
    November month in review - Ep253

    enDecember 22, 2023

    About this Episode

    This month we started by looking at how you can use your friendships to help with your parenting. We then were led on a discussion by our own Mr. Pope where we did a deep dive on the idea of Emotional Freewill versus Determinism. Then to wrap up the time with the panel we discussed the ever-important topic of why you should talk about emotions or past events, in therapy or otherwise.

    What did you think about those shows? Do you agree with the panel and where they landed on each topic?

    Tune in to see the November Month in Review Through a Therapist's Eyes.

    Recent Episodes from Through a Therapist's Eyes Podcast

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    Tune in to see Millennial Fear of Marriage Through a Therapist's Eyes.

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    Tune in to see Recovering from the Holiday Hangover with a Plan Through a Therapist's Eyes.

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    To help overcome that, the panel discusses what you can do during those times, why it affects adults more than children, and how you can make it through the holidays.

    Tune in to the see the Cures when the Holidays are Hard Through a Therapist's Eyes.

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    Tune in to see Holiday Family Traditions and Assertiveness Through a Therapist's Eyes.

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    Santa Claus Tradition and then Assertiveness Part 1 - Ep254

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    Tune in to see Santa and Assertiveness Through a Therapist's Eyes.

    November month in review - Ep253

    November month in review - Ep253

    This month we started by looking at how you can use your friendships to help with your parenting. We then were led on a discussion by our own Mr. Pope where we did a deep dive on the idea of Emotional Freewill versus Determinism. Then to wrap up the time with the panel we discussed the ever-important topic of why you should talk about emotions or past events, in therapy or otherwise.

    What did you think about those shows? Do you agree with the panel and where they landed on each topic?

    Tune in to see the November Month in Review Through a Therapist's Eyes.

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    Why talk about emotions or past events in therapy, or otherwise - Ep252

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    Tune in to see Why You Talk About Emotions Through a Therapist's Eyes.

    Emotional Freewill versus Determinism - Ep251

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    Tune in to see Emotional Freewill Vs Determinism Through a Therapist's Eyes.

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    Use Friendships with Parenting Strategies - Ep250

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    Tune in to see Using Friendship with Parenting Strategies Through a Therapist's Eyes.