    • Nashville Shooting: Community Reunites, Calls for ChangeThe Nashville shooting led to emotional reunions, calls for assault weapons ban, and advocacy for common sense gun laws. Elsewhere, Prince Harry is in London for a privacy invasion case against the Daily Mail Publisher.

      The Nashville school shooting has left the community in a state of grief, anger, and a call for action. Witnesses at the reunification center described scenes of emotional families, as well as vows for change. The president has called for an assault weapons ban, and common sense gun laws are seen as necessary by many. The National League of Cities is also advocating for action. Elsewhere, Prince Harry is in London for a case against the Daily Mail Publisher Associated Newspapers, accusing them of privacy invasions and criminal activity. The outcome of this preliminary hearing will be decided on Thursday. Overall, these events highlight the need for change and the impact of invasive practices on individuals and communities.

    • President Biden renews call for gun reform after Nashville shootingDespite renewed calls from President Biden for an assault weapons ban, Republican opposition makes its passage unlikely. The White House expresses condolences and continues efforts through executive actions and bipartisan legislation.

      Following the school shooting in Nashville, President Biden is renewing his call for gun reform, specifically an assault weapons ban. However, Republican opposition, led by Senator John Cornyn, who believes they have reached their limit on this issue, makes the passage of such legislation unlikely. The White House press secretary, Karine Jean Pierre, emphasized the need for action and expressed the administration's condolences to the families affected. The president has taken executive actions and signed bipartisan legislation to address gun violence but believes more needs to be done. The conversation around gun reform continues as the nation grapples with the aftermath of yet another tragic shooting.

    • Gun safety laws and TikTok concernsPresident Biden took historic actions on gun safety, but Congress needs to do more. There's bipartisan concern over TikTok's national security risks, with legislation in the works.

      Common sense gun safety laws and banning assault weapons are key actions that have been shown to reduce gun violence. President Biden has taken historic executive actions on this issue, but Congress needs to take further action to build on these efforts. Regarding TikTok, there is bipartisan concern over national security issues, and the House Speaker has indicated that legislation to address these concerns is forthcoming. The specific form this legislation will take is still under debate. The Nashville mayor will join CNN to discuss these issues further.

    • Nashville elementary school shooting leaves six people deadA former student, Audrey Hale, killed six people, including three 9-year-olds and three staff members, in a targeted, preplanned attack at the Covenant School in Nashville

      In Nashville, a devastating elementary school shooting took place, leaving six people, including three 9-year-olds and three school staff members, dead. The shooter, a former student named Audrey Hale, arrived at the Covenant School with a handgun and two assault-style weapons. Hale had reached out to a former classmate on Instagram minutes before the shooting, warning of something bad happening. The investigation is ongoing, and police believe the attack was a targeted, preplanned act. The victims include Cynthia Peek, Catherine Kuntz, Mike Hill, William Kenny, Halle Scruggs, and Evelyn Dickhouse. The community is in mourning, and families are left to cope with the loss of their loved ones.

    • Nashville School Shooting Raises Concerns Over School SecurityThe Nashville school shooting highlights the need for improved school security measures, as the shooter was able to enter the private Christian school easily through a glass door. Families are calling for reforms following the tragedy and recent incidents like the Uvalde shooting.

      The Nashville school shooting at The Covenant School resulted in the deaths of three 9-year-olds, a 60-year-old head of the school, and two other adults. The shooter, whose motive is still under investigation, had reportedly scouted a second location but chose the private Christian school due to its lack of security. The police response was swift, with officers killing the shooter just 14 minutes after the first 911 call was placed. However, the ease with which the shooter entered the school through a glass door raises questions about school security. This tragic event comes after the Uvalde shooting last year, where law enforcement waited over an hour to confront the gunman. The shooting in Nashville has left families in both public and private schools questioning the safety of their children's education and calling for reforms.

