
    "Negotiating Makes Me Want To Puke. What Do I Do? (Listener Intervention)

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Airbnb side hustleUsing Airbnb as a side hustle can be an effective way to earn additional income with minimal startup costs and ease. Negotiating deals and contracts can also help maximize earnings.

      Monetizing what you already have, such as your home, through side hustles like Airbnb, can be an easy and effective way to earn additional income. The speaker shares her personal experience of using Airbnb as a side hustle while writing books and traveling, emphasizing the ease and minimal startup costs. She encourages those new to side hustles to consider hosting on Airbnb as a simple yet valuable money-making opportunity. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of negotiating for better deals and higher pay in various aspects of life, from bills to contracts, to maximize earnings and financial growth.

    • Salary NegotiationConfidently communicate your worth in the industry during salary negotiations, starting with a high initial request can lead to a better final outcome, and be prepared for various employer responses.

      When negotiating your salary, it's important to have a clear understanding of your worth in the industry and to confidently communicate it to potential employers. Anxiety and imposter syndrome are common feelings during this process, but it's crucial to remember that setting a high initial salary request can lead to a better final outcome. The negotiation process is a give-and-take, and starting with a lower number may limit your potential for reaching a higher salary. However, it's essential to manage imposter syndrome and recognize that it's a common experience for many individuals. When negotiating, be prepared for various responses from employers, and remember that the conversation can take place through phone, email, or in person. Ultimately, the key is to be informed, confident, and persistent in advocating for yourself and your worth.

    • Anxiety recovery, resourcesAcknowledging anxiety and utilizing effective resources like Industrious, LinkedIn Jobs, and negotiation skills can improve productivity, alleviate stress, and aid in personal and professional growth.

      Acknowledging and addressing anxiety is the first step towards recovery. Additionally, having the right tools and resources can significantly improve productivity and alleviate stress. For instance, Industrious provides flexible office solutions for those seeking a professional workspace outside their home. Meanwhile, LinkedIn Jobs offers a vast pool of qualified candidates for businesses looking to hire. Lastly, practicing negotiation skills through role-playing can help cure anxiety around asking for more money. In essence, admitting problems, utilizing effective resources, and gaining confidence through practice are essential steps towards personal and professional growth.

    • Employer value addFocus on adding value to the employer during interviews by understanding their business needs and suggesting ways to improve their marketing strategy and online presence

      During a job interview, focusing on how you can add value to the employer rather than just asking for a higher salary is crucial. Employers want to see that you understand their business needs and can contribute to their growth. Be specific about how you can help them make more money and address any identified gaps in their marketing strategy. Having a clear understanding of their brand and suggesting ways to improve their online presence, such as using customer-generated content and testimonials, can make a strong impression. Remember, it's a business transaction, not a charity. Be confident and prepared to prove your worth during the interview process. Additionally, being aware of your body language and managing your nerves can help you present yourself more effectively.

    • Silence in negotiationsSilence can make the other party uncomfortable, providing an opportunity for gathering info or strategic thinking. Offering a free trial can pay off if confident in abilities and value provided. Practice conversations with accountability buddy or mirror. Self-awareness is key, and monetizing what you own can be a side hustle.

      During negotiations, especially when it comes to job interviews or business deals, silence can be a powerful tactic. It can make the other party uncomfortable and give you an opportunity to gather more information or think strategically. Additionally, offering to prove your worth through a free trial or test can pay off in the long run, as long as you are confident in your abilities and believe you are providing value. Practicing these conversations with an accountability buddy or in the mirror can help alleviate any awkwardness or uncertainty when it comes time to have these conversations in real life. Remember, self-awareness is key, and if you're not confident in your abilities, it may be time to reassess and price yourself appropriately. Lastly, consider monetizing what you already own by hosting your space on Airbnb as a side hustle.

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