
    NastyGal Founder: I Was A Stripper! A Shoplifter! Then Built A $400m Business! Sophia Amoruso

    enApril 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Profound Impact of Sophia's Early Experiences in the Suburbs of San DiegoSophia's challenging upbringing taught her resilience, independence, and the importance of trusting her own judgment to create a better future for herself.

      Sophia's early experiences in the suburbs of San Diego had a profound impact on her. Despite being born in a beautiful place, she felt isolated and longing for something more. Growing up in an unhappy home with parents who didn't get along, she craved escape. Money was also a source of tension in her household, as her parents worked on commission and faced financial struggles. These early challenges shaped Sophia's ability to adapt to different environments, become independent, and recognize the flaws in authority figures. The experience taught her to trust her own judgment and not rely solely on others for guidance. Overall, Sophia's upbringing influenced her resilience and determination to create a different path for herself.

    • The Power of Self-awareness and Criticism in Shaping SuccessEmbracing self-criticism and acknowledging the influence of upbringing can lead to personal growth and success, as long as it is balanced with a healthy sense of confidence and ambition.

      Sophia's early experience with criticism from her father shaped her into a self-aware and driven individual. Despite her father's constant critique, she recognizes that he did his best with the parenting tools he had. This upbringing led her to constantly examine herself and develop a strong sense of self-criticism, which has both challenged her confidence and acted as a superpower. Sophia's ability to see both sides of a situation and hold herself accountable stems from this internalized drive to do better. However, the challenge arises in distinguishing between self-doubt and ego. Despite her rebellious nature, Sophia's unconventional mindset and curiosity eventually transformed into ambition. Overall, her critical upbringing played a significant role in shaping her into the successful individual she is today.

    • Embracing Uniqueness and Struggles: Reflections from Sophia Amoruso and Steven BartlettSelf-acceptance is crucial, as everyone has their own unique qualities and struggles. Understanding that becoming a well-rounded person is a struggle for everyone helps foster empathy and compassion towards others.

      Everyone has their own unique qualities and struggles. Sophia Amoruso shares her experience of feeling like she was being trained for something mediocre and how she realized she had ADHD later in life. She also mentions her predisposition to depression and how it has affected her. Steven Bartlett highlights the perspective that as children, we are like narcissists because it helps us survive, interpreting everything as being about us. They both acknowledge that becoming a well-rounded person is a struggle for everyone and that there is no direct correlation between parents and personality traits. Sophia's description of being "a little dark" refers to her struggle with depression and her genuine nature. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and understanding that everyone is unique in their own way.

    • Rising Above Conformity: Sophia Amoruso's Journey to IndependenceEmbrace your uniqueness, find your tribe, and stay true to your values, even if it means going against societal norms.

      Sophia Amoruso had a difficult time fitting into traditional educational environments and struggled with being diagnosed and prescribed medication to deal with her behavior. Despite feeling lost and searching for her place, she remained a creative thinker and refused to conform to societal norms. Sophia's journey of constantly moving from place to place and constantly changing communities allowed her to develop a sense of independence and create her own path. She recognized the importance of finding her own tribe and belonging, even if it meant going against the expectations of others. Ultimately, this experience shaped her into a resilient and unique individual, unwilling to settle for a life that didn't align with her values and interests.

    • Sophia Amoruso's Journey of Growth and Personal ResponsibilityEmbrace past experiences as valuable lessons, prioritize personal growth, and avoid shortcuts in order to maintain autonomy and control over one's life.

      Sophia Amoruso acknowledges her past experiences, including working as a stripper and shoplifting, as crucial lessons that shaped her mindset. She emphasizes the importance of not getting too comfortable in life, as it can hinder personal growth and drive. Sophia's time spent stripping allowed her to gain confidence, be comfortable with her body, and develop entertainment skills. However, she came to realize that taking shortcuts and breaking rules exposes one to authority, limiting autonomy and control over one's life. This realization prompted her to shift her mindset and avoid cutting corners, prioritizing personal responsibility and staying in control of her environment. Sophia's experiences served as reminders to navigate life with integrity and avoid finding oneself in compromising situations.

