
    NIGHTMARES: How do I stop awful dreams?

    enNovember 30, 2023
    What are the two types of nightmares researchers categorize?
    How do Jungians interpret the content of dreams?
    What therapy is often sought for distressing nightmares?
    Why is understanding dreams important according to the hosts of Dream School?
    What symbolism does the dream of grilling cats reveal?

    • Exploring the world of dreams and nightmaresDreams, including nightmares, are a crucial aspect of psychological well-being, leaving lasting impressions and offering potential insights. Understanding their symbolism can lead to a more meaningful life.

      Dreams, including nightmares, are an important part of our psychological well-being. Dreams, including nightmares, leave a lasting impression on us and can be seen as a form of medicine, even if they are distressing. Researchers categorize nightmares into idiopathic and post-traumatic, but Jungians believe that the specific content of the dream matters. Nightmares can be distressing and may cause anxiety, leading some to seek treatment such as image rehearsal therapy. However, Jungians encourage exploring the dream's symbolism to better understand the psyche. The hosts of Dream School, Lisa Marciano, Deborah Stewart, and Joseph Lee, discussed various nightmares, including childhood nightmares and Jung's own nightmare, emphasizing the importance of understanding our dreams to lead a more meaningful life. So, if you're interested in exploring your dreams and gaining a deeper psychological perspective, consider joining Dream School at a 10% holiday discount before the end of the year by visiting thisunionlife.com and using the code holiday 2023.

    • Understanding the Deeper Meaning of NightmaresNightmares are a normal part of the dreaming process and can provide valuable insights when interpreted symbolically.

      Dreams, including nightmares, serve as a source of valuable information from the unconscious. Nightmares, which can be frightening and disturbing, borrow content from the collective unconscious and are a normal part of the dreaming process. The key is to shift from a literal interpretation to a symbolic attitude, which allows us to understand the deeper meaning behind the images. This symbolic interpretation not only protects us from becoming unwell by thinking every dream image is literal, but also provides us with useful patterns and insights. For example, a nightmare about charred cats on a grill might be gruesome if taken literally, but taken symbolically, it could represent feelings of being stuck or unable to move forward in life. By recognizing this symbolic meaning, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our experiences.

    • Understanding the shadow side of pleasuresDreams can reveal unexpected aspects of our desires, even those associated with enjoyment and pleasure, and highlight their potential darker sides.

      Dreams can reveal unexpected aspects of our desires and the things we enjoy. The dream of grilling cats, despite the dreamer's enjoyment of barbecuing in waking life, reveals the shadow side of this pleasure. The gruesome image of the cats as mummies serves as a reminder that even things associated with enjoyment and pleasure can have a darker side. The dreamer's reaction to the image as unappetizing may also suggest that her solo travel experience is not turning out as she had hoped. The prevalence of cat mummies in ancient Egyptian culture adds a layer of symbolism to the dream, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the shadow side of our experiences.

    • Dreaming of Cooking: A Metaphor for Personal GrowthExplore the symbolism of cooking in dreams for deeper understanding of personal growth and emotional processing. Don't discard experiences prematurely, as they may hold valuable lessons.

      The cooking process in dreams, as discussed in the text, can represent various stages of digestion and assimilation of experiences or emotions. The speaker suggests that the dreamer might be prematurely discarding certain experiences, like the cats in her dream, which could benefit from further processing. The idea of cooking as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation is further explored through references to traditional Chinese medicine and ancient remedies. The dream itself is seen as a manifestation of the dreamer's feelings of being overwhelmed and exposed, possibly related to her current life situation and her ambivalent feelings about her solo trip. The feminine principle and the goddess Bastet are also mentioned as potential symbolic connections to the dream. Overall, the text encourages a deeper exploration of the dream's symbolism and the dreamer's emotions, rather than a hasty dismissal of the experience.

    • Dreams of being engulfed by a tsunami symbolize being overwhelmed by the unconsciousDuring significant life transitions, dreams of being engulfed by a tsunami can reflect deep-rooted fears and anxieties, revealing insights into emotions and unconscious thoughts.

