
    Off The Range Podcast 004 – BigFoot Saved TRUMP?

    enJuly 23, 2024
    What types of products does Gideon Optics offer?
    What challenges does Tony Merkel face in his podcast?
    What sparked the speaker's interest in mysterious creatures?
    How did the coon hunter's encounter impact the speaker?
    What self-defense method does the friend prefer over carrying a weapon?

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcasting and gun opticsSuccessful podcasting requires professional and engaging conversations, adapting to new technology, and ensuring safety while dealing with online trolls. Gideon Optics and FatTech offer affordable solutions for their respective industries.

      Gideon Optics offers high-quality, feature-rich sights and scopes for gun owners at affordable prices. Tony Merkel, the head of Merkel Media and host of the Confessionals Podcast, shared his experience of starting a successful paranormal podcast and the importance of maintaining a professional and engaging conversation. The podcast industry is constantly evolving, and creators must adapt to new technology and trends to stay relevant. Merkel also discussed his experiences with online trolls and the importance of taking precautions to ensure safety. Despite facing challenges, Merkel remains dedicated to creating entertaining and engaging content for his audience. Additionally, Gideon Optics and FatTech were mentioned as sponsors of the podcast, offering affordable solutions for gun owners and larger individuals, respectively.

    • Networking opportunitiesReaching out to the right person at the right time can lead to significant opportunities and growth. Be open to new connections and ready to prove yourself when appearing on someone else's platform.

      Connecting with the right people at the right time can significantly impact personal growth and opportunities. The speaker shares his experience of discovering Ashton Forbes, a man who claimed to have evidence about the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines 370. After seeing Forbes' videos, the speaker reached out to him and eventually flew him in for an interview on his show. This led to Forbes gaining more visibility and eventually being invited on Joe Rogan's podcast. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being ready to seize opportunities and having the attitude of needing to prove oneself when appearing on someone else's platform. He also mentions how he met the speaker Brandon through a comment on a live stream and how that led to their friendship and collaboration. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the power of connections and the importance of being open to new opportunities.

    • Creating for oneself vs. others' approvalFocusing on creating for oneself instead of others' approval can reduce anxiety and mental abuse, and lead to long-term success and mental well-being.

      Creating content for others' approval can lead to mental abuse and anxiety. It's essential to focus on creating for oneself and not getting caught up in negative feedback. The speaker shares his experience of trying to please everyone, which led to anxiety attacks and constant worry about every episode or content he put out. He advises that content creators should aim to create for themselves, as their own approval is the only opinion that truly matters. The speaker also mentions that negative feedback can sometimes fuel positive reactions and reach a broader audience. Therefore, embracing authenticity and creating content that aligns with one's values and interests is crucial for long-term success and mental well-being.

    • Intangible rewardsFinding joy and fulfillment in work or experiences often comes from intangible aspects like community and intimacy, not just monetary rewards. Prioritize experiences and connections over material gains.

      Finding joy and fulfillment in one's work or experiences often comes from the intangible aspects, such as the sense of community and intimacy, rather than just the monetary rewards. The speaker fondly recalls the most fun show he ever played, which was in a tiny, packed room where they didn't even get paid. Similarly, he shares how his experience as a truck driver, which he initially enjoyed but later found soul-sucking, was defined by the lack of control over his schedule and the missed opportunities to be present in his personal life. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing experiences and connections over material gains.

    • Political violence justificationThe belief that violence against political figures is justified due to divisive rhetoric and lack of accountability can lead to dangerous consequences, creating a black-and-white world with no room for nuance or compromise.

      Political violence and divisive rhetoric have become increasingly prevalent in American society, leading some to believe that violence against political figures is justified. This dangerous mindset, fueled by media influence and a lack of accountability for threatening language, can have serious consequences and create a dangerous, black-and-white world where motives are clear and there is no room for nuance or compromise. It's important for individuals to recognize the potential consequences of their words and actions, and to strive for understanding and unity instead of division and violence.

    • Trump's patriotism and economic predictionsFormer President Trump's deeply religious experience and patriotic movement may continue to spread, while economic instability including potential U.S. dollar collapse could occur, requiring food supplies as preparation.

      The speaker believes there is a new wave of patriotism emerging in America, represented by former President Trump. They saw this movement spreading like wildfire, with Trump becoming deeply religious during a close call on his life. The speaker also predicts economic turmoil, including a potential collapse of the U.S. dollar, and advises listeners to prepare with food supplies as a form of "food insurance." The conversation also touched on their shared appreciation for the TV show "The Office," with a memorable experience involving an interview with Rainn Wilson under an alias. Despite some confusion at the time, the speaker now recognizes it as a humorous moment.

    • Design and PerceptionWorking with a talented designer can lead to effective and quick results, but perception can be manipulated through design, raising questions about the authenticity of appearances in public figures

      The speaker shares an experience of working with a talented graphic designer named Jason York, who creates designs quickly and effectively. They discuss the possibility of political figures using facelifts and body doubles to maintain their appearance or deceive the public. The speaker mentions observing apparent differences in some public figures' appearances over time and expresses skepticism towards certain conspiracy theories, but acknowledges the possibility of coincidences or cover-ups. They also mention a contact who claims to be on the Clinton kill list and has a story to share. Overall, the conversation touches on the themes of design, conspiracy theories, and the power of perception.

