
    NSA Influence - First Time Experience - 340

    enJuly 19, 2023

    About this Episode

    "Speaking is an act of service. When you're around people who have a want to, and a desire to, serve. You can feel it in the energy that they give off. In the conversations that you have with them."

    - Mike Simmons

    I'm comming off the high of my first NSA Influence conference. You always remmember your first, and this was definitly an amazing experience. I'll share a couple of the lesson learned, some areas of focus in the near term, and a quick discussion with Todd Caponi.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • Key takeaways from Influence 2023
    • 3 questions that Mike is currently working through
    • How Mike is applying the G.A.M.E. Plan to achieve his speaking goals.

    Episode Resources:

    Catch up on our last 3 episodes:

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    Recent Episodes from Find My Catalyst Podcast

    From Scientist to Sales Pro: Unlocking Your Potential for Career Growth with Randi-Sue Deckard

    From Scientist to Sales Pro: Unlocking Your Potential for Career Growth with Randi-Sue Deckard

    From Scientist to Sales Pro: Unlocking Your Potential for Career Growth

    Does this sound familiar? You're transitioning to a sales role or industry and want to excel in revenue-related positions. Perhaps you've been told to focus solely on traditional sales techniques without embracing data-driven decision-making. The pain of this ineffective action is feeling stuck in outdated methods and missing out on opportunities for growth and success. It's time to break free from this cycle and achieve real results.

    My guest is Randi-Sue Deckard

    Randi-Sue Deckard's career trajectory is a captivating story of transformation and resilience. Transitioning from a clinical lab scientist to the Senior Vice President of Client Engagement at Bessler, Randi-Sue's journey is a testament to the power of embracing change and leveraging data-driven decision-making. Her wealth of experience in sales, marketing, and customer success positions her as a valuable guide for professionals seeking to excel in revenue-related roles. Randi's journey and expertise offer a unique perspective on navigating career transitions and overcoming fear, making her a compelling source of inspiration for those looking to enhance sales performance and drive business growth through data-driven strategies.

    Everything is figureoutable. I know I don't know all the answers, but I have a network and I have people I can ask, and I don't have no ego. Who can help me? It's not about title. It's like, who can help me?

    - Randi-Sue Deckard

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Overcome content consumption and take meaningful action to achieve your goals.

    • Master the mindset to conquer fear and achieve personal growth.

    • Apply the scientific method to drive success in your business.

    • Transition to sales and embrace data-driven decision-making for enhanced performance.

    • Embrace customer-centricity to propel business growth and success.

    Applying the scientific method
    Applying the scientific method in a business context involves careful data analysis and making informed decisions. Randi emphasizes the importance of having the right data set and approaching it with honesty. With her experience in sales, she further underlines the need to understand individual metrics within the larger business process and avoid common mistakes such as changing too many variables at once. This approach allows for improved decision-making and ultimately, better business performance.

    Sales is just a conversation. We overcomplicate it. Everything happens human to human. And so sales is just a conversation. How can I help you? And I am a helper by nature.

    - Randi-Sue Deckard

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Connect with Randi-Sue Deckard on LinkedIn to learn more about her journey and insights into sales, mindset, and professional growth.

    • Check out the book Sell Without Selling by Andy Paul to explore a different approach to sales and building relationships.

    • Explore the Ultimate Question by Fred Reichheld to gain insights into customer loyalty and the Net Promoter Score (NPS) concept.

    • Consider using a habit tracker to be intentional about your habits and track your progress in various areas of your life.

    • Reach out to professionals in your desired field for guidance and advice, and be intentional about building relationships for long-term value.

    This episode is brought to you by the Phoenix Club - your community of people who are interested in Rising Together.

    Ever Curious. Constantly Learning. Connected

    2023 Reflections & Accountability - 2024 Focus & Goals

    2023 Reflections & Accountability - 2024 Focus & Goals

    Getting Comfortable with Discomfort: Pushing Myself Further in 2024 Through Goals

    If you're feeling frustrated because your team isn't fully aligned with your vision, then you are not alone! Perhaps you've been micromanaging your team, but instead of improved collaboration, you're met with resistance. If you're feeling overwhelmed by a lack of personal and professional growth, then you are not alone! You may have set goals, but without clear objectives and a supportive community, it's difficult to make progress.