      Dreams, even if they seem unconnected to real life, can tap into deep-rooted fears and anxieties. The dream of being engulfed by a tsunami symbolizes being overwhelmed by the unconscious, leading to a loss of consciousness and alertness. This dream can be particularly impactful during significant life transitions, such as Saturn return or becoming a mother, especially if there are unresolved issues related to motherhood or losing a mother. The ocean, as a symbol of the great mother, embodies both light and dark aspects, and it's essential to respect its power and complexity. Overall, dreams serve as a reflection of our inner world and can provide valuable insights into our emotions and unconscious thoughts.

    • Dream of being trapped in a cave with a blood red skyThis dream may symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed and powerless during a major life transition, possibly related to motherhood, and could be influenced by past experiences and societal expectations.

      The dream of being in a cave with invisible chains and lying on a surgical table with a blood red sky, may represent feelings of being trapped, overwhelmed, and powerless during a major life transition, such as having a second child. This dream could be connected to the unconscious fear of the unknown and the potential challenges that come with expanding a family. The feeling of despair and inevitability might be linked to past experiences, such as a childhood marked by domestic violence and a mother with mental health issues. The dreamer's age and role as a stay-at-home parent may add to the pressure and expectations of motherhood. Overall, this dream could be a call to acknowledge and address the fears and challenges associated with new beginnings and the complexities of motherhood.

    • A nightmare's metaphorical interpretationNightmares can symbolically represent past traumas and feelings of helplessness, inviting us to process and grieve.

      Trauma can manifest in dreams in various ways, including metaphorically or symbolically, as seen in a nightmare described where the dreamer experienced feelings of dread, despair, terror, helplessness, and resignation. This nightmare, which references a traumatic event from the dreamer's childhood, is different from typical PTSD nightmares that rehearse exact traumatic events. Instead, it seems to be the psyche's attempt to work through the trauma. The primary message of the dream may be about feeling trapped and helpless, which can apply to various domains of life. The dream's setting and symbols, such as being chained and an incubator, add to the metaphorical interpretation. The myth of Prometheus, who was punished for giving fire to humans, adds resonance to the dream's theme of being trapped and helpless. Overall, this dream may be a call for the dreamer to process and grieve past traumas.

    • Encountering our own shadows in dreamsRecognizing and observing the shadow in dreams with calmness and mindfulness can help us tolerate and grow from the experience, instead of trying to control or dismiss it.

      Dreams can represent deep, unconscious aspects of ourselves that may feel threatening or malevolent. The dream of a 64-year-old woman about an invisible malevolent presence in a familiar room is a common theme of encountering our own shadows, which we may project onto others. The ego's attempt to control or dismiss the shadow only makes it stronger. Instead, acknowledging and observing the shadow with calmness and mindfulness can help us tolerate and grow from the experience. The dream may also reflect a hubristic attitude of the ego, underestimating the power of the unconscious and assuming it's malevolent. By recognizing the transpersonal self and its wisdom, we can better navigate our inner world and find healing.

    • Dreams represent core conflicts and hold significant meaningChildhood dreams can reveal core conflicts and force us to develop reflective capacity, providing insight long after the experience

      Dreams, even those experienced in childhood or young adulthood, can hold significant meaning and represent core conflicts in our lives. The dream discussed in the conversation, where a woman is confronted by an entity in a contained space, can be interpreted as a confrontation between the ego and something greater. The entity's forceful actions, such as pushing furniture against the walls and slamming the woman against the ceiling, represent limitations and challenges that push us out of our comfort zones and force us to develop reflective capacity. The woman's experience of being pinned to the ceiling can also symbolize gaining a broader perspective on situations and understanding unfinished business in the psyche. The dream's enduring impact on the woman shows that these experiences continue to be relevant and provide insight into our lives long after they occur.

    • Historical and cultural perspective of nightmares as messages from the collective unconsciousNightmares, rooted in the collective unconscious, carry deep meanings beyond personal experience, often representing complex thought processes.

      Nightmares, as understood historically and culturally, are considered messages from the collective unconscious, carrying both light and dark aspects of the psyche. These dreams, though terrifying to the ego, originate from a powerful source beyond personal experience. Jung's famous nightmare, described in his memoir, is a testament to this concept. In the dream, Jung encountered a magnificent but unsettling throne occupied by a phallic figure with a single eye. This dream, which haunted him for years, represented a sophisticated and complex thought process that surpassed his understanding at the time.