    • Paranormal podcasting and faithDespite facing negative attention and threats, a paranormal podcast host views his platform as a ministry called by God to reach those interested in the paranormal, and his faith guides him to pray for protection and continue his work.

      The speaker's experience with podcasting about paranormal topics has led him to face negative attention, including threats, due to the controversial nature of the subject matter and his unapologetic approach. Despite this, he believes that his podcast is a ministry called by God to reach those interested in the paranormal who may be neglected by traditional Christian churches. The speaker's faith as a Christian guides him to pray for spiritual protection for his family and property, especially during sleep when they are most vulnerable to influence. He got into podcasting after feeling called by God and started with a focus on Bigfoot, but later evolved to cover a wider range of paranormal topics. The speaker's encounters with the paranormal have mostly happened organically, but he puts himself in situations where such experiences are more likely. He has faced criticism to quit, but believes it's not his decision to make and that God will let him know when it's time. The speaker was not religious when he first started the paranormal podcast, but became a Christian in 2014. His faith has influenced the way he approaches the topic and his audience.

    • Navigating faith and unconventional interestsAcceptance and understanding can be found within religious communities for those exploring unconventional interests, but spiritual challenges and warfare are also part of the journey.

      Navigating faith and unconventional interests can be a complex journey. The speaker shares their experience of hiding their podcast work from their religious community due to potential judgment, but eventually found acceptance when they discovered that their pastor was also a fan. They also discussed their personal spiritual experiences, such as a car crash that led them to question their atheist beliefs and eventually find God. The speaker emphasizes that everyone worships differently and that spiritual warfare and challenges come with exploring unconventional topics within their faith. Despite these challenges, they trust in God's protection and believe that their experiences, both good and bad, are part of a larger divine plan.

    • Childhood fascination with unknownThe speaker's childhood fascination with the unknown and encounters of mythical creatures led him to pursue documentaries and adventures, starting with a memorable encounter in Kentucky that left him intrigued and motivated to investigate further.

      The speaker's fascination with the unknown and the supernatural started when he was a child, and it led him to pursue documentaries and adventures in areas with reported encounters of mythical creatures like Bigfoot and Dogman. A particularly memorable experience occurred in Kentucky, where a coon hunter encountered a massive creature in the woods, which he described as the biggest dog he had ever seen. The creature attacked his dog, but the dog managed to survive, leaving the speaker intrigued and motivated to investigate further. This event marked the beginning of the speaker's career in creating documentaries about these mysterious creatures. The speaker's perspective on these creatures is that they can be both physical and interdimensional entities, and he encourages listeners to keep an open mind and explore the possibilities.

    • Preparedness for UncertaintyBeing prepared for various scenarios, including natural disasters, economic collapse, or encounters with the unknown, is crucial. Essential supplies like food, water, and ammo, as well as physical fitness, are important. Be aware of potential vulnerabilities, such as medications, and have backup options or multiple supplies. Stay open-minded and prepared for the unexpected.

      The world we live in may not always be predictable or safe, and being prepared for various scenarios, including natural disasters, economic collapse, or even encounters with the unknown, is crucial. The speakers shared their personal experiences of feeling unprepared and the importance of having essential supplies like food, water, and ammo, as well as being physically fit. They also discussed the potential vulnerability of relying on medications and the importance of having backup options or multiple supplies. The conversation also touched on the idea of interdimensional experiences and the unexplained, emphasizing the need to be open-minded and prepared for the unexpected. Overall, the message was to take action now to ensure safety and survival in uncertain times.

    • Diabetes survival strategiesConsistent insulin supply is crucial for diabetes survival, strict diet and exercise help, but may not cure the condition, and maintaining a strong mindset is vital.

      For individuals with diabetes who require insulin to survive, it's crucial to ensure a consistent supply. Some people explore alternative options like horse insulin or regulating their food intake, but these methods may not be effective for everyone. For those with limited insulin production, maintaining a strict diet can help, but it may not cure the condition entirely. Additionally, staying active through exercises like walking or bodyweight workouts can improve overall health. Age and certain conditions, such as arthritis, can make exercising challenging, but pushing through the discomfort is essential for survival. Ultimately, having a strong mindset and the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances is vital for thriving in any situation, including managing a chronic condition like diabetes.

    • Embassy attacks, friend's storyA friend shared a personal story about being in danger during an embassy attack and expressing love to his significant other before potentially not making it home, highlighting the importance of bravery and impactful conversations.

      During a conversation about various events in history, specifically regarding embassy attacks and the involvement of a friend, there was confusion about the timeline and locations of these events. The friend shared a personal story about being in danger during one of these incidents and how he had called his significant other to express his love and concern before potentially not making it home. Despite the confusion, the importance of the story lay in the friend's bravery and the impact it had on those present during the conversation. The conversation also touched upon the importance of carrying a weapon for self-defense and the friend's preference for carrying a knife instead. The conversation lasted for several hours and the speakers expressed their intention to continue the discussion in a future episode. They also mentioned their sponsors and encouraged listeners to check out their podcast, The Confessionals, and their documentaries available on Merkalfilms.com.

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