    • Contrasting paths: From shoplifting to success and from unhealthy to healthyThe anecdote of Sophia Amoruso emphasizes the privileges and risks of engaging in shoplifting, while Steven Bartlett's journey highlights the importance of making ethical choices and taking responsibility for one's actions.

      Sophia Amoruso confesses to engaging in shoplifting activities in her youth, learning from others who actively avoided participating in the capitalistic culture. While she initially saw it as a lazy and political excuse to avoid hard work, she eventually built an online business, starting with stolen items. However, she emphasizes that she never stole from individuals, only from big box retailers. This anecdote highlights the privileges and risks associated with such behavior. In contrast, Steven Bartlett shares his own personal journey of improving his health through a change in diet and the incorporation of superfoods. This conversation ultimately highlights the importance of making ethical choices and taking responsibility for one's actions.

    • Turning Unexpected Circumstances into Entrepreneurial SuccessUnforeseen challenges can sometimes open doors to unexpected opportunities, leading to personal and financial growth.

      Sophia Amoruso's journey into selling vintage clothes was motivated by her need for health insurance due to a preexisting condition. She took on a job in the lobby of an art school to obtain health insurance but had downtime during her three-month waiting period. During this time, she discovered the lucrative business of selling vintage clothes on eBay. Amoruso observed how auction prices for vintage items soared, with customers determining the final prices through bidding. This inspired her to start her own eBay store, initially not with the intention of becoming an entrepreneur, but to achieve financial independence and avoid working for others. This shows that sometimes unexpected circumstances can lead to opportunities for growth and success.

    • The Power of Thinking Outside the BoxChallenging conventional norms and questioning why things are done a certain way can lead to unique and successful outcomes.

      Thinking outside of conventional norms and questioning why things are done a certain way can lead to unique and successful outcomes. Both Sophia Amoruso and Steven Bartlett expressed their challenges with authority and their ability to see through to the truth beyond convention. Sophia's success in her eBay store came from reverse engineering what others were doing but taking it to the next level with her own signature style and resourcefulness. She cared about the copy and photography, which others may have overlooked, and created a spirit of irreverence and edginess in a market dominated by hippy, dippy vintage sellers. Questioning the status quo and approaching things from first principles can lead to remarkable results.

    • The Balance Between Naivety and Convention in Starting and Growing a BusinessLearning from the wisdom and experiences of others can help entrepreneurs avoid mistakes and failure, while still forging their own unique path. Convention and structure are crucial in managing rapid business growth.

      In starting and growing a business, there is a delicate balance between naivety and convention. While naivety can bring innovation and excitement, it can also lead to mistakes and ultimately failure if not tempered with the wisdom of others. Sophia Amoruso and Steven Bartlett both acknowledge that their own naivety and lack of experience had negative consequences for their businesses. They both learned that there are certain things that other successful people have done right, and it is important to learn from them and take what works while still making their own unique path. Additionally, as businesses grow rapidly, there is a need for convention and structure to prevent things from breaking down under the strain.

    • Building a Balanced and Profitable Business: Hiring the Right People and Managing FinancesSuccess in business lies in finding a diverse team that understands emerging technologies and traditional client services, while also managing finances carefully to maintain profitability and growth.

      The success of a business can come from a combination of hiring the right people and understanding both the present and future trends. Steven Bartlett emphasizes the importance of having a balanced organization by hiring a diverse range of individuals, including both younger employees who understand emerging technologies like TikTok, and more experienced workers who are well-versed in traditional client services. On the other hand, Sophia Amoruso highlights the significance of running a profitable business and not overspending, as demonstrated by her early success on eBay. However, she also acknowledges that receiving a large investment can bring both advantages and disadvantages, such as increased complexity and decreased profitability. Ultimately, a business must find a balance between growth and maintaining financial stability.

    • Embracing Self-Doubt: Turning Outsider Perspective into a SuperpowerEmbrace self-doubt as a source of strength and innovation. Feeling like an outsider can lead to unique connections and unconventional learning, propelling personal growth and achievement.

      Sophia Amoruso experienced both success and imposter syndrome throughout her journey. Despite achieving great milestones and receiving recognition, she still felt like she didn't belong and doubted her abilities. This self-doubt fueled her motivation and allowed her to go against the norm, bringing a unique perspective to the table. Feeling like an outsider can actually be a superpower, enabling one to make different connections and learn in unconventional ways. Sophia's story highlights the importance of embracing one's perceived shortcomings and using them as a catalyst for growth and innovation. Rather than removing the self-doubting voice, it can be harnessed as a source of strength and a reminder of the potential to achieve great things.