    • Helping Children Cope with School ShootingsIn the wake of school shootings, adults should provide factual, age-appropriate info to children, manage their own anxiety, and seek support from counselors and mental health professionals.

      The aftermath of the Uvalde school shooting has left the community and the nation in shock, with parents grappling with how to talk to their children about the tragedy. The shooter reportedly carried out a planned attack, raising concerns about the need for increased security measures in schools. The community of Uvalde is grieving, with many parents seeking guidance on how to help their children cope with the trauma. The country as a whole is also retraumatized by the shooting, leaving many questioning how much more they can endure. It's crucial for adults to manage their own anxiety and provide factual, age-appropriate information to children, allowing them to lead the conversation. Counselors and mental health professionals can offer valuable support to families and communities affected by such tragedies.

    • Nashville families deal with tornado aftermath, Trump investigations continue, Californians brace for more stormsNashville families recover from tornadoes, Trump faces investigations, Californians prepare for severe weather, and a migrant detention center fire leaves 40 dead

      Families are dealing with the aftermath of devastating tornadoes in Nashville, Tennessee, as the city prepares for the mayor's update on the situation. Meanwhile, investigations continue into former President Donald Trump's role in hush money schemes and the January 6th Capitol insurrection. Californians are bracing for another round of severe weather, including heavy rain, powerful winds, and heavy snow. Ex-National Enquirer publisher David Pecker testified before the Manhattan grand jury again, but reasons for the call-back are unclear. Trump responded to the developments in an interview, promoting a song he collaborated on with January 6th inmates. California, already dealing with storm damage, faces another system with potential for widespread power outages and dangerous winds. A migrant detention center near the US-Mexico border was left nearly 40 people dead after a massive fire.

    • Mass shooting at Nashville school, fire in Juarez immigration office, Paris protestsA mass shooting at an elementary school in Nashville leaves six people dead, a fire breaks out at a major immigration office in Juarez, Mexico, and protests continue in Paris over proposed retirement age increase.

      There have been significant developments in multiple major stories around the world. In Nashville, a former student identified as a 28-year-old female to male transgender person carried out a mass shooting at an elementary school, leaving six people dead. The shooter was armed with handguns and two AR-style weapons, and had detailed plans of the school. The investigation is ongoing, and officials expect to release body camera footage and documents soon. The mayor of Nashville, John Cooper, has called for stricter gun regulations in response to the shooting. In Juarez, Mexico, a fire broke out at the National Immigration Institute, a major crossing point for migrants entering the US. The cause of the fire is unknown, and Mexico's attorney general's office is investigating. In Paris, France, demonstrators continue to protest against the government's plans to increase the retirement age by two years. These stories underscore the importance of transparency and effective response in times of crisis, as well as the ongoing need for dialogue around gun control and other pressing social issues.

    • Nashville School Shooting: Community in Shock, Quick Response, and TraumaIn the aftermath of a school shooting in Nashville, the community is in shock, the private school responded quickly, and victims and survivors require counseling. In Chicago, the mayoral race highlights the divide among Democrats on crime and policing, with Brandon Johnson emphasizing a comprehensive approach to public safety.

      The Nashville school shooting tragedy has left the community in shock, with the motives of the shooter still unclear. The private school, which did not have Metro police officers or SROs on site, was able to respond quickly, potentially saving lives. The city is in a state of prayer and trauma, with many victims and survivors requiring counseling. In Chicago, the race for mayor is highlighting the divide among Democrats on crime and policing. Brandon Johnson, a progressive Cook County commissioner, emphasizes a comprehensive approach to public safety, focusing on solving violent crimes and training more detectives to address the city's abysmal clearance rate. The election is just one week away and crime is a top concern for voters. Johnson's opponent, Paul Valis, will be interviewed tomorrow.

    • Chicago Mayoral Candidate Brandon Johnson's Commitment to Law Enforcement and Crime PreventionJohnson advocates for implementing existing laws, investing in mental health services for law enforcement, and preventing violent crime through youth employment. He is against defunding the police but promotes smart policing and necessary resources. His campaign focuses on reforms, hiring more detectives, and mental health services.

