
    Navigating the Dreamscape with Neuroscientist and Author, Sidarta Ribeiro

    enNovember 13, 2021

    About this Episode

    Why is there so much emphasis on the thoughts and actions that govern our day to day lives, but not as much on the ones that happen as we sleep? 

    It’s difficult to understate the influence of modern technology because its effects are so tangible. We see how platforms like TARTLE are geared towards a clear end goal. We’re connected to our smartphones and devices around the clock. But we seem to be forgetting about the first device and data set that we were given to work with: the human mind, and our subconscious.

    At most, dreams are an interesting icebreaker or topic for idle talk—but we think that they can mean something more. It is time to revisit how dreams can have an impact on the course of our lives, as well as that of the people around us.


    Dreams: Our Most Ancient, Most Well-Developed Technology


    Sidarta Ribeiro shared a personal experience with a fellow PhD candidate. One day, Sidarta Ribeiro needed a ride to the field center of Rockefeller University for an experiment. However, he was unable to push through with his activity because it was used by another candidate.

    This setback meant that he had to reschedule his experiment, which affected his productivity. Understandably, this affected Sidarta Ribeiro’s perception of the person. He went to sleep feeling annoyed and irritated.

    However, he dreamt of a scenario where he angrily confronted the person and ended up getting physically hurt. When he woke up, he found himself in the right mindset and mood to peacefully discuss what happened with his colleague, and they made amends.

    This is a personal example of how dreams can be used to simulate instances of the future using references that we have made in the past. It can help guide us and give us insight. Giving the mind some space to process what has happened throughout our day can have some benefits for our wellbeing.


    Bringing Back the Focus to the Self


    Alex mentioned how, surprisingly, we only spend 55 percent of our lives awake. This means that if we don’t pay attention to our dreams, we’re missing out on almost half of our entire life experience In the modern world, there is a growing dichotomy between inner work and outer work that we need to bring our attention to— especially when we put so much value on what is external, but choose to forego focused introspection on the self.

    Sidarta Ribeiro pointed out that today’s research into mental health and wellbeing appear to be closely intertwined with drugs that induce a dream-like state. This could be the first step in a collective effort to bring back emphasis on our subconscious.

    It’s time to return to our inner world and start using dreams, one of our most ancient technologies, to our advantage once more.


    Dreams as a Gamechanger Throughout History


    The dream state has had a massive impact on the course of history. One solid example is the Oracle of Delphi, a widely revered high priestess of the Temple of Apollo who gave predictions and guidance to both individuals and city-states. Her words influenced the decisions of important figureheads such as Aegeus, the king of Athens; Croesus, the king of Lydia; and Alexander the Great, conqueror of the ancient world.

    Ancient and contemporary Mayan religion also posited that dreams are sacred, because they functioned as portals that helped an individual connect with their ancestors for guidance. The dream state is closely intertwined in the definition of spirituality across several religions and concepts of faith. 

    Today, the role that our dreams fulfilled in old societies is now being fulfilled by a variety of different mechanisms and technologies. Amidst all this progress, it’s time to take a break and ask ourselves: do we like where we’re going, now that we’re leaving our subconscious in the dust?


    Closing Thoughts: Human Progress Through the Dream State


    We are consistently pressured to maximize our productivity and levels of efficiency. The technologies we develop are influencing us to think of our value according to the volume of our work. While our reliance on the dream state has, to a large extent, been diminished due to our increased proficiency in technical knowledge, we forget to ask ourselves about the implications of this change.

    It is undeniable that our subconscious has played a massive role—not just in the individual lives of ordinary people, but in the rise and fall of civilizations. The dream state is a data mine that we, as a collective, are slowly losing out on. It’s an opportunity for introspection that can help us make better decisions. Most importantly, it helps us regulate our wellbeing through proper rest and recreation.

    What’s your data worth? www.tartle.co


    Tcast is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


    What's your data worth?


    Find out at: https://tartle.co/


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    TCAST is a tech and data podcast, hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Together, they discuss the most exciting trends in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humanity. It’s a fearless examination of the latest developments in digital transformation and innovation. The pair also interview data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts. Pioneers in the skills and technologies we need for human progress. Explore our extensive TCAST selection at your pace, on your channel of choice.

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    Show Notes:

    1. Introduction

      • A quick recap of the article from Scientific American by Davide Castelvecchi.
      • The astonishing fact: Earth has lost over 2 trillion tons of groundwater between 1993 and 2010.
    2. The Earth Wobbles

      • Explanation of how the tilt of Earth's axis is generally stable.
      • How significant shifts can occur when large masses relocate within and on the surface of the planet.
    3. A Deeper Dive with Ki-Weon Seo's Insights

      • Discussing Seo's findings and his journey to understand the changes in Earth's water content.
      • Unraveling the mystery: how groundwater was the missing piece in explaining the tilt.
    4. Gravitational Surveys & Their Revelations

      • The link between irrigation practices, particularly in northwestern India and western North America, and depletion of underground reservoirs.
      • How this depletion has contributed to global sea-level rise.
    5. Consequences & Future Implications

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      • The direction of the shift: towards Russia’s Novaya Zemlya islands.
      • Allegra LeGrande from NASA's take on the impact of this research.
    6. Closing Thoughts

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      • How data and technology can help us become more aware and perhaps find solutions.
    7. Upcoming on TCAST

      • A sneak peek into future episodes and exciting guests.

    Recommendations & References:

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    • Stay updated with the latest trends in big data, AI, and humanity. Dive deep with TCAST.

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    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.


    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO

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    To learn more about Ryan Hawk and his work as a leadership expert and podcast host, check out "The Learning Leader Show" and his website, LearningLeader.com.


    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.


    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO

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    To learn more about Michael Cirillo and his work as a business consultant and podcast host, check out "The Dealer Playbook". And for more great insights on leadership and personal growth, be sure to tune in to TCAST with host Jason Rigby.


    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.


    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO

    Data-Driven Solutions for Healthcare

    Data-Driven Solutions for Healthcare

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    Why Data-Driven Solutions are Important for Healthcare Organizations


    Data-driven solutions are critical for healthcare organizations for several reasons. First, these solutions provide a way to collect and analyze vast amounts of data about members, including PII, demographic information, medical history, social needs, and more. This data can then be used to develop targeted care plans that address the unique needs of each member. By leveraging this data, healthcare organizations can better engage their members, resulting in improved health outcomes and increased member satisfaction.


    Additionally, TARTLE can help healthcare organizations identify areas of improvement within their care delivery processes. For example, by collecting first party data on readmission rates, organizations can identify trends and develop interventions to reduce the likelihood of future readmissions. This not only improves member outcomes but can also result in cost savings for the organization.


    Finally, TARTLE can help healthcare organizations to comply with increasingly strict regulatory requirements. For example, under the Affordable Care Act, healthcare organizations are required to collect data on social determinants of health, such as housing instability and food insecurity. TARTLE provide a way for organizations to efficiently collect and analyze this data, ensuring compliance with these requirements.


     For more information please visit https://tartle.co/healthcare/


    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.


    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO

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    Discover the Power of TARTLE Consumer Data

    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.

    TCAST Live is brought to you by TARTLE. A global digital identity exchange platform that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to while allowing buyers to access clean ready-to-analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.

    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.

    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO