
    Podcast Summary

    • Technology addiction and its negative consequencesTechnology addiction can lead to compulsive behaviors, negative consequences, and even misunderstandings. Be aware and limit use to avoid losing touch with reality.

      Technology addiction can lead to compulsive behaviors and negative consequences, such as frustration, immobilization, and even feelings of being attacked by the constant influx of information. During a podcast discussion, Mike shared his struggle with being addicted to his phone, comparing it to being trapped in a game cafe in Japan, unable to stop scrolling despite the negative effects it was having on him. This addiction can also lead to unintended consequences, like interrupting others or revealing personal quirks, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. It's important to be aware of these negative effects and take steps to limit our use of technology, lest we become so consumed by it that we lose touch with reality.

    • Misunderstanding a Magazine's Focus Leads to Labeling and ArgumentLabels and criticism can negatively impact individuals, and it's important to stand up for oneself and clarify misunderstandings.

      During a conversation about contributing to a magazine, the speaker discovered they were being labeled as a "gay freak." They objected to this and there was an argument. The magazine in question was later revealed to be a different publication focusing on people with "big perfect faces," not the oil company the speaker mistakenly thought it was. The speaker also discussed the concept of "gaslighting" and how it relates to Victoria's Secret models being criticized for their edited images. The speaker expressed support for the models and shared their own experiences of feeling self-conscious about their appearance. The conversation also touched on the topic of hiding technology in school and the speaker's nostalgia for hiding wires in headphones. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being aware of how labels and criticism can impact individuals and the importance of standing up for oneself.

    • A walk down memory lane: High school days vs. technology todayTechnology has advanced from wired headphones to wireless earbuds, making it easier for students to use them discreetly in class. The conversation also touched on near-death experiences and their potential spiritual significance.

      Technology has significantly evolved since the days of wired headphones in high school, making it easier for students to conceal their use in class. While we used to have to hide our headphones under our shirts, today's students can simply use wireless earbuds and hide them with their hair. However, the conversation also touched on other topics, such as near-death experiences and the comforting idea that they might offer an afterlife or spiritual experience. The speaker expressed a desire to experience such an event but acknowledged the risks involved. Ultimately, the conversation showcased the speakers' reminiscence of high school days and the contrast between then and now in terms of technology and personal experiences.

    • Encountering an enlightened self during a near-death experienceDuring a near-death experience, individuals may encounter a wiser, enlightened version of themselves who sends them back to their physical body. This version may have a different appearance and serves as a source of guidance and wisdom.

      During a conversation about near-death experiences and the afterlife, it was revealed that the speaker encounters an enlightened version of themselves, who sends them back to their physical body. The speaker also mentioned that this version of themselves had a different appearance and that they had imagined having a nice appearance before the experience. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the speaker's past experiences with downloading video games and playing games like Cyberchase, Poptropica, and Boom Bang during computer classes in school. The speaker expressed a strong fondness for these games and even planned to play them again. Despite some interruptions and distractions during the conversation, the overall topic revolved around personal experiences and memories.

    • The Transition from Physical Objects to Technology in Childhood ExperiencesDuring the late 90s and early 2000s, childhood experiences were shaped by the transition from physical objects to technology, with unexpected ads, evolving computer use, and iconic brands leaving lasting memories.

      Growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s, we experienced the transition from a world dominated by physical objects to one dominated by technology. This shift was evident in our experiences working, learning, and shopping. For instance, at the age of 7, one person fondly recalled working at Publix, an experience made even more bizarre by an unexpected ad for the supermarket that tugged at heartstrings with a heartwarming family story. The ad's effectiveness was amplified by its unexpectedness, as the brand logo only appeared at the end. Another example of this shift was the evolution of computer use. Many of us grew up in a time when computers were large and seemingly useless contraptions that took up a significant amount of space in our classrooms. We were taught how to use them, but it wasn't until much later that we realized the importance of typing skills and the role computers would play in our daily lives. Additionally, the allure of certain brands, such as Beats by Dre, was a significant part of our youth culture. The hype around these brands was palpable, and trying to recreate that hype today is an impossible task. For many of us, our experiences with technology during this time shaped our perspectives and left lasting memories.

    • Embrace bragging and share achievementsConfidently sharing achievements leads to positivity and excitement, but avoid extreme boastfulness

      People should embrace bragging and be more confident in sharing their achievements, as it can lead to positivity and excitement for each other. The speaker expresses a nostalgic longing for a culture where people openly boast about their lives, as opposed to the insecure and unbraggadocious culture prevalent today. This divide between generations is exemplified by the shift in pop music from upbeat and carefree tunes to darker and introspective ones. However, it's important to find a balance and avoid sounding delusional or boastful to an extreme. The speaker acknowledges that they might be part of the problem, but ultimately encourages everyone to find confidence in their lives and share it with others.

    • Changes in Consumption Habits and Art/Celebrity EngagementIn the digital age, we rent rather than own media and access celebrities constantly, leading to oversaturation and potential risks to mental health.

      Our consumption habits have significantly changed in the digital age, leading to oversaturation and a shift in the way we engage with art and celebrities. We no longer own the music we buy or the shows we watch, but instead, we rent them. The music industry is oversaturated, with most people listening to old music rather than discovering new artists. Similarly, with the rise of social media, celebrities are more accessible than ever, leading to an oversaturated fame culture where everyone can access their image and move on to the next one. This constant access to content and celebrities can be both good and bad, as it allows for a wider range of fame levels but also poses potential risks to mental health. Overall, it's important to reflect on the implications of these changes and how they shape our experiences and perceptions of art and fame.

    • Impact of celebrity culture on our livesOur fascination with celebrity news has changed, leading to more acceptance and engagement, while also raising concerns about personal habits and potential interventions.

      Our obsession with celebrity culture and news has evolved significantly over the years. People now freely consume and engage with celebrity gossip without being judged, unlike in the past when it was seen as a waste of time and energy. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges this shift and shares how it has impacted their own life, from being afraid of a hurricane for profit to dealing with unwanted public attention. Another interesting topic that came up was the speaker's belief that direct energy weapons, such as big lasers, exist. Despite their skepticism, they spent a significant amount of time on their phone, leading to concerns about their lifestyle and potential intervention. Overall, the conversation touched upon various aspects of modern life, from popular culture to personal habits.

    • Impact of constant communication and excessive screen time on sleepExcessive screen time and constant communication can lead to poor sleep patterns and negatively impact overall well-being. Normalize not texting back immediately and reduce screen time to improve sleep and mental/physical health.

      Constant communication and long screen time can negatively impact our sleep patterns and overall well-being. The speaker in the conversation expresses frustration with the pressure to respond to messages immediately and the impact it has on their sleep. They also share their own excessive screen time usage, which averages around 8 hours a day. The conversation highlights the need to normalize not texting back all the time and reducing constant communication. The speaker also shares anecdotes of their own improved sleep patterns when they were in Europe and limiting their screen time to 2 hours a day. Ultimately, the conversation suggests that using technology as a tool to feel productive or compare ourselves to others can lead to unhealthy habits and negatively impact our mental and physical health.

    • Speaker's psychic predictions and concerns for a friendThe speaker claims to have psychic abilities and has been predicting a major event in LA, while also expressing concern for a friend's mental state.

      The speaker has been consistently predicting a major event happening in LA, possibly an earthquake or tsunami, and claims to have psychic abilities such as remote viewing and the ability to put her consciousness in different places. She also mentions her concern for a friend's mental state and brings up the topic of the CIA's involvement with psychic people. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the size and composition of Saturn's rings, and the speaker expresses her desire to express her emotions, specifically her frustration, by pulling people's hair. She also mentions her interest in extreme right-wing influencers on Instagram. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, with the speaker's predictions and psychic abilities being the most notable.

