
    New Year New Sex: Sex Life Resolutions for 2022

    enJanuary 12, 2022

    About this Episode

    Happy 2022 from Kelly and the Pleasure Rebels of Hot Octopuss! Instead of making regular old New Years resolutions, Kelly and Paigge make Sex Life Resolutions. Everything from role play to foreplay to mutual masturbation- the Rebels invite you to make your own sex life resolutions and make this year your best yet! 

    Don't forget to email pleasurerebels@gmail.com with your sex & relationships topics - nothing is off the table! 


    Our Guest: Queen P

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

    Recent Episodes from Pleasure Rebels

    Sexual Alchemy with Rebecca Lowrie

    Sexual Alchemy with Rebecca Lowrie

    Rebecca Lowrie joins the Pleasure Rebels for the last episode of our first season! Rebecca discusses her journey with sexual alchemy, body positivity, and how to live in your erotic core.

    Thank you to everyone who has listened to & supported the Hot Octopuss Pleasure Rebels podcast! We'll see you next season for even more sex stories, sex education, sexy toy talk! 

    Sexual Alchemy - https://www.sexualalchemy.com/

    Festival of Sexuality: https://www.sexualalchemy.com/festival-of-sexuality

    Join Rebecca and a fabulous line-up of world-class sexuality educators and facilitators for four delicious evenings of fun, learning, and exploration. Come celebrate who you are as a sexual being, learn more about your sexual self, and feel liberated to be all that you are as a sexy, soulful human! The festival is open to people of all genders, sexual orientations, and preferences.

    Impact Play & BDSM Toys by Hot Octopuss

    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

    Tending to Relationship Trauma with Hollie Brooks

    Tending to Relationship Trauma with Hollie Brooks

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    ***Trigger Warning: Rape & Sexual Assualt*** 

     21:45 - 23:39

    Miss Hollie B - IG & Twitter

    Hot Octopuss KURVE

    Bloody Good Period


    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

    Disability After Dark with Andrew Gurza

    Disability After Dark with Andrew Gurza

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    Andrew Gurza IG

    Bump'n - Sex Tech for Disabled Folks

    Disability After Dark Podcast 


    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

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    Joys World IG

    Joys World Apple Podcasts

    The Magic Wand

    Hot Octopuss AMO


    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

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    Brave Bird Club - @bravebirdclub



    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon


    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

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    BedHoppers UK Twitter

    Hot Octopuss ATOM & DiGiT


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    NJOY Pure Wand

    Oh Joy Sex Toy


    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

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    AM Appointment

    Satisfyer Traveler

    Glass Dildos from LoveHoney

    School of Sexuality - @school_sexed


    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

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    Traditional Dating Club UK

    GeekMeet - Where Techies Go To Network

    Sarah Louise Ryan - Sex & Relationship Expert


    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase! 

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    Read Aurore

    IG - @readaurore

    Jimmy Jane Form 2 

    Shrimp Teeth


    Brand Site: HotOctopuss.com 

    Our Host: Kelly Gordon

    Don't forget to use code PLEASURE20 for 20% your Hot Octopuss purchase!