
    Nuclear Weapons Expert Dr. Peter Pry | PBD Podcast | EP 155

    en-usMay 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing EMP threats and old nuclear weapons with Dr. Peter PryDr. Peter Pry, a nuclear weapons and strategy expert, discussed the dangers of electromagnetic pulse attacks on the US power grid and the importance of updating old nuclear weapons and defenses.

      During this podcast episode with Dr. Peter Pry, a leading expert on weapons of mass destruction and nuclear strategy, we discussed the serious threats posed by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks on the US electric power grid and the potential dangers of old nuclear weapons. Dr. Pry, who has extensive experience in nuclear weapons and strategy, shared his insights on the current geopolitical situation with Russia, the differences between Eastern and Western mindsets, and the importance of preparedness. He emphasized the need for updating old nuclear weapons and defenses against EMPs and super EMP weapons. Dr. Pry's background includes working for President Reagan's science adviser, Dr. William Graham, and serving as a verification analyst for the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. His expertise in nuclear weapons and strategy has been a lifelong focus.

    • The speaker's background and experiences shaped his perspective on national securityUnderstanding the strategic differences between totalitarian states and the US is essential for navigating international relations and maintaining security.

      The speaker's upbringing and experiences shaped his perspective on the importance of national security and defense against potential threats, particularly those related to communism. He was influenced by his family's military history and the fear of losing freedom, leading him to study military history and eventually pursue a career in the CIA. He believes that while the United States may not be as paranoid as some totalitarian states, the strategic cultures and approaches to power and security are vastly different. These states, which have come to power through force and operate under a zero-sum mentality, project their internal experiences onto the world stage. The United States, on the other hand, is characterized by a dysfunctional optimism and a belief in the rule of law and negotiation. The speaker argues that understanding these differences is crucial for navigating international relations and maintaining security.

    • Understanding different perspectives in international relationsRecognizing and respecting diverse perspectives is crucial for avoiding conflicts in international relations. The founder of a business may have a more paranoid mindset, while executives may be more optimistic. Different civilizations may have varying views on peace and the rule of law.

      While our domestic society values peace and win-win outcomes, and believes in the rule of law and fair play, other civilizations may have a different perspective. Some civilizations view peace as a tactic in the early stages of war, and may not share our belief in the binding nature of contracts. Understanding the mindset and threat perceptions of these civilizations is crucial for avoiding potential conflicts. The founder of a business shares similarities with these civilizations, maintaining a constant sense of paranoia and preparedness, while executives may be more optimistic and less prepared for potential threats. America's history, including that of the founding fathers, has been characterized by optimism and a belief in the ability of human beings to govern themselves. It is essential to recognize the differences in mindset and approach potential conflicts with a clear understanding of the perspectives of all parties involved.

    • Historical contexts shaping rationalityDifferent nations' histories shape their perspectives and rationality, with some fostering optimism and others paranoia, impacting trust in governments.

      The historical experiences of different nations shape their perspectives and rationality in significant ways. For instance, America's relatively benign history has fostered a culture of optimism, while other countries, like Russia and China, have endured long histories of conflict and war, leading to a more paranoid outlook. This doesn't make one approach irrational, but rather differently rational based on their unique historical contexts. Additionally, trust in governments varies between nations, with some, like America in the past, favoring federalism and individual freedom, and others, like Russia, placing more trust in their governments due to their tumultuous histories. Today, even America, with its massive government, has led some citizens to feel a sense of paranoia towards its decision-making processes, reflecting a shift from its founding principles.

    • The Founders' Expectation of Suspicion Towards GovernmentInitially, Americans were deeply suspicious of their government due to a belief in individual freedom. Over time, trust in government grew, leading to significant expansion of its power and control over citizens' lives.

      The founders of America expected citizens to be suspicious of government due to the belief that increased government power would erode individual freedom. This suspicion was a significant part of American character, with people engaging deeply in politics and being well-informed. However, over time, as government power expanded, particularly during the progressive era, people became more trusting of government, leading to an explosive growth in its size and control over citizens' lives. Today, while some continue to hold onto the founders' principles, many trust the government to solve problems and believe in socialist or communist ideologies, which contrasts with the historical American perspective. Paranoia or suspicion towards the government is a crucial aspect of understanding the founders' intentions and the evolution of American politics.