    • Encounters with the unknown and overwhelming aspects of the psyche through nightmaresNightmares offer a glimpse into the depths of the psyche and can inspire deep introspection. Write down the details and imagine alternative endings for relief.

      Nightmares, as experienced by Jung and many others, can represent encounters with the unknown and overwhelming aspects of the psyche. These experiences can be terrifying and defy easy explanation, but they also have the potential to preoccupy us for a lifetime and inspire deep introspection. Jung's famous dream of the encounter between the above and the below marked the beginning of his intellectual life and set the stage for his exploration of the unconscious. Nightmares, including this one, can leave us feeling powerless and overwhelmed, but they also offer a glimpse into the depths of the psyche and the mysteries it holds. To cope with nightmares, consider writing them down in detail to help contain and process the images and feelings they evoke. Additionally, try imagining alternative endings to the dream that bring a sense of relief.

    • Understanding Nightmares as Communication from the UnconsciousApproach nightmares with curiosity and openness to understand their deeper meaning, use techniques like active imagination, journaling, and image rehearsal therapy to engage with these experiences and integrate their archetypal power into conscious life, foster greater self-awareness and personal growth.

      Nightmares and other unsettling experiences can be seen as communication from the unconscious rather than a sign of personal failure or instability. By approaching them with curiosity and openness, we can attempt to understand their deeper meaning and even reframe the narrative. Techniques like active imagination, journaling, and image rehearsal therapy can help us engage with these experiences and integrate their archetypal power into our conscious lives. By turning towards the unconscious rather than away from it, we can foster greater self-awareness and personal growth.

    • Music and emotions shape our perceptions of realityOur perceptions of reality can be influenced by external factors like music and emotions, and intense experiences, even those labeled as nightmares, can lead to self-awareness and growth.

      Our perceptions and interpretations of reality can be significantly influenced by external factors such as music or emotions. This was discussed in relation to a brain exhibit at the Franklin Institute, where the same scene was perceived differently based on the music playing. The dream ego, which interprets and narrates our dreams, can also be an unreliable narrator, and intense experiences, even those we label as nightmares, can serve as valuable teachers, guiding us towards self-awareness and growth. So, next time you find yourself in a challenging situation, whether in a dream or in real life, consider embracing the intensity and seeking the wisdom that may be hidden within.

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    HERE’S A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE: https://thisjungianlife.com/stuck_in_the_comfort_zone/ 



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enSeptember 19, 2024

    PARENTAL COMPLEXES: How They Shape Your Child’s Future

    PARENTAL COMPLEXES: How They Shape Your Child’s Future

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    Prepare to discover what parental complexes are and how they shape your emotional and psychological development, how unconscious emotional patterns inherited from your parents influence your identity, relationships, and decision-making, which generational traumas and societal factors contribute to the formation of these complexes and their impact on your life, whether it is possible to break free from inherited emotional burdens and how to begin the healing process, why becoming conscious of these complexes is crucial for personal growth, emotional balance, and healthier relationships.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/parental-complexes

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
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    Shadowland is our This Jungian Life forum for exploring the lives of people who exist in the hidden places of our culture. Life with chronic pain is one of those hidden places: for many it is characterized by loneliness and fear. At home and at work, people with chronic pain conditions are often asked to mask the reality of what they’re experiencing. 

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    Listen to Jean Campbell’s podcast, https://www.if-podcast.com/ 

    Follow Jean Campbell: https://www.instagram.com/jean_campbell/

    You might also be interested in our This Jungian Life episode on  https://thisjungianlife.com/episode-68-chronic-illness/


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    Demure Social Media Trend: Elegant or Oppressive?

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    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/demure/ 

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty is deeply tied to our identity and evolves unconsciously, shaping our relationships and expectations.

    This evolution is influenced by attachment styles and can be manipulated in political contexts, distorting our sense of fairness. Disillusionment occurs when our loyalty to people, institutions, or ideas meets harsh reality, leading to the painful but necessary process of individuation. Mourning the loss of illusions requires taking responsibility for our lives and listening to the wisdom of the unconscious. Choosing Self over the system—whether through personal decisions like coming out, whistleblowing, or defying societal norms—demands courage and authenticity. This choice often comes at a great cost but is essential for true personal growth. Embracing our uniqueness and living authentically leads to true freedom and belonging. Loyalty to Self is about identifying and following the wise voice within, despite external pressures. It involves facing the consequences of stepping away from collective norms and rejecting external expectations. Ultimately, it is through this loyalty to Self that we align with our true purpose in life.

