
    NFL Network's Steve Smith Sr., Billy Football, Rodgers Tears His Achilles + College Football Talk

    en-usSeptember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Jets' Quarterback Woes Continue: Aaron Rodgers InjuredDespite having a talented roster, the New York Jets once again face quarterback issues after Aaron Rodgers' injury, leaving fans in disbelief and sympathy for the team's misfortune.

      The New York Jets once again find themselves in a state of despair after their quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, suffered an injury just four plays into the season. The Jets' history of misfortune with quarterbacks is legendary, and this latest development has left fans and pundits alike in disbelief. The situation is particularly painful for Jets fans, who had dared to hope that their team had finally found a solution to their long-standing quarterback woes. The power of the Jets' unluckiness in professional sports is unrivaled, and even those who might have previously harbored ill-will towards Rodgers can't help but feel sympathy for him and the team. The absurdity of the situation is only heightened by the fact that Rodgers was widely considered to be one of the best quarterbacks in the league, and the Jets' roster was stacked with talent. The humor, or perhaps the dark irony, comes from the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. It's a reminder that in the world of sports, sometimes reality can be stranger than fiction.

    • Discussion about a suspended NFL analyst on 9/11Despite hostility towards certain figures, NFL fans remain hopeful for their teams' success and engage in passionate discussions about potential quarterback replacements, even if they're not active in the league.

      The NFL community, particularly on social media, can be incredibly aggressive and hostile towards certain figures, with some individuals facing suspension or even account deletion for speaking out too much. This was highlighted during a discussion about a suspended NFL analyst who was known for his aggressive interactions with NFL experts on Twitter. The incident occurred on the anniversary of 9/11, which added to the emotional intensity of the day for football fans. Despite the challenges, there was a sense of hope among fans that the Jets, who had won their first game of the season, could still improve with better quarterback play. The conversation also touched on potential quarterback replacements, including Jameis Winston and Colin Kaepernick, and the idea that Kaepernick's legacy might be kept alive through media discussions and memes, even if he never plays in the NFL again. Overall, the discussion underscored the passionate and often volatile nature of NFL fandom and the role of social media in amplifying both positive and negative interactions.

    • NFL Teams Avoiding Media Circus of Retired Players' ComebacksThe Jets have rejected the idea of signing retired NFL players like RG3 and others due to potential distractions, instead considering veterans like Blake Bortles, Colt McCoy, and Joe Flacco for their backup quarterback position.

      RG3 and other retired NFL players are trying to make a comeback, but the media circus surrounding their potential signings could be a distraction for teams. The Jets have explicitly stated they don't want to be a part of that distraction, and have ruled out considering PFT and Big Cat for their backup quarterback position. Meanwhile, other quarterbacks like Blake Bortles, Colt McCoy, and Joe Flacco are potential options for teams looking for a backup. Cam Newton and Carson Wentz have also been mentioned, despite their past performances. The Jets are reportedly committed to Zach Wilson as their starter, but may still bring in a veteran backup. Monday Night Football saw a poor performance from Josh Holland, and while some may argue bias towards certain players, it's clear that Josh Allen had a subpar game with three interceptions.

    • NFL season starts with upsets, particularly for some high-profile quarterbacksThe NFL season began with unexpected losses for some top quarterbacks, including Josh Allen, and the Pac-12 conference is currently leading college football with eight teams in the top 25.

      The NFL season kicked off with some unexpected upsets, particularly for some high-profile quarterbacks. Josh Allen had a disappointing performance against the Buffalo Bills, with multiple interceptions and a fumble. The loss brought back memories of last year's struggles for Allen. The Jets defense played a significant role in the Bills' loss, with their superb performance earning them praise. The Pac-12 conference is currently dominating college football, with eight teams ranked in the top 25. Despite the Pac-12's late entry into the lucrative college football rights market, their current strength could have secured them a better deal if timed correctly. Overall, the NFL and college football seasons have started with plenty of drama and excitement.

    • Pac-12 and Texas Dominate College FootballThe Pac-12, led by Colorado, and Texas are making waves in college football with strong rosters, exciting play, and unique identities. Texas is a top contender for the College Football Playoff.

      The Pac-12 conference is making a strong statement in college football this year, with Colorado emerging as a marquee team under Deion Sanders. The Buffaloes have a top-notch roster, particularly at quarterback, and their football is exciting to watch. A unique aspect of their uniforms, with L's representing leaders and D's representing dogs, adds to their identity. Texas is also back in a big way, with Quinn Ewers leading the Longhorns to impressive victories. Both the Pac-12 and Texas are dominating the college football scene, and Alabama's loss to Texas marked a significant shift in power. Texas is poised to make the College Football Playoff this season, with a favorable schedule, while Alabama continues to struggle to find a solid quarterback.

    • Alabama's struggles with quarterback play impacting their seasonAlabama's lack of a competent quarterback has hindered their ability to compete at the highest level, contributing to their current ranking and urgency to find a solution.

      The lack of a competent quarterback has significantly impacted Alabama's performance this season, contributing to their current ranking as the lowest they've been in the past eight years. The frustration was palpable, not only for Nick Saban but also for Tommy Reese in the booth. The Crimson Tide's defense remains strong, but their passing game struggles have hindered their ability to adapt and compete at the highest level. The SEC, in general, is not looking as dominant as previous years, and college football viewers are being bombarded with commercials during games. Despite these challenges, Saban's legacy remains unquestioned, and many believe he will find a way to adapt and bounce back. However, the urgency to find a capable quarterback is more pressing than ever.

    • Alleged phone call between Mel Tucker and MSU employee under investigationThe situation surrounding Mel Tucker's alleged phone call with a Michigan State University employee is under investigation, with conflicting accounts from both parties. Due process and a thorough examination of the facts is necessary before making any judgments.

      The situation surrounding Mel Tucker's alleged phone call with a Michigan State University employee remains unclear, with both parties sharing conflicting accounts. The university is currently investigating the matter. While Tucker has denied any wrongdoing, the timing of the report and the nature of the conversation have raised concerns among some fans and pundits. The potential financial implications of the situation, with Tucker having a substantial buyout clause in his contract, add complexity to the situation. It is important to remember that all parties involved are entitled to due process, and the facts of the case should be fully examined before making any judgments. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respect and professionalism in all interactions, especially in a position of authority. The college football season is underway, with many exciting games and storylines unfolding. Fans and analysts alike are eagerly following the developments in this situation, while also enjoying the action on the field.

    • Weather conditions impact football games and raise awarenessCoach Babcock's team denies intrusive family photo request, Iowa Hawkeyes need to improve scoring, Spring is great for Peloton workouts

      Weather conditions, such as lightning delays, can impact college football games and potentially raise awareness about global warming. Brian Ferentz and the Iowa Hawkeyes are currently behind pace in scoring this season, and they'll need to improve to meet their goals. Mike Babcock, the coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets, has been under scrutiny for asking players to share family photos during meetings, which was perceived as intrusive by some. However, Babcock's team denied any wrongdoing and claimed it was part of getting to know the players better. Spring is an excellent time to enhance fitness routines with challenging workouts from platforms like Peloton.

    • Social media controversies, sports, and YouTube content discussedMike and PFT shared experiences with social media controversies, discussed skepticism towards LeBron James, and previewed upcoming YouTube content including silent scramble, subpar scramble, and speed golf video.

      The discussion revolved around various topics, including social media controversies, sports, and upcoming YouTube content. Mike and PFT shared their experiences with trust issues related to social media, with Mahomes' tweet about Rodgers being a point of contention. They also talked about Steph Curry and LeBron James, expressing skepticism about LeBron's commitment to USA Basketball. The conversation then shifted to their upcoming YouTube content, which includes a silent scramble, a subpar scramble, and a speed golf video. Mike also mentioned Travis Kelce being in the hot seat due to rumors of him dating Taylor Swift, and the potential danger of her fans. The conversation ended with their excitement about their upcoming YouTube content and the potential giveaways.