    • The Impact of Self-Doubt on Decision-Making and Personal GrowthRecognizing and addressing the root causes of self-doubt is essential for building confidence and making informed choices.

      Self-doubt can both slow down decision-making and serve as a catalyst for personal growth. Sophia Amoruso discusses her struggle with making decisions quickly and confidently, attributing it to her tendency to doubt herself. However, she also recognizes that this doubt has prompted her to become more deliberate and critical in her decision-making process. Additionally, she shares her experience of attending a retreat where she delved into the roots of her lack of self-trust, tracing it back to childhood experiences. This conversation highlights the importance of understanding and addressing the underlying causes of self-doubt in order to build confidence and make more informed choices.

    • Embracing Failure: Sophia Amoruso's Journey of Resilience and GrowthOvercoming challenges and criticism, Sophia's ability to persevere and learn from failures serves as an inspiration to embrace setbacks as stepping stones towards personal growth.

      Sophia Amoruso faced a conflation of identities and a series of challenges over a 12-month period. She experienced being both praised and criticized by the media and the public, which took a toll on her mental health. Despite these difficulties, Sophia persevered and continued to move forward. She started another company and maintained her mental health by not dwelling on past failures. She received support from a community of followers and friends who admired her resilience and were inspired by her ability to face adversity publicly. This conversation highlights the importance of embracing failures and using them as opportunities for growth and inspiration.

    • Lack of awareness and strategic decision-making led to the company's downfall.Success can blind leaders to potential issues, emphasizing the importance of strategic decision-making.

      The company's downfall was attributed not only to its overvaluation but also to a lack of understanding on Sophia Amoruso's part. Sophia acknowledges that the $350 million valuation, which seemed like a cause for celebration at the time, turned out to be the "nail in the coffin" for the company. In 2012, the expectation was to reach a billion-dollar valuation in the next round of fundraising. However, Sophia lacked experience in navigating the business landscape and didn't realize the implications of being overvalued. This lack of awareness, combined with the absence of industry veterans and the changing dynamics of the e-commerce era, led to their downfall. The key takeaway is that success can blind leaders to potential issues and the importance of strategic decision-making.

    • Building a Strong Foundation: Success, Value, and Intuition in EntrepreneurshipValidate your idea, focus on customer feedback, and maintain your unique vision. By bootstrapping and overcoming challenges, you can increase your company's value and achieve success in your entrepreneurial journey.

      When starting a company, it is important to validate your idea and achieve some level of success before seeking outside investment. Founders should focus on getting their product in front of potential customers and gathering feedback to determine its value. By bootstrapping and building a strong foundation, founders can increase the value of their company when it comes time to raise funds. Rather than solely optimizing for price, founders should aim for a reasonable valuation that makes their company an attractive acquisition target. It is also crucial for founders to listen to their intuition and maintain their unique vision, even while considering advice from experienced individuals. Through perseverance and the ability to overcome challenges, founders can ultimately achieve success in their entrepreneurial journey.

    • Shifting Focus: From CEO to Early Stage Founder and Brand CreatorSophia Amoruso chooses to prioritize her passion for building and investing in businesses, focusing on supporting fellow founders and avoiding the pressures of external expectations.

      Sophia Amoruso has realized that she is not interested in being the CEO of a big company anymore. She has experienced challenges and difficulties in her previous role and has decided that it's not the job she wants. Instead, she considers herself an early stage founder and a master at creating brands that stand out. She is focused on building and investing in her businesses, such as her entrepreneurship program, Business Class, which she has designed to be self-led and not require a significant amount of her time. Sophia has found satisfaction in helping and supporting other founders, using her expertise and network as her product, and she intends to stay intentional and avoid being dragged by external expectations.

    • Defining Success on Your Own Terms and Pursuing Personal FulfillmentSuccess is not limited to financial gain; it is about prioritizing what truly matters in life and having the courage to pursue one's own unique definition of success.