      Brandon Johnson, Chicago mayoral candidate, is committed to implementing existing laws, investing in mental health services for law enforcement, and preventing violent crime through youth employment. He clarified that he is not in favor of defunding the police, but rather promoting "smart policing" and supporting law enforcement with necessary resources. Johnson emphasized the need for reforms to address historical brutality against Black and Brown communities, and criticized his opponent for past associations with the Trump administration and high crime rates during his tenure in Chicago budget. Johnson's campaign focuses on implementing the consent decree, hiring and training more detectives, and providing mental health services for law enforcement.

    • Five planets align in the western sky after sunsetObserve the stunning display of five planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus - in the western sky after sunset as a reminder of our place in the solar system and the universe's beauty.

      Tonight, five planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus - will align in the western sky right after sunset, creating a stunning display visible to the naked eye. This cosmic event, known as a planetary alignment, serves as a reminder of our place in the solar system and the beauty of the universe. While it's not an extremely rare occurrence, it's a powerful reminder of the profound mystery and wonder of the world. To see it, simply find a clear view of the western sky after sunset, preferably in a location with minimal light pollution. With binoculars, you may also be able to spot Uranus. So take a moment to step outside and witness this celestial event.

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    Melissa Brymer, Ph.D., Psy.D., director of the Terrorism and Disaster Program at UCLA/Duke University’s National Center for Child Traumatic Stress

    Angela Moreland, Ph.D., associate professor of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center at MUSC and associate director of the National Mass Violence and Victimization Resource Center

    Vision 21

    Melissa Sommerville, LMHC, project director of the Mobile Child and Family Trauma Treatment Team at Best Self Behavioral Health

    National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

    National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD)

    Psychological First Aid

    Skills for Psychological Recovery

    Child Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI)

    Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

    Trauma and Grief Component Therapy

    Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) grant

    Transcend NMVC app

    For more information about National Children’s Alliance and the work of Children’s Advocacy Centers, visit our website at NationalChildrensAlliance.org. Or visit our podcast website at OneInTenPodcast.org. And join us on Facebook at One in Ten podcast.

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    The Many Missed Warnings Before Maine’s Mass Shooting

    The Many Missed Warnings Before Maine’s Mass Shooting

    The mass shooting in Maine last week, which killed 18 people, was the country’s deadliest of the year. It may have also been one of the most avoidable.

    More than five months earlier, the Army Reserve and a Maine sheriff’s department had been made aware of a reservist’s deteriorating mental health. Just six weeks before the killings, he had punched a friend and said he was going to carry out a shooting spree.

    Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, a national reporter for The Times, explains why so many warnings failed to stop the shooting.

    Guest: Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, a national correspondent for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

    • The Army Reserve and a Maine sheriff’s department knew of a reservist’s deteriorating mental health five months before America’s deadliest mass shooting this year.
    • Here’s what we know about the shootings in Maine.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

    Hero officers, Pence ordered to testify, former Starbucks CEO in hot water

    Hero officers, Pence ordered to testify, former Starbucks CEO in hot water
    New body camera footage shows what two hero national police officers confronted when they took down the shooter who killed six people at a Nashville elementary school on Monday. Police tell CNN Audrey Hale legally bought 7 guns despite being under a doctor’s care for an “emotional disorder”. Plus, former Vice President Mike Pence has been ordered by a federal judge to testify in the DOJ’s January 6 investigation. And, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is set to testify on Capitol Hill about Starbucks’ alleged efforts to block unions.Also this morning: inside America’s gun culture – what motivates Americans to own assault-style weapons? Plus, a Colorado casino worker is accused of a $500,000 heist, Senators press regulators about why Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, Dominion wants Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson to take the stand in their defamation lawsuit against Fox News, and, the fictional bands from movies and TV that hit it big. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices