
    New Studies REVEAL How You Can Become Younger & REVERSE YOUR AGE | Peter Diamandis

    enFebruary 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the intersection of technology and biology for health and agingOur genes aren't the sole determinant of aging and appearance, it's the expression or activation of certain genes that matter. Technology and biology are revolutionizing our understanding of health and aging, offering possibilities for age reversal and improving overall wellbeing.

      Our genes aren't the sole determinant of our physical appearance or aging process. Instead, it's the expression or activation of certain genes that shapes our bodies and health. This epigenetic perspective opens up exciting possibilities for age reversal and improving overall wellbeing. Peter Diamandis, a renowned innovator and author, has explored this concept in his latest book. His fascination with longevity and age reversal emerged around his mid-forties, when he began to consider the inevitability of death. This shift in mindset led him to delve deeper into the world of regenerative medicine and biotechnology. David Sinclair, a leading researcher in this field, has particularly captured Diamandis' attention. The idea that our cells, once considered purely biological, are now being digitized and understood at a molecular level, has brought renewed hope for solving age-related diseases and extending human lifespan. This intersection of technology and biology, as Diamandis calls it, is revolutionizing our understanding of health and aging. The future holds great promise for harnessing these advancements to improve not only individual lives but also society as a whole.

    • Advancements in Genome SequencingGenome sequencing has become faster and cheaper, impacting healthcare, especially cancer treatment. Understanding gene interactions and using AI to make sense of data remains a challenge. Genes do not determine our fate, and understanding gene expression and environmental influences is crucial.

      The advancements in genome sequencing have been rapid and significant since the completion of the Human Genome Project. The cost and time required to sequence a genome have dropped dramatically, with the potential for even further reductions in the future. This technology is already having a major impact on healthcare, particularly in cancer treatment, where sequencing a tumor can help determine the most effective therapy. However, while we can sequence genes quickly, understanding their complex interactions and using AI to make sense of the data is still a challenge. The dream is to be able to assess the impact of genes and environmental factors on health and disease, but we're not quite there yet. Additionally, genes do not determine our fate, and understanding how they are expressed (phenotype) and how they can be influenced by our environment and lifestyle choices is crucial. The epigenome, which determines which genes are on or off, can be thought of as the piano player playing the notes of our DNA. Our DNA, with its 3.2 billion letters, is the complex score that gets broken down and played out in different ways in different parts of the body. This complex relationship between genes and their expression is just beginning to be understood.

    • Epigenetics and Aging: How Our Genes Change Over TimeEpigenetics, the process of gene activation and suppression, influences aging by causing cells to lose specialized functions and reveal other potential functions, leading to tissue breakdown and aging. Research by David Sinclair explores reversing this process through interventions like activating sirtuin genes and using small molecules.

      The process of which genes are activated and which are suppressed in our bodies, known as the epigenome, is responsible for the differences in appearance and function between cells and organisms at different stages of life. The DNA itself remains the same, but the way it is expressed is what changes. This epigenetic modification, particularly the process of methylation, plays a key role in aging by causing cells to lose their specialized functions and reveal other potential functions, leading to the breakdown of tissues and the aging process. David Sinclair's research focuses on the possibility of reversing this epigenetic aging through various interventions, such as activating sirtuin genes and using small molecules to target specific epigenetic marks. This exciting area of research holds great promise for developing new approaches to slowing down or even reversing the aging process.

    • Sirtuins: The Guardians of Gene HealthSirtuins are essential genes that maintain gene health by controlling the epigenome and repairing DNA damage. However, their efficiency declines with age due to decreasing NAD+ levels, leading to an accumulation of damage and potential health issues. Maintaining NAD+ levels could help improve overall health and reduce aging effects.

      Our sirtuin genes play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our genes by controlling the epigenome and repairing DNA damage. However, these functions are in competition with each other, and the efficiency of sirtuin activity declines with age due to decreasing NAD levels in the cells. Sirtuin genes control the epigenome by regulating methylation proteins, which hide or reveal certain genes. Methylation involves adding a methyl group to the DNA, which can prevent it from being read. Sirtuins also repair DNA damage, which occurs constantly due to various sources such as cosmic rays and chemical mutagens. Repair mechanisms exist to fix various types of damage, but errors can lead to permanent mutations that may contribute to diseases like cancer. Sirtuin activity is powered by NAD+, which acts as the energy currency in cells. Unfortunately, NAD+ levels decrease significantly after age 40, reducing the body's ability to repair DNA and maintain gene health. This can lead to an accumulation of damage and potential health issues. Therefore, maintaining NAD+ levels through various means, such as dietary interventions, could help improve overall health and reduce the negative effects of aging.

    • Maintaining Energy and Improving Cognition with NAD PrecursorsBoost NAD levels within cells by supplementing with NMN and NR to combat age-related decline in energy and potential cognitive improvement. Research and find high-quality versions.

      As we age, our bodies face a competition between repairing DNA damage and maintaining epigenome health, which can lead to a decline in energy levels and an increase in the need for repairs. One way to combat this is by supplementing with precursors to NAD (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide and Nicotinamide Riboside) to boost NAD levels within cells. These supplements, such as MIB 626, can help maintain energy and potentially improve cognitive capabilities. However, it's important to note that not all supplements are created equal, and it's crucial to research and find high-quality versions. The founder of Eden Roc, a biotech company, has developed an NMN analog, MIB 626, currently in FDA trials, which could potentially lead to pharmacological agents that enhance muscle, strength, and cognition. Overall, the goal is to provide hope and a practical plan for individuals to improve their aging process.

    • New supplement MIB 627 boosts endurance, strength and brain functionA new supplement, MIB 627, enhances energy production in cells, potentially improving cognitive function and overall health. It's not yet available to the public but could be in a few years. Protect privacy by deleting personal data from online data brokers and people search sites using DeleteMe, and use advanced technology like Shopify for business success.

      A new supplement called MIB 627, which is currently in FDA trials, has been shown to increase endurance and strength by supplementing the NAD pathway in the cells more effectively. This could potentially lead to improved cognitive function and overall health as the brain uses a significant amount of energy. The supplement is not yet available for public use, but it's expected to be available in a few years. In the meantime, taking control of personal data online is crucial to protect privacy. DeleteMe is a service that helps eliminate personal data from data brokers and people search sites and monitors them to keep the data removed. Additionally, using the best technology and platforms, such as Shopify, can give businesses a competitive edge in today's market.

    • The Importance of Understanding Brain-Health Connections for LongevityIncorporating a balanced diet rich in vegetables, healthy fats, and mindful of high glycemic index carbs and sugar, along with regular exercise, sleep, mindset, and annual health checks, can contribute to longevity and overall well-being.

      Our understanding of the brain and its connection to our health and longevity is leading to significant shifts in business and personal priorities. The speaker, who has transitioned his venture fund to focus on biotech and health, shares his fascination with the mechanisms behind diet and longevity. He explains how his diet, specifically his reliance on meat, may be shortening his lifespan despite making him feel good in the moment. He highlights the importance of considering factors like genetics and gut flora when it comes to diet and emphasizes the negative effects of sugar. The speaker advocates for a diet rich in vegetables and healthy fats, while being mindful of high glycemic index carbs and sugar. He also mentions the importance of sleep, exercise, mindset, and annual health checks for longevity. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of making informed choices about our health and the potential long-term consequences of our daily habits.

    • A vegetarian diet with occasional fish and chicken, intermittent fasting, and carbonated water.The speaker follows a vegetarian diet with occasional fish and chicken, practices intermittent fasting, and drinks carbonated water for hydration. He also supplements with greens powder and occasionally tries vegan alternatives.

      The speaker, in his pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and potential longevity, has adopted a diet primarily consisting of vegetables, some chicken, fish, and limited amounts of red meat, while avoiding beef. He practices intermittent fasting, limiting his meals to one late lunch and an early dinner, with the majority of his water intake being carbonated. He also supplements his diet with greens powder and occasionally indulges in vegan alternatives to satisfy his curiosity about reducing mTOR activation. The speaker emphasizes that everyone's body responds differently, and what works for him might not work for others. He encourages exploring various options and finding enjoyment in healthy, well-cooked vegetarian and vegan dishes.

    • Optimizing Diet and Sleep for Aging GracefullyPractice intermittent fasting (18 hours of fasting daily), increase water intake (2 liters), minimize sugar, and maximize plant intake for diet. Prioritize 8 hours of sleep for optimal brain function.

      There are various ways to optimize our bodies to age gracefully, and two key areas are diet and sleep. Regarding diet, the recommendation is intermittent fasting, aiming for at least 18 hours of fasting per day, and increasing water intake to at least 2 liters daily. Additionally, minimizing sugar and maximizing plant intake are important. On the other hand, sleep is essential, and despite our evolutionary tendency to need less sleep, we require 8 hours for optimal brain function. By focusing on these aspects, we can make lifestyle choices that may positively impact our methylation patterns and contribute to aging reversal.

    • The Importance of Sleep and Exercise for HealthPrioritize 6.5 hours of sleep nightly for longevity, aim for 10,000 steps daily, and engage in heavy weight workouts twice weekly for muscle growth and overall health.

      Both sleep and exercise are crucial components of a healthy lifestyle. The speaker shares his personal experience of prioritizing mental clarity in the morning hours, which has led him to maintain an average of 6.5 hours of sleep per night. He emphasizes the importance of getting enough sleep, as it is linked to longevity due to the role of muscle mass in storing blood and stem cells. The speaker also highlights the importance of exercise, mentioning his daily goal of 10,000 steps and twice-weekly heavy weight workouts. He also discusses the benefits of pushing against resistance, such as during deadlifts, to signal muscle growth and improve overall health.

    • The Value and Challenges of Maintaining Muscle MassMuscle mass is vital for storing essential components, but maintaining it is costly and not prioritized beyond reproductive age. Innovative solutions like Vaccinity's peptide vaccines can help address health issues and prioritize overall wellness.

      Muscle mass is crucial for our bodies, serving as a storage mechanism for various essential components including stem cells, blood, and amino acids. However, maintaining muscle mass requires a constant effort as the body tends to strip it away when not in use, making it an expensive and valuable resource. Our bodies were not evolved to live beyond reproductive age, and genetically, conditions that affect us after this age, such as cardiac disease, cancer, and dementia, were not selected against. As a result, muscle mass and bone density are not prioritized beyond reproductive age. A company called Vaccinity, which creates peptide vaccines, is an innovative solution to address various health issues, including the COVID-19 vaccine. The importance of muscle mass and the challenges of maintaining it highlight the need for ongoing efforts to prioritize health and wellness.

    • New peptide vaccine technology three times more effective as COVID-19 boosterNew peptide vaccine tech generates effective COVID-19 booster, holds promise for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, hypercholesterolemia, and bone loss prevention

      A new vaccine technology using peptides has shown to be three times more effective as a booster against COVID-19 than the Pfizer vaccine. This technology works by generating a peptide sequence in the shape of part of the COVID virus, which then triggers the immune system to form antibodies against the virus. The technology also holds promise for creating vaccines against various health conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, hypercholesterolemia, and bone loss. For instance, in the case of Alzheimer's, the target is the beta amyloid plaques, and the idea is that removing these plaques could potentially prevent or treat the disease. In the case of hypercholesterolemia, the vaccine would activate the immune system to create an antibody against a protein in the liver that generates LDL, the bad cholesterol. This could make the vaccine a cost-effective and accessible first line of defense against heart disease and stroke. The vaccine against bone loss would work by blocking the osteoclasts, the cells in the bone that break down the bone. The technology is still in development, but it holds the potential to preventively vaccinate people against various health conditions and address their root causes. The development process takes several years, with the current vaccines entering phase 3 of clinical trials.

    • Revolutionizing Health and Wellness with TechnologyAdvancements in technology like vaccines and regenerative medicine are revolutionizing health and wellness by addressing immune system exhaustion and stem cell depletion, leading to improved and extended lives.

      We are living in an exponential age where advancements in technology, such as vaccines and regenerative medicine, are revolutionizing the way we approach health and wellness. For instance, companies like Moderna are producing vaccines against various viruses, including those that cause diseases like HIV and CMV, which can exhaust the immune system and leave it unable to fight off cancer. Regenerative medicine, another area of focus, aims to revitalize stem cell populations and augment repair mechanisms, which deplete as we age. The placenta, for example, acts as a 3D printer for creating a fetus, and stem cells found throughout the body serve as repairmen. However, as we age, the repair staff becomes less effective, leading to damage accumulation and the hallmark of aging, stem cell depletion. The potential of these technologies to improve and extend lives is truly remarkable.

    • Discovering the Power of Placental CellsPlacental cells are a rich source of pluripotent stem cells and immunological cells, which can be extracted and used for regenerative medicine without the need for matching, making them advantageous for treating various conditions.

      The placenta, long considered a supportive organ for fetal growth, is actually a powerful source of pluripotent stem cells and immunological cells. Bob Haruri, a trauma neurosurgeon, was the first to realize this and built a company, Celularity, to mine placental cells. The company stores thousands of placentas and extracts stem cells and exosomes, which contain growth factors. These growth factors can be extracted and injected into the bloodstream without the need for matching, making them advantageous for regenerative medicine. The discovery that placental cells are immuno-privileged adds to their potential, as they can be accepted by a recipient's body without rejection. The story of Tony, who found relief from his severe pain through stem cell treatments, highlights the potential of stem cells in regenerating and repairing damaged tissue.

    • Exciting advancements in regenerative medicineCompanies like Allevian are entering human trials for cardiovascular drugs based on gd f11, a molecule that decreases with age and makes old mice younger. Entrepreneur Martine Rothblatt is working on creating a backup set of organs to eliminate the need for organ donor lists.

      The field of regenerative medicine is making significant strides in areas such as organ regeneration and the use of drugs derived from young blood to promote aging reversal. The discovery of gd f11, a molecule that decreases as we age and can be used to make old mice younger, has led to the formation of companies like Allevian, which is entering human trials for its cardiovascular drug. Another entrepreneur, Martine Rothblatt, is working on creating a backup set of organs for individuals, aiming to eliminate the need for organ donor lists. These advancements represent exciting opportunities in the biotech and health tech industries, with the potential to revolutionize age reversal and improve overall health.

    • A mother's determination leads to groundbreaking discoveries and life-saving companiesA mother's relentless pursuit of knowledge and unwavering dedication led to the creation of a $6 billion company and potential solutions for life-threatening conditions through scientific innovation

      Determination and relentless pursuit of knowledge can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and the creation of life-saving companies. Martine Rothblatt, a high school biology enthusiast, became obsessed with finding a cure for her daughter's pulmonary fibrosis. She tracked down doctors, read every available resource, and even discovered a potential drug that could save her daughter's life. However, the drug company refused to provide it, so Martine took matters into her own hands and humanized a pig organ using CRISPR technology. This led to the creation of United Therapeutics, a $6 billion company. Yet, her journey didn't stop there. Realizing the drug only slowed down the progression of pulmonary fibrosis, she set out to manufacture replacement lungs. With the help of Craig Venter, they humanized pig organs by modifying 10 surface genes. Now, these humanized organs are being transplanted into humans, and Dean Kamen, another innovative hero, is working on manufacturing organs using induced pluripotent stem cells. These incredible advancements could potentially provide organs for everyone on the planet if we sacrifice 1% of the pigs we eat annually. The stories of Martine, Craig, and Dean demonstrate the power of unwavering dedication and scientific innovation.

    • Cellular technology revolutionizes medical field with organ production and heart regenerationCellular technology enables creation of bones, ligaments, skin, and potentially pediatric hearts from a patient's own cells. Gene therapy transforms connective tissue into beating heart cells, a significant leap in regenerative medicine. Advancements in diagnostics enable proactive health issue identification and prevention.

      Advancements in cellular technology are revolutionizing the medical field, enabling the creation of organs from a patient's own cells and even converting non-beating heart tissue into functioning muscle. For instance, researchers have successfully produced bone, ligament, and even skin grafts using this method. The next frontier is the production of pediatric hearts, with the goal of having a manufactured heart available for transplant within 18 months. This is made possible by the ability to differentiate skin cells into induced pluripotent stem cells, which can then be developed into various organ types. One notable example is the work of Deepak Srivastava at the Glad Institute, who has used gene therapy to transform connective tissue into beating heart cells. This cellular alchemy, as it's been named, represents a significant leap forward in regenerative medicine. Additionally, advancements in diagnostics, such as full-body MRIs and AI-enabled heart scans, are making it possible for individuals to proactively identify potential health issues and take action to prevent or treat them.

    • Staying Proactive About Health: Early Detection MattersAdvanced technologies like CT scans help identify soft, non-calcified plaque, shifting focus to prevention. Regular health checks, including genome testing, gut microbiome analysis, and muscle-bone scans, can detect diseases early, increasing chances of a cure.