    • Challenges to Constitutional RepublicThe erosion of respect for opposing viewpoints and the rule of law, fueled by political parties and the increasing expectation of government handouts, threatens America's status as a free and prosperous nation. A return to founding principles is necessary.

      Our society is facing profound challenges to the constitutional republic, with a growing intolerance for opposing viewpoints and a tendency towards soft tyranny. The speaker believes that both political parties have contributed to this erosion of respect for the constitution and the rule of law, citing the impeachment proceedings against President Trump as an example. The loss of a healthy skepticism towards government and the increasing expectation of government handouts are also contributing factors. Furthermore, the speaker expresses concern about the popularity of authoritarian leaders like Putin and the potential for a totalitarian movement. The speaker calls for a return to the founding principles of a constitutional republic, where respect for opposing viewpoints and the rule of law are paramount. The loss of these values makes it difficult for America to maintain its status as a free and prosperous nation.

    • Immigrant's Concerns over Changing Immigration PoliciesImmigrant expresses worry over potential erosion of standards, emphasizes importance of contributing to society and paying back opportunities, touches upon historical context and globalist ideology, advocates for nation state sovereignty and border protection, holds strong American pride.

      The speaker, an immigrant, expresses concern about the shift in American immigration policy and the potential erosion of standards for letting people in. They believe that immigrants should aim to contribute to society and pay back the country for the opportunities given. The speaker also touches upon the historical context of immigration policy and the globalist ideology that has influenced it. They express their belief that the nation state should remain the organizing principle for the world order and that borders should be protected. The speaker emphasizes that they, as an immigrant, hold strong American pride and believe that most immigrants share this sentiment.

    • Immigrants vs American-born citizens' perspectives on American policiesImmigrants, having experienced authoritarian regimes, deeply value American freedoms and opportunities. American college students, influenced by anti-American education, may hold disconnected views.

      The perspective of immigrants towards American policies and the country itself can be vastly different from that of American-born citizens, particularly those from the far left of the Democratic party. Immigrants, who have lived under authoritarian or totalitarian regimes, often deeply appreciate the freedoms and opportunities available in the United States. In contrast, American college students, many of whom come from comfortable backgrounds, may be exposed to anti-American sentiments in their education, which can influence their views. For instance, during the 1980s, anti-American literature like Eldridge Cleaver's "Soul on Ice" was required reading in some universities, despite Cleaver's subsequent change of heart and reversal of views after experiencing life outside the US. This exposure to anti-American sentiments in education can lead to a disconnect between American-born citizens and the immigrants they aim to help through immigration policies.

    • Uniting Against a Common Threat: Ukraine and Putin's IntentionsRecognize the potential threat of a Putin-China alliance, prioritize preparing to defeat this power block, and understand its capabilities pose a greater danger than past world powers.

      The world is rallying behind Ukraine's President Zelensky, but there are concerns about Putin's intentions and potential negative consequences for the US. Zelensky is seen as a Churchill-like figure, trying to unite countries against a common threat. However, some argue that Putin may be a strategic ally of China, and together they pose a greater threat to the US than ever before. This alliance could potentially provide North Korea and Iran with the means to develop nuclear weapons and missiles. The US should recognize this threat and prioritize preparing to defeat this totalitarian power block, which could destroy our society in 30 minutes with their nuclear capabilities. This is a bigger threat than the combined forces of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy in World War 2, who couldn't project power across the oceans.

    • The potential for destruction determines a country's powerTo prevail in the new Cold War, the US must focus on splitting the Russian-Chinese alliance due to both countries' destructive capabilities.

      When evaluating a country's power, the ability to pose a threat to another's existence cannot be overlooked. North Korea and Iran, despite their economic weaknesses, are considered superpowers due to their potential to cause destruction. The most pressing issue is the Russian-Chinese alliance, which the US must split to prevail in the new Cold War. Russia, although currently aligned with China, may realize the long-term threat China poses and could potentially seek a realignment. The US should focus on this opportunity to split the alliance, as a protracted conflict or a hot war would result in a loss for the US. Both Russia and China have advanced nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and Russia has sophisticated strategic defenses. The US lacks a serious civil defense program and relies on outdated missile defense systems. These realities underscore the importance of prioritizing the split of the Russian-Chinese alliance.

    • Russia's Nuclear Arsenal is More Modern and Formidable Than the US'sRussia's advanced nuclear weapons and defense system give it an edge in the nuclear balance of power, while the US is retiring weapons and disarming, potentially leaving it unprepared for a conflict.

      The nuclear balance of power between major world powers, particularly Russia and the United States, is significantly skewed in Russia's favor. With advanced, high-tech nuclear weapons, including super EMP weapons and ultra low yield nuclear weapons, as well as a dense national missile defense system, Russia's nuclear arsenal is more modern and formidable than the US'. The US, on the other hand, is retiring nuclear weapons and disarming, leaving it less prepared for a potential nuclear conflict. This imbalance in nuclear capabilities is a reason why getting involved in a war with Russia, such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, could be dangerous and potentially disastrous for the US. The information we are receiving about the situation in Ukraine may not be entirely trustworthy, as it is coming primarily from the Ukrainian government and the Biden administration, which have their own political interests at stake. The fog of war is always thick in conflicts, and it is important for the American people to be aware of the true state of the nuclear balance of power before making decisions that could have grave consequences.

    • American assessments about geopolitical situations have been inaccurateIncorrect assumptions about conflicts, such as Vietnam and Afghanistan, highlight the importance of recognizing diverse approaches to warfare for more accurate future assessments.

      The accuracy of American assessments about geopolitical situations, particularly regarding ongoing conflicts, has been questionable. This was evident in the Vietnam War, where the belief of victory was proven false after the 1968 Tet Offensive. More recently, in Afghanistan, similar assumptions about a peaceful withdrawal and a friendly government were disproven. The situation in Ukraine may also present inaccurate assumptions, as Putin's objectives might not be solely focused on territorial gains but also on maintaining power through war and rallying public support. It's crucial to recognize that different nations may have varying approaches to warfare, and understanding these nuances can help improve the accuracy of future assessments.

    • Prospects of a prolonged conflict between Russia and the West in UkraineHistorical precedents suggest potential for a long-lasting conflict in Ukraine between Russia and the West. Russia may aim for a protracted war to create discomfort and instability, while the West may eventually seek negotiations. Strategies like splitting relationships with China and Russia, or deliberate provocations, could be considered.

      The geopolitical situation in Ukraine and the potential for a prolonged conflict between Russia and the West carries significant implications for global stability. For many involved, the stakes extend beyond individual hardships or setbacks to the survival and sovereignty of their nations. The possibility of a 30 to 100-year war, as suggested by John Bolton, may seem extreme, but historical precedents of long-lasting conflicts exist. The West, generally, values peace and stability, and may eventually seek negotiations to resolve the conflict. However, Russia, under Putin, may aim for a protracted war to create discomfort and instability in the West, as seen in Eastern Ukraine. In the meantime, the best defense for the US and its allies might include efforts to split relationships with China and Russia, as well as exploring alternative scenarios, such as a laboratory experiment for testing tactics and weapons, as in the Spanish Civil War, or a deliberate provocation to lure enemies into a disadvantageous battle, as in the Battle of Austerlitz. Ultimately, the situation requires careful consideration and a strategic response.

    • Russian Strategy to Lure US into a Military Engagement in UkraineRussian strategy involves creating illusion of weakness, U.S. should focus on splitting Russian-Chinese alliance, raise nuclear readiness, and prevent conflict escalation

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine could be part of a larger Russian strategy to lure the United States into a potentially disastrous military engagement. This strategy involves creating the illusion of Russian incompetence and weakness, which could lead to a false sense of security and overconfidence on the part of the U.S. and its allies. Such a military intervention could put the U.S. at risk of being drawn deeper into the conflict, potentially leading to a nuclear war. To mitigate this risk, the U.S. should focus on splitting the Russian-Chinese alliance and raising the readiness level of its strategic nuclear forces. By doing so, the U.S. can deter a potential nuclear attack and create an opportunity for diplomacy and peace negotiations. Ultimately, the goal should be to prevent the conflict from escalating and to find a peaceful resolution that benefits all parties involved.

    • Ukraine: A New Cold War ThreatThe US should aim to end the Ukraine war, split the Russian-Chinese alliance, and focus on protecting its people and civilization to secure national security interests.

      The current situation in Ukraine and the potential for escalation between Russia and the US is a serious threat that should not be underestimated. The possibility of a nuclear war, as history has shown, can start from small incidents and escalate quickly. The importance of Ukraine strategically is greater than Serbia was during World War 1, and the possibilities for escalation are enormous. The US should aim to end the Ukraine war and split the Russian-Chinese alliance to secure our national security interests and win the new cold war against China. Putin may be persuaded to become a neutral or even a strategic partner in negotiating and resolving conflicting security views. However, it's unrealistic to contain Russia forever, and they will continue to fight for their empire back. The US needs to focus on protecting its people, civilization, and split the Russia-China alliance to secure the quickest and safest way to end the Ukraine war. If Russia attacks Ukraine and the US gets involved, Russia may need the US in the long term to protect them from China. However, there's a risk that Russia may decide not to negotiate with us, which would give us valuable insight into Putin's intentions in the war in Ukraine.

    • Historical echoes of Russia, China, and UkraineRussia, China, and Ukraine's current geopolitical situation could lead to catastrophic consequences, including nuclear war, cyber warfare, biochemical warfare, or a super EMP attack, if not handled with caution.

      The current geopolitical situation between Russia, China, and Ukraine could be seen as a repeat of historical events, such as the actions of Hitler and Stalin in 1939, with Ukraine being compared to Poland. These countries may be united behind closed doors, not concerned about losing in Ukraine, and potentially waiting for the US to make a move that they can react to. Russia's actions in Ukraine could be seen as calculated to inflame western opinion and provoke intervention. The balance of power suggests that Russia is holding back significant military resources, leading some to question if there's more to the situation than meets the eye. The potential consequences of a misstep in this situation could be catastrophic, including nuclear war, cyber warfare, biochemical warfare, or a super EMP type of attack that could lead to the destruction of critical infrastructure and the death of a large portion of the population. The focus of potential attacks is on national electric grids, which are essential to modern life and the ability to project military power. It's important for us to be less optimistic and more cautious to avoid repeating past mistakes and potentially disastrous consequences.

    • Large-scale blackouts from EMP attacks could have devastating consequencesAn EMP attack on the electric grid could leave millions without access to essential services, disrupt transportation, and cause widespread chaos.

      The electric grid is a vulnerable part of modern infrastructure, and a large-scale blackout caused by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, whether nuclear or non-nuclear, could have devastating consequences for the United States. Such an attack could paralyze the transportation system, disrupt communication, and leave millions without access to food and essential services. The technology required to create an EMP weapon is not out of reach for terrorist groups or nation-states, and the consequences could be catastrophic. The grid's vulnerability is a significant threat, and steps must be taken to protect it. The ease with which a single individual could cause widespread blackouts using portable EMP devices is a worrying development. Despite the potential danger, there have been few documented cases of successful attacks, but the risk is growing. The consequences of an EMP attack could be as devastating as a nuclear war, and it is a threat that requires urgent attention.

    • Terrorist attacks on electric grid could cause mass power outages and chaosTerrorist attacks on the electric grid using portable EMP devices could lead to widespread power outages and damage electronic equipment, potentially causing chaos and allowing terrorists to execute opponents.

      The electric grid is a vulnerable target for terrorist attacks, as demonstrated by the Knights Templar's attack in Mexico in 2013. These attacks could lead to mass power outages, allowing terrorists to execute opponents in the chaos. The availability of portable electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices, which can cause widespread power outages and damage electronic equipment, makes this type of attack even more concerning. These devices, while intended for peaceful purposes such as testing electronic equipment, can be used as weapons of mass destruction. The ease of access to these devices, as they don't require a license to purchase, raises concerns about their potential misuse. Countries like Israel and Sweden have nuclear shelters to protect their populations in case of a nuclear war, but the US does not openly discuss the existence or capabilities of such shelters. While civil defense structures in the US, such as FEMA shelters, provide some protection, they are not designed to withstand a full-scale nuclear attack. Therefore, it is crucial to increase awareness of the potential for terrorist attacks on the electric grid and take steps to secure critical infrastructure.

    • Russia's Deep Underground Shelters vs US Nuclear SheltersRussia's deep underground shelters are more extensive and better protected than US nuclear shelters. Preventing nuclear war through proactive defense measures and advanced technology is crucial.