    Prepare to discover what drives the unconscious forces of loyalty and the impact of disillusionment on personal growth, how to navigate the complexities of choosing self over societal expectations and align with your true nature, which patterns of attachment influence your relationships and decisions, leading to either authentic or misguided loyalties, whether embracing individuality and rejecting illusions can lead to true freedom and belonging, why it is essential to confront and integrate the unconscious for personal authenticity and fulfillment…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/loyalty/ 



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    What is unique about the evolution of consciousness in the female psyche?

    Hilary Morgan, filmmaker and granddaughter of Christiana Morgan, created the documentary "Tower of Dreams" to lift up her grandmother's significant contributions to analytical psychology and her exploration of the feminine psyche. Christiana's visionary art and collaboration with Carl Jung, particularly her influence on the Vision Seminars, were pivotal in clarifying how archetypal forces emerge in the psyche and eventually adopt human forms. Her tower embodied her individuation process and created sacred space to experiment with expanding Jung's work through intimate relationship. Despite societal repression and personal struggles, Morgan's legacy endures through Hilary's efforts to restore and celebrate her grandmother's work, ensuring her contributions continue to inspire future generations.

    Prepare to discover what distinguishes Christiana Morgan's contributions to Analytical Psychology; how she contributed to significant psychological tools like the Thematic Apperception Test; which aspects of her life and work exemplify female individuation; whether the insights derived from her life can provide meaningful perspectives on contemporary issues of female psychological development; why Christiana's legacy is essential for understanding the power of creativity and visionary experiences in shaping both individual lives and psychological practices…and so much more.

    LEARN more about The Tower & HELP Publish Christiana's Journals: https://www.towerofdreamsdoc.com/support

    TAKE ACTION to Save the Tower on the Marsh: https://www.thegovernorsacademy.org/academics/morgan-tower-project

    FUNDRAISE: To Join the experienced fundraising team with Hilary Morgan, reach out to her: hilarymorgandp@gmail.com

    READ: Translate This Darkness: The Life of Christiana Morgan by Claire Douglas,  https://a.co/d/5FPFEz7



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 15, 2024



    Author, teacher, and Jungian analyst Murray Stein helps us unlock the power of symbols. 

    Symbols, as the keys to unlocking psychological forces, have the transformative potential to heal our suffering and restore our relationship to the center of our being. These images connect our waking minds to the unconscious reservoirs of creativity and emerging potential. From historical religious practices to modern everyday life, symbols evoke powerful emotional and psychological responses that can guide or manipulate us. Whether through dreams, visions, or cultural contexts, symbols bridge the material and spiritual worlds, restoring our instinctive sense that we live our lives from the inside out.

    Prepare to learn what symbols are and their significance in Jungian psychology, how to engage these images through techniques like active imagination, journaling, and creative expression, which symbols carry significant psychological and emotional weight, whether symbolic experiences can lead to transformative psychological insights, why symbols are essential in bridging the material and spiritual worlds and so much more…

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/unlock-the-power-of-symbols/

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar

    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    What unconscious beliefs alienate us from those who are less privileged and what can we do about it?

    Rob Henderson, author of the best-selling book "Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class," explores the concept of "Luxury Beliefs." Raised in poverty by a drug-addicted mother and navigating a series of painful foster care homes, Henderson found outward success through the military, Yale, and Cambridge but never resolved his inner suffering. His self-reflection led him to identify "Luxury Beliefs," attitudes prevalent among his affluent peers that serve as social status indicators rather than practical principles. These beliefs, such as dismissing traditional marriage, advocating laissez-faire parenting, and drug decriminalization, are manageable for the wealthy but destabilize poorer communities. By understanding luxury beliefs, society can foster empathetic conversations across socioeconomic lines, ultimately recognizing that the upbringing and environment we provide for children shape our future culture.

    Prepare to discover what hidden socioeconomic doctrines influence our beliefs, how affluent philosophical tenets shape societal norms and affect different social classes, which beliefs serve more as status symbols than practical principles, whether luxury beliefs genuinely injure the impoverished, why understanding these concepts can foster empathy, bridge cultural divides, and inspire positive policy changes…and so much more.

    Learn more about Rob here: https://www.robkhenderson.com/about

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

     LOOK & GROW

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

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    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar

    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 01, 2024

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Can we protect ourselves and others from powerful projections that confuse reality and make us vulnerable in ways we cannot imagine?

    In honest and open discussion, we meet with director Nick August-Perna, whose controversial documentary, "Tell Them You Love Me," has set off a firestorm. Rutgers professor Anna Stubblefield claimed to unlock Derrick Johnson through facilitated communication. When their relationship turned sexual, whether Johnson, a nonverbal Black man with cerebral palsy, could give consent ignited debates questioning if this was true love or an abuse of power. Race, power, informed consent, the personal autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities, and overwhelming archetypal dynamics must be grasped to understand the complex forces at work in their relationship and the reactions others felt when it was discovered.

    Prepare to discover what disrupts the balance between love and power; how personal biases and psychological projections shape our interactions and ethical decisions; which societal attitudes towards race, disability, and consent need critical examination and reform; whether facilitated communication can authentically reflect the thoughts of nonverbal individuals or merely the facilitator’s fantasies; why we need multiple voices, divergent feelings, and cultural tensions to surface without simple resolutions to expand consciousness.

    LOOK & GROW!

     *TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

    *Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast: https://thisjungianlife.com/podcast-form-topics/

    *Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: https://www.zazzle.com/store/thisjungianlife/products *Get Caught up! Check Out All Our Previous Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcE4RL3VIbzGWHI-Sq0Y2lZc7R6Zxmfb6


    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

    *Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThisJungianLife

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar 

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    How can understanding the symbolic power of twisters help us navigate and transform the chaotic forces in our lives with resilience and wisdom?

    Twisters symbolize the spontaneous upheaval in the ordinary affairs of life that can be annihilating or transformative. These swirling vortexes are manifestations of the sacred, expressions of celestial and generative power that were communicated to the terrestrial realm. From Kiowa legends to Jungian analysis, tornados personify an aspect of the unconscious capable of volatility and violent acts of destruction,  yet the same forces provided life-giving rain. These wild archetypal storms signify inner turmoil, grief, and erotic passion. They symbolically evoke psychic tension gradually building to the bursting point or more sudden in-breakings of highly charged transpersonal energies. If we can face the power of these vortices of force, inner and outer, we will come to know the source of our own life.

    Prepare to discover what deep psychological insights can be drawn from the symbolic power of tornadoes in our lives, how diverse cultural interpretations of storms can enrich your understanding of personal and collective challenges, which archetypal elements resonate with your own experiences of chaos and transformation, whether the metaphor of twisters can be a guide for navigating life's emotional and spiritual upheavals, why the storm, as a potent symbol, captivates the human psyche and represents the balance between destruction and renewal…and so much more.

    READ ALONG WITH OUR DREAM INTERPRETATION HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/twisters/


    *TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

    *Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast: https://thisjungianlife.com/podcast-form-topics/

    *Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: https://www.zazzle.com/store/thisjungianlife/products *Get Caught up! Check Out All Our Previous Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcE4RL3VIbzGWHI-Sq0Y2lZc7R6Zxmfb6


    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

    *Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThisJungianLife

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar


    Related Episodes

    Series 2, Episode 9: Dream Lab is back!

    Series 2, Episode 9: Dream Lab is back!

    ...By popular demand!

    As Dave and Laura come towards the end of the second series, they consider two listeners’ dreams through the lenses of different interpretations.

    Trainee psychotherapist Kit presents her fascinating maid of honour dream, in which the most beautiful silk dress she is going to wear to the wedding of a childhood friend is stolen and worn by her father. How dare he!

    Dave and Laura explore the wonderful imagery of the operation of Union, the Royal Wedding, or coniunctio, through the lenses of Jung, Freud, and the DRI’s Waking Dream technique.

    We journey through gorgeous conch shells, royal blue velvet cushions in an Uber and dingy basement bars, to look at the delicate balance between masculine and feminine energy and what this means for dreamer Kit.

    Then Ayurvedic doctor and osteopath Angela joins the Dream Lab to present her magnificent seven-foot Australian shaman dream. Dave and Laura accompany her on her dreamtime spiritual sojourn as the dreamer returns to the family home to meet her real-life friend and mystic teacher before she encounters a beautiful indigenous Australian hunter in the attic. She then returns to eat clams, another powerful spiritual image of pilgrimage for the dreamer, with her sister.

    Dave and Laura look through the various lenses: Jung, alchemy, the elements and the amazing Waking Dream Technique to unearth interpretations. What would it be like for the dreamer to become the hunter?

    And what happens when she eats the clams?

    But as the lenses turn Dave rightly reminds us at the end of Dream Lab that despite these interpretative explorations the dream always belongs to the dreamer.



    Let us know what you think, and submit a dream for us to explore on the podcast! 

    Instagram @thedreamboatpodcast

    FaceBook @dreamboatpodcast

    Twitter @dreamboatpod

    DRI website: driccpe.org.uk/contact 

    This podcast is a project of the DRI, the centre for dream studies at CCPE, the psychotherapy college overlooking the canals at London’s scenic Little Venice.

    Remember you can join the DRI for just £30 a year currently to access discounted events, courses, newsletters and join in the conversation about dreams. Go to driccpe.org.uk/sign-up to join!

    Keep dreaming, and keep sharing your dreams!



    Recorded by Sophie, Lev and Ella at the Boat Pod https://theboatpod.com 

    Edited by James Ede at Be Heard https://beheard.org.uk 

    Podcast Artwork Design by Kat Seager Design



    Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu 

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT

    Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE 

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8


    #dream #dreams #nightmares #psychology #research #psychotherapy #trauma #treatment #sleep #luciddreaming #transpersonal #science #alchemy #spirituality #jung #lucid #luciddreaming #podcast

    Series 3, Episode 2: Melinda Powell - Living Creatively Through Lucid Dreaming

    Series 3, Episode 2: Melinda Powell - Living Creatively Through Lucid Dreaming

    Beyond lucidity: 

    For experienced lucid dreamers, at least some of them, the ability to live out endless fantasies gets tired pretty quickly, and they start to use their lucid dreams to explore the nature of their minds, their dreams, consciousness, and existence itself.  In this episode, Laura and Dave talk to someone who has done exactly that, and written about it, and who teaches people who want to do the same: Melinda Powell. They talk about how dreams have shaped and influenced Melinda’s life and work, and the powerful messages she has received in dreams, including the directive to teach and write about what she has learned from paying attention to her inner world.

    Melinda is one of the Co-Founders of the DRI Centre for Dream Studies; she is a psychotherapist and teacher of dreamwork and the art of lucid dreaming, and is the author of two books about dreams, “The Hidden Lives of Dreams: What they can tell us and how they can change our World”, and “Lucid Surrender: the alchemy of the soul in lucid dreaming”. She has published and lectured widely about dreams and lucidity, and she is writing a new book called: "Dreams My Mother Taught Me: Lessons in Love, Light and Lucid Dreaming From Beyond the Grave." 

    In this episode:

    Photo of Melinda


    Ways to find out about and contact Melinda:

    Melinda has a gorgeous and informative website at melindapowelldreams.com

    Instagram: @melindapowelldreams

    And see her courses, writing, interview and other contributions at driccpe.org.uk!


    Let us know what you think, and submit a dream for us to explore on the podcast! 

    Instagram @thedreamboatpodcast

    FaceBook @dreamboatpodcast

    Twitter @dreamboatpod

    DRI website: driccpe.org.uk/contact 

    This podcast is a project of the DRI, the centre for dream studies at CCPE, the psychotherapy college overlooking the canals at London’s scenic Little Venice.

    Remember you can join the DRI for just £30 a year currently to access discounted events, courses, newsletters and join in the conversation about dreams. Go to driccpe.org.uk/sign-up to join!

    Keep dreaming, and keep sharing your dreams!