      The focus on detecting and addressing health issues before they become severe is crucial. Calcification in plaque may not matter if it's hard and not likely to rupture. However, soft, non-calcified plaque is a concern as it could potentially rupture. Advanced technologies like CT scans help identify such plaque, changing the approach to cardiac disease. Prevention is key, and regular health checks, including genome testing, gut microbiome analysis, and muscle-bone scans, can help detect diseases early when treatment is most effective. Fountain Health, a new health insurance model, reflects this preventative approach by covering all tests at no additional cost. Early detection significantly increases the chances of a cure, making it essential to stay proactive about one's health. To learn more about these innovative approaches and technologies, follow Peter Diamandis on Twitter, Instagram, or visit longevityinsider.org.

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    The Unspoken Truths About Masculinity And Leadership! | Konstantin Kisin PT 1
    In this powerful episode of **Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu**, Tom engages in a deep, thought-provoking conversation with the insightful Konstantin Kisin. They traverse a vast landscape of topics, from the intricate dynamics of identity and the hierarchy in sports teams to the profound implications of free speech and the cyclical nature of human history. The duo ventures into the psychological profiles of influential figures, the impact of race divisiveness, and the complexities of AI technology, providing a compelling discourse on how constraints fuel creativity. Konstantin shares his concerns on geopolitical matters, the influence of major players like China, and the recurring economic cycles that shape our world. As they delve into the ethical dimensions of modern societal issues, touching on topics like gender dysphoria, integrity, and the evolving dynamics of intimate relationships, Tom and Konstantin offer compelling insights and personal experiences, including Konstantin's experiences from the Soviet Union and his thoughts on the moral obligations of leadership. With a focus on resilience, the importance of diverse values, and the necessity of free speech, Tom and Konstantin challenge listeners to consider the deeper implications of their beliefs and the foundational principles that guide their actions. Don't miss this enriching episode, filled with actionable takeaways and invaluable lessons on navigating the complexities of modern life. SHOW NOTES 00:00 Protecting alpha and diverse leadership in society. 29:12 America as rightful heir of revolutionary ideas. 33:55 Cultural ideas, US collapse - inevitable but slow. 57:43 Challenges of implementing communism and socialism explained. 01:07:26 Manipulate, rise to power, moral compass conflict. 01:27:26 Embrace imperfect knowledge, intoxicate team with certainty. 01:37:10 Managing company people and culture is challenging. 01:49:45 Aggressive approach to change lives in 60 minutes. SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://www.Land RoverUSA.com.” Start your free online visit today at https://Hims.com/ IMPACT  Go to https://shopify.com/impact right now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. Go to https:// AmericanFinancing.net/Impact to regain control of your finances Go to https://hellofresh.com/impactapps and you will get FREE appetizers for life! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ORDER YOUR COPY OF LISA'S BOOK "RADICAL CONFIDENCE"  (NOW IN PAPERBACK & WITH A NEW CHAPTER!) & GET YOUR FREE BADASS BONUSES: https://bit.ly/radcon ***CALLING ALL BADASSES!*** If you really want to level up your confidence game, check out the WOMEN OF IMPACT SUBSCRIPTION, specially designed to turn you into the badass you were born to be!  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Women of Impact episodes, and so much more!* Don't settle for mediocrity when you can be extraordinary! *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/457ebrP***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 2

    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 2
    Welcome back to part 2 of this insightful conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr!  We dive deeper into the shocking realities of cartel-run immigration and the urgent need for border security and a streamlined legal process. We also unpack the financial crisis, discussing inflation as theft, and the impact of printing money.  RFK shared his vision for cutting the military budget, boosting the economy with AI and blockchain, and the importance of rational thinking in today's divided society.  Don't miss out on the conclusion of this deep dive with RFK.  And if you're loving the Impact Theory Podcast, please take a moment to leave us a review or rate the show. Your feedback is incredibly valuable! Follow Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Website: https://www.kennedy24.com/ Twitter: https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr/ Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://www.Land RoverUSA.com.” Start your free online visit today at https://Hims.com/ IMPACT  Go to https://shopify.com/impact right now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. Go to https:// AmericanFinancing.net/Impact to regain control of your finances Go to https://hellofresh.com/impactapps and you will get FREE appetizers for life! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 1