    • Discussing Taylor Swift's VMA performance and their own YouTube channelThe speakers talked about Taylor Swift's upcoming VMA performance and their own YouTube channel, expressing disinterest in the VMAs and making light-hearted comments on current events and pop culture.

      During a conversation, the speakers discussed various topics including Taylor Swift's upcoming VMA performance and potential announcement, their own hot and cool seats, and their opinions on current events. The speakers expressed their disinterest in the VMAs, mentioned their own YouTube channel, and joked about a potential presidential golf match. They also criticized certain media outlets and individuals, and made light-hearted comments about sports teams and personalities. Overall, the conversation was a mix of pop culture references, humor, and commentary on current events.

    • Discussing the intensity of the NFL and excitement over Pete Crow-Armstrong's MLB debutThe NFL's physicality and the Cardinals defense present challenges, but fans remain dedicated. Pete Crow-Armstrong's MLB debut sparks excitement, with Marla admiring his mother's acting roles.

      The intensity and physicality of the NFL, particularly the Cardinals defense, can be a daunting challenge for any team. The discussion also touched upon the excitement surrounding the call-up of Pete Crow-Armstrong in the MLB, with Marla expressing her admiration for his mother's acting roles, specifically in "Little Big League." Despite the challenges faced by their favorite teams, the passion and dedication of the fans remain unwavering. The conversation concluded with the anticipation of interviewing NFL analyst and future hall of famer, Steve Smith. The enthusiasm for Smith's career achievements and his eventual Hall of Fame induction was evident throughout the conversation. Additionally, the discussion showcased the unique dynamics of sports fandom, with Marla and Jake sharing their perspectives on various sports and the challenges faced by their favorite teams.

    • Appreciating the journey and waiting for one's turnSteve Smith values patience, enjoys the present moment, and appreciates his unique football style while acknowledging that not everyone gets recognized or rewarded at the same pace.

      The speaker, Steve Smith, views his career and opportunities in football from a perspective of patience and appreciation. He acknowledges that not everyone gets recognized or rewarded at the same time, and he is content with waiting for his turn. Smith also emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey and the present moment, rather than dwelling on what one doesn't have yet. He reflects on his past experiences and the players he's played with, highlighting their unique styles and impact on the game. When it comes to the modern game, Smith believes there is no one who plays exactly like him, and he values the distinct way he approaches football. Regarding Utah's nighttime football games, Smith shares that he has noticed a pattern of the team performing exceptionally well during night games, but he attributes it more to the team's improvement and the arrival of talented players rather than any supernatural factor.

    • From failure to success: A team's journeyPerseverance and new leadership can help a struggling team overcome adversity and achieve success.

      Perseverance and determination can lead a team from the depths of failure to the heights of success. The speaker, a former NFL player, shared stories of his time in community college with Chad Ochocinco, where they faced numerous challenges both on and off the field. Despite a dismal 1 in 15 win record with the Panthers in his rookie season, he remained hopeful and continued to work hard. When new coaches and teammates joined the team, they instilled a winning mentality and the team began to turn things around. The speaker recalled a particularly memorable moment when they were kicked off the practice field for fighting, which served as a turning point and helped them develop a strong work ethic and resilience. Ultimately, their hard work paid off and they transformed into the "cardiac cats," known for their ability to come back from behind and win games.

    • Defying odds and making their own luck in footballFootball brings unique experiences, defying odds, making own luck, speed, craftiness, unexpected teams, trash talking, and intriguing storylines.

      Football, when executed correctly, can be a unique and special experience. During the season, there were moments when the speakers felt their team, the Cardinals, defied odds and made their own luck, much like having a horseshoe shoved up their backsides. One player, DK Metcalf, stood out for his speed and craftiness, and unexpected teams like the Baltimore Ravens with Lamar Jackson, OBJ, and new offensive coordinator Greg Roman, were generating excitement. The speakers also shared their experiences with trash talking on the field, acknowledging that it's a part of the game and makes sports more fun. Growing up, they learned to talk smack from their environments, and as adults, they continue to embrace it. The speakers also mentioned intriguing storylines for the Colts with Jonathan Taylor, the Dolphins with their faster offense, and the Seahawks with their dangerous secondary.