    In this episode, Mike takes time to reflect and look forward. Some of the things that come up include.

    • Embracing successful business changes and rebranding strategies.

    • Uncover the importance of building a supportive community.

    • Gaining clarity and focus

    • Setting big goals.

    Failure is okay. Just fail forward as you go through it. - Mike Simmons

    Business Changes and Rebranding
    The episode reveals Mike's significant business changes throughout the year, including a shift in focus towards speaking and rebranding his business to encompass advising, coaching, training, and speaking engagements. He discusses the successful launch of a new consumer product brand, indicating his business’s flexibility and commitment to innovation. These changes underscore the importance of adaptability and strategic rebranding in achieving business goals and reaching new audiences.

    The producst/services mentioned in this episode are:

    • Join the Phoenix Club: If you're looking for a community of diverse individuals with diverse experiences and perspectives, consider joining the Phoenix Club. The club offers in-person meetings, Zoom sessions, and asynchronous work on platforms. Visit findmycatalyst.com for more information.

    • Game Plan: If you need help with goal setting and execution, check out the Game Plan from Catalyst A.C.T.S. This tool simplifies goal setting and execution by helping you clarify strategy and tactics and then build a plan around it.

    • Book a Speaking Engagement: If you're interested in having a keynote, workshop, or facilitated discussion inside your organization, reach out for speaking engagements. Whether it's about leadership, culture, revenue, or execution, these sessions aim to simplify problem-solving, decision-making, goal setting, and communication.

    • Golf Products: Explore the niche golf product Fairways Hit designed to make it easier for golf enthusiasts to find the perfect gift. The product focuses on changing the state for golf lovers and offers unique and creative items like ball markers, hats, and towels. Visit the Fairways Hit website for more information.

    • Fractional Revenue Leadership: If your organization needs help in the areas of retention, expansion, acquisition

    Sales Process, Leadership, Frameworks and Wayfinding with Paul Fuller

    Sales Process, Leadership, Frameworks and Wayfinding with Paul Fuller

    I think sales is one of the most amazing professions that you can get into because you get the opportunity to give of yourself and not necessarily expect anything in return. But guess what? If you do it well, you will get rewarded.

    - Paul Fuller

    Unlocking Growth: Aligning Sales Strategy for Results

    If you're feeling frustrated because your sales team's efforts are not translating into the revenue growth you desire, then you are not alone! Despite implementing various sales strategies and techniques, you may be seeing little to no improvement in your bottom line, leaving you wondering what else you can do to drive growth. Perhaps, instead of the streamlined and effective sales process you envisioned, your team is facing confusion, misalignment, and missed opportunities, hindering your ability to achieve the desired results.

    Paul Fuller, a seasoned sales professional and leader, boasts a wealth of experience in refining sales processes and driving revenue growth. His passion for enhancing effectiveness and propelling growth makes him a trusted authority in the realm of sales.

    "So unless you get those words defined real well, you always get that idea of somebody's failing because you always have this idea that you can blame. Right? I can blame. The other part of the marketing is just not giving me enough MQLs."

    - Paul Fuller

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover how Sales can be a powerful form of Leadership.

    • Navigate the Sales Process with expert Wayfinding techniques.

    • Avoid common Mistakes in the Wayfinding journey of sales.

    • Uncover the impact of Applying Playbooks in Sales strategies.

    • Embrace Adaptability to excel in the Sales Process.

    Navigating the Sales Process
    The concept of wayfinding is explored, likened to journeying through changing conditions and-charts a path to achieve sales goals. Fuller emphasizes the need for flexibility and adaptability in the face of changing global trends and circumstances. This approach, encapsulating cognizance of external variables, encourages sales professionals to be effective guides for their clients, navigating them from point A to point B.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Connect with Paul Fuller on LinkedIn to learn more about his work at Membrain and to stay updated on sales optimization tools and methodologies.

    • Explore Membrane's sales optimization tools to enable your sales team to improve their performance and achieve their goals.

    • Check out Kelly Starrett's book Becoming a Supple Leopard 2.0 and his YouTube channel for valuable insights on physical well-being and recovery, especially for back and hip issues.

    • Learn more about the OODA loop and its application in decision-making and competitive environments by exploring John Boyd's work.

    • Consider reaching out to Catalyst ACTS to discuss revenue frameworks and strategies for aligning marketing, sales, and success teams on definitions such as MQLs to drive better organizational alignment and performance.

    Who do You Serve?

    Who do You Serve?

    Who do you serve?

    Who has the problem that you solve for?

    Who is impacted by the problem you solve for?

    Who cares about those who have the problem, or are impacted by the problem you solve for?

    This happens in B2B & B2C.

    In B2C - the buyer typically has the problem, is impacted by the problem, and cares about the problem.

    In B2B - the buyer may be one or all three of these folks.
    In B2B - these questions may be looked at through the perspective of the type of organization AND the type of individual.

    Does a family operate like a B2C buyer? I'd argue that it depends. If mom is buying on behalf of the family - I'd say that's a little bit more like B2B.

    What do you think?

    Who do you serve?


    Ways to work with Mike & Jen.

    The Phoenix Club

    Book Mike as a Speaker

    Access the Catalyst A.C.T.S. Courses

    Not sure where to start - Book a Clarity Call

    The Phoenix Club - 2024

    The Phoenix Club - 2024

    Launching a New Community for Growth and Connection

    Our goal with this is that any of the content that we share, any of the people that we bring in as speakers, any of the sessions that we have, someone will be able to take out at least one thing that applies to growth in their business, growth from a family perspective, or growth in self. - Mike Simmons

    Relaunching the Phoenix Club

    If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of trying to innovate on your own, only to find yourself hitting roadblocks and feeling frustrated, then you are not alone! Many entrepreneurs and professionals fall into the trap of thinking they can achieve success in isolation, only to realize that true growth comes from diverse collaboration. Instead of achieving the breakthroughs and progress they desire, they find themselves feeling stagnant and unable to reach their full potential. But there is a better way to foster innovation and achieve greater success, and it starts with building a diverse and collaborative community.

    In this episode of the Find My Catalyst podcast, Mike & Jen dive into the importance of building a diverse and collaborative community for personal and professional growth. Jen shares her experiences and insights, emphasizing the value of connecting with individuals from different backgrounds and industries to foster creativity, innovation, and learning.

    The conversation highlights the significance of mindset in driving success, as well as the need for continuous learning and adaptation. The guests' transparent and relatable discussion creates an open and encouraging environment for listeners, offering a glimpse into their plans for the Phoenix club and their vision for fostering growth among its members.

    By tuning in, you'll gain valuable perspectives on building a supportive community, embracing change, and unlocking innovation in both personal and professional endeavors.

    Embrace diversity
    Embracing diversity leads to the cultivation of a richer, more dynamic community. By inviting people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, we introduce a spectrum of ideas and viewpoints into the mix. This diversity fosters creativity, spurs innovation, and is key in building a multifaceted, collaborative community for growth.

    Key Takeaways

    • Foster innovative solutions through diverse collaboration.

    • Achieve greater success by shifting your mindset for better outcomes.

    • Harness the power of positive thinking to propel your personal and professional growth.

    • Master the art of sales as a strategic thinking process.

    • Cultivate a growth mindset to unlock your full potential.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Join the Phoenix Club by visiting findmycatalyst.com to become a member and gain access to the community, events, and resources mentioned in the conversation.

    • Send a direct message to Mike Simmons or Jen Simmons on LinkedIn for more information about the Phoenix Club and how to get involved.

    • Follow Mike Simmons on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter for updates and insights on community building, leadership, and growth.

    Interested in the Phoenix Club?

    Find more information here - https://www.findmycatalyst.com/the-phoenix-club

    The Intersection of AI, Revenue, Systems Thinking and Design with Wissam Tabbara - 360

    The Intersection of AI, Revenue, Systems Thinking and Design with Wissam Tabbara - 360

    So until you get there, definitely you should not automate and scale think because your reputation is behind the line here.

    - Wissam Tabbara

    Tech-savvy CEO Wissam Tabbara reimagines sales with AI, aiming to revolutionize customer interactions while navigating the delicate balance of human expertise and automation.

    Wissam Tabbara, a true technologist at heart, found himself deeply immersed in the ever-evolving journey of sales and B2B customer interactions. He realized that what worked in the past was no longer as effective, leading him to ponder how technology could be harnessed to solve these challenges at scale.

    This sparked the birth of Truebase, Wissam's brainchild, aimed at leveraging AI in sales to enhance efficiency and personalize customer interactions at the top of the funnel.

    His passion for engineering and systematic thinking led him to explore the intersection of revenue and AI, seeking ways to streamline processes and empower sales professionals with technology.

    Wissam's journey is not just about leveraging technology for sales but also about understanding the human element in the sales process, seeking the perfect balance where automation and AI enhance human efficiency rather than replacing it.,

    His expertise lies in bridging the gap between engineering and sales, advocating for a systematic approach to problem-solving and design thinking. With a keen eye for the intersection of revenue and AI, Wissam's insights offer valuable perspectives for sales professionals and business leaders looking to optimize customer interactions and enhance their sales strategies.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Uncover the intersection between AI and revenue to unlock untapped potential in sales.

    • Master the art of leveraging technology for B2B sales to stay ahead in the competitive market.

    • Streamline the sales process by harnessing the power of automation and AI for enhanced efficiency.

    • Embrace the future of technology with prompts as a new interface, revolutionizing sales interactions.

    • Harness AI tools for personalized sales communication to create meaningful connections with clients.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Wissam on Linkedin



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    Social by Design with Mark Britz - 359

    Social by Design with Mark Britz - 359

    Fostering Connection: Designing Organizations for Collaboration

    With a profound realization, Mark Britz's journey took an unexpected turn, unveiling a hidden truth that challenges traditional workplace dynamics. As he delved deeper into the systemic issues, a compelling narrative emerged, shedding light on the barriers hindering collaboration and knowledge sharing. From his unique experiences and research, a fresh perspective on fostering a more connected and collaborative organizational culture unfolds, offering a glimpse into a future where knowledge sharing and collaboration reign supreme. But what will this newfound understanding mean for the future of organizational design and knowledge management?

    Mark Britz is a renowned authority in organizational design and knowledge management. Drawing from his extensive background in education and instructional design, Mark brings a wealth of practical wisdom to the table. His engaging speaking style and insightful discussions have positioned him as a sought-after figure in the industry. Mark's dedication to nurturing collaboration and streamlining organizational processes has empowered numerous leaders to reevaluate their knowledge management strategies. Known for his knack for simplifying intricate concepts, Mark effortlessly connects with audiences across various levels. With his wealth of expertise and approachable nature, Mark continues to be a go-to source for those seeking to elevate collaboration within their organizational framework.

    How do we get back to the core values of who we are? How do we get back to the core processes that made us a strong business in the first place? I'm talking about large businesses getting small again, so to speak. And that to me is optimistic because I think ultimately it leads back to people and importance and the value that people bring. - Mark Britz

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Unlock the power of organizational design and knowledge management to drive success.

    • Overcome challenges in fostering internal collaboration for a more cohesive team.

    • Smooth out friction points in communication and collaboration for enhanced productivity.

    • Discover the impact of recognition and rewards for teamwork on organizational culture.

    • Navigate economic challenges and align with organizational priorities for sustainable growth.

    Addressing communication friction points
    Effective communication is the cornerstone of a well-functioning organization. Yet, many companies stumble due to a competitive atmosphere that discourages open dialogue. This can be remedied by prioritizing a culture of trust and fostering an environment where employees feel secure in discussing their ideas and concerns. Furthermore, lean processes and clear guidelines can reduce confusion and enhance communication flow, fostering greater collaboration.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Check out Mark Britz's website at markbritz.com to stay updated on his speaking engagements and latest work.

    • Connect with Mark Britz on LinkedIn for regular updates and insights on social learning and organizational design.

    • Explore Social by Design, the book co-authored by Mark Britz, for practical insights on fostering social connections within organizations. The book is a quick read and offers valuable strategies for creating a more socially engaging environment.