    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 1
    Welcome to another episode of Impact Theory, I’m Tom Bilyeu!  In today’s episode, I’m thrilled to be joined by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as we tackle a wide range of critical issues facing America today. RFK is a politician from the Kennedy Family, he is a son of U.S. attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy, and nephew of U.S. president John F. Kennedy and senator Ted Kennedy. He is also an advocate for public health, border security, and political reform, and an independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election.  From the harrowing realities at the U.S. border, RFK underscores the urgent need for strong border security and a compassionate, streamlined immigration process. He also shares his bold ideas for cutting the military budget, focusing on economic power rather than military might, and advocating for sound fiscal policies to address national debt and inflation. We also discuss:  - Issues of chronic disease, addiction, and economic challenges - Printing money, inflation, and national debt as economic threats - Embracing blockchain & cryptocurrency to counter inflation - Integrating bitcoin to save the dollar & create wealth - Decline in American values & constitutional adherence - Compromised press & spread of government propaganda - Social media algorithms amplifying societal polarization This is just Part 1 of our conversation, so make sure you don’t miss Part 2 of this convo for even more with RFK. Follow Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Website: https://www.kennedy24.com/ Twitter: https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr/ Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://www.Land RoverUSA.com.” Start your free online visit today at https://Hims.com/ IMPACT  Go to https://shopify.com/impact right now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. Go to https:// AmericanFinancing.net/Impact to regain control of your finances Go to https://hellofresh.com/impactapps and you will get FREE appetizers for life! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The 3 Steps to Financial Freedom! (Escape the Rat Race Now) | Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)

    The 3 Steps to Financial Freedom! (Escape the Rat Race Now) | Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)
    If you don’t understand how to manage your money then your chance of achieving financial success and freedom goes to zero. When you don’t know the rules to the game of money it's almost impossible to win. Wallstreet Trapper built the skills he needed to become a fundamental investor, a speaker, a stock market education, and an entrepreneur after doing over 8 years in prison, selling drugs and not having any advantages in life. One of the best things you can consider doing to improve your finances is to get into stocks, learn how to leverage real estate and build a business that generates value. Something you’ll want to consider from this episode: Have you learned the money game Are you prepared to exit the money matrix How can you become an investor What is keeping 99% of people broke [Original air date: 3-30-23]. QUOTES: “Wealthy people do three things. They stop trading time for money, they make their money work for them and they give as much value to people as they can.” “Just coming up in the streets you only see the game from the lowest level, and you look at everybody else in part admiration and part jealousy.” “Being at the bottom teaches you to envy people at the top.” “Once I broke the game down to a way I could understand it, it wasn’t about me being brilliant , it was like how do I make the game winnable for me” “Everybody won’t be able to build a million dollar business, but everybody can invest in one.” “If you’re bold enough to bet on the future and be patient enough to let it take place you will win and you will win big.” “A dollar that’s not moving is a dollar that’s losing.” Follow Wallstreet Trapper: Website: https://www.wallstreettrapper.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wallstreet504 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6hXiWOlFWc46qMFMClKHA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wall_street_trapper/ SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)
    Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt researches moral psychology to help us understand ourselves and our world better. He is an expert on how we create webs of meaning that allow us to speak a common language, build institutions, and create functioning societies. And right now we may need his voice more than ever, as our webs of meaning seem to be in conflict with each other or slowly disintegrating. On this episode of Conversations with Tom Bilyeu, Jonathan Haidt explains why we need to lead with empathy, how to persuade people who have staked out very different positions from yours, and how to invite disconfirming evidence into your life. [Original air date: 8-20-20]. SHOW NOTES: Why are we 90% chimps and 10% bees? [2:01] Jonathan suggests a definition of morality [4:14] Jonathan and Tom discuss religion and spiritual, mind-opening experiences [5:53] Jonathan explains the “hive switch”, the group experience of religion and morality [11:27] Jonathan and Tom discuss the power of connection and group interaction [16:34] Jonathan talks about the problems with social media and how they developed [20:18] What makes some webs of meaning so powerful that they spread so fast? [27:57] Jonathan and Tom ask to what extent political affiliation is genetic [33:29] Jonathan discusses the disturbing trend towards conformity in political thought [37:18] Jonathan and Tom discuss changing American attitudes towards race [ Jonathan talks about how hard it is to lead with empathy [46:52] Jonathan advocates trying many approaches to dealing with problems like racism [50:30] How do we constructively discuss difficult topics? [54:51] Why we have to get people to focus on similarities [59:02] Jonathan discusses his experience with psychedelics [1:03:52] How to invite disconfirming evidence into your life--How do you know you’re right? [1:10:44] We need to find a way to speak a common language in our post-Babel Age [1:16:27] FOLLOW JONATHAN: WEBSITE: jonathanhaidt.com/ FACEBOOK: facebook.com/jonathanhaidt/ TWITTER: twitter.com/JonHaidt SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2
    Welcome back to part two. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Listen in as we discuss the future of education, entrepreneurship, and the potential for a post-capitalist society driven by abundant resources. From contemplating living in a simulation to the next big health revolution, Peter Diamandis reveals insights that challenge our current perceptions and inspire groundbreaking innovation. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1
    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Impact Theory with your host Tom Bilyeu. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Get ready to rethink what’s possible and glimpse into a future shaped by technology, science, and an unwavering commitment to human progress. Join us on Impact Theory for a journey into the extraordinary possibilities of tomorrow with Peter Diamandis. 00:00 Quantum computer, fusion energy, manifesting dreams. Future filmmaking. 29:36 AI's intimate knowledge will build extraordinary relationship. 46:18 Cells evolved into meta intelligence through technology. 58:06 Desire to freeze climate and evolution, merge with technology. 01:13:20 Future world: AI, sensors, data, fashion trends. 01:24:54 Life's growth, abundance leads to self-expression. 01:44:14 AI learning DNA language, predicting outcomes, epigenome importance. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Dr. Chelsea Green // Hacking Your Health By Optimizing Your Genetics