    • Steve Smith's jersey name change had deeper meaningSteve Smith added 'Senior' to his jersey name for personal reasons, including family significance and experiences with adoption and IVF treatments.

      Steve Smith's decision to add "Senior" to his jersey name had deeper meaning than just trying to brag about his sex life. He explained that the significance of "senior" and "junior" in his family, as well as his personal experiences with adoption and IVF treatments, made the name change meaningful to him and his wife. The discussion also touched on Smith's regrets about some of his past trash talking and how it may have negatively impacted his reputation. Despite this, he shared stories of his respect for Darrell Revis and acknowledged the impact of their past matchups. Overall, the conversation revealed the complexities and nuances behind Smith's decisions and experiences both on and off the football field.

    • The intricacies of wide receiver playProper route running and footwork are crucial for wide receivers to create separation and get open, often overlooked by casual fans.

      The wide receiver position in football has evolved significantly, with receivers routinely achieving over 1,200, 1,300, or even 1,400 yards in a season. However, this ease of production can obscure the intricacies of the position, such as the importance of proper route running and footwork. Casual fans may not fully appreciate these nuances, but they can have a major impact on a receiver's ability to get open and create separation from defenders. Additionally, the physical demands of the position change as players age, requiring them to adapt and refine their techniques to maintain their effectiveness. Overall, understanding these subtleties is essential for appreciating the depth and complexity of the wide receiver role in football.

    • Complementary Route Running: Adjusting Speeds and Fulfilling RolesPlayers adjust their speeds to keep defenders guessing, commit to decoy routes with integrity, and have an instinctive ability to find soft spots in the defense for successful passing offenses.

      Even for professional football players, not every route run during a game is executed at full speed. Players need to adjust their tempo and vary their speeds to keep defenders guessing and protect their teammates. This concept is known as complementary route running, where each player fulfills their unique role in the offense. It's essential for receivers to commit to their decoy routes with integrity to ensure their teammates can succeed. Additionally, some players have an instinctive ability to find soft spots in the defense when plays break down. This skill, a combination of learning and instinct, is crucial for a successful passing offense. When discussing underappreciated players from the past, Marcus Colston, Alge Crumpler, and Roy Williams were mentioned as standouts in their respective divisions. Each player brought unique strengths to their teams and demonstrated exceptional skill and creativity on the field.

    • Cam Newton's Unique Texting StyleSteve Smith shared stories about Cam Newton's texting style and made a bold prediction about the Panthers making the playoffs this season.

      Cam Newton has a unique texting style, which was a topic of humor during their conversation. Steve Smith shared an anecdote about receiving the first text from Cam after he was drafted by the Panthers, and how it was different from what he expected. Cam picked up this texting style later on. Smith also shared that Cam might have been texting freely without worrying about criticism from Steve since he was no longer with the Panthers. Additionally, Smith made a bold prediction that the Carolina Panthers, who didn't make the playoffs last year, could sneak into the playoffs this season. He believed it would be a tight race and that the Panthers could win 4 games at least. In return, Smith asked for some Rhoback joggers if the Panthers won more than 4 games, and Steve Smith signed hats if they won 4 or less games. During the conversation, they also discussed various topics like the Super Bowl pick, comeback player of the year, and injuries to notable players like OBJ and Matthew Stafford. Russell Wilson was also mentioned as a potential contender for the comeback player of the year award. Overall, the conversation was filled with banter, predictions, and light-hearted jokes, making for an entertaining listen.