    Recorded by Sophie at the Boat Pod https://theboatpod.com 

    Edited by James Ede at Be Heard https://beheard.org.uk 

    Podcast Artwork Design by Kat Seager Design



    Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu 

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT

    Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE 

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8


    #dream #dreams #nightmares #psychology #research #psychotherapy #trauma #treatment #sleep #luciddreaming #transpersonal #science #alchemy #spirituality #jung #lucid #luciddreaming #podcast






    EP. 64 Big Booms, Bad Dreams and Bats

    EP. 64  Big Booms, Bad Dreams and Bats

    As Hurricane Ana threatened Hawaii, I experienced the loudest boom rumble from the sky that I had ever heard. It shook my house, and it really gave me a spook. I awoke at what must have been 3 AM to the sound of the storm that I hadn't given much thought earlier in the day. That storm only lead to more strange events.

    In this episode, you are carried through the journey of analyzing a big storm, a bad dreams, and various other scary symbolism happening on a dark October evening.


    Originally broadcast live on October 22, 2014

    Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

    Episode 257 One Bountiful Halloween by Mark Ralston #Halloween

    Episode 257 One Bountiful Halloween by Mark Ralston #Halloween

    Creepypasta and True Scary Stories
    Halloween 2021

    Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time
    Episode 257 One Bountiful Halloween by Mark Ralston

    A fun spooky Halloween story about death and scareacrows.

    Listen commercial free with extra commentary and perks on Patreon

    Listen on the Podcast (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Pandora, Audible) or read on the website.


    TITLE: One Bountiful Halloween
    AUTHOR: Mark Ralston
    LINK: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/One_Bountiful_Halloween

    Background Sounds Spooky Boo

    Video by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

    Filed under: Demons, The Devil, Satan

    Thank you to all of my Patrons including 933TheVolt.com, Ivy Iverson, Jenn Mischevious, John Newby, madjoe, Patrick, and P.A. Nightmares

    Thank you to all of my listeners!

    Where Spooky Boo tells the scary stories of the internet.
    WEBSITE: https://www.creepypastascarystories.com
    SPOTIFY►► https://open.spotify.com/show/0yhePO6zmgAGazv8gNLgIk
    APPLE PODCASTS LINK►► https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creepypasta-and-true-scary-stories/id1474148412
    AMAZON MUSIC►► https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/b146dbc3-f56c-4c5d-b9e6-fd442a84aa11/Creepypasta-and-True-Scary-Stories
    ALEXA VOICE COMMAND►► "Alexa, play podcast Creepypasta and True Scary Stories"

    Horror stories are written and told by Spooky Boo Rhodes
    WEBSITE: https://www.scarystorytime.com
    SPOTIFY►► https://open.spotify.com/show/1qvNHVOanlplVOieNgt4Fu
    APPLE PODCASTS LINK►► https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spooky-boos-scary-story-time/id1163831041
    AMAZON MUSIC►► https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/b9e07138-e038-46f7-9034-88ab3fd6282a/Spooky-Boos-Scary-Story-Time
    ALEXA VOICE COMMAND► "Alexa, play podcast Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time"

    call in 707-776-6592
    *if you call you might hear your comment played on the air!

    Postal Mail - I might read your letter on the air :)
    Spooky Boo
    PO Box 853
    Livermore, CA 94551-0853

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    ►►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spookybooscarystorytime
    ►►Scary Story Time Website: https://www.scarystorytime.com
    ►►Creepypasta and True Scary Stories Podcast: https://www.creepypastascarystories.com

    ►►Get the monthly Spooky Boosletter and support the podcasts on Patreon at

    MERCHANDISE (T-Shirts, Cups, Blankets)

    #spookyboo #scarystorytime
    About Spooky Boo

    Spooky Boo is both an author and a podcaster. She has two podcasts available: Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time where she writes her own stories and tells them on the podcast and Creepypasta and Scary Stories where she tells the creepy stories of the internet written by other authors as well as her own.

    Visit Spooky Boo's favorite punk band at https://www.officialstayout.com

    This podcast includes stories of a dark nature and may not be suitable for all listeners. If you're comfortable listening to stories that are paranormal or twisted dark horror then this podcast is for you.

    I love telling horror stories. Subscribe to both of my channels to listen to true and fictional scary stories of nightmares, ghosts, demons, witches and witchcraft, haunted houses, Halloween, x-files, cryptids, monsters, vampires, ghosts, and other creatures that go bump in the night! Get Halloween all year long!

    I'll see you in your nightmares!

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