    • Unexpected jail time and high bailMisconceptions about bail and deep dive culture on TikTok were discussed, revealing the surprise of a high bail amount and the purpose of bail not being to keep someone in jail.

      The conversation touched upon the unexpected circumstances surrounding a person's impending jail time, the misconceptions surrounding bail, and the deep dive culture on TikTok. The individual was surprised to learn that the person they were discussing was turning themselves in to jail and had a high bail set at $200,000. They also shared their misunderstanding of the purpose of bail and how it's not meant to keep someone out of jail until the trial. Additionally, they discussed their fascination with the deep dive culture on TikTok, where one can discover the most bizarre and random content, leading to endless entertainment. The conversation also touched upon the individual's past experiences with financial instability and the impact it had on their perspective of life. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of topics, from the legal system to social media trends, and the unexpected twists and turns that come with both.

    • Focusing on positivity and kindness instead of hateInstead of spreading hate online, let's focus on positivity and kindness to create a more harmonious and fulfilling world.

      We should focus on spreading positivity and kindness instead of hate. The discussion revolved around a TikTok user named Luna, who was receiving an overwhelming amount of attention and hate online. Despite this, she was living her life authentically and genuinely, and we only saw a small snapshot of her online. Instead of focusing on spreading hate, we should work together to change the last three letters in the word to spread "whole" instead. Another interesting discussion point was about the laziest things people do. While some may view these actions as lazy, others see them as innovative or even fun. For example, one person shared that they put on a lip mask, wipe it off with a paper towel, and throw it in the toilet, finding joy in watching the ink spread. Another person admitted to letting their laundry pile up in their closet for months before wearing it again. These actions may not be conventional, but they bring a sense of comfort and simplicity to people's lives. Ultimately, the conversation reminded us to focus on the positive and find joy in the little things, even if they may be considered lazy by some. By spreading positivity and kindness, we can create a more harmonious and fulfilling world for ourselves and others.

    • Understanding the Human Experience of LazinessEmbrace the human experience of laziness, find humor in quirks, and strive for improvement through achievable goals.

      People have unique ways of being lazy, ranging from skipping a daily hygiene routine to being too lazy to fold clothes or put things back in their proper place. Some people may even go as far as using technology to avoid making small trips across the room. Despite these quirks, it's essential to remember that everyone has their lazy habits, and they don't necessarily make someone a bad person. Instead, it's essential to find a balance and strive for improvement in areas where we can be more productive and efficient. For instance, setting achievable goals for daily steps can help promote a healthier lifestyle and reduce overall laziness. Ultimately, it's essential to embrace the human experience and find humor in our quirks while working towards personal growth.

    • Importance of staying active and curiousDespite the monotony of daily life, it's crucial to find ways to move and stay engaged, while also recognizing the importance of rest and relaxation. Curiosity and humor can help us navigate confusing situations.

      Even in the midst of a seemingly unproductive or monotonous daily routine, it's important to find ways to move and stay active. The speakers in this conversation lamented about their low step counts in Los Angeles, but also acknowledged the importance of rest and relaxation. Another intriguing topic that came up was the realization that actresses Jane Lynch and Jamie Lee Curtis are different people, despite their similar appearances and roles in various media. The conversation also touched on some humorous and thought-provoking questions, such as what happens to sanitary products during embalming and the meaning behind the phrase "emerging on someone's inbox." Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of staying curious and engaged in life, even when faced with mundane or confusing situations.

    • Inspired by 'Talk to Me' and Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, the speakers discuss their creative ideas and potential production house.Motivated by a successful indie movie and a desire to create, the speakers contemplate starting a production house and share their fascination with unique content.