    • Jets fans stay optimistic despite Wilson's strugglesFans remain committed to Jets, seeing Wilson's potential as greater than current struggles

      Despite the unexpected injury of Aaron Rodgers and the Jets' rocky start with Zach Wilson, fans remain optimistic and committed to their team. Billy Football, known for his unwavering loyalty, initially refused to accept the truth about Rodgers' injury but quickly rallied behind Wilson, believing in his potential to be as great as Patrick Mahomes. Despite Wilson's rocky debut and the team's reliance on their defense and running game to secure a win, fans are choosing to delude themselves and stay on the Wilson train, seeing his performance as a sign of things to come. The Jets may have won without a strong quarterback performance, but the fans believe that Wilson's potential outweighs his current struggles.

    • Jets' Rookie QB Wilson Shines Despite Loss to BillsDespite a loss, Wilson and Garrett Wilson impressed. Defense shines, but team success uncertain due to Wilson's inconsistency and NFL unpredictability. Wilson's growth, defense's elite status make playoff contention possible.

      The Jets' rookie quarterback, Zach Wilson, put in a decent performance despite a tough game against the Bills, with standout moments from both Wilson and Garrett Wilson. The Jets' defense shone, but the team's success remains uncertain due to Wilson's inconsistency and the unpredictability of the NFL. The Jets' defense is elite, making them a potential playoff contender, but Wilson's growth and development are key factors. Wilson's age, 24, is often cited as a promising sign for improvement, but the team's performance and Wilson's progress will be closely watched. The conversation also touched on the impact of Aaron Rodgers on Wilson and the importance of good turf for NFL players.

    • Jets' Quarterback Dilemma: Wilson or Veteran Replacement?Despite Wilson's struggles, the Jets should give him time to develop with a veteran mentor instead of pursuing high-profile replacements like Brady or Wentz.

      The Jets' situation at quarterback is challenging, with Zach Wilson currently in the driver's seat but facing a tough schedule and the team's history of quarterback instability. The discussion also touched on potential replacements, including Carson Wentz, Nick Foles, Tom Brady, Jameis Winston, Blake Bortles, and Kyle Orton. While some names were dismissed due to age or past performance, others, like Brady, were considered due to their potential fit with the team and fanbase. Ultimately, the consensus was that the Jets should stick with Wilson and bring in a veteran mentor to help him develop. The team's history and media scrutiny in New York were also mentioned as factors that could make any quarterback's tenure more challenging.

    • Exploring QB Options for the Jets: Wilson and Potential TradesThe Jets should give rookie QB Zach Wilson a chance but may consider trading for Kirk Cousins if the season is poor, taking into account the team's challenging schedule and media scrutiny.

      The discussion revolved around potential quarterback options for the New York Jets, specifically focusing on Zach Wilson and potential trade targets like Kirk Cousins. The speakers also touched upon the challenging schedule the Jets face and the media scrutiny that comes with having a rookie quarterback. They suggested that the Jets should give Wilson a chance, but if the team has a poor season, they might consider making a move for Cousins before he becomes a free agent. Additionally, they acknowledged the potential distractions and challenges that come with playing in prime time games. The conversation also included a brief mention of Aaron Rodgers and his injury situation.

    • Billy's Upcoming Dog Championship Event and AllergiesBilly is attending a dog championship event in Philadelphia and is encouraging others to join. He's currently dealing with an allergy to red meat caused by a tick bite and is producing a documentary about it. Billy uses Peloton for fitness despite his busy schedule.

      Billy Football, a well-known sports enthusiast, is heading to Philadelphia in two weeks for a dog championship event. He suggests that others join him for what is expected to be an exciting experience. During their conversation, Billy mentioned that he missed watching some football games due to his duties as ownership representation. He also mentioned that he is allergic to red meat, which he believes was caused by a tick bite. Billy is currently producing a documentary about dealing with this forced veganism and is exploring various methods to potentially cure his allergy. Billy also mentioned that he has sent his Zach Wilson jersey to the studio and requested that it not be thrown away. He jokingly suggested burning it and tweeting it from the studio's account. Billy ended the conversation by promoting Peloton, a fitness platform that offers a variety of workout options and schedules, which he uses to fit exercise into his busy schedule.