    • Learn more about the events organized by The Learning Guild, where Mark Britz serves as the Director of Event Programming. These events provide opportunities to engage with industry experts and gain valuable knowledge on social learning and organizational design.

    • Share this podcast with individuals who would benefit from the insights shared by Mark Britz and Mike Simmons. Sharing the podcast can help spread valuable information and spark meaningful conversations about organizational design and social learning.

    What is your Purpose? - 358

    What is your Purpose? - 358

    What is your purpose?

    This is a tough question for many of us to answer. If you are struggling with answering the question, or are open to re-thinking your answer, this live podcast episode may help.

    What is my purpose?
    - Be a Catalyst for Change.

    What is your purpose?
    What gives you energy?
    What sucks the life out of you?

    When you plot the work you do, the places you spend your time, against the Energy Axis (X-Axis) - what do you see?

    Once you do this, and you look at those things through the lens of Impact (Y-Axis) - what do you see?

    Here's the link to the video.

    SKOs, Leadership, Events, and Authenticity with Jen Allen - 357

    SKOs, Leadership, Events, and Authenticity with Jen Allen - 357

    I think if I look back, even in the last 15 months, it's always really motivating to me to meet these leaders who recognize there needs to be a shift in how we sell and recognize that sometimes that message is best delivered by a peer and not an internal leader.

    - Jen Allen

    Key Topics Discussed

    • Uncover the secrets behind effective sales leadership and motivation.

    • Discover the transformative impact of attending industry events.

    • Master the art of authentic sales communication for genuine connections.

    • Embrace the positive shift in sales methods for enhanced performance.

    Jen Allen is a sought-after sales expert known for her authentic and impactful strategies.

    With over 20 years of experience in selling to sales and marketing organizations, Jen brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. Her passion for empowering sales leaders and professionals shines through in her approach, as she emphasizes the importance of meaningful customer relationships and improved sales performance.

    Jen's insights on sales kickoffs, leadership, events, and authenticity make her a valuable catalyst for change in the sales industry. Her engaging and relatable style makes her a trusted resource for those looking to elevate their sales game.

    Episode Resources:

    Jen Allen-Knuth on LinkedIn

    Catch up on our last 3 episodes:

    • Leadership, Sales Process, Sales Training, and Deal Management - David Weiss - 356
    • 45 Days to Kickstart 2024 - Game Plan 2023
    • Challenging Comfort Zones: The Path to Personal Growth with Letty Benavides


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    Please share this podcast episode with friends and colleagues and leave us a review and rating via your favorite podcast platform.

    Leadership, Sales Process, Sales Training, and Deal Management - David Weiss - 356

    Leadership, Sales Process, Sales Training, and Deal Management - David Weiss - 356

    Revolutionizing Sales Processes: Break Free from Traditional Stages - David Weiss

    "The willingness to do painful, hard things causes learning. So, if you want to be successful, be willing to work harder and smarter than everyone else around you."
     - David Weiss

    In this episode, you will be able to: 

    • Master effective sales processes and deal management to boost your sales performance.
    • Gain valuable insights from military strategies applied in business for a competitive edge.
    • Explore impactful books on management and leadership for practical wisdom and inspiration.
    • Develop self-accountability in sales and business for personal and professional growth.
    • Uncover essential leadership development lessons to enhance your leadership skills.

    My special guest is David Weiss. David Weiss is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in sales processes and deal management.

    He is recognized for his expertise in applying the MEDDPIC framework to sales motions, particularly inbound, budgeted, inbound, unbudgeted, and outbound categories.

    Weiss emphasizes the significance of understanding the distinct approaches required for each category and stresses the importance of addressing blind spots in the sales process.

    His practical insights focus on leveraging MEDDPIC as a tool for effective deal management, enabling sales professionals to enhance their sales forecasting accuracy.

    Episode Resources:

    David on LinkedIn 

    The Sales Collective

    Deal Doc


    Catch up on our last 3 episodes:

    • 45 Days to Kickstart 2024 - Game Plan 2023
    • Challenging Comfort Zones: The Path to Personal Growth with Letty Benavides
    • Manage Like a Mother with Valerie Cockerell


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    Please share this podcast episode with friends and colleagues and leave us a review and rating via your favorite podcast platform.