      The speaker was deeply impressed by a movie they recently saw, "Talk to Me," which they believed featured Joaquin Phoenix playing the Joker. They were inspired by the film's success, produced by YouTubers, and the fact that the creators had prerecorded the prequel and sequel. The speaker was also inspired by their own creative ideas for a scary movie and expressed a desire to start a production house. They shared their fascination with the strange content found on Drew's phone, including screenshots of Illuminati material and a picture of the speaker that he had saved multiple times. The conversation also revealed that the speakers have a significant amount of money saved up, $18 million, which they jokingly discussed using to fund their creative projects.

    • The speaker's love for their personal experiences and unconventional behaviorThe speaker cherishes their individuality and unique emotions, even if it may be unsettling to others, and finds connection in the online community 'BBP'.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses a strong attachment to their personal experiences and feelings, often using unconventional language and behaviors. They seem to enjoy the chaos and intensity of their emotions, even if it may be unsettling to others. The speaker also references their love for the online community "BBP" and uses it as a way to connect with others, despite the potential for strange or alarming interactions. Ultimately, the speaker seems to value their individuality and the unique experiences it brings, even if it means being perceived as unconventional or even frightening to some. The conversation also includes a reference to the speaker needing to use the restroom and a promise to share a song before signing off.

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    EP 71 TCM Part 4
    EP 71 TCM Part 4Understanding Our Energy Meridians and Wellness

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    00:00 Introduction to Creativity and the Liver Meridian
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    00:58 The Importance of Expressing Creativity
    01:42 The Connection Between Creativity and Business
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    23:46 Understanding Meridian Lines and Body Systems
    25:12 The Influence of External and Internal Factors on Meridians
    25:45 The Importance of the Kidney Meridian
    27:40 The Impact of Purpose on Health and Longevity
    28:57 Exploring Other Meridians: Heart, Small Intestine, Spleen, Stomach, Lung, and Large Intestine
    29:35 The Role of Joy and Passion in the Fire Element
    32:35 The Spleen and Stomach: Nurturing and Nourishing
    35:45 The Lung and Large Intestine: Value and Letting Go
    39:46 The Impact of External Information on Our Energy
    44:03 The Seven Primal Questions: A Preview
    44:32 Conclusion and Invitation to Share

    I Did IT!

    I Did IT!

    Repeat after me; “I DID IT!” Did what? You looked at that big, beautiful windshield in front of you rather than living in the rearview mirror of the past. As we wrap up 2022, learn how to release those old beliefs and be here now! 

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    If you'd like a transcript of the podcast, check out Episode Transcription

    P.S. You can enter my giveaway to win a coaching session with me. Go to my 200th episode or email Enrique to enter.

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    520. Andy, Kyle Creek & DJ CTI: Driver With Nazi Flag Charged, Reparations For Black Americans & Jeffrey Epstein's Blackmail On Bill Gates

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    Embracing Your Creativity - Ben Framstad

    Embracing Your Creativity - Ben Framstad

    Ben Framstad (Twitter: BenFramstad, Instagram: benframstad ) is the Creative Arts Pastor at Grace Church in Wooster, Ohio. Ben came to Grace in 2008, and currently helps develop creativity within the church while empowering others to use their gifts. He is a talented artist and musician who is passionate about reaching people for Christ and helping them develop their faith. Ben and his wife Amanda have one son and they love to spend their time adventuring together.


    Show Notes:

    What we discuss with Ben Framstad

    Why creativity is important. Ben talks about how creativity helps us with self-awareness, and the role it plays in expressing ourselves from our deepest places.

    The different ways creativity can be expressed. We talk about innovation and how creativity helps us push past the limitations we face.

    Why the Church can often struggle with creativity.

    What it looks like to create opportunities in the Church for people to use their gifts.

    How creativity can play a role in helping people walk with Jesus. We discuss the role of symbols and tangible responses to learning the truths of God. Ben shares how he works to create doorways for people to walk through to know Jesus.

    What it means to fuel our creative outlets.

    The transformational power of creativity. Ben shares how God has led him to lean into creativity during the most difficult events in his life.

    The power of taking steps forward in creativity in tangible ways.


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