    • Finding Balance: Work, Personal Life, and JoyFind balance in life, be present for commitments, and present best self during job interviews

      Finding balance in life is important, whether it's balancing work and personal commitments, or finding the right mix of physical activity and treats. The speaker shared his love for Peloton bikes and Snickers ice cream bars, emphasizing the importance of finding what brings joy and motivation. However, it's essential to be mindful of commitments and not miss important events, like the first week of the NFL season. The speaker also shared a humorous story about accidentally texting the wrong group during wedding planning, emphasizing the importance of being present and attentive. Additionally, during job interviews, it's crucial to present oneself in the best light possible, even if that means being honest about weaknesses. The speaker also shared a story about accidentally revealing his weaknesses during a job interview, but framing it in a way that made it seem like a strength. Overall, the key takeaway is to find balance in life, be present and attentive to commitments, and present oneself in the best light possible.

    • Avoiding last-minute issues through effective communication and planningBe aware of work policies, football schedules, and travel arrangements to avoid last-minute issues. Call in for absences on the right days and adjust NFL preseason schedules for better preparation.

      Effective communication and planning are crucial to avoiding last-minute issues, especially in work environments and important events. The discussion touched upon the importance of being aware of work policies, football schedules, and travel arrangements. A key example was the importance of calling in for work absences on the right days and the potential consequences of poor planning, such as missing flights or important games. Additionally, the NFL's preseason schedule was suggested to be adjusted to better mimic the regular season, allowing teams to have a better understanding of the schedule and expectations. Overall, the importance of being prepared and aware of schedules and policies cannot be overstated.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Hank had a night of lifetime going to Tom Brady's retirement ceremony and being mentioned in the speech while the Celtics went up 3-0 in the NBA Finals (00:00:00-00:20:06). Luka got absolutely torched by Windy and it was well deserved after his pathetic second half on Wednesday Night (00:20:06-00:37:24). US Open and a spirited debate about Scottie Scheffler's haircut (00:37:24-00:49:56). Trevor Lawrence got paid (00:49:56-00:53:48). Oilers are down 3-0 and more details about Danny Hurley turning down the Lakers (00:53:48-01:11:38). Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson join us in studio to talk about their careers in the NBA, their podcast success, having too many crazy people on one team, coaching in the NBA and tons more (01:11:38-02:13:53). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (02:13:53-02:31:00).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    en-usJune 14, 2024

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    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Emergency beginning of the show had to be retaped after we get news that Joey Chestnut is out of the 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Competition after taking money from a vegan hot dog brand and our whole world has been shattered (00:00:00-00:17:49). Kristaps is hurt and Hank had a rough day (00:17:49-00:28:39). Pug might be a coward (00:28:39-00:35:58). Danny Hurley is staying at Uconn and SCF Game 2 (00:35:58-00:56:38). Hot Seat/Cool Throne and Buster Olney has been hacked and Kevin Durant is back on twitter (00:56:38-01:19:31). Caddie Michael Collins joins us to talk about the US Open, hardest part about being a caddie, his crazy career jump from comedian to caddy to ESPN golf personality and more (01:19:31-01:52:21). We then are joined by recurring guest and good friend Kevin Love to talk about the NBA Finals, what does Kyrie need to do to find it, his top 5, and how sick it was playing on the Olympics (01:52:21-02:23:44). We finish with listener submitted Pardon Your Takes (02:23:44-02:42:02).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    The Celtics absolutely smashed the Mavs in Game 1 and Cocky Hank is feeling himself while Mavs Max is down real bad. Porzingis looked healthy and Lebron tried to steal Game 1 headlines yet again (00:00:00-00:17:47). Dan Hurley possibly to the Lakers and how Coach K is behind all of this (00:17:47-00:39:52). Paul Bissonnette joins the show to break down the Stanley Cup Final, who has the advantage, will Canada be rooting for the Oilers and his official invitation to Dingers Only (00:39:52-01:06:17). Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane joins the show to talk about the SCF, coming back from an insane injury, his first fight in the league, how the team feels before Saturday night and more (01:06:17-01:42:49). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week and PFT's big new purchase (01:42:49-02:07:53).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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