
    Now Biden Says He'll BUILD THE WALL! plus FBI Targets Trump Supporters & More Speaker Drama

    enOctober 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Casino fun on the go and a heartfelt reminderChumba Casino offers casino games on unexpected places, while Pre Born saves babies' lives by helping them hear their heartbeats, increasing their chances of survival

      Chumba Casino has gained widespread popularity, with many people enjoying its casino-style games, even at unexpected places like on airplanes. Meanwhile, a heartfelt reminder was shared about the significance of a baby's heartbeat, which forms at conception and increases their chances of survival when a mother hears it during an ultrasound. Pre Born was mentioned as an organization that helps rescue babies from abortion by providing them with a chance to hear their heartbeats and doubling their chances at life. Surprisingly, Joe Biden's administration announced plans to build part of the wall along the Mexico border, despite his previous campaign promises. CNN expressed skepticism towards this announcement, highlighting the contradiction between Biden's past statements and current actions.

    • A wall alone does not stop illegal immigrationThe wall is beneficial but not a complete solution to illegal immigration. Enforcing immigration laws and reducing the time between detection and apprehension are also crucial.

      While building a wall along the southern border is a part of securing it, it is not a complete solution. Senator John Cornyn, during a discussion on CNN, emphasized that a wall alone does not stop illegal immigration and that the administration's willingness to enforce immigration laws is crucial. Cornyn also highlighted the importance of the time between detection and apprehension, stating that a wall slows people down, making it harder for them to cross the border. However, he noted that a wall is less effective in areas with natural barriers and more valuable in heavily populated areas where illegal immigrants can easily disappear. Cornyn criticized the Biden administration for its "catch and release" policy, which he believes exacerbates the crisis at the border. In summary, while building a wall is beneficial, it is not a comprehensive solution to illegal immigration, and the administration's enforcement of immigration laws is equally important.

    • Historically low testosterone levels and surge in illegal immigrationTestosterone levels are at an all-time low, causing feelings of weakness. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's policy change at the border results in over a million people entering the US through the catch and release loophole.

      Men's testosterone levels are historically low, leading to feelings of weakness and complacency. Chalk, a US-based company, offers a natural herbal supplement clinically proven to boost testosterone levels by up to 20% in 90 days. Meanwhile, at the border, a significant policy change under the Biden administration has resulted in over a million people entering the country through the catch and release loophole. Previously, under the Trump administration, illegal immigrants were deported upon apprehension. However, the Biden administration now gives them a court date and asks where they'd like to go in the meantime, often resulting in them choosing major cities. This policy change, rather than building a wall, is responsible for the surge in illegal immigration.

    • Biden Administration Facilitating Transport of Illegal ImmigrantsThe Biden administration is transporting illegal immigrants across the country at taxpayer expense, encouraging mass migration and disregarding immigration laws.

      The Biden administration is facilitating the transportation of illegal immigrants across the country at taxpayer expense. A personal experience of sitting next to an illegal immigrant on a flight to New York, who was excited about being allowed to go to the city, highlighted this issue. Although some may see it as a solution to the chaos at the border, the practice of "catch and release" and lack of enforcement of immigration laws continues to encourage mass migration. Contrary to popular belief, most illegal immigrants crossing the border come with their own cell phones, making the practice even more problematic. The Trump administration's "remain in Mexico" policy, which kept asylum seekers in Mexico while their cases were processed, resulted in the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. However, this policy is no longer in effect, and the Biden administration shows no intention of reinstating it.

    • Biden's policies contribute to southern border crisisBiden's ending of 'Remain in Mexico' policy and halt of border wall construction encourage more migrants to come to the U.S. border, leading to a crisis.

      The Biden administration's decision to end the "Remain in Mexico" policy and halt border wall construction has contributed to the current crisis at the southern border. This policy, which kept asylum seekers in Mexico while their cases were processed, prevented the magnet effect that draws large numbers of migrants to the U.S. border. With its elimination, migrants are encouraged to make the journey, knowing they will be released into the U.S. The border patrol agent's anecdote about migrants calling their friends and family to come after being apprehended highlights this issue. Additionally, the Mexican president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), praised Biden for not building any border wall during a press conference in January 2023, further emboldening migrants. The contrast between the relatively easier border security situation in Mexico and the U.S.'s much larger and more challenging southern border exacerbates the issue. Trump's previous efforts to secure Mexico's southern border with their cooperation were also crucial in reducing the number of migrants attempting to cross into the U.S.

    • Biden administration's border actions contradict public statementsThe Biden administration's actions at the border contradict their public statements, with reports of cutting barbed wire and challenging state efforts to secure their own borders, while wanting illegal immigration numbers to reach 10-15 million or more.

      The Biden administration's actions at the border contradict their public statements about securing it. While they claim to be taking steps to secure the border, they have been observed cutting barbed wire and challenging the efforts of states like Texas to secure their own borders. This behavior is part of a larger strategy to facilitate illegal immigration, with the administration reportedly wanting numbers to reach 10-15 million or more. The administration's Department of Justice is even suing Texas to prevent it from putting barriers on the border. These actions contradict the administration's public statements and suggest a deliberate effort to increase illegal immigration for political gain.