      Success is not simply about financial gain or external achievements. Sophia Amoruso emphasizes the importance of defining success on one's own terms and considering what truly matters in life. She encourages individuals to think beyond conventional expectations and to trust in their ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Sophia believes in the power of "magical thinking" or envisioning a future that surpasses one's wildest imagination. She urges listeners to explore what is meaningful to them and to prioritize those aspects of life, even if they may not align with societal norms. Ultimately, success is about finding and holding onto something significant and personally fulfilling, regardless of how unconventional it may seem.

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    Simon Sinek: "Strong Thigh Muscles = More friends", This Is Why You Can't Make Friends!

    Simon Sinek: "Strong Thigh Muscles = More friends", This Is Why You Can't Make Friends!
    An optimist’s guide for fighting the loneliness epidemic taking over the world Simon Sinek is a renowned leadership expert and the founder of ‘The Optimism Company’, which provides programmes for leadership development. He is also the best-selling author of the books, ‘Start With Why’, ‘Leaders Eat Last’, ‘The Infinite Game’, and ‘Find Your Why’.  In this conversation, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, how loneliness impacts addiction, why people are struggling to make friends, the truth about TikTok and depression, and the link between thigh muscles and popularity.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) Simon's take on the times we are living in (05:04) We don't have strong role models anymore (10:06) Why isn't there demand for friendship therapy (12:53) What really is a friend (15:37) The most important metric for longevity (17:50) Have we lost the skill of making friends? (21:46) Why national service is so important (30:24) The importance of belief (36:05) Remote connection vs in person (38:57) Is the office outdated? (43:47) The importance of acts of service (45:41) Is the rise of individualism hurting us? (49:05) What direction should young people be directing their life towards (51:34) Andrew Tate's approach validating young people (53:40) Are friendships the same as relationships? (57:53) Having our priorities wrong (01:12:31) What is Simon struggling with (01:17:17) Where does inspiration come from? (01:20:49) Techniques for public speaking (01:26:46) The difference between validation and insecurity (01:31:40) Companies misunderstand what service means (01:37:33) How to have those difficult conversations (01:45:03) We undervalue stories (01:49:10) Connecting with people (01:52:01) Last question You can purchase Simon’s book, ‘The Infinite Game’, here: https://amzn.to/4bYWNte  Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3z0riRb  Twitter - https://bit.ly/45jgWrz  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz
    In this moment, nutritionist and functional health expert, Dr. Mindy Pelz gives the information that every man needs to hear about menstrual cycles in order to better understand the females in their life: The menstrual and reproductive cycle lasts from 28 - 32 days (this varies from female to female) Day 1 - 10, is when a female is building oestrogen, Mindy says that for the first 2 days is the best time to give the female’s of your life some space. Afterwards they will be more present and outgoing. Day 12/13, is when oestrogen is at it’s peak in the female body and is the best time to resolve any conflict Day 10 - 15, is when ovulation happens and is when a female’s libido is highest, after Day 15, there is a crash of hormones which can lead to feeling low Day 17/18 is when progesterone starts to come in and is the time to be particularly nice and caring to the female’s in your life until the cycle begins again Mindy says that understanding the patterns of the female menstrual cycle, can create large amounts of empathy, and men can change their behaviour to help the females in their life as best they can. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/ne5qtFHtoKb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/9uu4LoFtoKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Mindy: https://drmindypelz.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi
    Meet the woman behind the scientific research revolution that could change the lives of 50% of the world’s population Dr Lisa Mosconi is the associate professor of neurology and radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine and director of Women’s Brain Initiative and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. She is also the author of the books, ‘The XX Brain’, ‘Brain Food’, and ‘The Menopause Brain’. In this conversation Lisa and Steven discuss topics such as, how the menopause impacts the brain, the link between menopause and Alzheimer’s, why sex hormones are essential for brain health, and the truth about hormone therapy. 00:00 Intro 02:05 Why People Should Listen To This Conversation 04:10 What People Need To Know About Menopause And The Impact On The Brain 06:21 Who Is Lisa Misconi? 08:08 Why Hasn't There Been Research And Investment Into Menopause? 14:28 What Is Menopause And Signs 15:54 Menopause Stages Start Before You Think! 19:07 What's The Youngest Person With Menopause 22:35 Perimenopause Transition 29:54 Menopause Brain Scans 33:09 Some Women Have More Shocking Brain Scans Than Others 34:28 Behavioural Changes From Menopause 38:05 How Many Women Experience Brain Fog? 39:53 Menopause Rewires The Brain 41:11 Symptoms As A Result Of Brain Change 43:57 Isn't The Cure Simple? 51:50 What Age Should We Think About Treating/Preventing Symptoms 52:50 Going Deeper Into The Stages Of Menopause 58:34 Link Between Suicides And Menopause In Women 01:02:55 Brain Fog Over Time With Menopause 01:07:28 The Benefits Of Exercise 01:11:04 Link Between Exercise And Alzheimer's 01:14:11 Caffeine, Sleep And Menopause 01:18:08 Is Alcohol Bad For Menopause? 01:20:52 What Toxins Should We Be Aware Of? 01:22:40 Specific Foods That Help Stave Off The Menopause 01:25:42 Are Supplements Needed In Our Diet? 01:30:06 What Is The Evolutionary Reason For Menopause? 01:37:14 Does Menopause Make You Sad? 01:40:11 Surgical Menopause 01:45:17 Isn't It Just Ageing? 01:53:07 When Will I Go Through Menopause? 01:56:48 Last Guest Question You can get in contact with Lisa’s team to discuss enrolling in her studies, here: https://neurology.weill.cornell.edu/research/womens-brain-initiative You can access the results from Lisa’s research on brain changes during the menopause, here: http://drlisamosconi.tiiny.co/ You can access a time lapse video of changes to the menopause brain, here: http://brain-shrinking-video.tiiny.co/ You purchase Lisa's most recent book, ‘The Menopause Brain: The New Science Empowering Women to Navigate Midlife with Knowledge and Confidence’, here: https://amzn.to/3VncZgS  Follow Lisa: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3XeTpWM  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4ek0Ulh  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: PerfectTed - perfectted.com- Code: DIARY10 at checkout for 10% off  Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!
    From working in the post room in a record label to becoming the world’s best known music mogul, this is the Simon Cowell you don’t see on TV. Simon Cowell is a world-renowned record producer, talent scout, and music mogul. He is best known for being a judge on some of the world’s most popular TV shows including, ‘The X Factor’, ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, ‘Pop Idol’, and ‘American Idol’.  In this episode, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, being bankrupt at 30, working his way up from the bottom, his life threatening accident, how his son’s birth changed his life, and his one and only regret about One Direction.  (00:00) Intro (00:52) Early Context (02:38) Your Parents (03:53) Your Work Ethic, Where Does That Come From (06:41) The Importance of Respect (10:23) Making the Decision to Pursue Entertainment (15:45) Working in the Post Room at a Record Label (19:24) Making His Way Up in the Music Industry (23:21) Starting a Record Label with Your Boss (28:40) Creating Your First Smash Hit Record (31:58) I Don't Know How Music Is Made, Staying in the Mind of the Consumer (39:40) Going Broke Right After Creating Your First Smash Hit (46:39) Meeting Pete Waterman, a Moment That Changed Everything (50:37) Being an Early Adopter of TV (59:50) Following Your Gut Regardless of the Criticism (01:06:30) Finding Westlife (01:09:30) Your Father Passing Away (01:17:37) Your Life Changing After Your Son, Eric, Was Born (01:23:09) Loyalty, Why It's So Important to Me (01:25:35) Setting New Work Boundaries in My New Life (01:29:15) Advice for a Young Simon Cowell (01:32:03) The Importance of Hard Work (01:34:30) Your Accident, Breaking Your Back in 3 Places (01:39:39) Going to Therapy (01:45:56) Foundational Advice for Anyone Starting Out in Their Career (01:49:39) The Importance of Legacy (01:53:02) The Rise of Bullying (01:55:02) One Direction (01:58:11) Searching for a New Boy Band (02:03:33) Harry Styles (02:05:54) AI Within the Music Industry (02:09:48) Will One Direction Get Back Together? (02:11:14) The Last Guest's Question Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4c5bKK0  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3yKu9xg  Simon Cowell Launches Nationwide Hunt For Next UK Boyband Phenomenon Audition, sign up here - https://g2ul0.app.link/WnrZDXcwjKb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb   My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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