    On this episode of the Rebel WhiteCoat Podcast, Dr. Chelsea aka "Dr. Green Queen" talks about all things genetics, diet, and lifestyle in relation to disease risk and mental health. Dr. Chelsea Green a forever young pharmacist and a preventative medicine and genetics health coach. She is the founder of Green Roots Optimized Wellness (GROW) where she works as a genetic genius helping her clients reach sustainable, optimal wellness results utilizing their unique genetic makeup. Dr. Green is passionate about preventative medicine and is re-writing her story after genetic factors were unveiled. Her goal is to help clients with physical pain, mental strains, and hormone irregularities achieve optimized wellness by uncovering the root causes of their illnesses with functional medicine lab testing. 

    Highlights from this episode:

    • what led Dr. Chelsea into the world of genetics
    • diet & lifestyle tips if you are at higher risk of disease due to genetics or family history
    • the underlying reason of why stress and cortisol management is so important
    • connecting the role of nervous system regulation to stress
    • the significance of using your genetic results to your advantage
    • the importance of specific nutrients for mental health
    • steps to take to come off if you want to come off medications 
    • how functional genetic testing is different than ancestry genetic testing

    IG: Dr.ChelseaGreen
    Personal FB: https://www.facebook.com/dr.chelsea.green/
    Business FB: https://www.facebook.com/GreenRootsOptimizedWellness/
    Group FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/geniusgeneticsforgrow
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/drchelseagreen
    Website: https://greenrootsoptimizedwellness.godaddysites.com/











    All podcast guest inquires can be emailed to kellyrompelcoaching@gmail.com

    63. Understanding Epigenetics: The Science, The Myths, & The Possibilities | Fabian Delahaye

    63. Understanding Epigenetics: The Science, The Myths, & The Possibilities | Fabian Delahaye

    Gene-based diets and tests? What is epigenetics? We find out about the actual science behind epigenetics while looking at the cutting edge research surrounding this field and what to expect from it. 


    Fabian is the Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics & Director, Computational Genomics Core, Department of Genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

    He is currently developing new analytical approaches for data integration to better understand the regulatory landscape and its implication in disease susceptibility with a focus on early exposure and age-related diseases.


    0:15 – Update on Energy Pod, Ketogeek Membership Updates & Future Guest

    11:01 – How did you get interested in your field?

    17:03 – When did epigenetics gain popularity?

    18:25 – What is epigenetics?

    22:32 – What factors can change epigenetics?

    26:15 – What kind of research papers do you write?

    28:47 – What are the capabilities and limitations of stem cells?

    31:40 – Is stem cell therapy legit?

    34:00 – Can you make predictions about someone’s health outcomes using epigenetics?