    • Border Crisis, Heartbeats, and Patriot MobileThe Biden administration's border policies enrich criminal cartels, 200 preborn babies are rescued daily from abortion, and Patriot Mobile supports conservative causes

      While some individuals may be finding joy in online casinos like Chumba Casino, there are more pressing issues that need attention. The border crisis continues to escalate, with the Biden administration refusing to change policies that contribute to the crisis. Instead, they are transporting illegal aliens to various cities in America, enriching criminal cartels in the process. Elsewhere, the importance of heartbeats was emphasized, with the preborn network rescuing 200 babies from abortion every day. A heartbeat is a sign of life, and at just five weeks, a baby's heartbeat can be heard on ultrasound. For just $28, you could make a difference in a child's life. Lastly, Patriot Mobile, America's only Christian conservative wireless provider, was highlighted for its support of conservative causes and values. By switching to Patriot Mobile, you can make a difference and stop supporting corporations that go against your values. Mexico's economy was also noted to have relied heavily on remittances from illegal immigrants in America, making the border crisis a national security concern.

    • Mexico buses migrants to U.S., emboldened by Biden's perceived weaknessMexico buses migrants to U.S. border, AMLO perceives Biden as weak, NYC Mayor Adams supports open borders, MAGA Republicans face FBI scrutiny, border issues remain complex and evolving

      The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is becoming increasingly complicated, with Mexico reportedly busing migrants north towards the U.S., potentially worsening the crisis here. This shift in dynamics is believed to be a result of Mexican President AMLO's perception of President Biden as weak, emboldening him to take a more aggressive stance on immigration. Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, despite previously criticizing the impact of illegal immigration on his city, has now expressed support for open borders, asking for federal funding to manage the influx. Additionally, there are concerns that MAGA Republicans, supporters of former President Trump, could face increased scrutiny from the FBI as the 2024 election approaches. These developments underscore the complex and evolving nature of various political and border issues in the U.S. and beyond.

    • FBI Targeting Specific Groups as Potential Domestic TerroristsThe FBI and DHS are focusing on Catholics, Trump supporters, and Republicans as potential domestic terrorists, raising concerns about civil liberties and the politicization of law enforcement.

      There are growing concerns about the FBI targeting specific groups, including traditional Catholics and Donald Trump supporters, as potential domestic terrorists. This is based on past actions, such as the FBI's efforts to infiltrate Catholic churches and recruit priests as informants, and more recent language used by the White House and Democratic officials. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have also identified sociopolitical developments, such as election fraud narratives, COVID-19 pandemic conditions, and conspiracy theories, as potential flashpoints for domestic terrorism, with a focus on Republicans. This rhetoric and targeting of specific groups raises questions about the erosion of civil liberties and the politicization of law enforcement agencies. It's important to remember that true democracy allows for diverse viewpoints and the peaceful transfer of power, rather than labeling and targeting those with opposing political beliefs.

    • A divide in the narrative on violent extremismMedia labels some as terrorists for opposing vaccines or lockdowns, while downplaying left-wing violence and social protests, creating a double standard during the House speaker election. Trust and reliability are crucial when making gold investments.

      There is a growing divide in the narrative around what constitutes "violent extremism." Those expressing concerns about forced vaccines or opposing lockdowns are being labeled as terrorists, while left-wing violence and social protests are being downplayed or ignored. This double standard was highlighted during discussions about the ongoing speaker election in the House of Representatives. The speaker vote is expected next week, with Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan being the main contenders. Scalise, the current majority leader, is perceived as a unifier, while Jordan, a conservative and founding member of the Freedom Caucus, faces skepticism from the media. Despite these challenges, both candidates are running for the position. Meanwhile, in a separate topic, the importance of trust and reliability was emphasized when discussing gold investments. The speaker mentioned Augusta Precious Metals as a trusted company for those looking to buy gold through an IRA or 401k. The company's integrity checklist and investor's guide were recommended for those seeking to make informed decisions about their gold investments.

    • Race for Speaker of the House: Jim Jordan's Potential Role Raises QuestionsHouse Republicans will decide on their roles and the next Speaker, possibly involving multiple ballots, with Jim Jordan's potential impact on Hunter Biden investigation a factor.

      The race for the next Speaker of the House is expected to be fiercely contested, with potential candidates like Jim Jordan and Chip Roy reportedly meeting with the Texas delegation due to their significant voting power. Jim Jordan's potential role as speaker raises questions about his ability to continue leading the investigation into Hunter Biden. The speaker position is extremely powerful, and House Republicans will be having conversations and negotiations throughout the weekend and next week to decide each member's role. Multiple ballots are predicted, and the outcome will matter significantly. Stay tuned for updates, and don't forget to subscribe to our show. The speaker is the most powerful player in the House, and decisions about each Republican's role will be crucial. Jim Jordan and others will likely address these concerns with their colleagues. Expect a lot of conversations and negotiations among House Republicans throughout the weekend and next week. The race for Speaker is shaping up to be a closely watched event.

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