
    "New Distractions Kill" - Keynote Speech at Future Flipper (Pt. 2) | Ep 462

    enNovember 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on one thing, all inFocusing on one business idea and committing fully to it can lead to greater success than trying to juggle multiple projects

      Focus is crucial for growing a successful business. Multi-tasking and trying to do multiple things at once can be arrogant and ineffective. The ability to say no and commit fully to one thing is what drives growth. Even if you're unsure which business idea has the most potential, the act of making a decision and focusing on that one thing is what matters most. As the speaker learned from observing a friend with numerous unprofitable businesses, it's better to go all in on one thing rather than spreading yourself too thin trying to manage multiple projects. By focusing on one thing, you can compete more effectively against those who are dedicating all their time and energy to their own single endeavor. So, remember, one thing, all in.

    • Difficult decisions and saying no to tempting opportunitiesLearn to say no to distractions and focus on the most important opportunities for growth. Discipline and clear priorities are key.

      Growth and success often require making difficult decisions and saying no to tempting opportunities. This was illustrated in two stories shared during the conversation. In the first story, the speaker discussed the ease of growing a business if they had the power to make rules and eliminate obstacles. However, they acknowledged that the real challenge comes from the hard conversations and difficult decisions that must be made, such as letting go of employees or shutting down unprofitable ventures. In the second story, the speaker used the metaphor of the "woman in the red dress" to represent tempting distractions that can derail progress. They emphasized that the ability to say no to these distractions becomes increasingly important as success is achieved, as the distractions become more attractive and seductive. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when they started a new business while already running a successful one, and they missed an opportunity to focus on growing their main business. Therefore, the key takeaway is to learn to say no to distractions and focus on the most important opportunities for growth, even if they are difficult conversations or decisions. This requires discipline and a clear understanding of priorities.

    • Developing essential traits requires consistent actionDevelop patience, courage, focus, and loyalty by adopting the behaviors of those with the desired traits, even when it's uncomfortable or difficult. Discipline, focus, and consistent action lead to growth.

      Developing essential traits like patience, courage, focus, and loyalty requires consistent action despite feelings of discomfort or reluctance. The speaker shares a personal story about feeling impatient and how his wife helped him understand that patience is about behavior, not just feelings. He also emphasizes the importance of focus and the idea that "better is better than new" when it comes to making money and achieving growth. The speaker encourages listeners to adopt the behaviors of those with the desired traits, even when it's difficult, in order to develop them over time. He also warns against distractions and the temptation to constantly create new things instead of improving existing ones. In essence, the key takeaway is that developing essential traits and achieving growth requires discipline, focus, and consistent action, even when it's uncomfortable or difficult.

    • Focus on making things betterEntrepreneurs should prioritize improving their current business or project over seeking new opportunities for growth.

      Focusing on improvement and leveraging your efforts is key to growing your business. This means doing the "boring" work that you may be avoiding, but know needs to be done. By putting in the effort to make things better, you will get more in return. This concept is especially important for entrepreneurs, who may need to unlearn old habits that got them to their current level but could hinder their growth in the future. Additionally, with multiple businesses or projects, it's essential to prioritize and focus on one at a time to ensure it's done right, leading to natural growth. So, instead of constantly seeking the next exciting thing, focus on making the current thing better, and you'll reap the rewards.

    • Coaching Yourself for Business GrowthFocus on what brings the most output, ignore distractions, recognize self-doubt, and gain a fresh perspective to make smarter decisions for business growth.

      Being a better mentor to yourself can lead to significant business growth. By coaching yourself as if you were coaching someone else, you gain a fresh perspective and can make smarter decisions. This mental model involves focusing on what brings the most output and ignoring new distractions. It's important to recognize that you might be your own worst enemy and that reality doesn't have exceptions. By taking your own advice and melting away self-doubt, you'll be more likely to make more money and grow your business. Additionally, if you're a business owner looking to scale up to $50, $100,000,000 or more, consider reaching out to Acquisition.com for support. The speaker's entrepreneurial career consisted of two distinct periods: one marked by distractions and lack of financial success, and another focused on growth and achieving clear definitions of success.

    • Becoming an expert leads to successFocus on one thing, put in the time and effort to master it, and deliver a high-quality product or service for exponential growth.

      Focusing on one thing and becoming an expert in it can lead to significant success. The speaker shares his personal experience of selling gyms and agencies to fully commit to one business, which led to exponential growth. He emphasizes the importance of putting in the time and effort to master a craft, as opposed to trying to do too many things at once. He also warns against the temptation to rush the process and skimp on building a solid foundation. The example of starting a restaurant with subpar food and heavy marketing is used to illustrate the power of word-of-mouth and the importance of delivering a quality product. To become the best in any field, the speaker suggests putting in more time and effort than anyone else in that field. It's a long game, and the focus should be on building a strong foundation and delivering a high-quality product or service.

    • Focus on product and customer service for long-term successInvest in product improvement and excellent customer service to save on negative word-of-mouth and high ad costs, leading to efficient resource use and greater financial success

      The key to long-term business success lies in investing time and resources into getting the product right and providing excellent customer service, rather than constantly promoting and seeking shortcuts. Negative word-of-mouth and high advertising costs are indicators of this need for improvement. This may mean weekly split testing of landing pages and emails, daily role-playing with sales and customer success teams, and taking extra time to find the right hires or improve offers. Although it may be boring and unexciting, this approach leads to more efficient use of resources and ultimately, greater financial success.

    • The power of consistent effort and commitment to basicsCommitment to daily prospecting activities can lead to significant financial success and personal growth, even if the results seem mundane or slow. Consistent effort and focus on fundamentals can result in exponential growth through leverage.

      Consistent effort and commitment to the basics, even if they seem mundane or boring, can lead to significant financial success. This idea was emphasized through a story of a man who set an unrealistic goal for himself and was advised to stay committed to daily prospecting activities. Although he initially saw success, he struggled to maintain focus and was reminded that the person he became through the repetitive act was more important than the outcome itself. Furthermore, the speaker explained that the difference between average and exceptional results is often the result of putting in significantly more effort. This concept, known as leverage, can lead to a 50x increase in output with minimal additional resources. In summary, focusing on the fundamentals and committing to consistent effort can lead to exponential growth.

    • Focusing on a single outcome leads to exponential growthBy prioritizing a single outcome, recruiting the right people, providing clear goals, and showing necessary steps, businesses can grow exponentially despite limited resources or direction.

      Successful business growth requires focus and dedication to a single outcome. At Acquisition.com, we prioritize this by recruiting the right people, providing them with clear goals, and showing them the necessary steps to achieve them. This approach leads to effortless-looking success from the outside, but it comes from years of hard work and discipline in saying no to distractions. Most entrepreneurs struggle with scaling their businesses due to a lack of resources or direction. By providing the "who," "what," and "how," Acquisition.com empowers entrepreneurs to grow their businesses naturally. In essence, focusing on a single outcome and surrounding yourself with the right resources and support can lead to exponential growth.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (01:26) What is success envy?

    (03:05) How to notice envy but not allow it to affect you.

    (06:36) Unravelling what you thought business should be and doing what feels good.

    (07:39) Unfollowing to find focus.

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    (12:08) Having the difficult conversations with yourself about success.

    (13:59) Question: Do you even want to run your business the way they are?!

    (15:00) Taking your trigger as an invitation to reach out and celebrate the other.