    35:54 – What would you do with 10 Billion dollars in research money?

    39:26 – What is the “Epigenetic Landscape”?

    45:57 – What is “stress” at a cellular level?

    55:22 – What is the “environment” in epigenetics?

    1:01:07 – Can drastic interventions later in life influence human aging and lifespan?

    1:08:00 – Understanding factors influencing interventions at a cellular level

    1:14:32 – Final guest plugs



    The Science Of Quantum Healing: Living A Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life with Deepak Chopra

    The Science Of Quantum Healing: Living A Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life with Deepak Chopra

    View the Show Notes For This Episode

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    Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation and the founder of the Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global. Deepak is a clinical professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego, and serves as a senior scientist with the Gallup Organization. He is the author of more than ninety books translated into forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, BiOptimizers, Levels, and Armra.

    Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com.

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    Right now, Levels is offering an additional two free months when you sign up for an annual membership. Learn more at Levels.link/Hyman.

    Save 15% on your first order of ARMRA Colostrum and unlock the power of 400+ functional nutrients. Just visit TryARMRA.com/Mark or use code MARK.

    In this episode, we discuss (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • The quantum field (6:13 / 4:30)
    • What is the quantum body and how is it different from your physical body? (13:06 / 11:23)
    • How our perception of time affects health and aging (15:52 / 14:09)
    • The qualia field and where our experiences come from (20:17 / 18:34)
    • The parasympathetic nervous system and the healing response activated by stimulating the vagus nerve (26:25 / 24:42)
    • Why disease can become optional (33:08 / 31:25)
    • Quantum metabolism and how information changes your metabolism (40:21 / 36:15)
    • How to shift the aging process (46:04 / 43:58)
    • How Deepak has overcome the fear of death (50:20 / 46:14)
    • The four intentions Deepak starts his day with (54:53 / 50:48)

    Get a copy of Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life.

    Connect with Dr. Mark Hyman on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #204 - Centenarians, metformin, and longevity | Nir Barzilai, M.D.

    #204 - Centenarians, metformin, and longevity | Nir Barzilai, M.D.

    View the Show Notes Page for This Episode

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    Nir Barzilai, Director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is back for his third appearance on The Drive. In this episode, Nir divulges insights into lifespan and healthspan through the lens of his extensive research on centenarians as well as the latest from the TAME trial (Targeting/Taming Aging with Metformin), a multi-center study investigating the concept that the multi-morbidities of aging can be delayed in humans. He discusses common gene variants found in centenarians, important pathways for longevity, and ultimately what we can learn from centenarians about extending lifespan while also trying to improve healthspan. Additionally, Nir goes into depth on metformin as a longevity tool for humans, including studies with positive and negative results. He discusses the impact metformin can have on exercise for both strength training and cardiovascular training, as well as future research facilitated by data from the TAME Trial. He also touches on epigenetic clocks and concludes with his take on the usefulness of NAD precursors as a potential gero-protective agent.

    We discuss:

    • Insights from genetic studies of centenarians and twins [3:00];
    • Genes with protective variants that aid longevity [13:00];
    • The relationship between growth hormone and IGF-1 [22:45];
    • Use of growth hormone as a longevity tool [34:00];
    • Longevity genotypes: the role of APOE e2, Lp(a), Klotho, and CETP [41:45];
    • The correlation between high TSH and longevity [46:30];
    • Important pathways for longevity [52:00];
    • Insights from centenarian studies, nature vs. nurture, and more [59:00];
    • The contraction of morbidity that comes with improved healthspan [1:08:00];
    • Defining healthspan [1:13:13];
    • Unique perspectives and positive attitudes of centenarians [1:17:30];
    • Lessons to take away from centenarians [1:24:00];
    • Metformin overview: history, studies, and potential for gero-protection [1:28:45];
    • The TAME trial (Targeting Aging with Metformin) [1:39:00];
    • The challenge of studying metformin in animals models [1:46:45];
    • How data from the TAME trial could provide insights into biomarkers of aging and facilitate a future study on proteomics [1:53:30];
    • The search for biomarkers to identify who can benefit from treatment [2:00:30];
    • The impact of metformin on exercise, and finding the right indication for the use of metformin [2:10:30];
    • Are NAD precursors geroprotective? [2:21:30]; and
    • More.

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