
    About this Episode

    As the Captain of our ship, we must navigate through the Contrast of storms and enlightenment. During our journey, we experience success, appreciation, and happiness. By Contrast, we also experience storms of uncertainty, fear, Confusion, Chaos, and stress. Everything we once knew can Change in the blink of an eye.

    So, how can we navigate in times of fear and uncertainty? What are we placing our attention on? By Contrast, what are our intentions? We all have greatness within. We have the Choice to Connect with our greatness, become more Conscious of our surroundings and more Creative in our intentions, or, we can choose to focus our attention on fear, chaos, and confusion. Join the soul stretchin’ sisters as we discuss navigating the C’s of our lives through the power of intention.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Recent Episodes from I AM Power Hour: Soul Stretching Success with Terry J. Walker

    Let us All Work Together Towards Bridging The Gap!

    Let us All Work Together Towards Bridging The Gap!

    Amid confusion and fear over concerns with school, daycare, and the workforce, how are we helping our parents and educators bridge the gap for the socialization, growth, and development of our children and our families?

    With over 15 years of counseling and program development while working with children, parents, and educators, I am excited to announce the launch of Bridging the Gap training for parents and educators!

    Join the Soul Stretchin’ Sisters as we discuss the importance of effective communication, establishing healthy relationships, awareness of the emotional guidance system and how we can help you bridge the gap!

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/


    YOU ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET!   Living Life On Purpose!

    The odds of us being here in this place and time are 1 in 400 Trillion. That is a pretty big number, wouldn’t you agree? With those odds, it stands to reason that We all have a purpose and a reason for being here in this place and time. During these challenging and changing times, have you asked yourself, what am I doing to enhance my personal and professional development? You may wonder why ask such a question. The answer is, I want YOU to Know that—YOU Matter and it is time to start living Life on Purpose.

    Join the Soul Stretchin’ Sisters as we tell a few stories, have a few laughs, maybe even some “AHA” moments, as we discuss You Are Your Most Valuable Asset, the Soul Stretching Way, of course.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Challenges, Changes, Choices--The Lessons Learned from The Resume’ of Life!

    Challenges, Changes, Choices--The Lessons Learned from The Resume’ of Life!

    In times of challenges and change, we have the choice to remain a victim or to rise in courage. We can continue to do the same thing, or we can begin to blaze a new trail. As I witness the emerging events occurring on a personal, community and global level, I have reflected back to The Resume’ of Life. The challenges and changes that I had to overcome, and the actions that I had to take to rise in courage in the most difficult of times. Today, I review the Soul Stretching Success Principles and I realize we are in a time of extreme stretching of our souls, our ideals and our beliefs. I see the fear, the protests, the grief, the lack of trust and the loss. On the other hand, I see the courage to raise our voices, the wisdom to listen, the inspiring stories, and the choices to blaze new trails towards positive, effective change and transformation.

    Join the Soul Stretchin’ Sisters as we discuss challenges, changes, and the choices that are leading towards transformative possibilities that are reshaping our lives.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    You’ve got to stand for some-thing, or You’ll fall for any-thing!

    You’ve got to stand for some-thing, or You’ll fall for any-thing!

    Leaving Fearful, Self-defeating thoughts behind and Unleashing the Power of The Motivational Mindset while Empowering Your Voice. In times of fear and uncertainty we tend to create more obstacles of doubt, self-sabotage and may even go so far as to feel defeated, powerless and begin to give up. By doing so, we continue to get IN our own way and allow our self to become a victim of circumstance. We spend time worrying about other’s opinions and/or trying to appease others, all the while, diminishing our own self worth.

    Then one day, a shift begins to occur. We decide to no longer be a victim of circumstance and we begin to Rise in Courage. We learn to Embrace and Empower our Voice, and we start to Create a world of Potential and Possibilities.

    Join the Soul Stretchin’ Sisters as they discuss the shift from the powerless mind to unleashing your motivational mindset, empowering your Voice and begin to reinvent, reinvest, and rejuvenate your Soul Stretching Success!

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Navigating the C’s of Our Life in times of Fear and Uncertainty

    Navigating the C’s of Our Life in times of Fear and Uncertainty

    As the Captain of our ship, we must navigate through the Contrast of storms and enlightenment. During our journey, we experience success, appreciation, and happiness. By Contrast, we also experience storms of uncertainty, fear, Confusion, Chaos, and stress. Everything we once knew can Change in the blink of an eye.

    So, how can we navigate in times of fear and uncertainty? What are we placing our attention on? By Contrast, what are our intentions? We all have greatness within. We have the Choice to Connect with our greatness, become more Conscious of our surroundings and more Creative in our intentions, or, we can choose to focus our attention on fear, chaos, and confusion. Join the soul stretchin’ sisters as we discuss navigating the C’s of our lives through the power of intention.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    You can knock me down, but if you don’t knock me out….I will Rise again….That is the value of the human spirit.

    You can knock me down, but if you don’t knock me out….I will Rise again….That is the value of the human spirit.

    Chaos, devastation, lost lives and homes first hand experience. It’s my understanding the tornado that hit Nashville and Wilson County was on the ground for over 50 miles. Homes, businesses and schools have been decimated. Tennessee is a Volunteer State….FEMA has shown up, friends, strangers, have shown up, Red Cross…people are coming with food and water…etc. to help us rebuild and have necessities to survive. We are still without power and gas, and as we know things can change in a twinkling of an eye and yet we will rebuild! Stronger and better than ever!!!!

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

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    Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who creates the most successful impact of all?

    Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who creates the most successful impact of all?

    As the author of The Resume’ of Life, it’s likely your life’s story won’t be read from your job resume’. Everywhere we go, everyone we encounter, we leave a fingerprint, an impact. Ask yourself these questions: What are my dreams and desires and how will achieving those dreams impact my life? What impact am I willing to make today? What legacy will I leave behind tomorrow? Will it be one of potential and possibilities or one of should have, could have, would have? Join the Soul Stretching sisters to find out what you can do to create a lasting, successful impact.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/