      While the US has nuclear shelters like Cheyenne Mountain, they are not on the same scale as Russia's deep underground shelters or DUGS, some of which are believed to be able to survive a nuclear attack. These Russian shelters, which include facilities like Chekhov, Sharapova, Kosvinsky mountain, and Yamantau mountain, are built hundreds of meters deep on solid granite and are impervious to nuclear attacks. The US government and average families need to consider proactive defense measures against nuclear war, such as Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, which aimed to render nuclear missiles obsolete by deploying high-tech space-based defenses. The most effective defense against a nuclear war is to prevent it from happening in the first place by shooting down incoming missiles before they reach US territory. The current technological advancements in nuclear weapons and delivery systems make the world more dangerous and less stable, as the ability to destroy retaliatory capabilities at the speed of light increases.

    • The SDI and Brilliant Pebbles: A Technological Solution to Nuclear ThreatsThe SDI and Brilliant Pebbles offer a potential solution to nuclear threats, but preserving our values of freedom and rational discourse is crucial for long-term staying power.

      The world is becoming increasingly dangerous with the potential for nuclear war, but there is a technological solution that could give the United States the advantage: the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), specifically Brilliant Pebbles. This defense system, which could be deployed in 5 years for $20 billion, has the potential to reverse the current vulnerability and initiate a defensive arms race, making the situation more stable. However, the larger issue is the importance of preserving the values of freedom and rational discourse, which give the United States a significant advantage over adversaries. The objective should be to contain China and split the Russian-Chinese alliance, avoiding major conflicts and allowing internal contradictions to self-destruct. Technological solutions are important, but preserving our values is crucial for long-term staying power.

    • The Role of Containment Strategy During the Cold WarThe containment strategy during the Cold War, outlined in the 'X Article', prevented a world war by deterring the Soviet Union through the belief in its self-destruction, ultimately leading to its downfall without a global conflict.

      During the Cold War, the containment strategy of the United States, as outlined in the "X Article" by George Kennan, played a crucial role in preventing a world war between the superpowers. Kennan believed that the Soviet Union would self-destruct due to its own internal contradictions and excessive defense spending. This strategy, which kept the peace and contained the Soviet Union, ultimately led to the Soviet Union's downfall without the need for a global conflict. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this historical lesson and encourages listeners to educate themselves on such necessary information for their personal growth and the protection of their families and national interests. He also invites the listener to tune in for a future discussion with the same guest for more insights on this topic.

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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    PBD Podcast
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    • Purchase the limited edition Stars & Stripes 4th of July VT Collection: https://bit.ly/3z6VaLM

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 24, 2024

    “A Gallon of Vodka a Day” - Hunter Biden’s Baby Mother TELLS ALL | Lunden Roberts | PBD #428

    “A Gallon of Vodka a Day” - Hunter Biden’s Baby Mother TELLS ALL | Lunden Roberts | PBD #428

    Lunden Roberts, a native of Batesville, Arkansas, gained public attention for her role as the mother of Hunter Biden's daughter, Navy Joan Roberts. She met Hunter while working as a dancer in Washington D.C. and later pursued legal action for child support. Lunden, a former basketball player and student of forensic investigation, is now engaged to MMA fighter Princeton Foster and has written a tell-all book about her experiences with Hunter Biden.

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Donald Trump Found GUILTY in Hush Money Trial | EMERGENCY PODCAST | PBD Podcast | Ep. 417

    Donald Trump Found GUILTY in Hush Money Trial | EMERGENCY PODCAST | PBD Podcast | Ep. 417

    Patrick Bet-David, Tom Ellsworth, Vincent Oshana, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump being found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the New York Hush Money trail. THE VAULT CONFERENCE FEAT. PATRICK BET-DAVID & DWAYNE "THE ROCK" JOHNSON:


    • Want your shot to win dinner with Patrick Bet-David? Win "The Minnect League Championship": https://bit.ly/4aMAar8



    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    Patrick Bet-David sits down with Billy Carson, founder of 4BiddenKnowledge!

    Billy Carson is an American entrepreneur, best known as the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, where he investigates ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and conspiracy theories, making him a prominent figure in the exploration of the unknown.


    • Buy Billy Carson's Latest Book: "Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets" - https://bit.ly/3Vv3xrV

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump's 'No Tax On Tips' campaign promise, the city of Los Angeles removing traffic signs that 'target' the gay community, Marc Cuban and Bill Ackman fighting on social media, and Sandy Hook families suing Alex Jones' for his social media accounts!

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 18, 2024

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